The Charm must have worn off because we have almost exclusive video of Shay and Larissa putting the hammer down on Charm School Principal, Mo'Nique. I almost died when Larissa says all Mo'Nique did was pimp them and sit there and eat doughnuts all day.
Here's the first video from the Fox Reality Awards (airing October 13th on FOX, of course)

The second video has Shay and Larissa explaining why they stole the photo and what they knew and didn't know that makes their stealing it not as evil as it was portrayed. (did that make sense? I hope so)
Lookout for Shay, who for once in her life has a decent lace-front and has finally found a proper hair color. (aren't I stupid? You would have seen that on the first video, lol.)

Credit to Rain (I think he's linked in the right sidebar. So Rain, message Q or whomever else and have them link you please because I really need to go)


  1. Anonymous // 9/10/07 9:09 PM  


    Mk now lemme look at the videos so I can post an on-topic comment lol

  2. Gabrielle // 9/10/07 9:10 PM  

    dang it. second :(

  3. Gabrielle // 9/10/07 9:11 PM  

    Why they keep overtalking each other? lol it's funny

  4. lareigna // 9/10/07 9:14 PM  

    I am so sick of hearing about that stupid ass picture.

  5. nut // 9/10/07 9:14 PM  

    i was FIRSSSSSSSSSSSSTTTTTTT do you Mean? that boots and buckeey 15 Min of Fame is not over yet god dam

  6. Anonymous // 9/10/07 9:14 PM  

    lol @ the Barbie twins on the Reunion show...

    Bootz' hair is cute.

    I thought Shay and Mo'Nique were cool?? Oh well. We don't see everything lol.

    I'm glad Shay and Larissa are good w/each other again.

  7. Wumpus // 9/10/07 9:14 PM  

    IF Monique is a pimp, what were they????Hoes. They need to be grateful that Mo''nique ''' took the creative entrepenurial spirit and decided to help improve these gutter rats, while making her money and extending their 15 minutes.

  8. Anonymous // 9/10/07 9:17 PM  

    Lareigna...true true. You hear ppl talk about the picture more than Polaroid.

  9. TNS™ // 9/10/07 9:19 PM  

    ctfu @ Bubo...that's true though, stop crying about this mess please. Mo is home with her husband and kids living her life, they need to live theirs. Talk about what you're doing today, not six months ago.

  10. nut // 9/10/07 9:22 PM  

    well txshawty you said that your glad Shay and Larissa are good with each other again. i say their time is up a long time ago it's time for some new woman's on flavor of love 3

  11. The Q © 2010 // 9/10/07 9:23 PM  

    ***waves to Bubo & Lareigna***

    "Talk about what you're doing today, not six months ago."

    I would like to hear about what their doing today. 'Charm School' has been taped, aired, reruned, reunioned to death.

    Larissa and Shay did look good. No comment on Shay's wig because I didn't pay for it.

  12. nut // 9/10/07 9:24 PM  


  13. TNS™ // 9/10/07 9:36 PM  

    I was thinking the same thing Q... though it is DEFINITELY an improvement over her more recent hair styles. I actually think Shay looked best on FOL2

  14. Anonymous // 9/10/07 9:42 PM  

    Mysty and Q: I really need for y'all to get up outta my head in regards to Shay's weave. I love Shay to death...but NO! And that is all I will say. Thank you and good night {insert city here}!!!

  15. TNS™ // 9/10/07 9:48 PM  

    lol...she gets an A for effort, since it IS an improvement, but she should definitely take a picture of herself from FOL2 to her next hair appointment. Larissa's hair was very nice, although I prefer it darker, it looked very natural, not too thick around the edges.

  16. The Q © 2010 // 9/10/07 10:05 PM  

    I am out TxShawty!


  17. Gabrielle // 9/10/07 10:08 PM  

    lol as a (non professional) host I have to say, they were asked about Monique, so they just answered what he asked lol..... I just like larissa lol, so i'mma find some find some kind of way to be on her side :)

  18. lareigna // 9/10/07 10:12 PM  

    Hello Q.

    Bubo, I applaud your excellent argument and prose.

    I for one think they are nothing but a bunch of 15-minute extending, 2X reality show losing, Flava Flav nut sweatin' hoes, trying to get someone to put them in their next video........

  19. TNS™ // 9/10/07 10:16 PM  

    Gabby, I know they were asked about her, but they should have deflected to something else. The fact that they keep answering is tired. That's all they'll be known for, their latest reality tv stunt. I liked both of them on FOL2, but I want them to do and say something new, stop playing that same old song.

  20. Wumpus // 9/10/07 10:40 PM  

    My favorite part of the show was when Tailor Made Used Car dealer called he rout on her silicone and she had the nerve to act as if they were not fake. Those were the only decent things about her on FOL1. Despite the fact I watch her show, does she think I am stupid?

    Entertainer will stalk/kill her.
    Unusual is the new Romance.
    This show is like a repeat of the old show, I guess there are only so many typecasts you can have.

  21. The Q © 2010 // 9/10/07 10:42 PM  

    Bubo I need you to e-mail me promptly!!!

    I am about to faint.

  22. Gabrielle // 10/10/07 12:13 AM  

    lol I'm sorry did he call Unsure, UNUSUAL? LOL


  23. Electra (trinidad) // 10/10/07 8:30 AM  

    hey guys morning all : )

  24. Electra (trinidad) // 10/10/07 9:25 AM  

    Hey Gabby how u doing gurl? Where was this (your) pick taken and what was the occasion?

  25. Gabrielle // 10/10/07 10:08 AM  

    Sorry it took so long for me to reply. I had to come to class. That pic was taken May 7 2005 out side my moms house right before I went to prom. The train was really pretty because it had rhinestones all over it but someway i seemed to have got it tucked in when i took the pic

  26. Electra (trinidad) // 10/10/07 10:13 AM  

    Oh OK I see cause the back of the dress is beautiful (at least what I can see)

  27. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 10/10/07 10:22 AM  

    Buckey will always look like a frog to me. Sorry. Anyhow, I'm having a low~self esteem day. I feel like a complete excuse of a writer. I should have found this and posted it.....

    *sniff sniff*

  28. PaleBlackSheep // 10/10/07 10:27 AM  

    Sorry to hear that Irre...I hope your day gets better..there is something on Dlisted that might interest you to post is about Unsure

  29. PaleBlackSheep // 10/10/07 10:28 AM  

    Sorry Good morning everyone! Hope everyone day is going well!

  30. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 10/10/07 10:48 AM  

    New Post! And good morning sheepy baaaaaaaaaaaaby! (LOL) Get it? Sheep? Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? Oh screw it.

  31. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 10/10/07 11:25 AM  

    Can Shay do nothing (even insult Mo') without back up? New meaning to the term "hanger on"

    Bootz! Lose her! She'll do you wrong again!

  32. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 10/10/07 11:27 AM  

    Mo is home with her kids. Her husband ain't home. They have an "open" marriage. Which means, she leaves the door open for him to come back while he cheats on her fat ass. And she is talking about self-esteem. Please...

  33. TNS™ // 10/10/07 9:41 PM  

    Baby, I do not know specifics about Mo's marriage. I was just saying that she has her life which she SAYS she is happy with, so they need to get happy with theirs. That's all. As I mentioned, I liked both of them on FOL2; they, along with Deelishis, were the cool crew. Now they are falling off because all they focus on it beef... between the two of them , with Mo. It's time to move on now.

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