The dinner date Bret promised is at another resort; but that's not the only sea-channe, for Bret is ill, gravely.
It's that darn diabetes again, conveniently cropping-up to create good television. His energy is gone and his sugar is too low, he says. It's becoming all too serious and without warning he reveals an orange-looking case (that better not be a dildo)
The case holds his insulin shot and a sad-faced Bret explains his medical situation and what she will have to do if he goes into shock, or whatever. "I really love being with you, alright" our broken-down rock-star says, as Jes breaks-down in tears.
He may have been seriously unwell, but Bret is a professional and he says to himself, "and that's when it hit me, her guard was down, this girl really did care"
(hasn't that hit him like three times already? Remember the dinner in the Club, the night in Vegas?)
They leave for his suite and Bret remarks, "physically we bonded, emotionally we bonded, and this is what I've been waiting to do with her since day one"
(uhmmm, Bret? You are a rock-star, you don't need to fake a diabetic coma to get a woman in bed)
Jes is certainly not unwilling, for she strips to her bare sexy naked self and steps into the jacuzzi.
But maybe this isn't about just getting ass (a nice piece of ass, though it is) as Bret explains, "the one thing I love about Jes is her innocence, she's not a player, she means what she says"
He further describes the moment as a "perfect ending of a perfect day"
The Decision
The choice seems obvious to me, it seemed obvious a month ago; but Bret has the ladies stay in an LA hotel whilst he remains at the mansion to make the decision on his own. No Big John this time.
Surprisingly, there is no visit to the hair-stylist, manicurist nor even the dress-shop. Maybe they did, but we never saw it; and if indeed they have the person who styled Heather must ne terminated.
Heather looked disgusting, like an alien with a bad-hair day, dipped in butter. Yet, she was blinded enough to describe her hair as "fuck-me hair"
On the way to the mansion a worried Jes is all tears, but still, she looks a thousand times better than the competition. She's scared of being rejected and says, "I didn't think it would be this hard, but it is" (Bret probably wished he heard those words last night)
Jes arrives first and comments on the decor of the mansion, decorated with scented candles and a rose-petal path-way to Bret.
Heather arrives soon after and her appearance caused Jes to 'roll her eyes'; but Heather is all confidence and whispers to Jes, "I'm surprised you showed up"
But now it's decision time, the winner gets Bret and a relationship that won't last past the Reunion Show; the loser gets an opportunity to star in Charm School 2.
Bret walks in, no threat of a diabetic coma this time, he got all the sugar he wanted on the nights before. "I have to make a decision that's extremely tough", he says, after summarizing his relationship with both ladies.
He informs the viewers he has not yet made a decision and he has one more test. Turning to the ladies he asks, "is there any way both of you will be my girlfriend?" (aw shit, our boy turned King Solomon on us)
Heather: I'd love to
Bret: Jes, what do you think?
Jes: I can't share someone I care about; if you're mine, you're mine
Bret calls Heather and matter-of-factly, says, "I am looking for someone that just fits...I don't think you're gonna be that girl"

If looks could kill, I'd be recapping Bret's funeral right now; but in the end Heather just stormed off and into a waiting limousine where she ranted, "I let my guard down for once in my entire life and he took advantage of it....he's like America's asshole for what he did to me"
Bret isn't bothered though, as he calls Jes down for the last time. They greet each other and kiss.
Jes, is the winner of the Rock of Love.
Read Pt 1 here
All pictures courtesy the VH1 blog
It's that darn diabetes again, conveniently cropping-up to create good television. His energy is gone and his sugar is too low, he says. It's becoming all too serious and without warning he reveals an orange-looking case (that better not be a dildo)
The case holds his insulin shot and a sad-faced Bret explains his medical situation and what she will have to do if he goes into shock, or whatever. "I really love being with you, alright" our broken-down rock-star says, as Jes breaks-down in tears.

(hasn't that hit him like three times already? Remember the dinner in the Club, the night in Vegas?)
They leave for his suite and Bret remarks, "physically we bonded, emotionally we bonded, and this is what I've been waiting to do with her since day one"
(uhmmm, Bret? You are a rock-star, you don't need to fake a diabetic coma to get a woman in bed)
Jes is certainly not unwilling, for she strips to her bare sexy naked self and steps into the jacuzzi.
But maybe this isn't about just getting ass (a nice piece of ass, though it is) as Bret explains, "the one thing I love about Jes is her innocence, she's not a player, she means what she says"
He further describes the moment as a "perfect ending of a perfect day"
The Decision
The choice seems obvious to me, it seemed obvious a month ago; but Bret has the ladies stay in an LA hotel whilst he remains at the mansion to make the decision on his own. No Big John this time.
Surprisingly, there is no visit to the hair-stylist, manicurist nor even the dress-shop. Maybe they did, but we never saw it; and if indeed they have the person who styled Heather must ne terminated.

Heather looked disgusting, like an alien with a bad-hair day, dipped in butter. Yet, she was blinded enough to describe her hair as "fuck-me hair"
On the way to the mansion a worried Jes is all tears, but still, she looks a thousand times better than the competition. She's scared of being rejected and says, "I didn't think it would be this hard, but it is" (Bret probably wished he heard those words last night)
Jes arrives first and comments on the decor of the mansion, decorated with scented candles and a rose-petal path-way to Bret.
Heather arrives soon after and her appearance caused Jes to 'roll her eyes'; but Heather is all confidence and whispers to Jes, "I'm surprised you showed up"
But now it's decision time, the winner gets Bret and a relationship that won't last past the Reunion Show; the loser gets an opportunity to star in Charm School 2.
Bret walks in, no threat of a diabetic coma this time, he got all the sugar he wanted on the nights before. "I have to make a decision that's extremely tough", he says, after summarizing his relationship with both ladies.
He informs the viewers he has not yet made a decision and he has one more test. Turning to the ladies he asks, "is there any way both of you will be my girlfriend?" (aw shit, our boy turned King Solomon on us)
Heather: I'd love to
Bret: Jes, what do you think?
Jes: I can't share someone I care about; if you're mine, you're mine
Bret calls Heather and matter-of-factly, says, "I am looking for someone that just fits...I don't think you're gonna be that girl"

If looks could kill, I'd be recapping Bret's funeral right now; but in the end Heather just stormed off and into a waiting limousine where she ranted, "I let my guard down for once in my entire life and he took advantage of it....he's like America's asshole for what he did to me"
Bret isn't bothered though, as he calls Jes down for the last time. They greet each other and kiss.
Jes, is the winner of the Rock of Love.
Read Pt 1 here
All pictures courtesy the VH1 blog
If any errors are found note them here and I'll correct them tomorrow or late tonight; but not now, because I am tired.
Cheers, and thanks for reading.
Jes's dress looked better than Heather's, but that is not saying much. They both looked silly in their outfits, especially Tweety Bird.
Heather got all New York/Hottie crazy on us.
My favorite part is when Heather feigns offense that he took advantage of her or used her or something like that. I am sure it wansn't the first time.
my recap was better
Tiny, tiny type.
"Heather: I'd love too
Bret: Jes, what do you think?
Jes: I can't share someone I care about; if you're mine, you're mine"
Should be "to," not "too." Just kinda' confused me for a sec.
*Typo, not type. Oops. Irony.
By the way, I LOVE the Tweety Bird juxtaposition!!!!
Oooh, I missed that; lemme go correct it.
Just to let you know, what he had in the orange box wasn't insulin. It was a glucagon shot. If your blood sugar gets dangerously low, glucagon is a hormone that will stimulate the liver to make sugar, so that you don't die from a low blood sugar. It's usually used only when the diabetic person is passed out. Which means the other person you're with needs to know how to give the injection.