I've been reacquainting myself with the Charm School contestants. I won't lie; I never bothered with them after the show ended (save for Buckwild, Nibblz, Nibblz, Deelishis and Somethin)
That's just the way it goes, I guess. I used them for internet traffic and moved on to another show.
It'd serve me right if they ignore me when I harass them for Charm School stories. Hopefully they're bigger than that...
Anyways, I was hanging out at Bootz' My Space and I saw her calendar with the name Larissa Aurora. I always thought her surname was Hodge?
Not that interesting I know, but clicking on the picture will take you to her interview with Platform-Launch-Action....

That was a good interview, no?
Again? I'm so on tonight
You're in bed with me as I type; of course you're gonna be first, lol.
Why are you telling everyone? I wanted them to think I was doing it on my own :-(
lmao...they aren't dumb
I know babe - but you could have let me enjoy my ill-gotten gains...
Now stop typing these posts and come over here and give me some attention. I'm starting to get jealous ...
bootz isvery pretty~~~mr.new york
Goodness Mr. New York - Talk about buzz-kill. You are so ruining the mood up in here...
Like that pesky little brother all up in your business
Ahhh ... but we love you anyway
Nick: Bedtime please
like the attention Ray J gave Kim Kardashian?
Exactly like that - but with cuddles afterwards
ummmm dana whtz thats suppose to mean~~~mr.new york
It means (in the nicest way possible with sugar on the top) - 'Please go away. I am trying to be with Nick - ALONE'
oooooooo ok cyber sex i'll come back when ya'll are done~~~mr.new york
hug and a trini feel-up
Is that all? Or is that after?
so im geussing you guys are done lol lmao~~~mr.new york
umm she sound and look stupid dumb ho i DO NOT like this guy I mean girl
I can't stand Bootz. I really wanted New York to kick her A**. The only time she ever talked stuff to New York, is when she had other girls around her. She would never step to New York one on one.
this interview is old, but w/e bootz looks good no matter what ya'll haters say... oh and for the record NY cannot beat anybody's ass, except maybe Pumpkin & Krazy...haha id love 2 see NY lay a finger on Bootz, that would be the joke of the year, ya'll say NY is tough but u must not be very tough when u got some g'z ready 2 fight and u sit ur flat ass down, so thats jus that, NY is a punk ass ugly ass ho
bootz a.k.a larissa is the best she is real and knows how to call out they fake ones i belive she knows how to fight and she is model type well larissa this is from your fan jocelyne and i love this pic thanks and i want to make a comment becky a.k.a buckwild ur the best
JOCELYNE you must be pretty stupid if you think that larissa is the best. How can she call out someone who is fake because fake is all she is.