Yesterday your friendly neighborhood blogger fell in Internet love for the first time after I crash landed on the Sister 2 Sister fora.
You see what had happened was...hahahaha. I can't tell you how I love saying that.

You see what had happened was I saw this girl's picture on a forum over there and I said wtf? I never knew women still looked like that.dorothy_dandridgejpg
Until then I thought I had to watch Turner Classic Movies or Cinemax's Hotel Erotica Cabo to see such a classic beauty.
Which reminds me; when they get this cloning thing all sorted I want a Deborah Kerr, a Kim Novak and a Dorothy Dandridge.

Anyway, I think she was slightly embarrassed by the unsolicited attention so we'll leave her alone before she takes out a restraining order or something.
Go read her comment on yesterdays blog...but come back okay?

You're back? Good.
Let's gossip.
Hoopz and TI is apparently no joke because they forced tiny to respond on public radio which is surely not a pleasant thing for her (Tiny).
But it's all good for me because that means more interest in Hoopz which means more traffic for me and we all know I love the attention.
TI and Hoopz
I am sorry Tiny, I really feel for you but just like Jennifer Anniston you have to realize that most men don't have time to complicate love with unnecessary ingredients like honesty, fidelity and caring. It's all about the physical attraction and I am afraid Hoopz has the edge on you. Don't believe me? Look below...
hoopz beach bikini
hoopz beach bikini picture

How in the hell is Tiny supposed to compete with that?
Oh you're speechless. Just wait 'til I post the pictures of that girl I talked about then you won't be able to talk for weeks.


  1. Anonymous // 21/4/06 1:19 AM  

    Steupz you should put a click to enlarge note because I only just realised I could expand the pictures

  2. FOL // 21/4/06 1:20 AM  

    Dude, you really shouldn't admit that, it doesn't do much for your reputation.

  3. Anonymous // 21/4/06 1:35 AM  

    Steups she is a goddess but girlfriend needs to invest in a camera and get a portfolio.
    I think she could get some modelling work if she did that.

  4. Anonymous // 21/4/06 2:35 AM  

    You guys are do realize that Glittery Girl looks an awful lot like Hoopz...right?

    Anyway, I give mad props to Tiny for not getting it twisted....she knows it's all T.I. and is holding the little trifling tooth-pick accountable.

    Meanwhile, here's a little entertainment from VH1's forthcoming Flavor of love 2:

    Fans of Flavor of Love can watch audition tapes and videos here and help choose which girls make it onto the show. The three they have posted are hilarious….also they seem a bit older.


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