The Elimination Ceremony
Earlier, New York mulled over the strengths of the three contestants:
Real - "is a passionate man; an honest man. He's ready for love"
Chance - "makes me laugh just like Flav used to"
Tango - "he says he loves me"
The choice was clearly between the Stallionaire Brothers.
So there she was, beautiful in burgundy and sporting her best weave yet; she wasted no time in getting to it...
"My first chain...this chain is going to a man who just fits me like a glove"
That man was Chance, and she told him,"you're getting this chain because I can see us together; we've already been through ups and downs"Chance accepts, but removes the chain saying "you know, I gotta tell you something. I can't do this..."
New York is taken aback
(who does Chance think he is? Payshintz?)
Chance turns to Sister Patterson, seated comfortably in an uncomfortably fitting purple dress and asks, "you got what you say you have for me?'
"You got what you say you have for me?"
"Do you trust me?" says Sister Patterson
"You got what you say you have for me?" (for the third time)
New York is livid and storms outside, shouting "I am the HBIC around this motha, I run this shit"
(do people actually say that? That was so fake)
"I got feelings too", she laments.
Chance chases after her. He's not alone; a crew-member of the production staff grabs at New York's arm (wtf? was his problem)
Chance explains his intent to New York; "your momma offered me something I definitely can't refuse. She offered me ten grand, I was gonna take her money and keep my chain."
Unbelievably New York is convinced, and back in the mansion she says to him, "come here" and Chance receives his chain.
"I was never gonna leave, New York", he reiterates.
"Don't play his game Tiffany", Sister Patterson chimes in.
New York kisses the son-of-a-bitch
(what? His brother said it, too)
...and searches for words to explain her dumb-ass decision...."I have so much invested in this; my life is invested in this"
(***this space is reserved for Quanda to state why that comment is so obviously foolish and contradicts her decision to dump Real***)
( Bottom line New York is not in this to find love. And maybe the producers believe Chance's unpredictable behavior would make for higher ratings. Hence my life is invested in this ...the higher the ratings ...the better chance for another show. Makes perfect logic to me ...I would've given one chain to Real.)
Tango's response to this? "It's been a common thread since the beginning of time. Females like the biggest assholes. I don't understand that"
Tiffany turns to mom and says, "he was never gonna leave me"
"He took the chain off", responds Sister P.
The back and forth continues but they soon return to the most important decision of the night; Tango or Real. She chose Tango!Real is disappointed and New York tells the audience "Real might be too sensitive"
She asks Real to step forward and spouts this crap..."You're a wonderful man. You're the realest man I ever met and I love you. I love you so much"
(if a woman ever told me that after she dumped me I'd punch her in the solar-plexus. For real -pardon the pun)
The brothers say goodbye and Real, the class act he is, says to Chance, 'it's your time to shine"
They hug and the regret seems genuine, but Tango brings sanity to the surreality when he says, "what the hell is wrong with you (two)? You live in the same freaking house; you'll see each other in a few days"
Outside, Real summarizes his disappointment but it becomes too much for him and he breaks-down in tears.
(Perhaps the best post-elimination cry since Cherry on Flavor of Love 1)
In the mansion, New York announces that they're off to Mexico.
Tango's closing words are "she can't end up with this dude; it can't happen"
Whilst Chance's final words are "I'm gonna show that fucker how the Stallionaires get down"
My final words? 'I am so happy I finished this damn recap'
Episode 10 looks a blast though, fights, spat, quarrels and great quotes, particularly Tango's description of Chance as "the anorexic 50Cent"
( HaHaHa.....maybe Tango can get a Proactiv commercial gig.)
Thanks to : Meale for the quotes
I Love New York Episode 9 recap Pt2
| I I Love New York Episode 10, I I Love New York Episode 9, Recaps | 8 comments »
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that was a good recap steups oh yeah and fuck that fatboybuckyblends for dissing your blogger
i'm outy LOL
Great recap Steups and you're quite welcome.:)
Nice recap steups and i appreciate the inputs Quanda....I have to say my one issue with last night episode was New Yorks attitude to Tango's Mom she would not want anyone talking about her mom like that so why should she.
And that kiss from sis pattersonto Chance was classic...betrayed.
I think my computer is diong something stupid. The comment boxes are confusing me.
OMG, Real cried after getting dropped by NY? It is okay for men to cry in my book, but over NY's ugly, crazy a$$? Chance will win for ratings sake. Who wants to watch a show where a somewhat normal Tango goes out with a nutty new York. I want more coon tv! New York may end up catching a beatdown from chance, but she stuck by the dude.
I actually miss try too hard Whiteboy.
The Crying Stallionaires are straight bytches!!!!
LMAO when tango said said "Boo F**king Hoo!"
Real can barely talk with those new choppers lookin like he got an IQ of 10 and Chance forgot his case of ADD meds back at the crib. We had a guy at my job just like Chance and we got rid of his hyperactive crazy azz!!!
WHo wants to watch the legacy of Black America set back 100 years by a sequel of Chance and the NY coon show! These ghetto shows are getting tired. I'm sick of NY.
If the normal Delishus (well her azz is bionic-ly not normal) can win FOL 2, why not Tango. It's a dayum shame women can fall for a unpredictably violent jackazz like Chance, but bypass a cool bro with a college degree, intelligence and some friggin manners like Tango! Tang can really calm NY down and after the show last night, I'm sure he's has the urge to knck the f**k out of NY for talkin about his moms. He's not no buster. Why act ingant in front of the camera? He's reppin for the decent bros.