Before I begin the recap of Episode 9, are there any Rome (HBO) fans on the website?
The sex scenes on that show make me wanna lick the tv or some shit like that...
The opening shot are of the men in their respective rooms; Tango is alone while the Stallionaire Brothers slept on adjoining beds. The mood is sombre because tonight's elimination is important.
Why? Because everyone knows the Final Two receive a trip; and you know you Americans don't go nowhere
(I threw in that double negative just for good measure)
Real seems down and though he warns, "I will turn into Cain and destroy Abel" he fixates on teaming up to eliminate Tango. But Tango's fixation is on winning and he repeats his leave-a-note trick and once again it works.
The note read:
I pray to God that you continue to play the right hand.
With true love,
For some reason that inspires New York to "change clothes" and run over to Tango to sit on his lap. Her outfit is too short everywhere and I can see her boobs and vagina.
(I have HDTV, holla.)
(Hallelujah Holla Back)
Looking into his eyes she says, "ever since you left me in Palm Springs, I cannot get my mind off you. There is something about you that moves my soul"
(didn't she say that same shit to Whiteboy?)
Tango is blushing but becomes very serious when New York asks, "do you love me?"
"I love you", Tango replies.
(Isn't black love beautiful?)
( All love (even fake) is beautiful.)
***Scene ends***
"Good morning caballeros", Chamo says, before handing a note to Real.
The note says the moms are coming and mindful of LA traffic, they are making staggered appearances. Real's and Chance's mother is first and Tango's mom will visit the next day.
The news prompts Tango to exclaim, "that's big for me right now"
(Tango talks funny)
There is no time to waste however and the Stallionaire Brothers race upstairs to get dressed. Their shirts of choice are 'Stallionaire t-shirts' and as if they're reading our minds Chance apologizes...."I am not here like Trends handing out CD's"
(sure you aren't)
Moments later their mom arrives. Her name is Claudia; and as moms go; she's alright. She was probably a beautiful woman two decades ago...but not everyone ages like Rick Springfield and Tina Turner.
Her first impression of New York is perfect...."she is a beautiful lady that the guys are fighting for." And later describes New York as "absolutely gorgeous"
(laying it on a bit thick don't you think)
( No you, DJ Bucky Blends & Mr. New York think she is ...why can't their mom?)
The date with the mom is a visit to Temecula to play with horses, hence the reason Chamo addressed them as "caballeros"
(I know that word because I had a Cuban girlfriend who called me that -wink, wink)
On the ride there, Sister Patterson says, "he's kind of aggressive Chance is."
(she looks like Vader and talks like Yoda, hmmmn)
And Claudia agrees. (Wtf?)
Encouraged by that, Sister Patterson asks, "what would Real provide for New York?"
"He's so compassionate and so spiritual", avers Claudia.
(is it normal for a mom to talk about her son like that?)
And she goes further to say he writes 4-page letters with rose petals
(how do you know that? I have a bad feeling about this)
Finally they arrive at the ranch and New York is understandably nervous given her previous encounter with a horse. But Real assures her it'll be alright and later Chance persuades her to touch the horse with an outstretched hand.
Seizing the moment Chance does a bit of showing-off with the horses, performing tricks that looked suspiciously like standing there doing not a damn thing. But what do I know.
The tricks upset Real who described him as a "son of a bitch"
(come on dude, not with your mother around)
And those very tricks, which still looked like not a damn thing to me, impressed New York who described it as "stroking" and went further to say, "the way Chance stroke those horses made me want to stroke something else."
( Was New York a cat in a past life? She is in heat 24/7 or am I crazy?)
It was time to eat though after the excitement of stroking horses and all that, so they gathered at the table to chow down. New York seem besotted by Chance as much as everyone else was disgusted by his antics.
Real too was embarrassed, and asked New York, "do you want children?"
"Three", she replied
"Do you want a twenty-something stepchild too", Real replied -referring to Chance
(wonders why I used that quote now that I've written it)
New York continues to ignore Real and overplays her obsession with Chance; it's almsot deliberate.
More than almost in fact, for she soon confesses, "I've never had two brothers fight for me before. I find it erotic"
(she really is a bitch isn't she?)
( She's a squandering b@tch!)
Chance and Real continue to go at it and the scene breaks to show Claudia saying, "I think Real is better for her"
(that ain't right. Mothers ought to be neutral, no?)
The fighting gets the better of Chance and he walks off to visit the horses because animals "calm him down".
As he (Chance) walks away, Real advises New York, "if you want Flavor Flav 2 then go on with him"
(She's already had Flavor Flav 2)
Alone together, Real confesses, "I don't want to have to fight for you. I'd rather back the hell out"
(Oh dear, don't these guys ever learn?)
"Then why the fuck did you come here", was New York's obvious reply.
Looking on at the couple (Real and New York) Sister Patterson remarks, "they would have beautiful children". And Claudia seems to agree!
***The VH1 Editors interrupt with their best guess of what their child would look like. It turns out to be a mini-Flavor Flav (too funny, that was)***
The date is winding up and Claudia inexplicably says "I would love New York to be my daughter-in-law. I Love her dearly"
(Wtf? That was quick. This woman is too nice to be true)
Before they leave, America's Next Top Mom has a conference with Real and Chance to let them know that their fighting will "really break my heart"
(come on now, is she acting?)
Claudia cries, and her tears and the melancholy overwhelm Chance who sheds a few himself.
She walks away, leaving the brothers to sort it out on their own. This they do thanks to a Churchillian speech from Real who preached something like "this is life, it's life. We are brothers, it's blood....nobody's gonna tear us apart"
(This from the fucker who says he'll turn Cain on your ass)The brilliant speeches don't end there. New York says Chance's thug-card hasn't been pulled because of those tears because, "soldiers cry, dogs cry and doves cry (lmao). We cry, we all fucking cry"
(She is just fucking brilliant)
( Those eyelashes that look like Hoover vacuum brushes are brilliant.)
***Date ends***
The next day comes and the anticipation builds for Tango's mother's arrival; but Chamo mucks it up with the most ridiculous ensemble he's worn all season. His choice today was a purple blouse and tights (no lie)
Gay, transsexual or whatever; that shit was inappropriate.
Oddly enough, Tango's mom was nonchalant; which suggests the taping of that scene had many takes.
Preparing to meet his mother New York says Tango is more mature than Real or Chance, possibly because "turtles do live a lot longer than humans"
Eventually New York meets Tango's mom and her first impression is not a good one..."she's a little on the plus-size."
Their date takes them to tango lessons because, Tango's name is Tango, I guess; and some fool at VH1 thought that was clever.
We learn however, that Tango's mom was a professional dancer and for that reason he was so named -Tango.
This date is as boring as yesterdays but Tango is being a good son, paying lots of attention to his mother.
(Err, Tango; remember what happened the last time you ignored New York?)
I'll answer for you...'she got upset', and she was just as upset today and told us about it, "I am pissed off because Tango is paying so much attention to his mom. He's being a little bitch"
(isn't black love beautiful?)
( I wouldn't call this 'black love'? I miss Whiteboy.)
New York continues, "I prefer Claudia because she looks like she knows how to apply makeup and look like a woman". "I'm a jealous woman, he has to see now that I am his mama"
(this woman is crazy)
( Anyone ever watch 'Play Misty'?)
They move on to have dinner and New York is being obnoxious and reveals to the viewers that she is deliberately ruining dinner because "Tango's mom is boring me. She's acting like a brick-wall....plain....and big"
She and Tango argue over Chance and we have this uncomfortable situation of her defending another man while addressing another with his mom looking on. She admits that Chance has been abusive and rude, causing Sister Patterson to turn to Tango to say "handle Chance or I will"
The date ends and Paula (Tango's mom) says her advice to Patrick (Tango) is "if he's prepared to deal with her...Fine! If not, I want him to run as fast as he can to the border"
(lol...granny got jokes)
***Date ends***
Back at the mansion Sister Patterson asks Chance to join her outside.
At the garden table she tells him he's "a little bit too immature and rambunctious" and asks him to "come closer".
At this point she offers him $5000. He balks and she offers him double ($10000) ..."if she gives you a chain tonight; and you accept my offer, you give her back the chain"
"You serious like this?" is all Chance could say.
Sister Patterson gets up and kisses him...on the lips. On the lips!
Sister Patterson kissed Chance on his fucking lips. I swear I felt a tinge when she did that; that shit was a turn-on. And anyone who says differently is lying. ( That was the coldest Sister Patterson move yet. That is some 'Kiss of Death' sh#t ...right there. LOL.)
Chance was unimpressed and said "the kiss from Sister Patterson taste like Old Lady perfume"
Chance returns to the mansion and informs Real and Tango that Sister Patterson offered him a a bribe.
All that's left is the elimination ceremony (looks at watch).
(Only 40 minutes have gone...this seems way too quick I am thinking)
After deliberation the guys gather at the usual spot and New York appears looking delicious in a burgundy colored dress...
( New York did look great. This will be my last public positive statement about New York.)
(But why do we need twenty minutes for an elimination ceremony?)
I Love New York Episode 9 recap
| Chance, I I Love New York Episode 9, Real, Recaps, Tango | 138 comments »
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me first bitch
who you callin' a bitch, lol?:D
steups i thought you was taking a shower
that was the best recap i've ever seen right there, when he get out the shower tell him to leave it that way ;) lol i'm playing.
Gabrielle; you got jokes, uh?
I'm still in the shower, blacknuts.
how rich are you that you have a computer built into yo shower?
this is my worst recap ever. Maybe Quanda should have done it
is rich a euphemism for stupid, lol?
I like to be insulted directly, if you don't mind.
I'm still in the shower, blacknuts.
That's a real funny sentence.
lol steups i wasn't being funny, i actually thought you had a comjputer somewhere in your bathroom. I have a flat screen tv (small it may be, but it's mines ;) )in mines, why wouldn't u have a computer?
Lareigna, we think alike.
I thought the same after I wrote it, but it was too late to turn back.
OK Guys so my monitor was mucking up last night and I could not see a thing. I enjoyed that episode so much that I looked at it twice (yes twice).lol
That Chance is, is, that man just cracks me up. I mean I am starting to belive that there is something mental about him.lmao.
NY I dont know what's wrong with that girl. Chance girl? Chance?
He is good to have around for some kicks but that is it. He's better off being a brother-on-law. I mean come on, which mother in their right mind would want him for their daughter?
That man is CRAZY and NY is even more CRAZY for feeling To each their own I guess.
Steups, Shawn and Quanda, this Blog is really steaming.
I know you guys work hard and are very dedicated and it shows because this Blog has really A1.
So keep up the good work and know that you are truly appreciated.
Oh BTW Good Morning everyone.
Thanks E.
One they know what "kicks" is?
Nice recap steups and i appreciate the inputs Quanda....I have to say my one issue with last night episode was New Yorks attitude to Tango's Mom she would not want anyone talking about her mom like that so why should she.
And that kiss from sis patterson to Chance was classic betrayal.
Yes, but it was also terrifically sexy.
But you've reminded me lay ty...I need to pot a pic for Quanda. She says she misses Whiteboy so I am putting my hatred aside just for her
Thats sweet of you...
You think?
A refresh might make you change your mind, mwhahahahahaha.
Good Morning Everyone,
Just stop to say hello to everyone.
Good Recaps Steups and Quanda.
Oh Yeah Steups. "Kicks" is when a person does or says things that keeps you cracking-up all the time.
Is it me or are u guys getting problems to comment?
I have to try at least three times before I can comment once.
Just wanted to thank you all for your blog. This is the best ILNY blog I've found and you make me LMAO!!
hey everybody. Sorry about last night. I been going on this no doz for 3 days now, and no sleep has it's certain sided effects. Guess i didn't realize it until i got off work and went to class this morning to read what i had said. yeah it was funny but it was mean. my bad. and thanks for recap y'all i gave y'all a shout out this morning on my show. i recorded it too
Good afternoon everybody.
Comment as an anonymous, Electra.
Catch y'all later...I am heading home.
Oooh ooh, Lareigna...girl you have that ish going on, girl.
Your audio made me think of the type of girl your mommy pulls you in the kitchen to talk about.
"Son, she's a beautiful girl and I can see why you like her but she doesn't look like she'll cook you dinner, lmao"
Not alot of chatter in here today aww well its just as boring here at work. Definitely nothing exciting except for the damn city workers tearing up the damn street!
something tells me she is going to pick tango which i will be disapointed.
Can someone please change that picture of tango and NY at the top
its really grossing me out.
LMAO @ Steups
I'm actualy attempting to roast a chicken now. Want some?
tango needs Pro Active
Good afternoon to all. Thanks Electra and Lady TY.
Steups....I owe you big for the horrific pic you put up of me man! really know how to kill my mood.
i cant wait until the reunion. i want tickets to go. does any one know how u can get tickets?
Real talk time
What's with all the outrage about NY talking about Tango's mom the way she did?
I mean We all know that NY has a permenant case of "footinmouth" diesease.
Why are people so shocked by what she said.
I need you in myspace IM now!
how do you get tickets to the reunion and how old do you think mr new york is?
I don't know how to get tickets to the Reunion show and Mr. New York's age is not important. He is a loyal New York fan and we appreciate his presence.
Yes Lareigna I want your chicken (using Hannibal Lecter voice)
But I just want to know how old he is.
He's 17 anonymous...
mr new york is really 12
Hey Guys (waves)
Hello Electra.
Don't worry about it Mr. New York.
Hey Squander hows iz uz tonites?LOL
Hey Squander hows iz uz tonites?LOL
U know how I am Steups dont play dumb.
I am gettig trouble to comment who day this has been happeining.
Laterz guys I am going to look at the news
go to myspace i can't say york
Why is a 17 yr old so into one person who doesn't even think about him everyday, You know what I mean. How obsessed she probably doesn't even know that he exists.
she does she left me a voice comment im on her top so anonymos get the dick you continue to walk with out yur york
The Podcast is going to be off the chain....Mr NY is a wunderkind and Lareigna is as mean as she is funny.
And the accent makes you want to buy a ring. Lareigna has swagger.
Meale's is on its way, but you know she's a Podssip prodigy
thanks york
steups and mr ny this is for you guys go to you tube and search for swang a bootytube video
anonymous wht? york
mr ny just go to youtube and search for swang a bootytube video
yeah mr new york go to youtube for that booty video so you can start jacking off on your computer
steups when will the podcast round table be up i was drunk when i did it york
blacknuts grow up get a girl and have a nice long fuck cuz yur a lil immature find any women on the street so she can make a man out of you~~~MR.NEW YORK
get a fucking life blacknuts you loser
yes york
no problem mr new york blacknuts is a asshole
I'm checking out your myspace
WOW is all I have to say
lol @jane thank york
On the real
What is it about NY that you love so much?
her personality i love a i don't give a fuck women and she turns me~~~mr.newyork
The Queen Bitch is back and ready to comment on I Love New York. Well, New York should have gotten rid of that turtle.
Guys, check out my new anthem: "Girlfriend"- Avril Lavigne.
I am glad I don't have HDTV, I may still be blind if I did.
Out of all the 20 guys who do you think is best for your NY.
(if you had to pick)
so original mr new york you like a woman like new york who have testicles between her legs
Good question, Jane.
I want to see this.
i have a feeling that tango is goin to win but i dont want him too. if chance had won sister patterson would have killed him like she said.
What is up with the podcasts? Shawn is in charge of those, does anyone have some for her?
Hey Q
you done?
I didn't have her email, so I sent mine to Steups. My bad.
What's the email Q?
Hey L,
My email addy is
Hey guys I am back but for a while. I am trying to get some shut eye but cant. LAWD I wish I were a child again. Things were so much easier then. All u had to do was go to school and worry about your grades, parents and friends, what you were wearing on your feet for school, your whole sense of style, what group u hung out with etc.
Weeew man I am glad I am grown.LOL
just so you know you really trip me out with the stuff you wrote about a door.
Hey Jane,
someone coming thru a door
Jane I got you now.
I have a hell of imgination so I had to hype it up.
LOL thank you.
Hey Electra, darling.
So you were just playin?
We had electronic difficulties and then I left the house. I will try again shortly.
Hey Steups what's up. Hi Jane, Shawn and Squander. U know its only now I realised that Squander is Quanda. I thought someone was
I sent you the file shawn.
Don't ask, but I want to call you Jane so bad.
Please don't be mad at me.
Hey E
Okay Q
I hope it works out.
It's a sound effect I got. Still learning how to work these things.
Hey Everybody, Hey BESTFRIEND (Mr. New York) How is everybody
I'm happy cause I got in 3 hours of sleep before I had to come to work to end my 3 day no sleep streak. So I'm up, what y'all up to?
Hello Gabrielle and Goodnight to All!
Gab, you're gonna burn girl.
I need like 10 hours of sleep to function.
Tango is too sexy for that weavey bytche! To talk about somebody mama on national tv, I'm sure he called her azz and chewed her out - no doubt!
10 hrs? Man I get thats like a weekly average for me. I wish I had it that good.
Damn, I am missing Gabrielle.
Anyways, bye people, so sorry I couldn't be online as I would be normally but tomorrow I'll make it up to all.
I might even write an article from a stylist who called me today to specifically discuss New York's weave and the errors involved.
No wonder people think I am gay (sigh)
Speaking's Irre doing these days
(i'll read the replies tomorrow)
looks like i'm all alone tonight. por vu
I know y'all already discussed that kiss but... is it just me or did that look real Jesus and Judas...ish?
Hi Everyone (waves) Good Morning to you. I have decided that today is my day to be super happy, I dont care what happens today I am going to ENJOY every min.of it.
good mornin lovely' york
Morning Mr. Original
hey electra hows it in trinidad
FANTASTIC!!! Well its great until the earth starts shaking then I get in a mess.
We have be having earthquakes a little too often since September last
wow i would go fuckin bonkers durn an earthquake but yur probably use to york did you do an audio
hey did anyone get an issue of king mag new yorks in york
No No NO No NO NO NO!!! Mr. NY I am not!!!! I cry and run and go CRAZY!!!
Whenever it happens at work the first person people checks on is me!!!LOL
I am such a mess. When the earth moves what can u do but call on te name of the
U know if there's a hurricane shelters are bulit to withstand dat.
I know our building is built to withstand a 7.0 on the Richter Scale and built on wheels because we are over some kind of Waterbed.
I dont knw I just cant fathom the thought of the earth moving beneath me.
Oh and Mr. Original, this only started to happen often in September. All my life the last eartquake I remember pre Sep 06 was when I was like 5
Oh they call to check on me not
OK So I am at work BUT I am doing a little Moonlighting so I have to run no time to chit chat. It was nice talking to you.
What's up everyone...I read this blog all the time, I very rarely comment(just once before a long time ago), but you guys are a great group of people and I love the different directions this blog goes in. Anyway, I had to comment on this episode, because honestly it was the first one that pissed me off. I like NY mainly because she is comfortable with who she is and makes no apologies for it, but seriously you have to give respect to get it. The way she was acting through this whole episode was awful, and the worse I had seen since FOL 1. I know we don't expect much different from her, but her attitude at the dinner with Tango's mother was just plain mean, and embarrassing. For her to kick off a dude for disrepsecting her mother and then turn around and do the same(if not worse) to someone else's? And I totally agree with Quanda when she said that her elimination choice was purely for ratings. It may explain why we got that quick shot of the production crew when her and Chance were arguing. Chemistry and connection is obvious, and I really think she had that with could see it when they were together. I really don't see that connection with her and Tango(I like Tango, but he honestly doesn't seem like the type that would be drawn to a hothead like NY)and frankly he doesn't real seem THAT into her, not enough to tell her he loved her and actually mean it. And her and Chance? They probably would have great sex and not much more beyond that. Real seemed like a blend between the two, and really into her. But obviously he was too calm and low key, and didn't talk enough shit to get a lot of camera time, so he had to go. True love is too precious to play around with like that, and it's sad that NY(and Viacom too really) doesn't truly see how rare it is. All that is being focused on is dollar signs. FYI I remember awhile ago someone asked if the contestants got paid for being on the show...yes they do, per episode. Bootz mentioned that in a radio interview. So pretty much, the longer they stay on, the more money they get, and if they win, they get an even bigger check. So that's that. Oh, and that nastiness with "Sister" Patterson and Chance?? Beyond the ick factor, how could you do that to your own child? I understand wanting the best for your kid, but that is just taking it too far, and I for one would feel incredibly hurt and betrayed.
Sorry this is so long, I just had to say my opinion out loud(ie type). I've always liked NY for being totally real and not taking shit, in FOL 1 and FOL 2, but she seems more like a cartoon character of herself in ILoveNY, fake doll eyelashes and God awful weave and all. I miss the old FOL 1 NY and she needs to make a comeback.
hey purple york
Purple Mist I feel you, especially the "True Love" bit. Truthfully, do u really think anyone really goes on television to find that?
I mean that is some personal stuff and I would not want that broadcast all over the globe. U know?
So yeah its for ratings. Everyone knows that. :)
Just things that I fantasize about............
Purple Mist..they should have had a twist where New York says I can't make a decision so all three of you are going to Mexico....
And choose one from there
steups when will the podcast go york
Steups if they did that more people would of looked at the final episode
Hey Steupz
this is for you
just your style
Hey Mr. New York, how are you doing today :-)?
Electra...I think it's a 50/50 chance that people go on reality shows to find true love, and it is a possibility. Look at that couple from the Bachelor, Trista and Ryan. Their whole relationship was on camera, and they're still together to this day. But I'd be lying if I said I don't believe 90% of the people on reality TV are there because they are "aspiring actors" and all that. Which makes me wonder, what happened to the days when aspiring actors went to school to hone their craft, and busted their asses going from audition to audition to find a part that requires actual skills? I miss seeing people reaching their goals because they actually worked hard and paid dues.
Steups...that definitely would've been interesting if they did it that way. It would be refreshing to change up the spinoff format a bit :-)
hey guys.... something i found on the internet which i thought was quite funny...just a statement about new york and the horse whisperer, chance.
So, New York is afraid of horse and horsey contact therein? Damn. Ain’t that about some self-hatred? This comes from a bitch who is part horse (see: her moms), wears horse (see: her hair), fucks with 2 Stallionaires at once, and gave Flavor Flav the horsey ride more on multiple occasions.
Good thing Tiffy wants Chance, The Horse Whisperer, to be her boyfriend. He can help her pick out the right weave by talking to each package individually and asking it to behave. He might need a little direction though. We’ve gotta help dude harness his talent. Right now he wonders why he hears all them voices every time he goes to the Korean store for his foundation.
Purple Mist u are very passionate about this whole thing....No?
I knw exactly what u mean.
new york is lookin for love but she also is doin it for the ratings york
LOL @ Clipperschic
Kudos to Clipperschic for thinking the same thing I was.
clipperschic yur a hater get a fuckin york
Mr. New York...I don't think the two really go hand in hand, you know? I know those VH1 checks are nothing to play around with and you have to play the game in order to get paid, but I'd rather keep pulling in my same salary knowing that I have someone in my life I truly love and connect with and who I know for a fact loves me back. That's more valuable and rare than any amount of money.
Electra...I'm not sure I'm passionate, as much as reminiscent of back in the day. I miss real sitcoms and movies that made you laugh and think. I miss reading about actors and actresses who really worked hard to get to the point that they're at. But if you're going to be on a reality show, don't lose yourself and become a puppet. I don't think NY really intended to go this route when she got on FOL and she was just being herself, which is what I admired about her. But while I do enjoy ILNY, last night showed that she is becoming one of those that following the hype and putting her own feelings aside for the sake of ratings. Above all, I am a passionate person in general who believes in the power of love, all types of love, and a gift like that shouldn't be messed around with. Just my $0.02.
Waye Sah!!! Purple Mist, are u female or male? If u are male u are very sensitive. I too believe in true love, its very rare. So few find it and others just have to settle, u know what I mean? :(
I am a Nick @ Nite fan so u know where I am coming from with the sitcoms. Plus I enjoy LMN so u know where I coming from with the movies
Have u ever seen a Nigerian movie? Most of them are fantastic. Plus I really enjoy Tyler Perry's movies and plays.
Electra...I'm a 25 year old female...Purple Mist is the nickname for my artist's persona, I always forget how androgynous it sounds lol! True love definitely is tough to find, and sometimes hard to recognize and easy to forget during the rough times, and hard to understand when it needs to be fought for. I've always been a bit of an idealist, I guess...don't see much of a point in being cynical all the time, you know? Not just when it comes to love, just life in general. Just because life can be hard doesn't mean you can't do your best to enjoy it and see the brighter side of things. Life is a precious gift and we need to appreciate it and be grateful for the blessings we have. :-).
I am an avid fan of both LMN and Nick at Nite. Most of the shows bring me back to simpler times, before full time jobs and paying bills. I've never seen a Nigerian movie, but I've seen most of Tyler Perry's movies(and plays), and I've cried at nearly all of them. I think he's showing that movies made by black directors that don't involve shooting, gangs, or gratuitous booty-shaking and sex are making a comeback, lol!
Yes purple mist I feel you. You know just by u saying what u just said u have cleared up something in me that I have been wresteling with for sometime. Thank you very much.
Oh and I do hope u stick around because you are the first person here (besides my 2 Trini pals) that I can really realte to. :)
I have to run now. Someone is waiting for me downstairs. Until we type again,LOL
LOL Glad I could be of help, Electra, in some way. And I'll stick around and comment more often, I might as well since I read all the time, right?