If you don't like Spoilers ...Close Your Eyes
VH-1 has been so good to me. Heck in all honesty, they have been good to most of us. Years ago ...Sunday night was the most boring night of the week. The show 'Flavor of Love' Season 1 & 2 change that fact. Sundays became my favorite day. More specifically Sunday nights, all activities were scheduled around my ability to watch my favorite show. ( Yes, I typed it 'Flavor of Love'). For all those people who called it a modern day minstrel show, ...blah, blah, blah. I have never met a man of african ancestry behave in the same manner of Flavor Flav. I saw an entertainer, a flamboyant celebrity. The ' Flavor of Love' women were from many different ethnicities and races. They had different personalties and came from different backgrounds. I've met the Pumkins, Bootz, Smiley, Buckeey, Hoopz and Red Oysters of the world. There are women who are very much like them. Or should I say ...who appear to be very similiar to these ladies personality wise. Let's face it. I am a fan just as you were. I DO NOT know any of these ladies but several of them have showed me love and I appreciate it. And I tell you now I am excited about 'Charm School'. Monique lights my soul up with laughter. And I have love for all of the 13 ladies cast in VH-1's latest 'Flavor of Love' spin off.
Now back to the subject at hand: I wanted to give those who truly don't want to know the outcome of tonight's 'I Love New York' Episode 9's outcome time to stop reading. What ' Flavor of Love' did for my Sunday nights, 'I Love New York' had done for my Monday nights. And let's not forget many of my Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday days and nights. Writing for this blog is no joke, I am not going to say anymore. So what is the big spoiler. Well someone uploaded the ' I Love New York' Episode 9 Aftershow. I don't know what happened or how but it happened and now we know who goes home. I am personally devastated. But hell I am sentimental after I interview someone. The video begins with Goldie ( I so love that woman!) telling us that we are down to the final 3. Next we see New York reading another Tango love note, " I pray to God that you continue to play the right hand." And she the stands and laughs with excitement. To 'The Blogspot' female readers ...you should know what this means. She has serious feeling for Tango. So I guess to show this she goes and changes her clothes. She comes out sans bra. Goldie has her commentary on the no bra situation which is hysterical. So New York finds Tango and sits on a bed. She states Tango is glaring her up and down and looking at her breast. We can't see but VH-1 has blocked out part of her chest. Maybe it's me ...but maybe he was staring at your breasts because they were hanging out of your half ( 1/4) top.
Next downstairs Chamo (who is working the hell out of a red & white cowboy ensemble) opens the front doors. In steps a very attractive woman who just so happens to be Real's and Chance's mother. Chamo calls out, " Chance ...Real your mommy is here!" We get a glimpse of a limousine ride where everyone appears to be smiling, laughing and just one happy group. Next somewhere in Temecula ( My neck of the woods people ...if WB ever visits the ranch ...I am less than 20 minutes away.) OMG....I am about to faint. What the hell am I writing about? Oh yeah episode 9 Aftershow...let me get it together. Yeah, okay we are somewhere in or near Temecula next to a lake. Sister Patterson watches Real and New York holding hands walking and talking. I must admit it is a lovely sight. She states, " Look how good they look together. I mean they look so good together. And they would have extremely beautiful children." *Coughs...laughs...coughs. Goldie mentions how Sister Patterson is planning and plotting. Next Sister Patterson, New York, Tango and his ( cute as pie) mother are having a meal. We hear New York b@tching ,
" You can't run off everytime I start talking sh#t. Everytime I start talking sh#t ...yeah sorry moms." Sister Patterson tells her baby girl, " You cut that language out. And you apologize right now to Paula for using that language. You know better than that!" ( Ummm ...maybe the Tiffany she knows but the New York I've been watching doesn't know better.) Goldie believes Sister Patterson is showing out in front of company. Next in a kind of a Godmother ( Think ' The Godfather') move ...Sister Patterson offers Chance $5,000 to walk away. When he refuses ...she ups the ante by offering $10,000. Goldie thinks Chance should take the money and run. ( Me too but hell what do I know?!)
Finally, we are at the Elimination ceremony. New York has just given Chance his chain. And he takes it off and tells her, " I got to tell you something. I can't do this." Real and Tango look shocked. Neither one of them have chains ...I don't know about you but I would be happy. ( Bye Chance! See you later.) Outside we see Chance wearing his chain again and explaining something to New York. Goldie says he tried to flip the script ...saying he was trying to expose Sister Patterson. ( I don't know ...so I will be definitely be watching tonight to form my own distorted opinion.) We get to see Chance and Real saying their goodbyes. Chance wearing the ' I Love New York' chain ( I wonder: How heavy those bling bling chains are?) is crying. Real consoles his brother and tells him that it's his time to shine. Real is such a great brother. Goldie is merciless in her commentary. Back to the elimination room, New York tells the men she can use a little bit of adventure and asks them if they can too. They agree but don't seem to enthused. Sipping champagne, New York drools on her chin. Being a gentleman Tango takes his hand to wipe off the champagne off her chin. The H.B.I.C. takes the opportunity to suck Tango's thumb. ( I wonder if Chance rethinks his decision to pass on that $10,000, at that moment.) Goldie declares Tango the winner (Are you reading Gabrielle?). No matter what he does New York can't seem to get enough of him. Goldie's loser is Chance because he didn't take the money. I think the real loser is New York. She let a very good real man go. Real you will be missed.
Credit: Shawn
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Can you imagine a recap from Quanda?
I can't believe you got all these paragraphs out of the "error".
Anyways, great article.
Hopefully they're scamming us and Chance goes home
Nope Chance stays ....
Thanks by the way.
Like I wrote before
It doesn't matter who she chooses tango or chance
either way she still lost.
I heard from our fave today Jane.
You have e-mail.
Lucky you
I know Jane.
I saw some episode 9 extras
NY is such a bitch she was ignoring Real in front of chance
Lucky you what....
your so annoying
HaHaHaHa @ Steups
Anyhow, you have e-mail Mr. Steups.
I am not feeling people on the East Coast @ this moment. You all are watching the show and I am here all by my lonesome.
That dumbass I would have took the money. I would have had the money and been famous for taking the money and would have got more money. That dumbass. He is so the loser.
LMAO @ Cael
The finale looks crazy. I think she'll end up with Tango though. As much as Chance "excites" her, she wants to be with the guy who gives her "dirty thoughts".
I really started bawling when Real was eliminated and had to leave his brother. But *tears start rowling*, he had to leave.
You all know they going to set Chance up.
It made me freakin cringe when the Good Sister planted one on Chance's lips.
There's something about New York's mother I do not trust. I don't believe she would've given him the money had he took off that chain and given it back to New York.
Also... what is up with the tears tonight? I'm all for sensitivity but they were just straight bitches with all the crying.
Yeah, Real has the nerve to say Romance is "emotionally unstable" when outta no where towards the very end he starts tearing up, AGAIN
im so pissed that real went home instead of tango. at the previews she said her heart is torn from the person she wants and the person she needs. that makes me think tango is the winner. i hate tango.
2 Kudos for Jorden ...finally a non Tango fan!
really, you guys prefer Chance over Tango. Well, I must be in the worng place.
I think this was th funniest and most entertaining episode as of date.
Between NY's and Real's FLAVored child
Sister Patterson shown in all her fiery glory as Satan himself
Tango and his stupid fucking hat hanging off his ear.
Wonderful episode.
I really hate that Tango is going to win.
I prefer Whiteboy, Rico, Real,T-Bone, T-Weed, Mr. Boston, Chance, 12 Pack, Heat and a lot of other people over Tango.
LOL@ Lareigna
I had a feeling Tango was gonna win from the beginning. He struck me as the "NY" of the show.
Tango is a pussy.
His fake, punk ass, tryna be hard but
"ooh! my shoulder hurts! I'm a little bitch! I'm going to lay you out dog!" said in a falsetto
I can't stand him and his stupid fucking hat.
Sorry Tango fans.
Yeah but in the finale, if Chance wants to fight, Tango will tear his ass
Really Bhatt ...I didn't see that! Explain for my simple mind ...I am interested read your viewpoint.
Speak the truth Lareigna
Oh no Jane and Lareigna ....it's getting hot in here.
Shawn, I mean Jane
Just joking , lol.
Chance is stupid as hell too. You know that he was getting to ready to take that money and run.
Dumb ass.
No, I mean, Chance talks a lot but like he told Boston "Don't Talk Crap (or something), if you can't back it up."
Tango is a big guy, he'll rip Chance in half
Tango would never beat Chance's ass, bhatti.
He'd raise one arm and start crying about some ailment he got a few years ago from like, beating someone's ass or something.
Tango needs to take his mother's advice and run as fast as can to the border...lmao
Yeah, but it's the finale, these guys are so desperate they'll do anything
L, you are right. That's why I am saying they are going to do whatever they can to set Chance up to make him to look so stupid.
I think she was really feeling Real.
Stop you killing me LMAO
Did you all notice that they kept bringing Flavs name up tonight?
I hope the show is not going where i think its going.
I sure did notice, meale.
Call me blind, but the actress New York is not over him.
I can't wait until 9pm. Y'all are killing me.
Oh God No
I hope not either, i just thought that was very strange they called his name over 5 times.
Excuse my manners, hello everyone.
You haven't seen it yet Q?
Where the hell do you live?
Why would they put Flavs face on a baby that is supposed to belong to NY and Real?
Just strange..
If there is going to be another show it should be Chance for entertainment value. Don't you think?
jane chance is something like flav that why new york like chance so much
Ween, it;s interesting that you say that, because I just read an article in Rolling Stone that says that Chance was approached for a spin off series.
I missed something because i was not really paying attention to the whole show or the season finale preview , who threw the drink in tango's face?
So true so true.
I live on the West Coast. I have another hour to go.
poor Q.
You are going to be laughing your ass off, I promise.
Shawn been talking about the drink being thrown in Tango's face forever.
I am starting to believe Shawn may be a VH-1 plant.
It suppose to happen while they are in Mexico.
I know shawn but was it Chance or NY
They both throw drinks at him
Wow, wonder what that is about.
Quanda, you need to take quotes-notes tonight because I was on the phone for like three hours
Lol I don't even have a comment i'm just happy i got a shout out on the BLOG, I'm famous to the readers now (ok not really but give me something)
Anyways, yea I heard that she don't see no wrong but at the same tiem she told real that wasn't feeling tango the same night he told her that he was in love with her, she said she wasn't impressed. HMMMM
Oh hell naw, I got to what!
i can not wait to do my podcast~~~mr.new york
Someone call my blog union representative!
Did you guys see the previews when they was sitting there suppose to be a dinner.
Why can't you hold your tongue?
Let loose dammit!
You shall have your quote notes. And you will owe me big time. I will watch the repeat episode to get my full enjoyment out of the show.
go and do your podcast
I'm reading to rock on this one.
I truly think tango is so dumb.
Why would you want to be with a girl that don't have no respect for your mom.
They gave more respect to the chance and real mom instead of tango mom.
hey were are they going on a trip to for the final episode? y'all know my situation, don't feel like waiting til saturday to watch the full episode
Very well said Shawn.
Besides, New York's mom has NO business talking about anybody being old, or being stuffy.
I want in own this podcasts. I am feeling venomous tonight.
LMAO @ Gabrielle
Girl why watch when you have us.
own =on
Alright people I have to get ready take notes. See you during commercials ...if my finger don't fall off.
I think it's very sad that Ms. New York calls herself a Christian and acts that way. She talked about Tango's mother like it was nothing, and that gives us a hypocrital light. I know I make little side jokes and stuff, but she on National tv making a mockery of our religion. i'm not feeling that one.
OMG. I almost forgot about the kiss.
That shit made me puke in my mouth a little.
It hasn't come on yet where y'all are? my friend watched it an hour ago in houston
Dang it, there I go missing out again. What kiss between momma 5 head and chance? anything major?
No. But it was on the lips. and she held his chin. I think. Either way it wayyyy melodramatic and disgusting.
In other words, I couldn't look away.
If you tune in right now, it's coming up.
Momma 5 head. ROFLMAO.
Sorry, Mr. New York.
Now this is funny I got a good quote from her moms.
Maybe her moms want a young thing like chance and whiteboy.
I mean seriously it was reported that Ny was in the club with wb and then to have pics of wb and mom together.
Something is not right.
Then there is a rumor that tango might join boston in their own show.
mr new york i want you to give me a kiss like peppermint patterson
I saw that Tango and Boston were getting a show together 2. I don't think a show with NY and Tango would reallt be entertaining enough. They are too opposite in the wrong ways.
Did anyone notice what her moms had on?
Come on Chaps???
Why would she kiss someone in the mouth that she detests anyway???? Straight up nasty.
mr new york maybe
Yes Pony print ...it's in my notes Shawn!
Lareigna the Real and New York baby with Flavor Flav's face almost had me on the floor.
Mr. New York, everybody is typing so fast I almost didn't see yo comment? Why can't I talk about momma 5 head? Should I just change the name? I can call her momma hyiena if you like. But a face like that with a mind like that don't deserve a humanist name, sorry.
LMAO @ Gabrielle
Hey Q don't forget the white cowboy boots and how they went back to when ny and flav went horse back riding.
Don't forget what the boys momma said in the limo on how she a bitch too.
what was the deal about his name being tango and she wanted to see how he can live up to his name.
She made it seem like that was his real name and not the name she gave him.
respect yo elders kid. end of discussion