Tonight at 7:00pm EST (4:00pm PST) Black Rican hosts the Charm School Finale Recap on the Elle Word Radio Show.
What are your thoughts on Saaphyri's winning?

Did you buy her 'Charm School means a house to me' speech?

Was Becky sincere when she offered 50% of her winnings?

Should Shay have been bitter she was taken down?
Was Leilene the true winner of Charm School?


  1. FOL // 2/7/07 5:48 PM  

    1/2 th

  2. Anonymous // 2/7/07 5:55 PM  

    hey steups were is everybody today

  3. Anonymous // 2/7/07 5:57 PM  

    steups i was the anon that told u a couple of days ago thta i found the pict of serious and her bf.i didnt email but this the link

  4. ShakazP // 2/7/07 5:58 PM  

    poor shay, she let larissa manipulate her to steal and lost everyone's trust in the process.

  5. Anonymous // 2/7/07 6:20 PM  

    poor shay my ass
    she a grown ass woman

  6. Anonymous // 2/7/07 6:20 PM  

    poor shay my ass
    she a grown ass woman

  7. FOL // 2/7/07 8:51 PM  

    Anonymous, thanks; but the MySpace is set to private.

  8. Anonymous // 3/7/07 1:40 AM  

    well its cool that sapphyri won
    since she didn't have a home..
    but she isn't exactly the most sincer person ever..
    i mean, she would always make fun of leilene and roll her eyes at her

    well whatever, i'm just glad Shay didn't win..

  9. Anonymous // 3/7/07 1:53 AM  

    I'm still happy for Saaphyri. We all know Saaphyri didn't have that much so why bring up the question? Saaphyri needed that money, but Leilene learned more than her so it's like they both won. Plus, Leilene got a Hollywood deal! ^^ Also, Becky was obviously sincere. For Shay, she did her thing. Leilene should have won when it came to learning what she learned. Saaphyri DID learn things though. Saaphyri went through Charm School. Leilene went through Charm School with a beating from the girls. Saaphyri deserved the cash, but Leilene deserved the crown of Charm School etiquette. Like I said, Leilene is going to Hollywood!! She'll get money too. Why can't you all just be happy for both of them? lol

  10. Anonymous // 3/7/07 4:06 AM  

    I'm still happy for THE PENIS SLAPPER. We all know THE PENIS SLAPPER didn't have that much so why bring up the FACT THAT SHE IS STILL ON WELFARE BACK HOME? THE PENIS SLAPPER needed that money,
    (AND A LESS IRRITATING VOICE) but THE C** GUZZELER MONIQUE learned more than her so it's like they both KICK ROCKS NOW. Plus, THE C** GUZZELER MONIQUE got a Hollywood deal! ^^ Also, Becky was obviously A BUFFOON WHO WOULD MUCH RATHER BE BLACK. For CHAMO, she did her thing. THE PENIS SLAPPER should have won when it came to learning HOW TO GET TEABAGGED. BECKY AND PUMKIN DID learn things though. BECKY AND PUMPKIN went through A VIRTUAL PLETHORA OF BLACK DUDES AND SPORTED COLD SORES AND STD's. THAT WHALE MONIQUE went through Charm School with a beating from ORCA's COUSIN PORKA. PUMPKIN deserved TO BE ABORTED AT BIRTH, but CHAMO deserved the crown of Charm School etiquette. Like I said, BIG RICK is going to Hollywood!! She'll get money too. Why can't you all just be happy for ALL of them? lol

  11. Anonymous // 3/7/07 5:48 AM  

    Oooo you said it much better than I did! :D

  12. Anonymous // 3/7/07 8:23 AM  

    Saaphyri suckered all of them in. She wasn't homeless, she didn't own anything because she spent money on pink hairweaves and designer shooes people! If I wasted all my money on crap instead of rent I'd have a sob story too. But I'm not that stupid like she is. I can't believe how you people are falling for that BS.

  13. Anonymous // 3/7/07 8:37 AM  

    Where da recap??? I need to get my laugh on!

  14. Anonymous // 3/7/07 1:49 PM  

    Leilene go Leilene

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