First, Credit goes to Quanda giving me the heads up about this, and for allowing me to use her catchphrase (Hot, Boiling Mess) Second, I'm sure you're wondering, as I did,
Well the answer, is, unfortunaltely, Hottie. Not only is she present @ this years FOX REALITY AWARDS, she'll be performing. YES, Performing. Wow. Where tha hell do I begin. For starters, Fish nets and jelly roll do NOT coordinate. And who told her that blue eyeshadow was back in? New York doesn't even pull that look off well. I honestly don't believe Schatar has washed her face or changed her weave since FOL 1. Just dyed it a few times. Stuck it in the wash, air dried, and double side taped it back on. God only knows what calamity lies beneath those troubled tresses by now.
@ This point, she is really getting into the performance. And that big nasty vagina of hers is REALLY getting into those decades old go~go shorts. Hey Hottie: Camel called. He wants his toe back. (LMAO) Ole' girl puts the PUSSY in CAT~astrophe.
This is Miss Schatar and Miss Sanjaya. The two are nominated for "Most DREADful LOCKS" this year. (LOL) Just Kidding, it's only a photo op. But though Sanjaya appears to be smiling, he's really clenching his teeth so as not to vomit on Hottie. Because he realizes, just as I DO, that she isn't wearing a bra. Just nasty and wrong on so many levels. And one of her titties is STILL bigger than the other. LMAO the smaller one is just hanging out like, " Oh, don't mind ME". (LOL) And here is Miss Schatar in another one of her patented space suits. She actually looks pregneant, but that's about as likely as her hair being....well.....HER HAIR. LMAO. Long story short: Gray and Maroon Dress, Red Lipstick, Blonde hair, and Blue eyeshadow make her one big, BLACK mess. (LOL) But I can't speak on her perfomance itself just yet. You'll have to tune in to the FOX REALITY AWARDS on October 13th to see if she was a hit or a miss.
Credit: & Meale
A Boiling Hot(tie) Mess......
| Charm School Contestants, Fox Reality Awards, Hottie | 76 comments »
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Damn, was just about to post this...
On an aside; I hate those small pictures
Irre was bored and I wanted him to have something to post. Plus I was dying to read his take on this.
OMG, you & your objurgation of small pictures.
Thanks Irre Dee, funny post!!!
This is UGLY, and it's not looking like the way I set it up. What's going on? And there's an entire PARAGRAPH that didn't show up here.... Steups.... FIX IT!
I'm trying to...
give me an idea of what it's supposed to look like; particularly the final two pictures
The final two pictures are lined up like the rest of them, with comments to the side. For some reason, it keeps erasing my entire paragraph about Sanjaya and Schatar.... I'm so confused.... and the color is all wrong.....
*sinks into depression*
HEY LOOK I DID IT MYSELF! I Figured out what tha problem was.
LOL! Good job.
*bows* Thank you Q. Never hesistate to throw me a bone from now on.
good, because I totally forgot about this and got lost in email
Hey good Post @ Irrev,
I'm not feeling her outfit. The blue eyeshadow is ok and yes Irrev, hate to mention but yes it's back in different shades of blues for the falls.
Keep up the good work Irrev.
SHUT UP are you serious? BLUE? I had no idea. But Hell, Hottie can't start BACK wearing what she never STOPPED wearing. (LOL) How you doin shawn? Haven't seen you in a Loooooong time. And thanks for the love. By the way, M.A.C. products are the absolute best. I live for the Mascara. It's like.... amazing. You put on the applicator, and then the top coat, and it's like... a miracle or something.
Thanks Jeff. I've never seen you until just now. Do you post often? And Cheering up your life is my destiny! LOL You're the best. I'm glad you liked it. Where are you from, Jeff?
lmao at he wants his toe back
STEUPS!!! You like it, TOO?
*positively beaming @ this point*
like what? The post?
I love every post on this blog that doesn't praise Whiteboy or abuse me
Hey Irrev and to everyone out there,
Irrev, I am great and yourself? Yes, blue is back especially with Mac for the fall. Go to the site and look at the blue and brown smokey eyes. Then there is another blue:
I love Mac and Shu Uenura eyeshadows.
Ohhh, the joke? Yeah, I laughed my ass off at that
steups can you help a Brother out what spyware protection do you for your Computer
how about you shawn or deliscious what spyware protection do you use
Anonymous you're asking tha wrong one here.
And Shawm, did my research, and as it turns out you are absolutely right. But Hottie was still wrong for that.
And Steups.... so you only liked the joke? What was wrong with the rest, so I'll know for future reference....
you have a Computer right deliscious
Yea I got one. It uses Norton Antivirus.
Dayuum Irre, I was cracking up the whole time! Thanks for erasing the traces of queenbrina from my mind!
Did you hear about the fight between donnie bonaduce and johny fairplay at this event?
anon, I use nothing except an antivirus software and IE's built-in tools
can you buy me one deliscious
as for the blue shadow, not sure it's ever been outta style, but it's deff not for everyone, and you gotta know how to use it and what shade, which Hottie does not appear to follow any fashion
she needs to subscribe to Glamour magazine.
Deelishus needs a breast lift.
Fairplay and Bonaduce? Are you kidding? That's almost too good to be true. I'm gonna be all over that, and hopefully I can bring it to y'all. The Really Awards are so interesting because with all those strong personalities, it's like taking a thousand rabid chickens, throwing them in a box and shaking it up. The really awards is a reality tv show in itself.
SAnjaya is about to vomit caus ehe has to get that close to a woman while not doing her hair. She is still probably a better singer than he.
or maybe it's that "funny smell" of hers
bubo! I was waiting for you to say something. Yea.... Sanjaya IS a bit of a flamer, right? And yeah, she does have a clearer voice. Remember FOL1, when she sung The Star Spangled Banner? She had good tone and resonance then....
Great Post Irre..u r soo funny! "Camel called, he wants his toe back" I am gonna have to remember that one LOL
Wow that one line is REAAAALY sticking out there, huh? LOL Cute picture, sheep. Who's toes are those? LOL
I have no idea, I just picked the picture off the net cause of the dog LOL...
deliscious do you have a big penis like steups
anon, better question is, how do you know how large steups penis is.... Answer that for me first. 'Kay hun?
& Pale Sheep, you are so SILLY!!!
LMAO, yeah we would all like to know how u know the size of steups Penis Anon LMAO!
W/E happened to that Brina Bytch? She just dissappeared. And so did Quanda.
*Gee.... I wonder if she really DID track down Quanda and do some lawnchair~ate on her?
blue eye shadow does not go with red lipstick, unless your a hooker.
not even THEN, anon. Who cares if you're a lady of the night? That bright ass red lipstick will show up even in the dark.
deliscious let just say me steups did Cyber Sex LOl that how i know his penis
Is it just me, everytime I log on and the banner of Deelishus deflated titties comes on it makes me cringe. Steups, yall coulda picked a better picture.
oh ok, cybersex, you must be under 21 then. I prefer real adult sex
q do you like cybersex
q is deliscious SARGENTBEVERLY from flavoroflovecasting
NO! @ ANON 7:53pm
wow, that would be interesting anon, why not ask Irre, he doesn't seem to hide anything
that True Anonymous @ 7:55pm
i love you q
Not really but I have typed dirty to my man. I prefer the real deal.
quanda did you know that New York’s real name isn’t Tiffany Pollard her real name is Kenya Simmons
I loooveee the hate in this post. I couldn't have said it better myself.
I need something to hate on. I'm bored.
That rumor has been floating around forever but I haven't seen the proof.
Qif you are doing that thing we talked about, wear the green negligee, ok?
Lol...just kkidding. What I meant to say is put the show's name in the title, the full name, and the Episode.
Laterz; I am off for a while.
dang steups, you sho been quiet
what's new everyone?
That was not remotely funny.
Hello Anon, I am good and you.
You fucking suck. Tell this clown to stop posting.
I love Hottie. She definetly can sing better than Sanjaya. I was at a show she was performing at. She has a good vocal range.
Schatar does look good sometimes. I loved her on Charm School. Shes so funny.
Hmmm.....anon @ 12:59 and 1:01 you remind me of someone.
Now run along and play in traffic will ya.
Q, you're hilarious. But I'm more unprofessional than you ever will be.
FUCK U 2. :)
Well anon @ 3:12, if you meant that for me, come on, let's go.
But I hope you make it good because you come off as someone with a limp dick.
Just call me when you are ready at 1-800-gofuckyourmother :)
I'm not Steups, and my mother's rates are too high. You could not afford her!!!
Yea i am on here alot and btw i am from NJ aka "the most boring state ever" but w/e. lol