Hoopz married?
Say it isn't so, yet, the way the lives of these characters have devolved I'd wager there is some truth to the rumor posted at All Hip-Hop.
Their story
...we don't know a lot about Hoopz, other than she is the new hottie on the block, she likes T.I. and dissed Flavor Flav. But, slowly and surely, information is coming out about the "Flavor of Love" star. According to sources out of Hoopz' hometown of Detroit, she is already married to a dude from the Southwest side of town and he's a ballplayer that plays overseas. In case you didn't know, hoopers from the United States that didn't quite make it to the NBA generally find a great source of income playing overseas. Apparently, this man was cool with the whole "Flavor of Love" thing so Hoopz could jumpstart her model career. I don't know what man would be cool with his girlie kissing and carrying-on with Flavor Flav like that. That's that real love that Mary (Mary J. Blige) was talking about, that love I know nothing about. She'd still be at home in Detroit if she was my girl! (This is why I'm single, ya think?)
Nahhhh, I don't believe it; but I thought you should know about it if you have not yet heard of the rumor.
Elsewhere my great friend Anonymous 2 alerted me to audition video for Flavor of Love Season 2 posted at I-Film. She really does help me a lot because I had absolutely nothing to write about until she threw that in my lap.
I had already made up my mind to spend all weekend staring at this picture of Glittery Girl...

Lord have mercy, that girl is just too beautiful.
Anyway (I say that a lot don't I?) here are the embed videos of the auditions.
Thanks again Anonymous 2, but why won't you state your name?
I won't stalk you or anything. It's not like I am the kind of person who sees a picture of someone on the Internet then obsesses over them and posts their picture.
That would be someone to be afraid of...but not me, your friendly neighborhood blogger.
Who is that girl steups?
She's a girl Steups saw in a forum and fell in love with.
She is gorgeous in my opinion. If only she had a better cam
are you sure that girl isnt hoops
The pretty girl looks a lot like Hoops
yeah at first i was down with hoopz but now she bogus ass hell 2 do flav like dat and she proably is married she just wanted 2 be known because she wants some attention and if she like T.I. he proably just goin hit and leave cause i would cause she a golddigger and b lying
i don't like hoopz okay she pretty and everything but flav was better goin with new york crazy ass
Dayum. Girl looks tight but I'd be scared to have a girl that pretty. How long would it take before a girl that pretty leaves yo ass for someone making 6 figures
Who is that girl steupz?
Does she have a site or anything like that?
Do you know who she looks like, Kenya Moore.
Remember her the girl was fine.
I understand how you could fall for the pic because I saw it and I said who the fig tree is that
Kenya Moore?
Not so sure about that
Aye Flav wussup? I come to your blog damn near everyday.. ur a tripp.. well today I'm at work and bored as hell so I wanted to see some pics of hoopz.. I tried to click on the links to the right but it said the page wasnt found.. can u hook a sista up wit some eye candy.. Hoopz is making my world turn right now.. hahaha.. keep it up.. much love!! and good luck wit the auditions for season 2.. Pick the thick ones!!!
I've checked this blog every day and never posted a comment, so here it goes:
That girl DOES look a whole lot like Hoopz. I wonder if Flav would hook up with a Hoopz-look-a-like to try and find someone either as pretty or twice as pretty as her.....doubt it though.
ha man I know that damn girl lol. This is too crazy. She looks alot better in person believe in or not. she aint that light,ha...She is so pretty i swear to god she is. You aint as lucky as me I actully get to see her in person. ha ha...
Sorry Samoya, the links are fixed now. I moved almost all the pictures away from this blog to another site because readers wanted all of them in a single thread.
However it's a lot of pictures so if you are on dial-up have patience, or keep rope and a high-chair nearby.
Ice Diamond, I like my boy Flava Flav but I will sleep with Kelly Clarkson before he ever gets a woman like that. Personality can only take you so far.
Whom have I forgot?
Oh yes, Marco. You know her uh?
If she looks a lot better than that in person someone needs to build her a Church so we can all worship. She cannot look better than that.
This Glitterygirl.
i just stop by to see whats up with the news? I see my picture :)(i could have given u a better one) Oh im goin to be famous lol j/k. Setupz is so sweet. Thanks yall above^^^ and Marco. I didnt know u be on the internet. I bet they will put me on flavor of love 2 just for the reason i look like Hoopz, but I'm not even goin to try to audition for the show. To answer some questions that people asked no i aint Hoopz, i dont have a website not a real one anyways, and im 17 years old another reason i can't be on the show. Keep up the good researching Setups! Do u get paid for this??
Heh. I cannot believe you are 17!
I cannot dog a 17yr old like that, so no more pictures.
meant to say 18, dont u have to be 21 to be on the show?
i thought it was setups. my bad steups.
i used to like Hoopz bcus i thot he was real and all. but now, after seeing all these slutty ass pics of her, i realize she is nothing but a fake. anyways, that black girl of the first audition tape seems fake as hell. she trying too hard.