
So, no Lala hosting...and in her place we had Ricky Rachtman, former host of Headbanger's Ball -an MTV show your mother used to watch.
Surprisingly he was alright, albeit groupie-ish.

Viewers would have been immediately surprised by Heather's hair which is now platinum; and Bret's hair which seemed to be not his; but I am no hair-expert. But these shows need to build excitement so first on stage -at least for tv it was- were Kristia and Brandi C.
Dressed in almost matching corset-type wedding-type dresses they didn't take long to remind us why they were nobody's favorites. Asked if their friendship continued away from the cameras, we learn they are room-mates and sleep together; although not in the way everyone hoped.
There was conversation about a road-trip, their car troubles on the Utah-Wyoming border and their not being able to use a camera to film themselves.
Nothing exciting there...

Rodeo and her annoyingly emotional self was next; and between clips of her on the show and plugging her brand of barbecue sauce, she asks Bret for a second chance.
Her actual words were, "I fell for you on the show. If it doesn't work out, I want you to give me a second chance, if you're able to." (is it me, or do people have no shame on reality television?)

From one emotional wreck to another and it was Sam's turn to address Bret. Sam wore red (could have been pink because my television isn't the best with colors) and left the audience red-faced after she confirmed Bret had a threesome(s) and was sleeping with Lacey.
I didn't notice it, but one commenter (read the 20th comment) believes heated words were exchanged but edited out of the Reunion Show. I guess we'll have to buy the DVD.
What wasn't edited out was Bret describing their parting..."it was a great sort of fuck-you-goodbye kiss."
But, as most men do when they meet an ex (she's sorta an ex I think) he went overboard..."in a different world things might have been different for us, (but) that -the show- wasn't the place"

No offence to Sam, but she is the type of girl that inspired the Verve Pipe's song 'The Freshmen'. Luckily we didn't have to wait long for the star of the Rock of Love, Lacey, to appear.

Now, I love Lacey, but she tries too hard to be a villain when it comes so naturally. She wore a black dress, naturally; and immediately got into calling these hypocrites out.
Confronted about her sexual escapades on the show she was quick to reply, "at least I am not out there doing porn." (like Brandi C and Brandi M)
She admits to having sex with Bret; but reminds us she's a 31yr old. (and looking damn good for 31)
When asked if she may have spent too much time discussing the other women when she was with Bret, she replied, "trust me, when he was with me, those girls were the last thing on his mind"

At this point the show turned into the Lacey Show. Mia attacked her for streaking and shoving her vagina in her face; Brandi says she didn't want Bret because he had sex with Lacey, and the host got all upset and stan-ish because Lacey said Bret 'did' the show to pump his career.

But before all that we had Dallas and Lacey side by side on the couch. Dallas tried to get all logical and shit; pointing to the hypocrisy of her being with Bret, a serial leather wearer, whilst being a PETA advocate.
But Lacey brushed it off, as she should, and apologised to Dallas.
She also presented Dallas with a t-shirt with the words 'Dallas loves Michael Vick' on it; and suggested Dallas and Vick should hook up. To which Dallas replied "I don't date black men..." (I swear God made me erase what I wrote here)

Oh, I forgot to mention, Lacey and her band, 'Nocturne', performed a song titled 'Shallow'. (hopefully I'll forget it again at the end of this recap)

Heather came next and patched things with Lacey before stating she has had additional tattoos and asked Ricky to reveal her latest. It turned out to be the word 'SUCKS' under the infamous 'BRET' tattoo but she later confessed it was a fake.
At this point Bret returned to the stage -he'd gone away earlier- and hugged a teary-eyed Heather. There was interplay between the two until it became rather serious when Heather said "he hurt me" (awwwwwwwwww) before she returned to her seat in the audience.

So, the stage was set for Jes to answer the question we all want to know, 'are they together or not?'
Jes, described the situation as a "complete mind-fuck" before questioning Bret's sincerity because he had John escort her to her room at the hotel after the final elimination at the mansion. Bret, who seemed taken aback, offered a feeble explanation that he was merely adhering to the terms of his contract, but Jes had other things on her mind.

Sensing weakness on his part, she went for the kill, "if it was real for you, I think you made the wrong decision", she said. She explains Heather was the 'one' for Bret and not her. A sad-looking Bret could only agree as Jes left the stage to hug Heather and offer one last ego-maniacal quote, "I don't give a fuck what America thinks of me right now, it is the truth."

The truth, Jes; is that you are a sad bitch.

Pictures courtesy the VH-1 blog. Go read their interview with Jes


  1. FOL // 7/10/07 9:19 PM  

    I have removed moderation; please don't make it a bad decision.
    Anons, flirting is okay but let's not go overboard with the sexual descriptions.

    Fatass, please be subtle with your insults of the writers.
    Brina, I like you for some reason. Please don't be crass and rude to Quanda and Licious.

    Everyone as nice as possible please.
    Thank you in anticipation.

  2. Anonymous // 7/10/07 9:21 PM  

    what good steups

  3. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 7/10/07 9:22 PM  

    Jes wanted to win, she didn't want that man. Bret screwed up and seemed hurt. Oh well, payback is a bitch, and so is he.

  4. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 7/10/07 9:25 PM  

    Forgot to add:

    1. Heather looked so much better. She improve 300%.

    2. Lacey is the devil, that T-shirt wouldn't have been handed to anyone else but the lone black girl on the show (Raven doesn't count)

    3. What the hell is wrong with Dallas saying she doesn't date Black men for all America to hear, after Tiffany called her a n*gger and Lacey picked on her because she was the "outsider" on the show. She needs to take an honest inventory of herself.

    4. Nocturne. Um. Where to start?

  5. FOL // 7/10/07 9:26 PM  

    I'm ok, anon...Jes is such a disgusting fool

  6. Anonymous // 7/10/07 9:28 PM  

    and by the way steups Fatass is a Troublemaker you should have heard the Racist comment? she said about Gabrielle that made me mad

  7. Webmaster // 7/10/07 9:28 PM  

    Jes looked effin sexyyy in that Chii clothing. her boyfriend is one lucky dude

  8. FOL // 7/10/07 9:29 PM  

    I know Fatass is a troublemaker; but how much? You'll have to tell me.

    I hate her Aurelius; she reminds me of babykin

  9. Anonymous // 7/10/07 9:30 PM  

    LOL Season 2 real soon

  10. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 7/10/07 9:30 PM  

    I agree, Jes is cute. I could do without the staccato speech pattern and insecure stiff shoulder hunch. Her shoulders looked normal this evening though.

  11. Webmaster // 7/10/07 9:32 PM  

    yea baby Heather looked so much younger and Dallas looked a lot better too.

    haha steups, you upset about the break-up? Cause I know the real you wouldn't hate something so fine lol

  12. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 7/10/07 9:32 PM  

    Do you think lots of folks would watch Rock of Love 2? I think this reunion ended with a predictable thud, which might not bode well for the next season.

    I would probably watch, truth be told...Dammit. I can't get enough of these shows, even when they are bad.

    I draw the line at America's Most Smartest Model. This is painful.

  13. Anonymous // 7/10/07 9:35 PM  

    baby no

  14. FOL // 7/10/07 9:36 PM  

    Yes Aurelius; I hate when women do shit like that. The reality is she is an uppity dumbass.

    What's with the "I don't give a fuck what America thinks..."

    Like, who are you?

  15. lareigna // 7/10/07 9:39 PM  

    I don't think she should have played the " I changed my mind game" with Bret. But let's be honest- who didn't see that coming?

  16. lareigna // 7/10/07 9:40 PM  

    I thought you liked Jes, Steups.

  17. Anonymous // 7/10/07 9:41 PM  

    Did Heather tell Bret to go pound sand? Please tell me she did. I have no TV!

  18. Anonymous // 7/10/07 9:43 PM  

    i Told you easily lead sheep that Bret and Jess WERENT together like what, weeks ago?!?! haha. Pretty interesting she is wearing a Chii Clothing Tshirt(aka boyfriend or ex boyfriends clothing line).Promoting MUCH?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!? hahahahaha. Be sure to get your autographed Chii t shirts at all her club bookings she has lined up now.
    Its TELEVISION, Folks.

  19. Anonymous // 7/10/07 9:44 PM  

    how could she even want him? she is young and beautiful...he is an old creepy man with too much facial surgery.

    sad to say but he shouldnt have screwed heather over...i think she was genuine.

  20. Anonymous // 7/10/07 9:46 PM  

    Okay, I just got done watching the muchly anticipated Reunion Show, and along the lines with the Finale, it was very disappointing and cheesy to say the least. I sure hope some VH1 execs or ROL crew members are reading this. About 30 minutes into the Reunion special, I just realized that VH1 pretty much raped me by coaxing me into watching this "reality" show (ROL and reality, there's an oxymoron for you). I mean this show was sooo horrible that they even edited the frickin' REUNION show (I mean did you see the crappy job the camera people did during Sam's interview...I am no TV specialist, but you can tell they edited some parts out and just the expression on Sam's face said it all that she was disgusted with Bret and some heated word must've been exchanged, but we will never find out what. This Reunion show was basically one big promotion for several people's products, form Rodeo to Bret to Lacey to Jess (hey, at least Lacey admitted to it). And speaking of Bret, Ricki Rachman (the host) lied to us and tried to make it look like Bret didn't need the show, even though we all know that before this show he was a washed up singer in a band (of which I love, Poison), who hasn't really had a big hit since in maybe 15 years now. The whole show was tacky...even the ending....there really was no closure...They didn't even address the fact that we all knew Jes left Bret for Quade! I feel robbed...honestly, even though Poison is one of my favorite 80s bands, had I known then that it was a scripted, fake show, I probably would have passed on this show...I would rather watch a marathon of Full House b/c at least you know what you're getting and it's not pretending to be what it's not, kinda what ROL did. The entire REUNION was a let-down. Everything we predicted a week ago, from Jes' promotional clothing of her boyfriend's clothing line to the 2 barbie twins living together, to Lacey going to promote her music/band, to Bret going to promote his music with it being played in between commercial breaks...the whole thing was a let down. What a waste of time...Definately, no ROL 2 for way Jose. i'd rather clean every toilet in Grand Central Station (Weird Al reference) with my tongue than sit through scripted garbage, no matter how entertaining it is.

  21. FOL // 7/10/07 9:46 PM  

    I like her face and body but I don't like any woman who tries to be cute; as she did on that show...

    Dang, at her wanting to be escorted to her room

  22. Anonymous // 7/10/07 9:48 PM  

    If heather gets back with Bret I will be pissed! Is it me or does Jes look like a boy? Something kind of creepy about Bret picking a chic that looks like a dude. At least Flav picks womanly looking women!

  23. lareigna // 7/10/07 9:48 PM  

    I'm curious. How did she try to be cute? I just want to see your point of view. And I'm bored.

  24. FOL // 7/10/07 9:48 PM  

    dang anon...fabulous comment that was

  25. lareigna // 7/10/07 9:51 PM  

    Anon @ 9:48. What is your definition of a womanly looking woman? I hope you mean the women that Flavor of Love chose in the end, not the women he chose to be in the house with him.
    :: cough::

  26. FOL // 7/10/07 9:51 PM  

    she tried to play it off as her being enlightened and wise to the 'connection' Bret and Heather had...have.

    And then she made this tactless reference to Bret's age wehn she spoke about he and Heather speaking and saying things she can never get.

    Just tacky and insincere

  27. Webmaster // 7/10/07 9:51 PM  

    anon what are you on lol, Flav was in love with NY who everyone thinks is a man and deelishis who looked a little manly

    wassup Licious

  28. FOL // 7/10/07 9:52 PM  

    Jes is kinda waif-ish looking at times.
    At times

  29. lareigna // 7/10/07 9:52 PM  

    Clit-piercing infections suck. Try an Epsom salt bath.

  30. Anonymous // 7/10/07 9:52 PM  

    thanks steups sexy legs licious

  31. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 7/10/07 9:53 PM  

    "not the women he chose to be in the house with him ::cough::"

    Lareigna! LOL! I wonder what the FOL3 batch will be like? Perhaps a midget?

  32. lareigna // 7/10/07 9:53 PM  

    Just make sure the fries aren't hot.

  33. Anonymous // 7/10/07 9:54 PM  

    Bret is dumb clearly him and Heather had the most fun together and Jess is a boring flat-chested bitch why the hell he choose her in the first place. If Bret and Heather don't get together then vh1 should make a "I Love Heather"

  34. lareigna // 7/10/07 9:55 PM  

    I think the FOL 3 batch will not dissapoint us. I am sure it is filled to the brim with classy, well-educated, well-spoken, beautiful women.
    :: cough cough::

  35. FOL // 7/10/07 9:56 PM  

    yeah Anon, let's hate on her. No woman should embarrass a man and remain unscathed.

    She messed with the Union.

  36. Anonymous // 7/10/07 9:56 PM  

    I was pretty disappointed overall with the ending. I really got so sucked in to this show because I too was a Poison fan. I thought it would a lot more interesting than watching Flava flav. I found a number of Youtube tape of Jes being interviewed after the fact, and it was so clear what she was there for and it wasn't for him. I just wonder why I keep getting so sucked in to these crappy shows. Shows that completely make women look like stupid, vindictive, slutty, money grubbing, whores. I mean after seeing Lacey in the reunion and seeing how much it was just all about her being the "villian" to simply promote herself just made me sick. I think the girls from Flava of Love actually were there for Flav more than the slu*s they cast for this show. I don't know if I think Bret is a jerk, but I definitely think he made the wrong choice. It was evident to everyone Heather should have been his choice. I just don't understand these shows. I agree with the previous post, I will not watch the ROL 2!

  37. lareigna // 7/10/07 9:56 PM  

    Might I add well-dressed to the list?

  38. Steups // 7/10/07 9:56 PM  

    Lareigna, if im not in the cast, then there is no point to watch it. I'm not even going to do articles about FOL3 cause again, If I'm not in it, then there is no point. But hold up one second, before I go out to get my feast I'm going to post an article up here about Mr. Wise, he put a picture on his MySpace today and I think it is definatly article worthy!!

  39. Anonymous // 7/10/07 9:57 PM  


    Here is my personal preference as far as what I think a sexy woman looks like: Beyonce! Tall, big natural boobs, long hair, smoken legs and no tats. Not some boyish looking crop topped skinny female who wears boyish t-shirts.

    Heather has a rockin body. I became a fan of hers the moment she cursed Bret out! I think I fell in love with her right there. She should not have got that tat though.

  40. lareigna // 7/10/07 9:57 PM  

    :: rolling eyes at the union::

  41. PaleBlackSheep // 7/10/07 9:57 PM  

    I knew it was going to end like this. Wonder how long it is going to take the flavor of love casting site to turn into the Rock of Love casting site?

    He should have went with Heather, at least they could have had some show like My fair Brady or something different then another find a true love show....

  42. Anonymous // 7/10/07 9:58 PM  

    sexy licious

  43. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 7/10/07 9:58 PM  

    Since Flav is classy, well-educated, well-spoken and beautiful himself, it should be an interesting show...
    I'm not sure how they could top to the 1st episode starting Saaphyri's fight and Somethin's...well, somethin...

  44. Anonymous // 7/10/07 9:58 PM  

    I will be a man slut for Heather!

  45. lareigna // 7/10/07 9:59 PM  

    Licious, if I were you I would think it to be an enormous compliment to not be chosen to do the show. To be on any VH1 reality show, a woman has to have a certain degree of trashiness to qualify.

  46. lareigna // 7/10/07 10:00 PM  

    lol@ baby

  47. PaleBlackSheep // 7/10/07 10:02 PM  

    Ya'll I don't think that is really Licious...

  48. Anonymous // 7/10/07 10:05 PM  

    one thing i disliked bout the reunion show was the fact they had bret disappear for part of it when some of the girls were being interviewed such as Brandi M, lacey, dallas, i felt that was either him coppin out not wanting to face them or maybe they asked not to have him onstage when they were on - just thought that was odd and stupid would of made better tv if he remained out there the whole time. what was he doin takin a s!#%?

  49. FOL // 7/10/07 10:07 PM  

    yolanda, I feel your pain; but I think you'll be eating Doritos and watching VH1 when Rock of Love 2 comes on; just as the rest of us will.

  50. Anonymous // 7/10/07 10:07 PM  

    What did heather say to Bret? Did she get her tat erased?

  51. FOL // 7/10/07 10:08 PM  

    anon, I think that's normal, no? New York had moments where she escaped to the back I think.

    So did Mo'Nique.

  52. lareigna // 7/10/07 10:09 PM  

    I don't think she got it erased.
    I'll laugh if that shit was a fake anyway.

    lol@ eating Doritos. Sorry Yolanda, I've got to side with Steups on this one. I swore to myself I wouldn't watch anymore VH1 FOL spin offs after FOL2, but here I am.......

  53. FOL // 7/10/07 10:09 PM  

    where's Sawyer?
    I miss her and her picture. I am still debating which I miss more...

  54. Anonymous // 7/10/07 10:09 PM  

    Yeah, you are totally right. I just wish I could say no to these shows. But honestly, I often tuned in to see how wacked out Heather's hair would be each week.

  55. PaleBlackSheep // 7/10/07 10:10 PM  

    I agree with you Anon 10:05, Bret the whole time seemed like a man who really did not like confortation, and I think he just chicken out from being out there with a bunch of these girls. I just wish one time someone on one of these reunion shows will just call the person out and say "see you should have picked me!!!"

  56. Anonymous // 7/10/07 10:10 PM  

    But what did Heather say to Bret? Did she curse him out some more? That I want to see!

  57. lareigna // 7/10/07 10:11 PM  

    me too Yolanda. I was pleasantly surprised tonight though. She actually didn't look like a call girl from 1982.

  58. Anonymous // 7/10/07 10:12 PM  

    I like call girls from 1982! Hellooo Traci Lords!

  59. Anonymous // 7/10/07 10:13 PM  

    Yeah Heather actually kind of looked decent tonight, and she mentioned in an interview about how she needs to change her whole look. That would disappoint me, I kind of like the trashy, 80s Heather. I never saw the appeal of Jes, I just never thought she was attractive. I agree she was so skinny it was like looking at a little boy.

  60. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 7/10/07 10:14 PM  

    Bret punked out every time he had to deal with something uncomfortable like confrontation. When Heather and Lacey were fighting he just looked down like a 5 year old. He probably begged not to be on the stage with the girls. He needs to man up.

  61. Anonymous // 7/10/07 10:15 PM  

    Bonus Scenes & Outtakes from Reunion Show

    It's option #2 in the middle vspot box :)

  62. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 7/10/07 10:15 PM  

    Heather looked fantabulous tonight, a big difference from the final episode's hair and dress. Good for her!

  63. lareigna // 7/10/07 10:16 PM  

    I think he was probably afraid of pissing one of them off and getting his bandannawig ripped off.

  64. Anonymous // 7/10/07 10:17 PM  

    Let me speak for every black man when I say that Dallas has done every black man in the world a favor by saying she doesn't date black men. She's one homely looking woman.

    It's not like she's a Beyonce, Ciara, Alicia Keys, or any other bangin' sister. This is an ugly, bug eyed, no shape, unkept hair havin' ho. So to all white men who want her, had her, or will have her: THANK YOU!!!

  65. Anonymous // 7/10/07 10:18 PM  

    baby I thought Lacey got WAYYYYY to much air time...

  66. FOL // 7/10/07 10:19 PM  

    hahahaha, I had to Google that one; but the funny was still there when I found out who she was

  67. Anonymous // 7/10/07 10:19 PM  

    "I agree she was so skinny it was like looking at a little boy."

    yup, it's creepy that Bret passed on Heather who has the rockin hair and nice natural boobs for a boyish looking chic with a shoulder tat and flat chest.

    Here is what I think went down: Bret wanted a double play that night and maybe deep down he has a thing for boys? Who knows. I would have picked Heather and still be partying with her! I would have told her tats are for dudes and she should not get one.

  68. Anonymous // 7/10/07 10:20 PM  

    Anonymous @ 10:17 Dallas is not a real black woman

  69. FOL // 7/10/07 10:20 PM  

    thank you anonymous...I haven't got to Dallas yet in my lil recap thing but Lord knows I might go Pootie Tang on that ignoramus

  70. lareigna // 7/10/07 10:20 PM  

    Ok, I just read the post-reunion interview with Jes on, and I have officially lost all respect for her.

    You said at one point that you got to know Bret “sexually.” Did you have sex with Bret?

    Absolutely not. Absolutely not.

    Yeah fucking right. She could have at least been honest.

  71. FOL // 7/10/07 10:21 PM  

    is she a woman at all.
    She looks like something Pixar would create

  72. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 7/10/07 10:21 PM  


    That thing is crazy glued to his head. The girl trying to rip off the wig would sooner lose her arm than that wigwam coming off. He should be more concerned with the invisible stitches from the recent eye job that makes him look like Sandra Oh.

  73. Anonymous // 7/10/07 10:21 PM  

    No wonder....I see the "fake" licious is back. You can tell by her profile. It say's "o" gasm, instead of "q" gasm.

    Eating french fries in the tube and the clit piercing was a dead give away.

    Whoever you are, need to leave licious alone.

  74. Anonymous // 7/10/07 10:23 PM  

    Hi Steups, I will tone down my comments.

    I hope you had dinner because I have some dessert for ya.

  75. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 7/10/07 10:23 PM  

    I don't think she had intercourse with him...

  76. lareigna // 7/10/07 10:24 PM  

    I don't know but Bret creeps me out with the bandannawig and the eyeliner but hold on one fucking minute: What the fuck was up with Rodeo's barbecue sauce????????? What he fuck was that?

  77. lareigna // 7/10/07 10:25 PM  

    The pessimistic slut in me says she banged him until his bandannawig turned sideways.

  78. Anonymous // 7/10/07 10:26 PM  

    steups THIS SHOW SUCKED - TOP 10 REASONS 1. There was no Otis - come on admit it, we all wanted to see Creepy Creeperton again
    2. They even edited the Reunion - how desperate can you get.
    3. Rodeo's Organic Barbeque sauce
    4. The show was predictable - from the 2 housemates living together. to the plugs, to Bret wearing a bandana....all of it was predictable
    5. There was no Tiffany - we wanted to see her drunk a!# one more time
    6. Jes, the sweetest person from the show, came across as some arrogant b***h
    7. Lacey and her crappy band (give up singing Lacey, NEWSFLASH...1990ish Korn wannabe rockers are out..this is the year 2007)
    8. The ending left the possibility that there might be a ROL 2 (braces himself)
    9. It was an hour too long with none of the real questions were asked/answered, like why Heather's answer got edited in final episode.
    10. Realizing the fact that we just spent so many hours watching a scripted fake show.

  79. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 7/10/07 10:27 PM  

    Rodeo is a stiff, wrinkled opportunist. Barbeque sauce is just the beginning.

  80. lareigna // 7/10/07 10:29 PM  

    I liked Rodeo alot. She was my favorite.

    The barbecue sauce was a little much though. I sooo didn't see that coming.

  81. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 7/10/07 10:31 PM  

    The laugh is too much. I'll refrain from more commentary on her since you like her :)

  82. FOL // 7/10/07 10:32 PM  

    lmfao at the 1hour show being an hour too long.

    G-spot, no need to tone it down; I love your comments, honey.

  83. Anonymous // 7/10/07 10:38 PM  

    OK Steups,


  84. Anonymous // 7/10/07 10:38 PM  

    OK Steups,


  85. Anonymous // 7/10/07 10:39 PM  

    Steups, the FAKE Licious is back!

  86. Anonymous // 7/10/07 10:42 PM  

    steups dallas Nothing, for what ever reasons she doesn't date black men, probably cause they don't want her STUPID @.SS

  87. PaleBlackSheep // 7/10/07 10:45 PM  

    I still don't think that is a wig...just a bad 'do

  88. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 7/10/07 10:53 PM  

    Even with the constant bandanna and/or hat? I think it keeps the wig on and stable. The one time on the show he wore his hair out (phone sex challenge), the difference was noticeable.

  89. FOL // 7/10/07 10:55 PM  

    I can't really do much about the fake Licious at this point. I guess we'll just have to ignore her.

  90. Sawyers_Stash // 7/10/07 10:57 PM  

    Hey Steups, I'm around. I lost internet for a few weeks. Then I broke my foot in four places falling down one, count it, one stair.
    I haven't had much to say.
    The finale was predictable.
    The reunion questions what so ever.

    Maybe it's just because I'm here everyday so I already know all the news.
    Still Heather calling them out on editing her finale answer never came up.
    Kristia was cute. Brandi C was ridiculous.

    Lacey made me want to punch her.

    My biggest complaint?


    And I think thats what we were looking for.

    I am sure I'd watch it all again because of my...low standards for entertainment. But thats me. Deal with it.

    Maybe I will be happier with the girls when they go to charm school?

    All I can say is bring on New York.

  91. Anonymous // 7/10/07 10:59 PM  

    Did Dallas wear a dead animal on her head to piss Lacey off? You go girl, nothing like road kill to piss off Miss PETA!

  92. Anonymous // 7/10/07 11:00 PM  

    sawyers stash i love new york is Another season of laughs lol Looks like The Entertainer is gonna be the drama king

  93. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 7/10/07 11:02 PM  

    I think Midget Mac will be the star. At least I hope so.

  94. FOL // 7/10/07 11:10 PM  

    iight, I am finished.
    Only a picture or two to add before I exit, stage-left.

    Should you find any errors, state them here. But it's not like it's important because tomorrow is I Love New York 2.

  95. Anonymous // 7/10/07 11:12 PM  

    No reunion show is right without Lala...

  96. FOL // 7/10/07 11:16 PM  

    four places because of one stair?
    Do you live in Brobdingnag per chance?

  97. Anonymous // 7/10/07 11:18 PM  

    steups who the new writer of this blogspots and by the way it will be two years in January that you had this blogspot and have been a great two years

  98. Sawyers_Stash // 7/10/07 11:22 PM  

    I live in I'm crutching around in the rain and mud.
    Great recap.
    Lacey's song sucked.
    And Lala was missed.
    This guy you are right I had no idea who he was...and I felt he was only there because he was peppy and tattooed...

    And the host did seem all upset about the "pumping his career" comments. He must have been told to make it clear Bret did this for love and not to get back on top. Which well...whatever I won't even touch that.

    It was the Lacey show. I just wanted more answers but thankfully it doesn't matter because the wait is over and New York and Flav each have a show left before they get back together...(I really need to let this one go huh?)

    Also....thank goodness it wasn't 2 stairs huh?

  99. FOL // 7/10/07 11:26 PM  

    2 stairs and your tattoos might have suffered broken bones too.

    Thanks anonymous...and the new writer turned me down but then I received late word that she will start tomorrow and may even write the recap.

    Anyways, I have to see a man about a dog.
    Catch y'all when the sun is shining.
    Apologies to anyone offended by the word "bitch"'s really for another person; but I don't dare say it to that person's face so Jes will have to do.

  100. Anonymous // 7/10/07 11:45 PM  

    what doesn't turn bret micheals on? i mean honestly...

  101. Anonymous // 7/10/07 11:48 PM  

    Was Raven even on the reunion show? Maybe she was on that universe parallel to ours that she was talking about before...

  102. Chris Torres // 8/10/07 12:07 AM  

    I do not expect Rock of Love 2 to do well. How in the world can anyone take Bret Michaels seriously at this point?

  103. Anonymous // 8/10/07 12:21 AM  

    Lacey clearly was trashed by everyone she attacked and her hypocrisy showed when Dallas called her out. Other than that they didnt answer a lot on what when on at the house.

  104. Wumpus // 8/10/07 12:54 AM  

    Myabe Dallas does not date black men, it is her preference, her body, her life... but wasn't she trying to get on FOL2? Wasn't there a very pretty girl on FOL2 who was part black, part asian who never dated a black man either? Trust me, Dallas not dating me is no sweat off my taint, if I wanted her, I'd put a dress and lipstick on Andre 3000 of outkast.

    Raven must be taping for I love NY 2...yep, I said it.

    Does Heather know that tatoos can be removed?

    These are all opportunists, self promoters and whores, why should anyone be shocked that R-weed is promoting bbq sauce, Jes (who is cute, but she is thin. Not all women can be built like Hoopz, Delicious, Shay or Bootz). NY had an average body, despite the fluctuations in weight. Pumkin had the smallest, saggiest titties evah, he even had some Lane Bryant Girlz on the show, FLav did.

  105. Wumpus // 8/10/07 12:56 AM  

    PS, there will be some kind of ROL sequal as this apparently did the best numbers ever for VH1. VH1 is infamous for beating that horse, milking that cow, going to the well too many times if you get my drift.

  106. Anonymous // 8/10/07 1:14 AM  

    Whats goodie Blogspotters?!?!

    I see the fake me has made another guest appearance. "Clit piercing"... funny. Ummmm, the mere fact that this chick has NOTHING better to do then to steal my pics and create fake accounts is sick. I mean really... come on now. Can I call the police?? Can I sue for defimation of character?? Can I call Tony Soprano and have her wacked?? I mean WHAT? ROFLMAO. Ignoring her will do just fine I guess.

    ROL Reunion was MAD WACK. I still need to find out where she got her lips done becuz theyre hot! And natural looking. But I have little to say about ROL becuz TOMORROW IS THE BIG DAY!!!!!!!!!!! Im so excited! YAY!!!

    Steups my Love?? You have an email waiting for you my dear.

    Pale, you win the prize by the way!!! That was not me LMAO. Thank you for noticing cuz Aurelius was like, "sup Licious" ROFLMAO!!!!

    And thanks to the Anon who defended me. I appreciate the love! Its not her fault. Shes my biggest fan and wants to be me in a sort of single white female way. Let her have her fun.

    Until tomorrow... TOODLES!!!!!!

  107. Anonymous // 8/10/07 1:20 AM  

    licious i love your sexy legs

  108. Anonymous // 8/10/07 1:25 AM  

    Anon 120, Thank you, Love.

  109. Wumpus // 8/10/07 1:56 AM  

    what was up w/Brett's eyeliner?

  110. Anonymous // 8/10/07 2:12 AM  

    Well since the reunion was fake I guess the cat can be let out of the bag. Jess was pick by the producers to be the winner and for her to chill out around the cameras. Jess, had told her best friend that she won and the best friend post it on her blog on myspace. Yes, Jess is right Heather should had won for Heather used to live with Bret. Lacey and Bret knew each other too because of her dad. Didn't you all realize that most of the girls on the show knew brett already.

  111. Gabrielle // 8/10/07 2:21 AM  

    wow, was brets diabetes acting up again?

  112. Anonymous // 8/10/07 2:28 AM  


  113. Anonymous // 8/10/07 3:30 AM  

    By the way, I don't think Jes was a bitch. She didn't beat around the bush. She could've sugarcoated ALL her answers and everyone would've thought, "Aw, Jes is real nice," sorta' how Hoopz TRIED to do in her reunion show. But Jes was honest, and I liked her for that.

  114. The Q © 2010 // 8/10/07 3:38 AM  

    That's Hot~

    How you doing? I agree. It came out at the Reunion that Bret was going back and forth w/ another woman. So Jes was on point for what she said. But hey editing doesn't tell the story that happens it tells the story which the powers that be want us to see, especially at the Reunion Shows.

  115. Luv // 8/10/07 7:42 AM  

    I had no problem with Dallas choosing not to date black men... Neither would Whoopi. I see nothing wrong with it. There are a lot of black guys who do not date black women. (Dennis Rodman,Ice T Tiger wood) and everyone seem to be o.k with that. O.J Simpson no longer date black women. It's her preference, and I see nothing wrong with it. She might have a good reason for why she choose not to date black man....plenty of reason. The main reason being that they probably do not date her. When have you see Eddie Murphy, or Ice T with dating someone of her complexion ? you do not...and no one says a word about 'their preference'. I do however felt that should not have said that on the show.
    However, I do have a problem with Dallas hair. WTF? I understand that Dallas probably couldn't afford to go to the hairdresser to get her hair relax..and maybe she do not know how to perm her own hair...but hell she should have put a hotcomb thru it, or put the wig all the way on.(I do not think that was a weave, it seem more like a wig). Poor girl. she must not have any friends.

    Lacey is indeed a racist bitch, and a lying S.O.B

    Heather still seem mad, that she wasn't pick. Someone should have told the girl prior to the show that Stripper never get pick...ever.I thought Heather was going to kill Brett.

    Up until the reunion show, I thought that Bret and Heather was the fakes people on the show..up until Jess showed up on the reunion show. Jess claim that Bret should have chose Heather, that she found that out after watching the show...Bullshit! Jess didn't need to know how well Brett and Heather go along. All she needed to know was that she wasn't feeling Bret. Jess knew that she had nothing in common with Brett,and she knew she didn't like him. My question is why did Jess even go on the show?

  116. Electra (trinidad) // 8/10/07 9:20 AM  

    Heather looked FINE she looked so beautiful.

    Men are just selfish creatures, he was not looking for love or he would have chosen Heather because he knew how she felt.

    Three cheers for Jes for kicking him to the curb. Serves him right (always going for the younger ones who most of the times dont want their old asses anywayz...)

  117. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 8/10/07 10:24 AM  

    Hey Q, Electra, Gabrielle, Bubo, Licious!

    Did y'all read the Celebreality Interview. He gave Jes a hat at some point during the show, and then had his people (probably Big John) call her after the show and asked to send the hat/wig solidifier back.

  118. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 8/10/07 10:34 AM  

    Not all men are selfish...:)

  119. Anonymous // 8/10/07 2:27 PM  

    I am going to have to do this anonymously. I can't blame Luv or Steups of having there opinions of Bret or Jes. It did come out during the show that Bret had only spoken to Jes in the past months. He had gotten back with the mother of his daughters. It came out that he hadn't picked Heather because he knew she really had feeling for him. Just as it came out that Heather had not agreed to share him with Jes.

    We the audience walked away knowing and outstanding a lot. Contrary to what R.R. said. It was obvious to us all that Bret wasn't looking for love. Jes & Heather had great cause to behave in the manner they did. It's unfortunate the viewer didn't get the full story.

  120. Jeff // 8/10/07 4:38 PM  

    wow i knew jes was a fake bitch! and heather was a man. she looks like a trash bag at the reunion... you people must be on drugs if you think she is pretty. and I GUARANTEE SHE STILL BE STREEEEPING LOL

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