I thought that title was quite witty if I do say so myself.
But is it true or not true, that is the question.
I don't know actually, it is based on a post by a member at Sister 2 Sister magazine forum who writes...
"I was out and about in ATL last night at the Miami Heat party and TI exited the building with Hoopz in Hand. Keep in mind, Tiny from X-scape just walked in the building spotted the two and TI just walked out the back door with Hoopz. Then Tiny was pissed and left too. I guess they aren't together b/c boy if looks could kill, I think Hoopz would have been dead by Tiny's eye. The whole back patio at Atlantic Station was all up in the business. Including myself. By the way Hoopz is prettier and smaller in person than on TV."
TI -a hip-hop star if you didn't know- broke up with Tiny (remember her? because I don't) from Xscape recently so it's theoretically possible, if that makes sense to you. That's her and him below.

All I can say is their child must have a unique nose.
Anyway, as I said I got the scoop from a Sister2Sister Magazine forum and there are great fora on that site. In fact I never knew there was a 'Sister 2 Sister magazine' until I checked my site statistics yesterday and saw quite a few referrals from there. I urge you to return the favour by clicking on the link to read more of TI and Hoopz and while you are there check out the picture of one of their members named Glittery Girl.
That girl is seriously beautiful; seriously. In fact her picture should be posted here but I'll ask her permission first...
Remember Glittery Girl is the name and being beautiful is her game.
Bye...I am off to join Sister 2 Sister.
Oh hell yes. When you join ask her to audition for Season 2.
On second thought she is way too classy for that.
Jerk -I feel uncomfortable calling you that- that s agreat second thought.
Glittery looks like she has more class than a University.
Pity about her camera though, it makes all her photos look like they were shot when I dream of Jeanie was popular.
Photos you say?
Yes indeed, I followed her blackplanet link thingy.
I am just gonna say it right here for the world to know "I am in love".
Damn girl has better teeth than Sam Champion and that's saying plenty.
LMAO at better teeth than Sam Champion.
Glittery looks like a cross between Sade Baderinwa and Jada Pinkett.
I am in love with her second
By the way, any pics of Sade Baderinwa?
I'll ask her tonight when I see her anonymous, heh.
Glittery's black planey thingy says 5' 2" but she looks bigger than that
Steups is that really the member or someone using a picture, because that girl is super model material
hello there!guess who this is?? yeah me anonymous. anyway im flattered by the comments, thank you! never though ill be on blast like this lol. i dont know what made me come to this website. one of the members posted it on sister2sister to show this guy pictures of hoopz. i cick on it and scroll though it and saw my name i though u was goin to say i look like hoopz,like alot of people think on sister2sister. i was too suprise that i had a whole section dedicated to me. awww thank you very much for the love and i would like to thank everybody else too for lookin at my little picture and showing love. but come on people hoopz goin out with t.i. now i think yall should be commenting about that. : ) bye bye. are u joining cause of me? lol. well welcome to sister2sister board when u join. its kinda crazy over there.
oh and by the way imma get u on these little comments "Pity about her camera though, it makes all her photos look like they were shot when I dream of Jeanie " and about my teeth lmao.
Oh hell yes.
Great find steupz and you have proved what I say all along there are beautiful women all over our country and we don't have to worship skanks like Hoopz.
Although I admit I have takn her picture to the toilet once or twice.
Lol, I am in between girlfriends at the moment.
I want to speak on steupz behalf and say thank you for commenting but you never did give him permission to post your picture.
And I know you are feeling embarrassed right now but don't be. From what I can tell this site is wriiten by an intelligent guy and read by intelligent people.
And I do see the resemblance to Hoopz but that's like comparing soda to champagne.
Posted about an hour ago in a thread on illegals so it's hella coincidental that you posted on ym behalf.
You can go now, i am not trying to have the INS investigate me for allowing aliens to post on this here blog.
Now for the main event...
Was that really you Glittery girl?
Aw shucks, I'm blushing and shit.
I feel you though, you are probably embarrassed by the attention orrrrrrrr, you probably sat there saying "it's about time someone recognised all this beautifulness"
I still want to post that picture though but we can talk about it after we marry. I am in no hurry.
Ooooo steups...Smiley is NOT going to like that! LOL. Since your posting pics...how about one of you? Hmmm?
I think I'll do just that, but not until my six pack comes out of the fridge where it's been hiding forever and stays on my stomach where it belongs. Until then, why don't you send me an email at steupz at gmail dot com and I'll send one for your private viewing pleasure.
hey this is glitterygirl again.
u didnt think i was ever goin to come by this site, huh? yes u may post my pic up if u want to. i have no problem with that. i just dont want any negative comments.lol. i feel bad that i dont have more pics but i can work on that. i will have to say thank you again for ur interest. i feel very special and honored. lol. and when is the wedding, cause i can see myself marrying someone as sweet as u ; )
Everybody had 50 heartattacks when people called Hoopz a hoe for her slutty photos all over the net. Is it ok to call her a hoe now that shes hoeing it up with someones man? hoe hoe hoe hoe hoe
(Is it ok to call her a hoe now that shes hoeing it up with someones man? hoe hoe hoe hoe hoe
No. Stop excusing the man's action and blaming the woman.
She is a Hoe, hoe hoe hoe. He is too. Glittery girl lookin like hoopz, prettier verison of her thou. She's toooo cute!
Hoopz is a hoe and he is a man hoe but Glittery Girl...just wow.
Who do I have to kill to get a girl like that.