*Checking my voicemail* "LICIOUS! You gotta go check out the new pics on Pretty's page. Man, they are HOT!!! Call me back once you've peeped them out. DEUCES!"
Okay... so these pics better be better then a hot fudge sundae cause' I was just about to go to bed. *Listening to music* OH SNAP! This is my joint he got on his page! *Singing* "Yo, Hip Hop started out in the heart. Now everybody tryin to chart, say what!" *Lauryn Hill's Superstar... whatchu know bout that?*. I get onto Pretty's page and OOOOOOO WEEEEEEE!!!!! These pictures are freakin HOT!!!! His bedroom eyes, his beautiful dreads, those sexy lips... *This boy got my mouth watering!*. Let me stop before New York swoops down to try to take a chunk outta my ass. I mean, don't get it twisted, I ain't no punk, *BIG shout out to PUNK!* but I just got my nails done and I can't risk messin up all this sexy fightin with Miss New York over one of her men.
Please allow me to introduce you to Rikado aka Pretty, who will be starring in VH1's hit reality series I Love New York 2. He is from Pearl, Mississippi and attended Mississippi State University where he achieved not only his Bachelors degree, but his Masters degree as well. If that wasn't enough to knock your socks off, he is currently pursuing his Law degree. Looks and brains? Yummy!! This Kat is also very romantic. He was quoted as saying, "The only factor that's missing from this equation is the perfect companion to share my life with and hopefully New York will see my good qualities and chose me as her mate." Awwwww, how cute is that, right?? Now I didn't have a chance to call Pretty before writing this article, *More like I was afraid to call him for fear that I'd flirt with him shamelessly*, so I don't have many interesting tidbits of information to share with you. I do know that Pretty is 24 years old and stands 5'11 with a scrumptious, athletic build. He is also a Scorpio and yall know what that means right? FREAK-A-LEAK! *I wonder what kind of nastiness he engaged in with New York? I bet he was able to make her say "This shit is proper! This shit is proper!", more then Flav did*. Rumor has it that he was raised by his Mother *God bless this woman for bringing such fineness into this world* and that he is funny, compassionate, loving, & loyal. WOW... looks like New York done found her a WINNER!
Now, I know all of you have seen the previews for the show. *Unless you live under a rock or didn't pay your cable bill*. Taylor Made, *My stomach turns everytime I am forced to say that name.* accused Pretty of being gay. Matter of fact, if memory serves me correctly, he even tells New York that he's "heard things" and that he knows Pretty is gay. Ummmm, now yall KNOW I STRONGLY DISLIKE Taylor Made, and him turning out to be a HATER does not surprise me in the least. Gay? I think NOT. Nuff said. *Pretty, don't trip. He hates you cuz he ain't you, Love.* Pretty is the ultimate definition of a pretty boy if I've ever seen one. And may I add, his facial hair is PIN POINT ACCURATE and yall KNOW what that does to The Licious One! *Shout out to Mr. Wise! That man's facial hair is the truth too!* All in all, Pretty sounds like the total package to me: Brains, looks, loyalty, and HEART. Does it get any better? Me thinks NOT. Pretty, if things don't work out with you and New York, you know my number... holla atcha girl!
For those of you in the Mississippi area, Pretty's management company is throwing him an I Love New York 2 Premier Party at TRIOS Restaurant. Pretty will be available for photos and autographs. Now you GOTTA know that with a man this fine in attendance, it is INVITATION ONLY! For more information on how to score a golden ticket to this event, please contact TLS Management Company at 601-502-6864 or email his management team at bookings@tlsmanagementcompany.
If you'd like to join me in drooling over Pretty, please visit his My Space page. *Again, for those who don't know, just click the words My Space and it shoots you right to his deliciousness*. Alright yall, I'm off to try and figure out how to get my own dating show on VH1. If you have any ideas, feel free to e-mail them to me. Until next time, don't be a swagger jacker! Get a SWAGG of your own!
*You've just experienced some Pretty Liciousness*
Licious why you know i'm not gay
Licious are you 12 years old? My goodness.
Okay this dude is too fine and has too much going on for himself to be dealing with New York's ass! Pretty, if you read this come to my site and talk to me... I have problem walking with a damn pretty ass nigga... Your one of my favorites!!!
I agree with you Licious he is very attractive... Mama knows best!
Bubo? Ummmm, WHY on God's green earth would you ask if I'm 12 years old? *Scratches head*
Anon 10:28 - I know HE's not gay because he told me he wasn't, first of all. Second of all, I havent receieved any proof from any man who said they had sexual relations with him. Until I see him fuckin a man on video or he admits it to me, HES NOT GAY PEOPLE! GEEESH!
Teisha LMAO!!!!!! He is yummy isn't he?
Anon 11:29 - AMEN!
OH HELL NO! That man is toooooooooooo damn fine to be gay! Shoot if i was competing against him i would say he gay just to get him out the way.. hater! Pretty is just that "pretty fine".. he looks like a nupe to me... is he?
Good luck bruh!!...I think he goes to my church!!lmao
Whats goodie Keesha. Im not sure if he is or not. You should message him on My Space. The link to his page is at the end of the article Love.
OMG.... Why have I not noticed this guy on the show? Licious, you been holding out girl... I want just bite this "pretty" guys lips... WOW, his mama did a good job! Great find Licious....
He is a good look for New York. Shit, he got the looks and the brains. If New York don't dont him then I'll take him. Ain't no way his fine ass can be gay!
This show needs to hurry up and start... I already hate TailorMade's punk ass and haven't seen nothing but him on the previews.... Pretty do your thang with yo sexy ass!
***raises an eyebrow***
I am going to digress.
Great post Licious.
Kim... please don't kill me. I swear I didnt hold out on purpose. Im just kinda selfish when it comes to the yummy ones! LOL. Glad you enjoyed the eye candy!
Anon 1:32 - Stand in line! LMAO
Tara - Ive tried to figure out a way to put myself into a self-induced coma for the rest of the week so it will just FLY by! Ill wake up and magically it will be October 8th!
Hmmmmmm, me likes what me seee for true!!!! I have a weakness for a black man with a neat ras hmmmmmmmmm.......... have mercy!!!!
See now I am in LLLLUUUVVVV Mr. Pretty is not only out of this world sweet and sexy BUT he has a super sexy legal mind also. Geeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzz what is a girl supposed to do now? NY best keep him around for a long time.
(Onix beau I am sorry u know u are still my No. 1 reality TV man)LOL!!!
See I am only seeing Mr. Pretty Mr Pretty pooo where are u? Now I cant concentrate on my work thanks a mil Licious!!!
Why u all have to go and put this fine specimen of my secret dreams and desires up (which I am not supposed to be having or confessing that's why its a secret)?
Now I am forced to watch ILNY2 when I sowre I was not going to indulge myself in anymore of reality TV!!!!
If you love I Love NY 2, which I'm sure you all do... you'll wanna play this new game I found! You can draft the playas onto your 'team' and you get points for things they do during the episode. So fun! Man man is on my team :) Play it!
so yuh cah answer my blasted email but yuh in here watchin man. Thais de shit ah cah take wit you, Electra.
Shit man
LOL Oh gorsh Steups u dont call, u hardly write, what is a lonely girl to do? Huh?
Hey Ricky are u looking for a Lucy? I can be that Lucy for you!!!!
*filing fingernails* Does no one EVER listen to me around here? (LOL) Who was the first to question Pretty's sexuality? ME. Remember? In my article. I told y'all I could always tell. Is it mere coincedence that his sexuality would come into question on the SHOW as well, NO. Because dude is obviously, BLATANTLY, lip gloss shining, 7even jeans wearing, Pantene Pro~V using, Night Creme slathering, hand~swishing gay. LOL I just know I'm right. Oh, and Quanda.... are you planning an "IT" interview? Because if not, I am.
*lusts for "IT"*
I dunno what it is about his crazy ass, but I'm officially on the bandwagon. Shyt, fuck a bandWAGON.... I'll ride anything of HIS.....
HE is metro I am sure (Please be metro, please.)
I wear 7 jeans! I have one on now.
WTF are you saying, Irre?
OMG, that Magdalena banner is AMAZING
Oh gorsh I cant get over those eyes, its hypnotising calling me, E, E come to me!!!! LOL
Well steups, you know I've ALWAYS thought you were gay. (LOL) Your obsessive compulsion to flex your masculinity and your lust over women tends to appear......FORCED.
You know, Rikado is kinda.....well...... "PRETTY". (LOL) But oh so very gay. Why is he pushing back his hair in that Marilyn Monroesque sort of way in every photo?
Hey Steupsy what's up? Long time no talk only getting email and I dont like that I need more attention from you I am feeling unappreciated. : (
oh and good morning
Irre, you are FIRED!!!
Seven jeans are light and comfortable; nothing else to it.
Hey Gabby! Yea fer shure, "IT" is my "Chance" this season. Like, Ommegaad!!!! And "Pretty" is my "Real".
Fired? Oh, OK. Do I still get my benefits? And true, 7evens are light and comfy. But then, so are Old Navy Boot cut jeans. Or (from what I'm told) Lees. So why not a pair of THOSE? (LOL)
*Are you really mad @ me?
I'm good E...I'll stop by later, ok.
because LEE jeans are for old people. I prefer Seven and Ralph Lauren
because LEE jeans are for old people. I prefer Seven and Ralph Lauren
(LOL) Old people..... Interesting... and you've been alive for HOW many decades, again?
I definately think we have CHANCE and REAL in IT and PRETTY.... Come on Irresistible, Let's not damage Pretty like you are doing... There is nothing wrong with being a "pretty" man... just like there is nothing wrong with being a strange "it".... Shit Chance and Real asses were on Season 1 crying like females....
You better.....OR ELSE!!!
Three decades, little child.
Do you wear Lee jeans?
*LOL* I'm just playing Nick! You know I've had nothing but love for you since the first syllable you typed. <3
You're not OLD and it's koo if you wanna rock seven jeans. Just... never go to fire island or South Beach with them on.
I better, then...
I was in South Beach last month, homey. WTF are you tryna say?
hi Jamaica
LOL Kool!!!
lol I can't wait to see chance and butta getting into it. I don't think butta is gone play around like tango did. and i saw how he threw tailor made's head into the wall.
I'm pretty sure that it leaves early and I think chance is coming back into the house.
Pretty ain't gay, but he is a lil gay for going after ny lol
And HELL NAH I don't wear no Lee Jeans. I'd rather slide down a cactus, butt ass naked. I'd rather play in New York traffic. I'd rather take a bath in aresenic or drive a power drill through my temples. Get it?
Well late August; but that's practically the same thing
Got it; but you want me to wear them. You better start sliding, mate.
Hey Jamaica! I dont think we've met. But... I see you agree with Gabb on this one. We shall see.... I wonder what this "dirt" is that Taylor Made has on Pretty's sexuality??? I swear dude is gay. I'd be willing to bet half of my shoes on that. And that's saying something.
South Beach, Steups? YOU? Are you kidding? I don't even believe you right now....
LOL!!! Hey Gabby and Irre and Jamaica how u guys doing?
steups i think irre should be here more often you get more comments when hes here
anon, and my being here has nothing to do with it (sighs)
Yes, Irre, South Beach.
I practically live there..ever been?
steups you should comment more often you funny too and ive been checkin this blog for a long time since last year i just miss when it had more funny comments. i hope when ILNY2 comes out more people will be here
Of course I've been to South Beach. I "Ran away from home" for a weekend with a 27 year old. And we went to South Beach. Best weekend of my life, by default. (Because I can't remember most of it)
WOW Thanks anon, that was a really nice thing to say. And statistically correct, too. Studies show that Irre really IS good at sparking a conversation. (LOL) Do I know you? I think I do.....
Hey guys and thanks for all the hellos and welcomes.... I am a lawyer over in Kingston! I do agree with much of the stuff said but I just wish we wouldn't pin something on someone without proof... I don't know any of the guys on this season but I do know that after reading several of their backgrounds many come from well put together homes and families and so they woudln't be all "thuggish" or "hip"....
Now, there is a dude one the VH1 site claiming to have had a relationship with Nico (who I think is 20 pack). And he has listed very specifics... Maybe we should be looking into that instead of labeling Pretty just because he is well kept and "pretty." Just my thoughts....
I am for Punk, Boota, Pretty, and Wolf btw....
You're welcome Irre and no we don't know each other since I'm just a lurker on the blog but I know that it was way more interesting when you were here. I hope to see you around the blog more often and for Steups to keep you as a writer you make really good posts.
I hear you anon.
Welcome Kingston lawyer...are you a fan of New York. We love her around here.
Where did you stay, Irre...
U are kissin my ass, majorly anon. AND I FUCKIN LOVE IT! Actually, I'd like to be the writer who covers ILNY2 Recaps, but.... Steups and co. beg to differ. But anyways, you're the best anon evah. (LOL) The world needs more people like you. Just imagine it..... a colony filled with little Irre Slaves. Fascinating.
And Jamaica, I'm feeling you on tha Wolf thing. I totally forgot about his fine self.
There are so many good looking men to choose from this season! I am def on the Pretty bandwagon though as well as Mr. Wise, Buddha, Wolf, and Punk. I already do not like Taylor Made, he ooozes jerk..
Wow, this is an amazing guy... I had picked my favorite (Boota)of the show but after stopping by Pretty's myspace and leaving him a message where were talked for a while, I am now between Boota and Pretty... He seems to be a very kewl man... I definately don't think he is gay though others may say it because of his look!
Go by and talk to him... He's way kewl!
Hmmm Steups lemme look it up.....
I can't remember because I was like, 16? Yea 16, and I was just a passenger. He drove and I rode, he very possibly could've driven me to my death.
Mr.Wise.... not so much. I'm not really into him for some reason. Punk is cute, but he kinda looks like a lemur, you know?
All I know is Pretty I did not notice any of the other men because I was trying to stay clear of ILNY2 and reality TV BUT, alas, I have been trapped once again by a sexy bod (smh, wish Dana was here)
Dana is here, Electra...but she doesn't comment unless and until her best-friend writes something
Punk..hmm I am gonna be honest..I just like his body..it is a nice one, and I like Solomon Wise..he seemed really sweet on the ILNY site when I was voting for him...
pale, tell us whom you hate...that's more fun.
Hmmmmmph and I thought I was her BFF :( LOL!!!! Anywayz.....
she found out about us and the whole BFF thing collapsed
are y'all voting on the Poll?
well before even watching the show, I pretty much do not like Taylor Made or It...but I am sure I will find others to dislike after I see the first show LOL
Oh I see!!! LOL
Well we all know that I HATE Midget Mac, and Taylor made is an annoying cross between Mr. Boston and Romance, so I can't stand him. And I hate ManMans FAT ASS. And Twin is NOT as cute as he thinks he is.
Yeah I voted!!!! Will be voting on Nov 5 too, LOL!!!!
Hmm I forgot about Twin..yeah I agree Irre, he is not as cute as he thinks he is ...
WOW just saw the Deelishis banner, and she SO should've zipped up that blazer. Her boobs are a little...... "flacid", aren't they? I had no idea she was gravity challenged.
Can we all agree that Pretty is the MOST HANDSOME.... Boota is the MOST SEXY... Punk (though not attractive has the BEST BODY... Twin is the MOSTLY TO GO HOME QUICKLY (he is not cute)... TailorMade is the real PUNK of the season....lol I am just being crazy hey guys from DC....
Hey Tonya. If you wanna wrap it up, allow me:
Boota is the sexy agressor (ergo Tango)
Pretty is the...well....PrettyBoy Diva (he kicks Taylor made out of the room)
Punk is the 12 Pack of the season (self promotion)
Twin is the Onyx this time around
Taylor made is the wannabe New York Trouble starter in the house
"IT" is the Pootie this time
Midget Mac is the promotional Ploy
Wolfs positive attitude reminds me of Rico
Solomon Wise is Whiteboy
etc. etc. Basically, same formula as last time
Good on ya, E. Vote COP ok?
The love for Pretty is aggravating me...let's insult Midget Mac!!!
Solomon Wise is Whiteboy?
Ha...........sounds death knell.
Awwww Steups are you gettin jealous? Personally I find you more attractive than Pretty. I've seen you! Post a picture of yourself up, and I'm sure you'll get a very nice amount of "oohs" and "aahs"
COP? Yeah Right, why should I? I dont trust Dookie because of the July 25th 1990 thing with u know who.
I mean July 27th
E, what tha HELL are you and steups talking about? COP? Dookie? and more confusingly, 1990? I am so totally lost.
He's the cause that terrorist and his minions went free so he cant approach me now asking for my vote.
Yes, IRRE... the IT interview has already been scheduled. We talked on the phone early this morning.
IT is a hot boiling mess.
Nah Irre there was an attempted Coup back in 1990 and many people were killied.
Dookie is the nickname for one of the leaders of the political parties running for elections.
Hey Q (waves), I have to catch up now cause I dont know any of these men u guys are talking about. LOL
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Politics are bad for my skin, so I'm glad I don't know what y'all are talking about.
And DAMMIT Quanda!! I wanna talk to him more than anything. (LOL) I'm so sad because there's nothing for me to do around here. Why do you say he's a hot boiling mess?
Come on now Irres.... U always putting Pretty down... Why he gotta be a DIVA? GET THE GUY A CHANCE!!!!
Yours is not a fine as Onyx, I think all us ladies can agree to that...
TAILOR is the Bitch DIVA in the house creating lies and drama...
Midget Mac... Why is he there? O that's right ratings!!!
Solomon Wise is White boy and he is NOT cute....
Boota... Enuff said on that!!!
Solomon Wise is White boy and he is NOT cute....
that's redundant...just say he is Whiteboy
IRRE, just trust me he is a HOT BOILING MESS. We went in and out of appropriate conversation. I had to pull the discussion back to the topic of hand then he would drift into 'inappropriate territory'. Then I would pull him back into the subject at hand then finally when he was at the point of no return. I had to say bye and hang up.
Hello E.
LOL @ Quanda. That made me laugh. LOL not only a mess. No. Not just a hot mess. As if. But a Hot Boiling Mess. LMAO!!! That must be a brand new level of disgusting. But if I may ask (as if I have to) What do you define as "Approriate"? Was he saying nasty, dirty, sexual things to you? If so, I'll need to hear about it in full detail.
*takes jello shot*
Hello all
who is this "It" guy?
Oh and Steups the Rihanna concert was as lame as I thought. She came out in a leather tu tu.... I was so glad that i wore my muscle shurt and didn't listen to u about changing :)lol
*just finished searching the ENTIRE Internet*
Shit. There is nothing to report regarding "I Love New York" @ current. Steups and Quanda, y'all got the GOOD jobs around here. The easy ones, even. I can't find a damn thing to post...
Irre u have to stalk the men on their myspaces and hope that they give up some good info lol. I haven't tried yet but i plan to soon :)
irre dont worry bout it boo boo u do u i'm sure you'll find something 2 post.
Licious, no need to go into a coma, just go over to a friends house who has on demand to watch the first episode now. As for Pretty, I do agree that he is fine, I actually don't care for the 2nd picture bcause it just looks like he's spooked and scratching his head. In the first episode he basically was just a background guy after he got his nickname, don't recall him much after that, didn't seem to have much of a personality.
I do think he looks like he may be gay or metrosexual, and Licious by the way, someone who is gay will not necessarily make a video or even admit it sometimes. I think we should watch more episodes to confirm all the suspicion.
Not really feeling this cat... Hate the picture with the ripped up white jeans & what are those... Converse??? Looks like no one told him it was going to be a full body shot.
Never been much for guys who look like they spend more time in front of the mirror than I do...
"I need a what yo,
gotta get a roughneck..."
This low-rent Eric Benet is anything but fine. Y'all can keep this one. Blech!
OK then maybe that's my issue too, he deffinately ain't a ruff neck!
maybe the point of the picture was to be abstract?? I deff couldn't see myself walking around w/ some dude wearing that fit!!!
Oh, and if Solomon Wise is Whiteboy...I loveth him too.
Whiteboy is not cute at all tho...
He foine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Solomon was hella boring on the 1st ep too, I don't even recall him opening his mouth, evah!
Perhaps Anon. Still hate it...
lol NOOOOOOO don't tell the first episode lol, i have satelite so I don't get on demand.... was it good though? Aight never mind, tell me what happened? a brief recap.... Well nah just who stood out?
It was very entertaining. Midget Mac got the most camera time for sure as well as the 5 (i think) mama's boys, who rode up in a limo w/ sister P after everyone was already there. They were all fitted up, which Pretty was one of them by the way. It was acting retarded. In one scene when NY was having some 1 on 1's w/ the guys she was holding a conversation w/ champ I think and It came up and sat behind her and started rubbing on her and then lickin on her shoulders! Ugh! Then champ had to finally tell him to chill out.
"IT" i meant
oooh ok, so did they show the 5 who were eliminated or did they psych us out to make us wait until sunday?
And thank u
There was so much going on, but there was also a fight that almost broke out, between the chubby dude Man Man and Millione, which is a little off.
Naw, they got to the last person to get a chain & then it cut off. The last guys left, I'll try to remember were Unsure, Midget Mac, Sweetie Pice, Ears, umm Millione I think and man I can't remember for sure so don't quote me.
oooh, i kind of thought that true aka milliawn was a lil slow because i saw his audition tapes but i guess i'll really get to see on the 8th. do u know if episode 1 is on the v spot?
ok, i didn't think darnell wright was gone make it too far, they don't even show him in the commercials
I know 1 thing, Doc was scruffy as heck. He coulda got his braids done before going on national TV, the only reason he got a chain was because he made sure to tell NY he had a big "D" when they were getting to know each other and that seemed to blow her away. She couldn't stop thinking about that. Then when she called him upto get his chain she told him it was bcuz of that comment he had made earlier & sister P was like what comment, tell me! And when he told her she was like let me see it! I don't believe that is church like behavior!
Anywhoo, I guess that's enough to hold you over huh Gabrielle.
who is doc? but lol i'll keep my sister patterson comments to myself, Mr NY might be lurking around and i don't want to have to murder him today.....
lol yea i appreciate u very much anon, I'm content until monday now.... I'll do a post just for u lol once u pick ya favorite person
Man, I think Imma hafto say Buddha for now. Just Bcuz Midget Mac is a tabo around here but the 1st ep was deff all him. He was a sweet heart, personality wise.
Not to be mean, but Midge Mac reminds me of a cabbage patch.
lol cabbage patch, i can't help but think of hell date when i see midget mac. i try not to but i be thinkin to myself "i wonder if they all related" but I talked to butta or buddha and he said that he was going to do a show with me on the Elle Word so after I do that interview I'll do a post just for u, whats ya name?
I guess I can be Drama Queen. That's what my husband and kids call me, not sure if that's a good thing thoe! Drama is entertaining as heck, I just try to keep it outta my personal life, feel me.
lol yea i got ya
I think episode 1 is gone break a record
I think so too, fortunately it wont disappoint, it's action packed for sure. Sister P is deffinately over the top.
do u think she's out to get her own show off of new york?
she was acting more than NY it seemed. It also seems like she is looking for a man this time around too. She deffinately had a hook into champ the whole night, NY was even jealous. I thought i remember a clip in the previews where 1 of the dudes is busted under the covers w/ her???
with sister patterson? say what? is that how the Christians get down in cali?
The hipocrite ones so it seems. Man I was raised in church my aunt was a minister and her mother and father the pastors of the church and I dont recall this type of behavior.
alrightee then. back to our conversation Gab, who am I to judge, it's deff entertaining
I'm thinkin the same thing, I can't stand when people get on TV and do stuff like that cause it gives the sense that all people who are christians act that way. I think she's portraying more of a character now then who she really is. I saw her sitting in whiteboy's lap and i thought that was kinda iffy, but IN THE BED?
so so true, we can't judge nothing but still, just to take it back to the show, why is she tryna get her OWN DAUGHTERS men? thats just jerry springer trifling right there. but did she try to call out gay people once again?
She never seems to discourage NY innapropriate behaviour like most mothers wood, she actually appears to encourage her more. But yeah, as each show NY has been on you can see her acting abilities upped more & more.
Yeah, her 3rd eye sensed them out, I recall her calling out unsure, thus the name!!! But what she was really trippin off of was Midget Mac, bcuz she had never seen a midget in real person blah blah blah so she acted like she was seeing the devil, i mean she yelled at the top of her lungs when she first saw him. I thought that was uncalled for.
yea i noticed that everyone was mad at Bootz momma for not saying nothing on charm school but i don't see them saying nothing to Ms. Patterson. But i think that NY got that crazy attitude honest, cause her mom seems to be "IT" like to me.
lol i dind't know that UNSURE was a real name.... lol HOT MESS. I thought u kept saying that u were unsure of who it was... NY messed up the names this season.... but Thats messed up that she acted like that, a simple 'long stare' who have been okay, cause i have to take a good look from time to time at people who are different cause it's new to me, but i don't go out of my way to embarass them, that was wrong.
LOL, you aint lying, that's exactly who she reminds me of. She needs to find some friends her age to associate w/ so that maybe some maturity can rubb off on her.
I guess you could say the same for NY, she doesn't seem like the type to have many female friends. Everytime I see her she is w/ dudes.
yea we did a show with some of her friends from high school and they said that all the girls beat her up, she always skipped school with guys and she was nasty..... I can pretty much see that
By the way, did anyone notice how Deelishus got her teeth fixed. Remember the gap, long gone. Maybe she felt bad after Wendy Williams clowner her about her teeth when she was on her show.
***literally yawning***
Real bitches obviously keep other bitches on their mind.
And then waste their time making poor quality videos.
***yawns again***
So thankful I am not a 'REAL BITCH'.
Who spells ho 'hoe' anymore? That's like so 1994. That was just good for pagers... 304 304 you dig?
Q, I said it before, my wicker patio set has got ur back...
UMM just curious Q, does this person live anywhere by you to make such threats, cuz why on line instead of in person? Kinda reminds me of jr high, aren't u a grown woman Q?
do you even know who saphiretigress really is to go kick her ass or you just gonna look up saphiretigress in the yellow pages?
very comical!!
I have returned. Empty handed still, but hey, I returned.
Oh dear.... should I check back out? I'm not feelin' the drama between Q and Queen Brina, and she should definitely steer clear of ME.
*By the way honey that was a warning*
good luck finding me, my name is ANONYMOUS
sup irre?
riiiighttt... I'll be sure to hide all my lawn chairs... You're a scary girl! LMFAO!
LMAO @ yellow pages anon!
Q where are you, come shut it down!
Hi there, anonymous. Are you the friendly one that likes my work?
Sapphire Tigress in the Yellow Pages!
That was very funny.
wow, can't wait to see irre response to that one!
Now she done went an started typing about IRRE DEE.
Anon, if I shut it down it's going to be the comment box. And that wouldn't be fair to all of you.
Brina isn't no where on my radar.
Hey Q, Irre, Sapphire, Anon.
Hope you're all having a great day.
Q, I see you've become quite the E-celebity.
What the hell is goin on in here, uh I just saw the casting special last night and it looks to be ver funny.
Q why is this orphan queen brina beefing with you?
Hey Meale - cute picture!!
Oh my, don't hurt her Irre!
refresh my memory someone, who is/was queenbrina again?
Oh yeah, hi Meale, slow day so far, that's why Im on here looking for some excitement.
anon... maybe you should google her...lol
She was the crazy lady who kicked the lawn chair.
Yeah, that's all I know her for, kickin the lawn chair, so is that her claim to fame?
In my humble opinion, she is attempting to be a New York clone. It ain't working.
She fixates on different females and talks a lot of nonsense. Peachy Christa, Licious, Sexy Angie... have been her previous fixations.
She made a YouTube video cussing me out. And kick a ferocious lawn chair to show of her WuShu fighting skills.
How are you Hutche? We have to chat soon. I enjoy talking to you, my eBrother.
Now why did this bitch have to go and do that. You ridiculous little girl. First of all, If I had a stick, I'd fedex it to you so you could just kill yourself wit it, you dumb bytch. I'm not gonna waste my time on someone who is under the illusion that she can locate and destroy people via comments box. You're clearly not in the best of mindstates, so honey, have a coke and a smile, and find some1 else to annoy because (and read this carefully and slowly) YOU DO NOT WANT IT WITH ME. I will hurt your feelings, and you will leave the blogspot feeling as if your entire soul has been ripped out. And that was a promise, not a threat. 'Kay hun?
Meale, I MISS YOU. Girl I am just a blogger. I am NOT a E-Celebrity.
LMAO lawn chair? Really? I don't even have to say anything to this girl, she played herself. She need to take that lawn chair and sit her fat ass in it and think about what she's doing. Reckless ass clown.
I knew that was coming from IRRE DEE.
I need IRRE's e-mail.
OMG, that video was such a waste. My friends used to wear that hairstyle back in....1992 maybe? She obviously aint never been outta the suburbs.
Miss you too girl.
All the videos and attention from the
lawn chair ninja I just knew you were...lol
what up Q. look forward to speaking with you again.
I just looked up her video, queenbrinna sho got a attitude I dont know what all thats about.
did you guys see it yet?
I couldn't even stomach watching the entire video because that cheap cashmere sweater was unbearable. SOOOOOO 2003. And anotha thing, how you gonna try to act all hard while wearing a fluffy pink sweater with a matching belt, anyway? LOL Bottom line girls, don't give in to her B/S, she just wants to be a youtube celebrity, but I'M not bout to help her reach that status. Butch Bitch betta get under a blanket and cry about Britney Spears or some shit. (LOL) And anotha thing, Brina girl you feel all special because your name pops up on google, honey type in Irresistible Deliscious. Same story, boo. What do you want a fucking COOKIE?
Thanks for the pic comment Sapphire.
queenbrina is obviously also a Rancho Cucamonga "G"
Delusions of reality or YouTube fame, I believe tha's what this is all about.
I don't know what the he say/she say shit is about or the running. Basically it ain't my problem, it's hers.
oh my god anon!!!
(falls on floor laughing...)
I was thinking Des Moines (Iowa) "G"
*thinks to himself that it got really dead in here all of a sudden. Erybody must be googling thier names. LOL*
LOL Irre!
I'm off to go watch my son play football. Love you guys!
Hey Girly Boy,
OOOH WEE Irre, Im with you, Deelishus looks much better from the back.
1)Myers Hall, Dorm 403, fourth floor, Mars Hill College, Mars Hill, North Carolina, 27854
4)GeRon Lafeyette Turner @ facebook.com
*oh and as a thought, if you're gonna make a youtube video about ME, could you.... maybe PLEASE where something that doesn't look like Hand me Downs from Laura Winslow? (Family Matters) I'd really appreciate that. Don't wanna embarass me TOO much.