Thank you to Wolf..... Darnell Wright (Sweetie Pie) ..... Frank (The Entertainer) and Midget Mac for calling into 'The Elle Word' last night and making the show great.
After calming Midget Mac down from confusing 'Sweetie Pie' with 'The Champion'...... We got to hear more of the Florida "Swagger" from the Mac Man......

I copped both videos from the Bulletin King Darnell Wright on myspace(but the first is on the VH1 extras).... The first is the hotel hangout from VSpot and the second is the preview to Darnell's comedy DVD.

Steups: VH-1 removed the first video so here I am editing Gabrielle's posts.

And thanks to all of you who listened to The Elle Word.....
If you have a Mac or Vista that doesn't allow you to stream the radio show you can always download it from iTunes.... and....... WELCOME BACK GROOVY!!! Even if it's for a short time :) happy to have you for however long!!


  1. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 9/10/07 5:33 PM  

    Oh GAWD. Now it's in this comments box, too?

    *Pulls out a chunk of his own IRREdescent hair*

  2. Anonymous // 9/10/07 5:34 PM  

    Hey anon are you still around?

  3. Anonymous // 9/10/07 5:35 PM  

    "*Pulls out a chunk of his own IRREdescent hair*"


  4. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 9/10/07 5:39 PM  

    Licious, can you put a stop to this? I'm a milisecond from commiting suicide. There is so much MORE we could be focusing on.... like ME. Anyhoo, I was thinkin' bout it, and I don't think ILNY2 is completely fake. I mean, the connection that Chance and NY had was real, and they're made for each ova. I think they're gonna be togetha, too. Can't wait till he comes back.

  5. Anonymous // 9/10/07 5:41 PM  

    Irre, Licious, Elle, Q, all the anons..
    Have a nice night....

  6. Gabrielle // 9/10/07 5:41 PM  

    Bye Domin Princess u have a nice night as well

  7. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 9/10/07 5:44 PM  

    Goodbye Princess! You are such a sweetheart.

    And can y'all believe that we're supposed to BELIEVE that this isn't Queen Brina posting all these ridiculous comments? Her personality is so robotic that it couldn't POSSIBLY be anyone else but her.

  8. Anonymous // 9/10/07 5:46 PM  


  9. Anonymous // 9/10/07 5:47 PM  

    Irre i think youre sweet 2... Good night elle.

    Irre ive realized in life that the worst thing you can do 2 a person is ignore them, trust and believe that if you ignore her she'll go away.
    Besos :-)

  10. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 9/10/07 5:49 PM  

    Definitely, Princess. However, It happens very rarely, but when I find myself being ignored I will flip the script and do something OVER THE TOP to get the attention I deserve.

  11. Anonymous // 9/10/07 5:52 PM  

    Lol i bet u would irre.... Anyhow lemme go b4 i stay on here 4 another couple of hours, has ne1 else realized that this addicting? or is it just me?

  12. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 9/10/07 5:53 PM  

    how U know she ugly? She ain't even got a picture up. Anonymous (Brina) Why are you so angry? *pulls up my glittery pink crazy person couch* Sit down, Brina. Tell me what's wrong.

  13. Anonymous // 9/10/07 5:56 PM  

    Let me break something down 2 u mamas this will be the only time i even acknowledge u, so pay close attn k.

    I am not a computer thug unlike u
    I have no need to be scared of u because u cause no fear in my heart
    I choose 2 ignore u because u are not on my level and u will never be on my level no matter how hard u try.
    Once this gets published ill continue 2 ignore u and u my love can go back 2 making ur cheap looking videos ok mamita.

  14. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 9/10/07 5:58 PM  

    *snaps fingers* You betta tell her, girl! LMAO Okay now, 'gone princess before you get angry and find yourself caught up in a crazy argument.

  15. Anonymous // 9/10/07 5:58 PM  

    Irre y is this roach worried about how i look?

  16. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 9/10/07 5:59 PM  

    LMAO @ roach. Disgusting. I love you! Like me, you carry the title of Princess very well.

  17. Anonymous // 9/10/07 5:59 PM  

    Fabulosity, ignore her. Attention is what she wants.

    LMAO @ internet Thug. How does one get jumped into that gang???

  18. Anonymous // 9/10/07 6:00 PM  

    I love u irre.....
    Me and u would be great friends, u should add me on myspace, ill send u a request k mamasita?

  19. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 9/10/07 6:02 PM  

    Sure thing, Princess! Don't hesistate to hit me up!!

    LICIOUS! You make a valid point. And now that you're here, it'll be even easier to ignore. Do you notice that she's tryna punk out Dominican Princess, but she won't say shyt to Princess Irre? She know she don't want it.

  20. Anonymous // 9/10/07 6:02 PM  

    U know licious ive been minding my neck on this blog ive been nice 2 every1 including the roach and her minions but this is ridiculous....
    on a diif subject nice leg mamita.

  21. Anonymous // 9/10/07 6:04 PM  

    Irre i realized that 2 but trust she dont want it.My mami taught me betta than 2 argue with a person who hides behind a pc feel me?

  22. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 9/10/07 6:07 PM  

    I kno daz right, Princess!

  23. Anonymous // 9/10/07 6:08 PM  

    u kno every1 uve called out sucia is far from u, im not mamita so feel free 2 come see me and back all that hot shit u typing im in the bronx get at me if u not then lemme go on with my biz

    townsend ave sucia ok c me

  24. Anonymous // 9/10/07 6:08 PM  

    I COULD BE ONE OF HER Minions idc AND TO LET you all kno me and my girl queen brian dont fear nobody and if princess irre wants some she/he can get the drama bought to them as well

  25. Anonymous // 9/10/07 6:09 PM  

    all u gotta do is ask 4 princess.

  26. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 9/10/07 6:12 PM  

    Girl, take Brina's big ass blade and just kill yo'self.

  27. Anonymous // 9/10/07 6:13 PM  

    Princess and Princess Fabulosity, don't waste anymore of your precious bref on these matters. Bottom line is they have nothing better to do. They are like school yard bullies. It's easy to be hard thru a PC when you know you'll never have to back up what you're spewing. Just like Cyber Sex. I can tell you that I can spin 85 different ways and I give the best oral in history. If I never have to prove it, it doesnt matter. Its just talk. I live by the following motto and I suggest you ladies adopt it as well:

    I Can Show You Better Then I Can Tell You.

    Plain & simple, no?

  28. Anonymous // 9/10/07 6:13 PM  

    Irre are we related?...

  29. Anonymous // 9/10/07 6:13 PM  

    i have a good question princess irre are u a women or a man ???

  30. Anonymous // 9/10/07 6:13 PM  

    LMAO @ kill yo'self

    And thanks for the compliment on my legz, Mama!

  31. Anonymous // 9/10/07 6:16 PM  

    Youre right licious lemme compose myself.... Anyhow irre the only thing that me and u will ever disagree on is midget mac....

  32. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 9/10/07 6:17 PM  

    Well anon, to answer your question, let's just say I'm the best of both worlds.

  33. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 9/10/07 6:18 PM  

    Oh, Midget Mac might grow on me.... and so might a horn grow out of my forehead. But to let you know, the second occurance is a LOT more likely than the first.

  34. Anonymous // 9/10/07 6:19 PM  

    Ok now i really gotta go
    licious besos....
    Irre te adoro....

  35. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 9/10/07 6:24 PM  

    *stands up and points @ screen*
    AHA! Brina you fake azz bitch I CAUGHT your azz! How did you go from not knowing If I was a male or a female to knowing my nickname? (Irre) Only someone who's around here a lot calls me that. Brina, you are really a sick, sad individual. How many personalities you GOT?

  36. Anonymous // 9/10/07 6:26 PM  

    Tasha...take a minute from your professional KING BRINA DICK-RIDING job and breathe.

    How you gone be a professional YOUT-TUBE hype man?!

    Wow omfg..... Gone!!

  37. Anonymous // 9/10/07 6:35 PM  

    lol its sooo funny how u all hate on queen brina just because she not up gabby and quanda asses like mr new york and the rest of yall are

  38. Anonymous // 9/10/07 6:37 PM  

    Thats so true! Thank you for visiting the blogspot, your opinion (and beef curtain camel toe) are what keep the blog interesting. Do come back again!

  39. FOL // 9/10/07 6:37 PM  

    the first video isn't working

  40. Anonymous // 9/10/07 6:39 PM  

    no problem queen brina hater

  41. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 9/10/07 6:42 PM  

    Hold up, anon. I ain't up NOBODY azz but my own. I'm my OWN biggest fan, not anybody elses. And if you MUST know, I hate Brina because she makes hate videos about me and my friends while holding a butcher knife. Ya think THAT could be it, dumbass? Make sure you got ur facts str8 before you go assuming things.

  42. Anonymous // 9/10/07 6:46 PM  

    1st off i dont recall queen brina sayen ur name in any of her videos lol u dont mattter 2 her thats y ur not in a video hater

  43. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 9/10/07 6:46 PM  


    What's your opinion of Wolf? A few of us are currently having a debate...and it's getting ugly...

  44. Anonymous // 9/10/07 6:48 PM  

    if u want to hear queen brina curse gabby and quanda out go to the ilny2 recap inteview and skip to 86:50 and u will hear the drama unfold lol

  45. Anonymous // 9/10/07 6:51 PM  

    Irre...what's all this Queen Brina stuff?? I do know a lil b/c Gabby is my roommate/homegirl, but what is all this?! lol

  46. Anonymous // 9/10/07 6:53 PM  

    People the Beast and her broke down bitch court are trying to get hits for those pathetic videos.She is trying to make a name for herself of of this site.Do not respond to her, her multiple personalies and her lifeless friends.Midget Mac called her a hoe.And she replied 'What?Alright I'll be a hoe.And then tried to lie and say she didn't start the beef.'Don't refer to her by her name anymore.Don't allow her to use you all for additional hits on her videos.She is a busted tricked out hoe.She hasn't said she to Steps',Quanda's,Elle's,Licious', Irresistible's faces.She hides behind a computer screen.She bashes this site,it's author's on a daily.She is on you all's jocks hard.She is anonymouses,Fatass, & fake accounts to make you all look bad.Refer to her as beast or ignore her.Her life is unhappy and this is her pathetic attempt at internet fame.

  47. Anonymous // 9/10/07 6:57 PM  

    anon...well thank you for that summary....I had an idea of what was going on...i was just clueless as to all the videos lol

  48. Anonymous // 9/10/07 6:58 PM  

    be for real BEAST, u never cussed me out on my show, all i heard was Quanda and Midget Mac cut u a new one.... but u keep living on this BLOG, and Q will continue to delete your messages....

    Ain't it about time for u to cut another trailer park video? And i caught the last one, next time focus the lense in.

    Irre we know u ain't up nobody butt. No one is up me and Q's butt, we just have someone who is obsessed with us so bad that she has to go read our myspace pages and google profiles to find out everything she can about us. She stares at our pictures to find stuff to talk about. Then makes movies with Dollar store knives thinking it's gone scare us. Thanks prolly sweetiekins from the chat room

  49. Anonymous // 9/10/07 6:59 PM  

    Perhaps we'd all be bitter and destructive if we had a nutsack for a vagina brina please please please don't tuck your shirts in

  50. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:04 PM  

    lol @ Gabby

  51. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 9/10/07 7:04 PM  

    ILNY2 is on vh-1 right now for those on the East Coast.

  52. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:05 PM  

    lol u all are soooo funy the hate u all have for my girl lol trailer park lol u guys are to much if u wasnt scared of her elle u would have put ur input in yesterday when she was on the phone but nooooo u didnt the only ppl ii heard were quanda and a drunk midget mac lol and as far as quanda deleting my post who cares she just running from the truth and shes afraid of queen brina like i said i heard the interview and it seems to me like queen brina knows how to push quanda buttons cuz as u can hear quanda seemed very very upset lol

  53. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:05 PM  

    LOL BABY TRUUUUUUST ME!!! We've all seen it lol..... If someone on this blog missed it yesterday, they dont' belong here lol

  54. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:07 PM  

    i just listened to that interview q cussed her out that was q not beast q you sexy as hell

  55. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:08 PM  

    Gabby...I'mma get you, you sposed to be at work lol

  56. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 9/10/07 7:08 PM  

    I'm re-watching. For the 4th time :)

  57. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:08 PM  
    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
  58. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:11 PM  

    *regains composure* Tx sweety, I am at work, i need to take my test still.

    Hey Quanda!!! I see comments are deleted so I know u are around lol

    Baby I was up at 3am watching it for the 2nd time last nice.

  59. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:11 PM  

    GABBY YOU KNOW WE HAVE TO PAY AN EXTRA FEE TO HAVE PETS IN THE APT! You know we're both students, we can't afford these extra expenses right now...the fish are enough!

  60. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:12 PM  

    hey QQQQQQQQ!!!!!!!! {looking around} whereEVER you are lol

  61. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:12 PM  



  62. Gabrielle // 9/10/07 7:14 PM  

    LOL Tx I wish she would make her way to the apt, We gone get Jay's girlfrfiend with the sling blade to come "cut her face up" lol

  63. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 9/10/07 7:15 PM  

    I love Midget Mac. He's so cute :)

  64. Gabrielle // 9/10/07 7:15 PM  

    lol Quanda u got to warn me when u gone delete the comments so i can take mines off cause then it just looks like i'm having a convo with myself :)

    Just lookin mad

  65. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:15 PM  

    lol like i said b4 if u wasnt payen attintion gabby this is tasha get it right my girl brina is not about to talk shit over comments but i will brina on the other hand will say it to ur face or over the phone or she just mite make one of her low budget videos for u guys lol but u on the other hand u wont even say ur 2 cents on the phone wit her u wait till u put her on mute u scary ass bitch lol givin her ur adress lol im sure shes gonna waste her time to fly to texas just to smack ya ass to the ground

  66. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:16 PM  

    Gabby! NO! you WONT do this to me, lol! I will NOT be have no beef til someone comes at me wrong, but i will say this is retarded lol

  67. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 9/10/07 7:17 PM  

    Moving on...

    I like Cheesy too.

  68. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:17 PM  

    Baby: Cheesy's adorable lol...his name fits him

  69. Gabrielle // 9/10/07 7:18 PM  

    lol yeaaaaa "tasha" i'm scared to talk smack over a phone. tell her to come see me

  70. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 9/10/07 7:19 PM  

    I really like Cheesy. Do I have a crush on him? OMG!!! How did that happen?

    Punk must leave soon. He's rocking lip gloss.

  71. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:19 PM I understand you're getting accustomed to having a roommate, but you can't be inviting ppl all willy nilly lol...I live here too, got DANG IT! {exhales} girl you made me lose my mouth lol

  72. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 9/10/07 7:20 PM  

    Dammit! Now I'm sorta feelin Tailor-Made too. I had a bad day, so my judgement is clearly off.

  73. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:21 PM  

    baby: NO! I say NO! Punk just puts that good ole vaseline on his lips...carmex even lol...but lip gloss?! lol

  74. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:22 PM  

    Baby; It MUST be..b/c Im not feeling Tailor-Made at the moment, but I won't judge too soon, maybe he'll grow on me later??

  75. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:23 PM  

    wow...whatever happened to spell check? it hurt my brain to read that! lol

    Hello all!

  76. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 9/10/07 7:24 PM  

    Like moss?

  77. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:25 PM  

    Wait! Does anon LIKE Queen Brina or not??? Some of those comments are confusing me for real...."low budget video with my girl from the trailer park....BEAST brina"??? those aren't compliments, not tryna be funny, Im just sayin...

  78. Gabrielle // 9/10/07 7:25 PM  


  79. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:26 PM  

    baby lol! Exactly like that! Moss can be useful, right?

    Doesn't it tell you the directions if you're lost in nature or something?? lol...Like if it grows on a certain side of the rock it's North, south, East, West, or somethin??

  80. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:28 PM  

    Wassup Gabby? The show was great last night...well MOST of it! lmao

  81. Gabrielle // 9/10/07 7:28 PM  

    Uhoh Shawty, I think I'm about to finish this Chipotle, all in the same day :)

    Wait is that the same Tasha who sat in the Elle Word chat room banned all night?

  82. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 9/10/07 7:30 PM  

    I actually have no familiarity with the growth patterns of moss, so I'll take your word for it :)

    But if that is the case, that's really interesting.

    OMG, I'm definitely feeling Cheesy. What the hell?!?!!!!!

  83. Gabrielle // 9/10/07 7:30 PM  

    lol thanks Mysty!!!!


  84. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:31 PM  

    U r probably right Gabby, I noticed the Banned person hung around...I thought that was another "Tasha".

  85. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:31 PM  

    yea queen brina was the star of the show last night bcuz elle got scared and put her on mute cuz she couldnt handle brina without her hatin partner quanda lmao

    ok bye haters and quanda thanks for deleting this it shows me ur afriad of the truth lmao

  86. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:33 PM  

    The guys seemed really nice, a little too cool for the show though. MM was funny, he just seemed like he was at a 20 instead of a 10 because of the liquor, but he was cool.

  87. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:34 PM  

    gabby u need to stop lien to ur fans tellen them ur 20 or 21 we all know ur about quanda age which is like 50 lmao thers no way ur 20 with 50 yr old wrinkles on ur face lmao

  88. Gabrielle // 9/10/07 7:35 PM  


  89. Gabrielle // 9/10/07 7:37 PM  

    wow, yea ok!!!! I'm 50, it's not that I have laugh lines from laughing at camelhumps standing in front of dumpsters with butchers knives. lol
    Sorry I can't be serious at 20. Lol and who keeps reading my myspace page looking for my age? Gosh gee......wilikers

  90. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:37 PM  

    He's probably just like that because people try him. His friend seemed to be saying that folks used to mess with him until he started putting them in check, so he probably just approaches people like that from the door so they know to leave him alone. He obviously earned some of the guys' respect, so I guess it works for him.

  91. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:39 PM  

    lol @ Baby...yea I dropped a lil knowledge right there lol...but its like if the whatever side the moss grows on a rock or something is the way back to civilization when you're lost! But they ain't gone have to worry about me getting lost in the jungle/woods/or whatever cuz you ain't gone find me there by myself....{like Payne on 'Martin'} Oooh oooh oooh AH AH! lol

    Gabby: {chanting} EAT! EAT! EAT! lol

    MM baby! lol Steups bettta watch out! lol Y'all see him and his FORK GAME?! I'm tellin y'all straight THUG up in there!

  92. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:39 PM  

    Poor being, I pity her tremendeously!!!

    She is so empty inside and needs men to fill that emptiness. But her mean, bossy and jealous ways will only drive the men away. She is NEVER going to find a man that will honor, love, or respect her. She doesn't give men that and she doesn't give it to herself, either.

    She feels ugly...whatever you or she says, she feels UGLY and INFERIOR to girls considered beautiful. I can tell this by her extreme jelousy, her buckets of make-up that make her look like a drag queen with those exaggerated eye lashes. She doesn't feel beautiful so she needs all this excessive make-up and tight clothes, and chest enlargement to feel okay, not better, BUT okay, at least.

    She knows she lives in dirt, but she keeps on because she knows there is no way out of there: she has already stained herself, anyway.

    She is easy and has trashy ways because she thinks this is what guys want and it's the only way to get a man to really like her. But that isn't true. Men will only see her as a used up dirty toy and that's it.

    Poor woman...she gives a bad name to young black girls, and women, in general.
    Her ways don't even anger me...she has already put herself down excessively more than enough. I can only pitty her

    I can tell she is EXTREMELY unhappy.=====A truly happy person NEVER feels the need to put others down or to disrespect them. When you're happy you want everyone to be happy like you!!! And you also respect youself.======Tango left her. No one is actually there for her. She feels very low of herself. She has brought herself so trashy low.

    Poor woman...because of her unhappiness (depression?), she will most likely end up committing suicide. And at the end, there was no tiffany but a cheap woman that was GREATLY craving for attention and a little bit of happiness.

    I JUDGE YOU SAY? How can you be judging when you say that the rose is red. If it's red, it's red. You're not judging, you're just saying what it is.

    Any (actually, ONLY) LOGICAL, SENSICAL comments to my "essay" are more than welcome.

  93. Gabrielle // 9/10/07 7:40 PM  

    thats true. He earned alot of respect and he don't hang with any other midgets, so i'm sure he got it some kind of way. He just so dang Cocky.... Conceitedness just don't do well with me lol

  94. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:41 PM  

    lmao laughing is ur reason for lookin 50 lmao give it up grandma gabby are u and quanda must be dikes if all u stare at in queen b videos is her pussy lmao o yea i though u were done talkin 2 me lmao yea awwwwwwww am i getting to u grandma gabby lol laughing wrinkles hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahah thats ur excuse hahahahahahahahahahha

  95. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:41 PM  

    lol @ txshawty I'm mad about that fork though, he'd have done better with the bottle!

  96. Gabrielle // 9/10/07 7:43 PM  

    Wow anon, I will admit that i only scanned your essay but it was a well stated argument

  97. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 9/10/07 7:43 PM  

    He got swagger.

  98. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:43 PM  

    but me and my girl bout togo make a low budget hate video in front of a dumpster now goodbye haters


  99. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:43 PM  

    Final 6 *spoiler* The final six are visibile in the previews of the whole season that were shown after the first episode of I love new yourk 2.


    The final 6 are:
    Tailor Made
    Mr. Wise
    I can't make out the last one, but it looks like either The entertainer or 20 Pack.
    Chance also comes back so it could be him too.

  100. Gabrielle // 9/10/07 7:45 PM  


    Mysty I think that Bottle would have worked them shins in honestly

  101. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:45 PM  

    what anon, are you talking about gabrielle

  102. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:45 PM  

    Yeah Gabby, it's sad when people step over the line from confident to cocky, but I think he's trying to make people who don't know he see that not everybody judges him by his size. Shoot, he probably DOES get a lot of girls. How many famous dudes have cute chicks but they are nowhere near attractive? Why not MM? lol

  103. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:45 PM  

    Hello everyone.

    Gabrielle I just got a chance to listen to your radio show.

    I am about half way through, so far so good :)

    If this is still what you want to do as a profession, you have a bright future ahead of you.

  104. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 9/10/07 7:46 PM  

    What? You meena tell me that "IT" isn't in the final six? How........ depressing

  105. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:46 PM  

    Anon 7:39...I agree that when you talk abt ppl and you've not been provoked into doing so, you're putting down others to lift yourself up...being self-confident is having self-esteem and not feeling threatened by others that you resort to pulling others down...well put.

    Mysty: Did you see on those extras, they all had to chase MM...all I saw was a striped shirt running in a forest of men lol I was like MM gone stab the entertainer if they slip up on that defensive blocking lol

  106. Gabrielle // 9/10/07 7:46 PM  

    i'm sure that 20 pack stays for a while. Hmmm is Chance the one who comes back? VH1 is tryna make it too obvious, so u know they prolly got a loop hole in there somewhere

  107. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:47 PM  

    chance is not comming bak 2 be on ilny 2 u dumb idiots lol the peroson who commin bak 2 da show is .....................

  108. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 9/10/07 7:48 PM  

    Milliown's comments on It were hilarious

  109. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:48 PM  

    As long as BUDDHA and sexy PRETTY is still there, my life can commence lol

  110. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:48 PM  

    all u queen brina haters the person who will make a comeback is tangoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ur all sooo stupid

  111. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:49 PM  

    Shut up Anonymous @ 7:47pm

  112. Gabrielle // 9/10/07 7:49 PM  

    I'm talkin to the only anon in here right now. The other anon is an internet stalker known as the beast.....

  113. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:49 PM  

    good comebck granny gabby lol

  114. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:50 PM  

    i just know, looking at teh previews, Chance was shole getting his kiss and lick on on NY's back and arm in that limo!!!! She was like, 'why are you doing this to me?!' lol.....uh???

    Prolly cuz he knows he can??

  115. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:50 PM  

    Look What The Wind Blew in txshawty

  116. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 9/10/07 7:51 PM  

    Maybe it's real who comes back. Anywayz, I think it's "IT" that's the final member of the final six. It just HAS to be.

  117. Gabrielle // 9/10/07 7:51 PM  

    if chance don't win this season then i'm done after fol3 LOL

  118. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:52 PM  

    lmao@ "worked them shins in"
    Anon, I totally agree with you, I just watch because the show is mindless entertainment. I see enough real life drama and bs at work and in school to know that low self esteem leads to a whole lot of issues.
    I do, however think it is up to parents to educate their children and not leave it up to tv, radio, or the internet to do so. I don't have kids, but I have a 14 year old goddaughter who knows that the mess she sees on tv is not how she should live her life. She knows because he mother actually TALKS to her about any and everything there is to know. More parents should take the same approach, and quite frankly they shouldn't be allowing their kids to see everything on tv either. I know people who don't have anything but Disney dvds for their kids to watch, no cable in the kids' rooms either.

  119. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:52 PM  

    Anon @ 7:50...HI!!!!! are you? lol

  120. Gabrielle // 9/10/07 7:52 PM  


  121. Gabrielle // 9/10/07 7:53 PM  

    TX shhhh don't fall for it, it's a trap lol... thats not a real anon...

  122. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:55 PM  

    mysty...HEY now! don't sleep on the get hit there?Girl you're DOWN! So MM is right at the Danger Zone...'Entertainer's' legs would've been jacked...seriously.

  123. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:56 PM  

    Txshawty.. I sure did see the vspot! and I was laughing my tail off too. I don't know what The Entertainer's problem is, he does know that you can kill someone with a fork? MM is the same height as his femural (sp?)artery...he be done stabbed him and had him bleed out in front of the cameras. lmao

  124. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:56 PM  

    {pause in mid-air to fall}

    Gabby: i'm bout to fall for it...who is it? lol

  125. Gabrielle // 9/10/07 7:56 PM  

    lol girl i don't know.....

  126. PaleBlackSheep // 9/10/07 7:57 PM  

    Hey everyone....looks like I missed some interesting convo in here LOL....
    I just wanted to tell Licious, that last night when Mr Wise said that to NY, yeah I was hot too...silly huh? Glad that I was not alone in that moment LOL...

  127. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:57 PM  

    txshawty this is the first time that you be on this blogger This Late you mostly come out in the Afternoon

  128. Anonymous // 9/10/07 7:59 PM  

    Anon...I know right?! I'm kinda catching up on the blog...I'm gonna have to be on at night from now on..>I can't comment at work :-(....I guess I'm just forced to actually work now lol

  129. FOL // 9/10/07 8:00 PM  

    wtf? Anonymous that is some major stalking right there

  130. The Q © 2010 // 9/10/07 8:00 PM  

    Hello All,

    This is the run down of events as I see it.

    I interviewed a FOL3 hopeful Peachy Christa. Christa was a totally positive individual who wanted to meet Flavor Flav. I noticed with the number of votes she had; a lot of negative, disrespectful testimonials were being posted on her profile. I decided to leave her a testimonial which stated something to the effect of 'I see you have a lot of haters on your profile. It was a pleasure to interview you. Keep it positive and good luck.' I did NOT type anyone's nick name. Shortly thereafter Q.B. shows up on my profile insulting me. We have maybe 4 or 5 back and forths. Note: She is eBeefing with a lot of folks on the site. After our short exchange, she is forgotten. A month later Elle comes across a video on YouTube where a female is saying that Sexy Angie made the show and her nickname is allegely Shortee. Elle is thinking about posting it. I view the video. I share with ELLE that I had a run in with this female on the FOL3 casting site.

    I give Elle my opinion and she posts the videos included my opinion.
    I left a comment on Sexy Angie's (FOL3 hopeful that I interviewed) MySpace page stating, 'I see you still have hater's'or something to that effect. Q.B.'s name wasn't in that comment either. Q.B. shows up and of course comments with insults.

    LMAO! I find it ironic that everytime I type HATER, she responds as if it's her name.

    I get MySpace messages from an Amanda with a YouTube link. I view the video. Q.B. kicks a lawn chair. It's funny. I think what 'Sorry @ss broad does that?!'. Q.B. then messages me on MySpace. I reply and then block her. Why bother with people you don't like. She keeps posting her links as anonymous, Fat@ss and others in The Blogspot's comment box.

    Last night, I was surprise when she called. Midget Mac and I are cool. We had talked about haters in previous phone conversations. He was familiar with the female kicking the lawn chair. The subject came up last night. She called in. Mac said what he said and I said what I meant, 'F*ck you.'

    Q.B. is full of contradictions. She calls others haters but she is the one jocking this site. She contacted me first on the FOL3 site & later MySpace. Last night I did get heated. I hate liars. She tried to state that we came at her sideways. And the fact is she started insulting me. I didn't know who she was on the FOL3 site until she left her negative testimonial on my profile on the FOL3 casting site.

    And that's the history.

  131. Gabrielle // 9/10/07 8:01 PM  

    lol oooooh yea i forgot that tx was the anon crushee.... shawty i been holding down yo nba convos til u got back :)

  132. Anonymous // 9/10/07 8:01 PM  

    Gabby...{mouth chattering} Girl you got me scared over here talkin about you don't know who it is lol...

  133. FOL // 9/10/07 8:01 PM  

    are you keeping a Shawty log or somethin'?

  134. Anonymous // 9/10/07 8:01 PM  

    Steups.. I know you are not surprised by anonymous stalkers? lol

  135. FOL // 9/10/07 8:03 PM  

    I am are you tonight?

  136. Anonymous // 9/10/07 8:04 PM  

    Hi Steups,

    I'm catching up on Gabriell's show.

    It's very good so far.

  137. Anonymous // 9/10/07 8:04 PM  

    Steups...why YOU worried about it?! lol DAG!

    Gabby: OH! My b'ball homie?!

  138. PaleBlackSheep // 9/10/07 8:04 PM  

    Wow Q...that is something else... if she is reading others myspace pages etc...sounds like a obsession to me....I do read others comments on myspace pages, but only people who I like LMAO...

  139. Anonymous // 9/10/07 8:04 PM  

    txshawty you had me dying laughing" on your myspace pic of your fake teeth LOL that was so funny

  140. Anonymous // 9/10/07 8:06 PM  

    quanda shut the hell up ur just some1 hatin on queen brina and it needs to stop grandma im tired of all u bitches and ur ass kissers (fans of blogtalk) hatin on queen brina just because she spoke her mind

  141. Gabrielle // 9/10/07 8:06 PM  

    Thanks gspot.

    Quanda that was the FIRST and I repeat FIRST long paragraph I've read on the comments.

    Unfortunately, I am too withered and olf with my wrinkles to understand what u young kids are talkin about so u have to speak up sonny.....

  142. Anonymous // 9/10/07 8:07 PM  

    txshawty you had me dying laughing" on your myspace pic of your fake teeth LOL that was so funny

  143. Anonymous // 9/10/07 8:07 PM  

    I'm great Steups, and u?

  144. Anonymous // 9/10/07 8:09 PM  

    Q...thanks for filling me in...I was straight confused...dying laughin at you and MM on the show last night! lol WHOO! liked the teeth? I know, lol..j/k ask Gabby, there are rare instances when I actually have sense lol

  145. Anonymous // 9/10/07 8:09 PM  

    You're welcome Gabrielle:)

  146. The Q © 2010 // 9/10/07 8:10 PM  

    Ignorance is bliss.

    It's speaking one's mind when it's Q.B. insulting others.

    It's hating with others speak their mind or tell the truth.


  147. Anonymous // 9/10/07 8:11 PM  

    Gabby...put your hearing aid in, boo! lol

  148. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 9/10/07 8:11 PM  

    Well Q, I was just about to log off and you finally showed.


    Elle, help me get over the Cheesy/Tailor Made thing. Pray for me.

  149. Anonymous // 9/10/07 8:11 PM  

    gabrielle did you know today is one year that you been on this blogger that right oct 9 2006 i do you feel about that

  150. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 9/10/07 8:12 PM  

    The MM thing...don't pray about that :)

  151. Gabrielle // 9/10/07 8:12 PM  

    I will Shawty..... I have to find it first do u see my trifocals around the house?

  152. Anonymous // 9/10/07 8:13 PM gone need PRAYER to get outta THAT mess...dont make me bust out the blessed oil lol

  153. Anonymous // 9/10/07 8:14 PM  

    Gabby...yea it's on the table in the front room by your adult diapers...I don't need you leaking on the couch again.

  154. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 9/10/07 8:15 PM  

    The anointed moss oil? Whatever it takes. The Tailor Made attraction I've developed in the last hour must be a form of possession.

    *falls out--in the name of Jesus-in the aisle while txshawty puts a coat over me*

  155. Gabrielle // 9/10/07 8:15 PM  

    lol I got u Babykins

    Anon, i feel honored to be a part of this blog family for a year!!! SOMEBODY THROW ME A PARTY DERN IT

    oh and tampon tasha i will. Cause we all know that u stay up in Beast's Twat, day and night

  156. Anonymous // 9/10/07 8:15 PM  

    {double take}

    I just KNOW you ain't call that girl Tampon Tasha lol...NO ma'am! NO!

  157. The Q © 2010 // 9/10/07 8:16 PM  

    Wow @ Gabby

  158. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 9/10/07 8:17 PM  

    yuck @ Elle

  159. Anonymous // 9/10/07 8:17 PM  

    lol @ soon as you fell out it made me think of that scene in 'The Color Purple' when the white man knocked Sophia/Oprah out and she fell out in the dirt road and when the wind blew and it blew her dress up, Oprah/Sophia broke character to pull it down lol! They never cut it out the scene lol

  160. Gabrielle // 9/10/07 8:18 PM  

    lol well what else do grannies know about better than sanitation? keep ya stuff clean girlies :)

  161. Anonymous // 9/10/07 8:18 PM  

    lol very funny my bitch is bout 2 get on rite now good luck bitches

  162. The Q © 2010 // 9/10/07 8:18 PM  

    Tailor Made is SEXY. I love his style.

    Midget Mac is cute sexy. I love Florida swagger.

    Do let me start on Punk!


  163. Anonymous // 9/10/07 8:18 PM  

    Hey mama QQQQ!!!!!!!

  164. Anonymous // 9/10/07 8:18 PM  

    gabrielle you txshawty is are family even if i hate the dallas Mavericks

  165. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 9/10/07 8:18 PM  

    Good thing, or it would have turned into a horror film...

  166. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 9/10/07 8:19 PM  

    Midget Mac is cute/funny/sexy for real.

  167. Anonymous // 9/10/07 8:19 PM  

    Q said Punk had on lip gloss lol!

  168. Wumpus // 9/10/07 8:20 PM  

    Buddha aka Tiny Lister is nuts like Pootie. They are all busters, squares or fags. I have yet to pick a least disliked. One dude looks like a skinny Tango and This show is fake.

  169. Wumpus // 9/10/07 8:20 PM  

    Yeah, Midget mac is cute, funny sexy if those are synonyms for ignorant as hell.

  170. Anonymous // 9/10/07 8:21 PM  

    yea its the QUEEN of all QUEENS, QUEEN BRINA.....Im really not feelin the lies but i guess thats how yall get down for your ratings. Its really nothing though. if yall wanna talk about my pussy or say i live in a trailer park or say u knew nothing of me until that shit with Peachychrista then so be it. I dont give a fuck. but how was i frquently visiting the chat box beggin 4 votes. It dont do nothin 2 me 4 all the negative shit comin from this blogspot shit but i guess when i bored i will come up wit another video, just 2 let any and everybody know I dont give a fuck who hates me. Oh yea n Q...I wasnt in the least bit heated last night that shit was actually fun, too bad u cut the convo. cuz u really made me laugh with that hillbilly CAN NEVER EVER BRING ME DOWN...BUT IT WAS WORTH A SHOT.....DONT WORRY BOO BOO I LUV U NO MATTER WHAT. I LOVE ALL MY HATERS....SMOOCHES

  171. Gabrielle // 9/10/07 8:21 PM  

    lol aww thanks, i'm family :)

  172. Anonymous // 9/10/07 8:22 PM  


  173. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 9/10/07 8:22 PM  


    LOL! Tiny Lister! I know all I do is laugh at your commentary but you are so funny. Thanks for making me laugh! Especially today.

  174. The Q © 2010 // 9/10/07 8:23 PM  


    "my bitch is bout 2 get on rite now good luck bitches"

    What she getting on? Is she humping her camcorder?

    We supposed to be scared of a YouTube sh!t talker, lawn chair Wushu master, camel toe thief, butcher knife carrying my set is in front of a dumpster female. Who when called a ho replied, 'Alright I'll be a ho.'


  175. Anonymous // 9/10/07 8:23 PM  

    Anon...Mavs come with the territory love US?! You gotta love the

    Ok...not LOVE the mavs, but respect them lol.

  176. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 9/10/07 8:23 PM  

    I stand by my earlier assertion that that nucca was rocking Mac Lip Shine. Nasty nucca.

  177. Anonymous // 9/10/07 8:26 PM  

    CTFU @ Q...btw, how many personalities does this "character" have? lmao or does she and all of her "friends" live together sharing the same computer?

  178. Anonymous // 9/10/07 8:27 PM  

    lol @ Bubo! lol

    Tiny Lister?! lol

    Gabby: U know 'Deebo' is saved now, right? Why would I NOT come to his church...that would scare the HECTOR GONZALEZ outta me seeing Deebo as a church usher! Talkin bout, 'SPIT OUT CHO GUM!'

    I'd spit out my Wrigley's gum, put the rest of the gum in the package in the trash, AND spit out my literal dental gums...shoot.

    Q: if you don't stop

  179. Anonymous // 9/10/07 8:30 PM  

    lol @ crust...pot pie like a mug

  180. Anonymous // 9/10/07 8:30 PM  

    LMAO are those the names of your illegitimate kids? Or their supposed daddies? Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not into trannies...

  181. Gabrielle // 9/10/07 8:30 PM  

    lol TX i'm with u, I would take the gum off the pastors dentures and throw that in there too... shoot i don't play with deebo

  182. Anonymous // 9/10/07 8:31 PM  

    Oh come on txshawty you know that dallas is a wack ass team they had a Chance. of wining the nba championship and look what happen by the way go spurs LOL

  183. Anonymous // 9/10/07 8:32 PM  

    Tx, I'm mad at you about Deebo! Can't you just see him fanning old ladies that catch the "holy ghost"? Does he go to the same church as Sister P?

  184. Wumpus // 9/10/07 8:33 PM  

    Buddha was my least hated until he went Pootie and beat the hell out of the used car salesman, Tailor made.

    It proves the show is purely ratings. Midget Mac was at least interesting and despite the foul language, intelligible. But It was a pure idiot, a buffoon, is he a stroke victim the way he slurs his words?

    Wolf? This show makes black people look bad! lol

    Wise is WHiteboy boring

  185. Anonymous // 9/10/07 8:34 PM they're not wack at all, but I will give it to you the Spurs, in all their WACK-OSITY, won the Championship...BOOOOOOOOOOO! lol

  186. Anonymous // 9/10/07 8:36 PM  

    Mysty...and I could just see him getting mad cuz you can't tell he's talkin to you...cuz his eyes act like they're two NEGATIVE MAGNEST...repelling each other and ish

    Bubo: OMG, I saw that preview of buddha slamming Tailor's head into the wall...I must say that I would be one of the FIRST ppl to sign up if they ever had a tour of the house, just so I could see the INFAMOUS dent in the wall, b/c as hard as he hit that wall there HAS to be one

  187. Webmaster // 9/10/07 8:38 PM  

    bret michaels is doing ROL season 2, thank god

  188. Gabrielle // 9/10/07 8:38 PM  

    aurelious move around

  189. Gabrielle // 9/10/07 8:39 PM  

    lol sorry i forgot to add the lol and i forgot to spell your name right too.... i'm old sorry!!! but aure are u ready to start on the ilny2 recaps?

  190. TNS™ // 9/10/07 8:40 PM  

    That's not funny Tx.. I had that happen to me before with a friend of a friend. He kept talkin and talkin and I had NO idea who he was speaking to! lmao

  191. potati // 9/10/07 8:45 PM  

    tshawty do you think that dallas is going to do it this time or do you think that they will be choking like Latrell Sprewell did to P. J. Carlesimo LOL

  192. Anonymous // 9/10/07 8:45 PM  

    MYSTY lol I visited a friend's church and it is a small church so everybody knows everybody and around Christmas time they give out gifts. Well tell me why their 'first-lady' (married to the Pastor) was asking all the girls to stand up and get in line for their gifts. Well we were guests so my best friend and I just sat there...and this woman's eyes are more cocked than guns at a Bloods vs. Crips we just sat...she kept repeating, "ladies!"...we kept looking around...and my homegirl who goes to the church was like, "she's talkin to y'all!"!

    I was like well HEY she know she cock-eyed, she ain't JUST wake up with two left eyes, she KNEW this, so she can't be getting upset when we honestly didn't know who she was addressing. She's a sweet woman tho.

  193. The Q © 2010 // 9/10/07 8:47 PM  

    Brett Michaels is or isn't doing 'ROL2'?

  194. Webmaster // 9/10/07 8:47 PM  

    haha gabby, I haven't even finished watching the whole episode. I was about to go do some filming though, lets see if I can switch gears here

  195. potati // 9/10/07 8:48 PM  

    q i was the anonymous not to long

  196. Webmaster // 9/10/07 8:48 PM  

    he is doing ROL2. check the vh1 blog

  197. Anonymous // 9/10/07 8:49 PM know, I really can't say right now, I have determine as I go b/c last year they were number one in the league and lost in the first round, while the year before they weren't number one, but still made it to the championship...there are alot of surprises that come up. I love LeBron James, but his team was not the first pick for being in the championship this past some of the least expected teams could do big things...I will say, the Mavs are FAR FROM got their back, so I'mma keep believing, lol...I think they're playing San Antonio tonight...WAIT! I think it's on...lemme see

  198. TNS™ // 9/10/07 8:50 PM  

    Dang it Shawty, I just posted a response and it didn't show up. Basically, it's rude to stare at someone with an issue, but at the same time it's disrespectful not to look someone in the eyes when they are speaking, what's a girl to do? lol

  199. potati // 9/10/07 8:50 PM  

    tshawty this potati i'm the anonymous that was talking to you

  200. Anonymous // 9/10/07 8:54 PM do know that Dallas plays the Spurs tonight, so far I think the score is 12-8 Mavs lead. first quarter.

    Mysty: I feel's a conflict lol You don't wanna seem rude or disrespectful, but either way you'll be perceived as such b/c on one hand laughing and commenting, and/or staring is mean and rude, and on the other you could look disrespectful by trying NOT to look lol Just look at their

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