Say-what-karaoke-new-yorkAnyone who saw New York on MTV's 'Say what Karaoke' (re-titled SWK2.0) will testify that our girl has upgraded significantly. The weave looks professional, she's lost some weight and the breasts look not as intrusive.

So, it won't surprise me if interest in I Love New York 2 is even greater than the original series. And with greater interest you'd expect more quality contestants.
One contestant, more hopeful than expectant, is Solomon Wise.

Now, this guy screams Whiteboy at me, so I am screaming 'I hate you' at him; but if you like him, then vote him on the show.
Unlike Joshua, who never said much, this guy has an interview at Q-Gasm for you to judge whether he deserves your vote or not.
So, go read Solomon Wise at Q-Gasm, and when you've voted or not, vote for Elle's brother, CalT


  1. Anonymous // 14/5/07 11:50 AM  


  2. Anonymous // 14/5/07 12:00 PM  

    Jane do you like black men?

  3. Anonymous // 14/5/07 12:57 PM  


    I like all men.


  4. The Q © 2010 // 14/5/07 1:21 PM  

    So true Jane.

    Steups should agree with you 100%. He likes all types of women too.

    Everyone has a great day. And thanks again Steups for the lovely Happy Mother's Day message.

  5. Anonymous // 14/5/07 11:03 PM  

    What up, Ladies.

    Im totally tardy I know but ummm... YES he is ABSOLUTELY HOTT!

    The man literally makes my mouth water... like a fat kid lookin at cake.


    If this is what the white boys look, act, and sound like in Miami... then im packin up and planning a move. Who's with me?

  6. Anonymous // 22/5/07 4:03 PM  

    A Fine Azz Brotha everybody's talking about is flow from Baltimore

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