smiley was robbed on flavor of loveNote to Smiley, where is that email you promised me.
Everyday I mention your name on this blog I think I deserve that e-mail don't you. Here, Ill mention you again...Smiley, Smiley Smileys
Leleine Smiley from Flavor of Love in Jamaica

I also promised to mention the name of a reader so here goes, Wilhelmina, Wilhelmina, Wilhelmina.
(By the way, I know it's Yahoo! Messenger with voice, but readers, it's difficult to voice chat with one reader and write chat with twenty others. So forgive me when I decline your invitation to voice chat, okay. Nothing personal, it's logistics :)

Now onto another article.
Okay readers, I have had this one for a while but Pumkin is such a liar I never thought of posting it...
Pumkin charges that the producers of the television reality-television show 'Flavor of Love' suggested she spit in New York's face to create a furore and spice things up a bit for the penultimate episode.

Normally I would believe anyone against a corporate giant but this little anti-christ from Bakersfield is a known liar and worse yet she lies in the face of overwhelming evidence...remember her assertion that she tripped and was not assaulted by New York following the spitting incident...
Anyway, here is the entire article from the Bakersfield Californian

And here is the relevant excerpt...

With the final episode airing tonight -- and a "reunion" episode appearing next week, Brooke Thompson (Pumkin) stopped by The Californian newsroom to talk about her experiences.
"Reality TV is so not real," she said.

While Thompson doesn't regret appearing on the show and wasn't looking for love with the eccentric, gold-toothed rapper, she was surprised to see some of the more salacious moments involving her to be trumped up.
Of course, anyone who saw her exit from the show knows the incident where she spat in the face of fellow contestant "New York."

But guess what?

"It was staged...and digitally enhanced,"
(like we couldn't see that) Thompson said.

"I do not spit on people," she said. She was told by producers that she would be leaving before the episode was filmed, and told her to give them a "big ending." She asked what kind of an ending they wanted, and they suggested spitting.

So she spat, but not how it appears on screen.

"When girls spit, it goes everywhere," she said. Because she didn't produce an effective spray for the cameras, some special effects were added after the fact to make it seem more substantial, she said.

Pumkin is such a liar, but you never know, and if indeed the producers at VH-1 encouraged and cajoled her to spit in New York that makes her an even more disgraceful human being.
But what does it make VH-1?
If they did that it would be the most disgusting act by a television network...

Oooh, oooh, Caroline Roberts has a grrrrrreattt encapsulation of Sunday's Final episode at 'The Trades.'
Lots of detail and background minutiae, including....

What woman wouldn't fight over Public Enemy rapper Flavor Flav? And what parent wouldn't be proud to have Flavor Flav as a son-in-law? Let's list Flavor Flav's accomplishments:

1. Punching his girlfriend in the face (1991)
2. Installing flashing lights around his license plate - almost daring the police to pick him up for outstanding warrants (1992)
3. Firing his gun at a neighbor (1993)
4. Drying out in rehab (1993)
5. Assaulting a woman who took a photo of one of his many children (1994)
6. Toting around vials of crack cocaine (1995)
7. Possessing pot while riding a bicycle (1996)
8. Canoodling with Brigitte Nielsen in a hot tub (2004)
9. Evading payments of child support for his families - in public (2005)

I don't know about you, but anyone who stops a list at '9' is the greatest person on earth. Who does that? Caroline, could you not have found a tenth moment?
Anyway, I urge you all to read her descriptions...
And, if you have any spare minutes, you can meander to Sweetie's blog to listen to her musical offerings. She has four original songs for your listening pleasure.
The hip-hop musical interludes are
1) U want dis
2) U heard me
3) Freak Show
4) I got your back


  1. Anonymous // 13/3/06 5:46 PM  

    i believe it was staged. that spit was unreal. i wouldn't have done it even if prompted by producers cuz that's just nasty. but i also wouldn't go on a reality show and degrade myself either. to each it's own...

    but pumkin saying that the producers told her to do it also makes me believe that New York had to be prompted to act like an overdramatic psycho.

  2. Anonymous // 14/3/06 12:59 AM  

    Hey it's smiley aka Leilene thanks for adding me to your blog. by the way I'm still single I'm praying that they'll make a show for the girls to find guys now. catch me in smooth magazine soon.

  3. FOL // 14/3/06 8:17 AM  

    You have a gift for writing (and humor)

    Thanks, if only I could make that a gift of making money with a gift for writing and humor

    And to the person above, don't play with a guy's heart like that...(Googling Smooth magazine)

  4. Anonymous // 14/3/06 12:11 PM  

    Thank you so much for the link! And, wow, I gotta check out Sweetie's musical offerings. Many of the women on this show have a FUTURE, I tell ya. I smell a "Bachelorette"-style spinoff. Perhaps with Smiley, and you should sign up!

    (As for stopping at #9, I was being generous ... who knows? The 10th may be around the corner!)

    Also, perhaps VH1 had to talk Pumkin into spitting, but something tells me that New York didn't need much encouragement to act up before the camera.

  5. Anonymous // 5/3/07 10:54 PM  

    hi is this blog still going? i am in australia and flavour of love 1 has only just aired this yr here...we are down to hoopz and new york, now i no who the winer s i should place some bets with a few ppl. hehehe....i didnt even know about flavour of love 2 till i was on here reading....also...what happens in the reunion between pumkin and new york?

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