I messed up on the Recap of I Love New York Episode 9.
I all but said Payshintz set the precedent of 'receiving a clock/chain and giving it back'...but 'twas actually Buckwild.
Becky Buckwild is the only, THE ONLY contestant to have received a chain/clock and returned it. Apologies to Becky (wink)
Seems a bit of a waste to create an entire article for an error so why not look at pictures.
If I remember correctly these are from the All-Star break, but don't hold me to that.

First? Wow
hmmm...very interesting
i can't wait for this show~~~mr.new york
Hey MNY.
Can you get in myspace for me.
I need to borrow something from you.
ok~~~mr.new york
shawn where are you?~~~mr.new york
I'm here.
I'm everywhere...how do you like the drinks?
I liek Saphyrri, even though she is the girl Chance
I see most of the ladies spent their FOL cash at BOOBS 'R' US.
vh1 milking the hello out of the Negro cash cow
Saaphryi is really working her 5 minutes of fame. Saaphryi was only on the show for 5 minutes, before she was booted off for fighting. Do anyone know why Saaphryi wanted to fight New York at the Flavor of love2 reunion show? because, I do not think the two of them ever met on the show,since Saaphryi was booted off in the first episode, and New York did not show up until much later.