A "SOURCE" hooked me up with this link to this
video of New York on CW11 on Oct 3, 2007. She claims she has found the perfect man. Many believe that she asks Chance back into the house and he wins...... we shall see!

In the Video New York states that Tango texted her the same night as the Reunion asking her to hook back up and she told him "No." In the interview I did with Trends on the Elle Word, he said that New York was texting Tango while they were going out, asking him what she did.

Click on the picture to get to the clip of New York on CW11.
And for those who listen to my 'Lame Ace' show, The Elle Word is back for the season and there is a show tomorrow night right after I Love New York 2 Premiers, and there is a possibility that some of the guys will call in if they are not too busy at their parties.


CLICK HERE, or the picture


  1. Wumpus // 7/10/07 4:43 PM  

    yeah right, Tango tried again, please. he is not that stupid to fall for that thing again. Maybe he simply is as much a golddigger as the resty of these con-testants and trying to prolong his 15 minutes. If she did choose Chance, enjoy the alcohol filled dometic abuse

  2. blacknuts // 7/10/07 4:43 PM  

    i Guess I´m too late

  3. THE ORIGINAL MR.NEW YORK // 7/10/07 4:47 PM  

    did'nt she look beautiful!!!!!!~~~mr.new york

  4. THE ORIGINAL MR.NEW YORK // 7/10/07 4:48 PM  

    bubo you live up to yur name so well~~~mr.new york

  5. cwc33 // 7/10/07 4:48 PM  

    who look's beautiful mr new york

  6. THE ORIGINAL MR.NEW YORK // 7/10/07 4:49 PM  

    new york of course~~~mr.new york

  7. cwc33 // 7/10/07 4:50 PM  

    if you say so"

  8. THE ORIGINAL MR.NEW YORK // 7/10/07 4:55 PM  

    wht the fuck is yur problem you take the time out of yur life to copy somones picture and use there name wht a pathetic way to get yur point accross~~~mr.new york

  9. cwc33 // 7/10/07 4:55 PM  

    LMFAO licious what are you ADINA HOWARD like the song said "Freak Like Me"

  10. Gabrielle // 7/10/07 4:55 PM  

    Hey Blacknuts wassup

  11. Gabrielle // 7/10/07 4:58 PM  


  12. THE ORIGINAL MR.NEW YORK // 7/10/07 4:59 PM  

    whts up is that yur an asshole i know that yur not licious whoever you are you need to get the hell off of here impersnating people and do sumthing constructive with yur self(dumb ass holes on dis blog)~~~mr.new york

  13. Gabrielle // 7/10/07 4:59 PM  


  14. Anonymous // 7/10/07 5:07 PM  


  15. The Q © 2010 // 7/10/07 5:08 PM  

    As an intellectual in the previous comment stated Q. stirs up shit. My life also revolves around blogging. And I need Ritalin.

    LMAO! Thanks to whoever you are for visiting. Please come back your opinion is what makes The Blogspot and great place to visit.

    I see some individuals who have nothing to do have fixated on hating Licious to the point of making a dummy account. Cute. Also I see, there is also Q. & Elle bashing.

    How pathetic that individual(s) fixate on strangers just based upon blogging?

    Do you and I'll definitely continue to do me. Unfortunately, I STOPPED living my life and wasn't here to delete comments that were strictly insults.

    Thanks and have a great day.

  16. spyware killer // 7/10/07 5:10 PM  

    I heard somewhere that New York is a transexual. This would explain her over the top attitude and the pound of make-up she wears. She acts like people should lick her skanky feet.

    If she would drop the "I am better than you" attitude, she might attract a better class of man. If she dropped the attitude and about a half pound of make-up, then she might attract a "gentleman."

  17. Anonymous // 7/10/07 5:11 PM  

    what going on

  18. THE ORIGINAL MR.NEW YORK // 7/10/07 5:15 PM  

    lmao transexual well alot of women that ive seen should report to her doctor lol~~~mr.new york

  19. Gabrielle // 7/10/07 5:16 PM  


  20. THE ORIGINAL MR.NEW YORK // 7/10/07 5:16 PM  

    lmao why do i even bother with this blog lol why lord~~~mr.new york

  21. Gabrielle // 7/10/07 5:16 PM  


  22. Anonymous // 7/10/07 5:17 PM  

    What it do q

  23. elisau // 7/10/07 5:21 PM  

    wow some people need to get a life..

  24. spyware killer // 7/10/07 5:24 PM  

    gabrielle New York must have had a pretty bad childhood to cause her to act the way she does. And man, don't even mention her hellspawn of a mother, Sister Patterson! Ha! If anyone is worse than New York it is her!

  25. Gabrielle // 7/10/07 5:32 PM  

    Yea, thats y I say that NY got it honest. When u live around that all u life, what choice do you have? Those are the type of mother u wish chose the adpotion option if u know what i mean lol, nah but on the real, I'm just like my mother so I see y NY acts that way. Sis P ......smh

  26. THE ORIGINAL MR.NEW YORK // 7/10/07 5:37 PM  

    we allmust remember it is all just television and the reality of it only stretches but so far ive met sister p and i can honsetly say shes cool done to earth and very caring~~~mr.new york

  27. spyware killer // 7/10/07 5:39 PM  

    gabrielle Poor midget mac sister patterson is so wrong for the way she treated him. Sure Ny was a little wrong too, but her mother was just down right rude. I mean, so what if he's a midget? he's still a human being like the rest of us and should be treated with diggnity...I would expect better behavior from someone who claims to be so church going

  28. THE ORIGINAL MR.NEW YORK // 7/10/07 5:43 PM  

    im sorry but i may have did the same thing to him lmao~~~mr.new york

  29. Anonymous // 7/10/07 5:44 PM  

    hey what going on why do i have to approved by the blog author

  30. Gabrielle // 7/10/07 5:45 PM  

    I was thinkin the same but who am i to judge.....

    As for New York, she reacted wrong but she made up for it in my opinion

  31. elisau // 7/10/07 5:48 PM  

    yeah i dont like it it makes it slower for us to respond.

  32. Anonymous // 7/10/07 5:48 PM  

    gabrielle why do i have to be approved by the blog author

  33. Anonymous // 7/10/07 5:53 PM  

    sup bitches

  34. Gabrielle // 7/10/07 5:54 PM  

    Because Beast Brina created an account under licious name so i guess Q is making sure she can't get through. I didn't know that was happening, prolly cause i'm a writer, ask Q when she comes back in

  35. Anonymous // 7/10/07 5:57 PM  

    This aint nobody but Quanda with this approval shit. That bitch always got to try and control something. As i said the bitch think she is the Blogspot police.

    She aint going to let this go through cause she dont want yall to know the truth.

    sounds to me like she is insecure.

  36. The Q © 2010 // 7/10/07 5:57 PM  

    "It's just a blog so please be as respectful as you can. Criticisms are welcome; insults are not."

    This is why I have set comment moderation. Y'all can 'attempt' to have debates, pleasant convos or talk about the shows but the dummy Licious account and insults were getting out of hand.

    Anonymous is still enabled because I do feel most ANONS are good people to blog with and joke around with.

    Steups will take it off when he is around. My apologies for the inconvenience.

  37. Anonymous // 7/10/07 6:00 PM  

    why dont you go away quanda - i cant wait to steups get back

    why you always got to try and act liek you hot shit or soemthing

    just put the fucking anon back on

  38. Anonymous // 7/10/07 6:01 PM  

    Thank a lot Beast Brina for Making Us Anonymous look bad but elisau is right it slower for us to respond

  39. Anonymous // 7/10/07 6:05 PM  

    so q how long is this GOiNG TO LAST you know so we don't have to be approved by the blog author

  40. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 7/10/07 6:21 PM  

    What in the name of Louis Vuitton is going ON in here? (LOL) I get missing for ONE day, and I come back and it's like WHOA. Anyhoo, hello all! I totally belive that Tango texted her. He's so.... fake. And everything he said had been choreagraphed and rehearsed (by him). You know how I can tell? When he said, "It's over, ain't no engagement for me", he flipped up his hood over his big ass head. But it fell back down, so he did it again, like that would make him look cool. What a lame.

  41. Gabrielle // 7/10/07 6:21 PM  

    uh oh, the king of videos has dropped another one..... i was wondering why she stopped posting

  42. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 7/10/07 6:21 PM  

    ELISAU!!!!!!!!!!! Hello you gorgeous person you.

  43. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 7/10/07 6:23 PM  

    Oh is Brina at it again? Somebody give her a bottle of Vicatin. (or seven)

  44. The Q © 2010 // 7/10/07 6:26 PM  

    Brina is Fat@ss & Anonymous & Licious too. Yes she created a dummy account to pretend to be Licious.

  45. Wumpus // 7/10/07 6:27 PM  

    If NY and her ghastly mom were really nice people, they wouldn't say half the stuff they do or act the way they do. I understand they have to be characters for the tv, but it is like liquor, it just brings out the real you or stuff you want to say/do. If they were such decent people, they would not compromise themselves for the sake of a few dolalrs a little fame. Why, so NY came sustain her weave fetish, nicotine addiction and pay for her ridiclous implants? Nice people don't do that. I am sure they are not as bad as they make themselves out to be, but that does not make them good or even okay people. The only one in their "family" who seemed okay was the guy who played the dad...and even he seemed like he was beaten down by these two beasts.

  46. THE ORIGINAL MR.NEW YORK // 7/10/07 6:31 PM  

    woooooow internet beef has upgraded to youtube lololololololololoolololololol funny as hell queen brina was cool to me but after that video she lost points~~~mr.new york

  47. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 7/10/07 6:35 PM  

    Wait a minute.... so Liscious.... was a fake? Like, the ENTIRE time? Liscious doesn't exist? There has to be some kind of missunderstanding, because that makes no sense. And it gives me the chills. The bad kind.

  48. Gabrielle // 7/10/07 6:39 PM  

    lol, that was hilarious, i'm sorry. yes there is a licious, just the one who came on the latter part of today

  49. The Q © 2010 // 7/10/07 6:39 PM  

    No, the Licious who adores you exists. But today a mirror image Blogger account was created. You can tell it's not Licious by the things she types and the date on the blogger account.

  50. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 7/10/07 6:44 PM  

    Oh god. Brina has officially taken BIPOLAR and SCHIZOPHRENIA to yet another level. Impersonation? Now that creeps me right the fuck out. I have a headache at this point. Wait a minute now, Gabrielle and Quanda, are y'all are..... Y'ALL???

  51. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 7/10/07 6:45 PM  

    Shyt people around here ain't who they say they are, and then pretend to hate the person that they're PRETENDING to be. You think you know somebody and then you find out that you actually don't know and hate them.... Jesus H. Christ. Somebody commit that girl.

  52. The Q © 2010 // 7/10/07 6:46 PM  

    Multiple Blogger Personality in full effect. LMAO!

  53. elisau // 7/10/07 6:48 PM  

    hey Irre what's up with you?

  54. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 7/10/07 6:58 PM  

    *swoons @ elisau* Erythang is up wit me NOW, boo. How come you didn't say you was so friggin' CUTE? You're absolutely adorable. Considering this really IS Elisau that I'm talking to, and that this is what Elisau REALLY looks like...

  55. elisau // 7/10/07 7:01 PM  

    yes irre this is really me im not queen brina ive been around a long time but you never noticed LOL

  56. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 7/10/07 7:04 PM  

    Well I don't mean to sound shallow, but you certainly got my fuckin attention NOW. (LMAO) You look the perfectly deliscious blend of Thug and Socialite. How very, delectably interesting. Is Elisau your real name? Your birth name, I mean?

  57. elisau // 7/10/07 7:10 PM  
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  58. Anonymous // 7/10/07 7:11 PM  

    Okay... so while I was in my sick bed, the government approved cloning?? DAMMIT! How long was I asleep!?!?

    I wont address the fake me becuz its a waste of time. If anyone was offended by what the fake me said, I apologize on behalf of the ignant self of the fake me. I think I just confused myself. Anywho, thanks to those who have defended me and my rolls. The love is appreciated.

    Shout out to Elle for busting out the fake me. Shout out to Q aka Twin for deleting the lies that were being typed. Wait, I sound like Im accepting a Grammy huh? And thanks to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gives me the strength on a daily basis to not lay unholy hands on people who are ill in the head and cant help themselves. Amen.

    Im back to my sick bed. Oh and HEY IRRE MY GAY!!!!!!! SOOCHES!

  59. Anonymous // 7/10/07 7:12 PM  

    P.S. I changed my pic and YES those are really my legs. I cant wait to see what the haters have to say about that. Let the games begin...

  60. Anonymous // 7/10/07 7:12 PM  

    licious hey

  61. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 7/10/07 7:14 PM  

    I see the Aveeno is already working :)

  62. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 7/10/07 7:17 PM  

    Girl you have a HELLUVA calf muscle. Fabulous! (I hope this is you.) Love ya, Lish!!

  63. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 7/10/07 7:19 PM  

    How did you see what I look like, Elisau? Did you go to my Myspace or sumfin? And why don't you like the name Rico? I think it suits you perfectly. Hell, anything suits you. If your name was Waldo Oswald Beaverjerk, you'd still be a flaming hottie. Let's be friends! BOYfriends!!!!

  64. elisau // 7/10/07 7:19 PM  

    lmao no actually my real name is rico but i go by my middle name (elisau) because i don't really like my name its too common but thanks irre you lookin' fine urself

  65. Anonymous // 7/10/07 7:20 PM  

    Hey Anon 712. How you doin, Love?

    Hey Baby!!! Naw girl, I havent made it to the store yet! Thats good old fashioned Johnson's Baby Oil Gel. But I cant wait to get my hands on that sexy Aveeno Oil!

    IRRE! It really is me, my Love! LOL! Thanks for the compliment! Love you too!

  66. Anonymous // 7/10/07 7:21 PM  

    ROFLMAO @ Waldo Oswald Beaverjerk

  67. elisau // 7/10/07 7:21 PM  

    yeah irre i checked you out LOL but thanks and sure i wouldnt mind that :)

  68. elisau // 7/10/07 7:24 PM  

    UGH i just send in the same thing twice because i thought it didnt send it in this a little confusing lol

  69. Anonymous // 7/10/07 7:26 PM  

    licious i'm good Thanks For The Add on myspace

  70. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 7/10/07 7:28 PM  

    Then it's settled! My sixth blog boyfriend. (LOL) But with a face like yours, it's bound to last this time. But quick question... how da hell did you find my Myspace? I mean I'm flattered, but still unsure as to how you got to it.

  71. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 7/10/07 7:29 PM  

    Girl, you give me a run for my money. I thought my legs were muscular!!! Remove the picture or we'll fight...

  72. Anonymous // 7/10/07 7:29 PM  

    Anon 726 NO PROBLEM! Thanks for the request! Get at me anytime. Now Im really off to bed. Im feeling woosy and the ROL Reunion will start in 30 mins. Ill be back by later.

    Bye all...

  73. elisau // 7/10/07 7:33 PM  

    it says it in your name, irre.

  74. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 7/10/07 7:52 PM  

    OH! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Excuse me, I'm rather distracted right now. LMAO it's been a really long day, babe. But you know, you're a koo azz dude. We shouldn't be restricted to the BLOG. Add me on Myspace, aiight pa? And do you have yahoo IM? If so, my I.D. is kid_dynamite_gt@yahoo.com. Obviously, that's also my email address.

  75. Anonymous // 7/10/07 8:33 PM  

    what a bunch of hoes It's like every single episode they seem to always make a degrading comment about sex, being horny, wanting to do this and that with this guy, etc.

    I mean, what else does new york and her mother like in a man besides finding out how big his penis is?

  76. Anonymous // 7/10/07 8:34 PM  

    well, they're both ugly as hell and ugly people use sex for pretty much everything.

  77. Anonymous // 7/10/07 9:04 PM  

    why do i have Have a Feeling that it will be a rock of love Season Two look at flavor of love and i love new york it just goes to show you that it all justs Entertainment not love

  78. FOL // 7/10/07 9:13 PM  

    Of course you're right, anon...there will definitely be a Rock of Love 2.

    Anyways, I am going to put up a post quickly and we can talk about the show there then I'll edit the post and add what happened on the Rock of Love Reunion.

    Sorry we couldn't get along today

  79. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 7/10/07 9:26 PM  

    When Sis P asked that dude to take out his d*ck, I don't think she was kidding.

    Tango didn't try to get back with New York. And thusly, he did her a favor.

  80. Luv // 8/10/07 3:15 AM  

    Wait! New York text Tango , while she was on with Trend? Did New York go out with Trend?..after he made that song about her?

  81. Jeff // 8/10/07 4:40 PM  

    Hey gabrielle when is your next show... do you have one after the premier tonight!

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