Is it me, or is Charm School becoming too similar to 'The Apprentice'?
That's not what we want!
Sure Flavor Flav and New York were random at times but there was a method in 't. Mo'Nique is just too whimsical; there is no synergy between the Episodes before and the most current Episode.
But; whatever, it's her let's get to the recap of Flavor of Love Girls: Charm School, Episode 5.
"I think Brooke is so nasty", said Larissa (Bootz), as she and Shay (Buckeey) recall the night before where Brooke (Pumkin) played tongue-wrestling with some random guy.
Thankfully Mo'Nique interrupts with an announcement that the ladies should board the Charm School bus to be taken to their next assignment.
Before they take their seats, the girls ponder the meaning of the Commandment that governs today's assignment; Charm School Commandment 6, 'Thou shalt mind thy money'.
(seems straight-forward to me; as easy as 10 x 3 = 30)
At the rendezvous they are prepped by Mo'Nique, "now to be a fabulous woman, we all need to know how to make, our own living. We can-not, depend on anyone else, to pay our bills."
And with that she introduces the 'guest Professor', Sara Horowitz Thran. (the creator and fragrance designer of 'Creative Scentualizations)
She's there because she turned a hobby into a multi-million dollar business (I hate those people) and hopefully she'll assist the girls in their challenge to, "make, market and sell their own custom fragrance"
Professor Thran advises the girls that "whatever your dream is inside of you, it does not matter where you come from or what you've studied. If you have a passion for it, a belief in it...and you can move forward with persistence; you can achieve your goals"
(yawns...they always say that shit when what we really want to hear is an 'idea' so we can become rich too)
She did say, however, that the most important thing to consider at the end of the day is "what do you want your customer to feel; how do you want them to react."With the clichés out of the way it was time for serious stuff, like pricing, marketing and cost of sales; but there was still time for silly Brooke's opinion of Bootz, "I think Larissa is going to have the hardest time with this because she smells like a rotten orange..."
(I thought I heard 'rotten whore' for some reason?)
Everything progressed smoothly until Sarah Thran changed the topic to COG...Cost of Goods. You see 'Cost of Goods' involves math and that's one, four-letter word the ladies don't appreciate at all.
Buckwild says "when I see a math equation on the board, I'm a little worried"
(but it's not like it's 10 x 3 or something)
Turns out the math equation was "10 X 3 =", and that was too much math for the ladies to handle. Buckwild said she can handle up to 9's; but 10's are too big for her (it's good to know Buckwild can handle me)
And that was that...
With Professor Thran gone, Dean Mikki Taylor took center-stage to say the fragrance created would be sold by the ladies at an open-air mall in Hollywood. "The team that makes the largest profit from the sale of their scent will be safe from expulsion at the next elimination"
Mikki then announces there will be three teams to be headed by three CEO's (Shay, Larissa and Brooke). The CEO's, as a group, will interview the remaining 6 contestants as a precursor to choosing two, to form their sales teams.
Mo'Nique then explains to the viewing public the reasons for their choices of CEO's, "I feel like we need to see more from Brooke; like she never seems like she was really present. Then we selected Larissa and Shay...they are so dependent on each other; we wanted to split them up and see how well they got along without each other"
(makes sense to me)
Before the ladies began their interviews, ideas are already forming in their heads about the team they want. Shay wants Becky (Buckwild) because, "people notice her a lot. They'll notice her before they notice me (not from the back Shay. Not from the back; 'lawd hammercy' at this woman's ass)
The Interviews
Buckwild was shown first and when asked by Brooke if she'd ever sold anything, her answer was "weed"
Shay believes Courtney (Goldie) can use her humor to help her team (what humor?)
And Brooke asks what was her (Courtney's) first job (why?). Turns out it was at McDonald's® and she was fired for "giving away food" (smh, she knows damn well she ate all the missing food)Schatar (Hottie) thought she should be hired because she is "very driven". Shay decides she wants Schatar on her team because "she can talk her way through anything"
Next up was Saaphyri who gives a demonstration of her sales skill, behaving like one of those shysters you see on 125th Street in Harlem.
Darra (Like Dat) said "I sell my ass off" (she has a background in pharmaceutical sales) and made her 'pitch', but Shay saw it as rambling and was quite rude to her.
Leilene (Smiley), was last (what's new) and she must have thought she was interviewing for a real job because she asked questions like, "what does your company stand for?" (huh?)
As she exited, the girls laughed at her (not nice at all)
So it was time to choose teams and it was clear no one wanted Leilene. It was also clear that Larissa and Shay were ganging up on Brooke and they made their selections (you had to choose from pictures on the table) whilst Brooke was still in debate mode. That meant Brooke was forced to accept Darra and Leilene, with Shay choosing Schatar and Becky and Larissa leading Courtney and Saaphyri
(at this point it was obvious Larissa would lose because she had no one to capture the white audience. If I were a white woman, Saaphyri would scare me)
The next step was the CEO's announcement of their selection. Larissa and Shay did so, with little explanation to their selections, but Brooke chose the other route, "I chose Darra because you are older and I think that you're more educated and you handle yourself very well. And I chose Leilene because you're sexy (hmmn) and I think you would use your assets to the best of your advantage"
Larissa, being the asshole she can be, decided to "check" Brooke and told Leilene, "she didn't want you".
Brooke might be a nasty piece of work, but she's no fool. Caught between a rock and a hard-place she simply spoke the truth, "let's keep it real, nobody wanted you sweetheart, but you're sexy so you'll sell" (again with the sexy)Leilene simply said, "I respect that; that's fine (my eyes watered at this shit, like for real). I know that no team wanted me, but, hey, some team has to have me. Whoever it is, I know that they are lucky (I'm crying now, Tyra-style)
The teams dispersed to create their scent and discuss marketing and other matters. Sarah Tran, (I thought she'd left), addressing Larissa's team told them that using a scent that reminds them of a time in their life would be a useful beginning towards creating their scent
Hers was honey-suckle, Saaphyri's was "gasoline" (and people wonder why she isn't one of my favorites)
Next on the list was choosing a name (well maybe it wasn't but I need to speed thing up because this recap is much longer than it ought to be). Shay's team chose 'Icon', Brooke's team chose 'Flavor of Love' and Larissa used hers and her team-members' names to choose La'sa'cour
With the scents created, it was back to the mansion to work on bottle design and presentation.
At home, all the items needed for marketing, display and a poster were on the table to be accessed (Shay just murdered a mustard colored tights. What a body that girl has)
Brooke's team "followed the line that sex sells" and took pictures of themselves in the nude for their poster. Observing them Shay said, "Brooke's team look(s) like a bunch of whores, Leilene with her fake boobs; that is like the fakest (sic) cleavage I've ever seen..."
Downstairs, the ladies saw an announcement; the CEO's of the losing teams will automatically be called down to the carpet.
The next morning (Sales Day)The ladies board the bus and are taken to Hollywood and Highland Center where they set up shop for their two hours of sales.
Larissa's subordinates are nowhere to be seen, Buckwild is using that noticeable personality of hers to drum up interest whilst Brooke's team are moving like a well oiled machine.
Leilene removes her sweats to spray the scent on her bosom for guys to sniff. It didn't seem like that big of a deal to me but the guys seem to love it and their perfume is selling like hot-bread.
Meanwhile, Larissa's team is using Buckwild's "gimmick" (that's my description) informing potential customers that part proceeds of sales will be given to breast-cancer research.
Courtney chooses the worst time ever, to confess, "even though I do stand-up comedy, I feel like real nervous, you know, in front of people" (wtf?)
It's all going smashingly well for Brooke and then it gets even better..
Random guy: are you Pumkin?
Brooke: I am Pumkin
Random guy: Ohhh man, I love that showRandom guy (who is like, totally famous now) says, "spit on me...I'll like totally buy one"
So, what do you expect, she spat on him.
:::Yes, it's a competition but you'd think she would have the class to say, 'No thank you. I don't want to re-create that moment in my life':::
The two hours raced by very quickly but not too fast to appreciate Brooke's team were clearly superior.
Back home Larissa is peeved (that's for you B) at everything in life. She starts up with Leilene again (we learn Leilene has been stripping since she was 17)
The result
Dean Keith Lewis begins with La'sa'cour and asks "what exactly are you donating before I give you your tally?"
I would have said 'I changed my mind', but Larissa answered "a dollar from each profit that we got."
They sold 75 bottles for $240 and their final total was $165
Shay's team said they would give 5% of their earnings. That meant their final tally was $318
Brooke's team made no promise to donate to cancer research and won with $463 in sales. In shock, Buckwild joked "they must have been selling some pussy on the side"
As the CEO's of the losing teams, Keith told Larissa and Shay they "have a free ticket to the carpet"
The departure of Keith and Mikki sparks wild celebration among Team Brooke's members.Shay and Larissa contemplate being in the firing line for the first time and thereafter Larissa decides to call her boy (she said "my man", but if a man was tapping that, she wouldn't be so damn angry all the time)
Without saying much the call was dropped and Larissa blamed Brooke for disconnecting the line.
An argument ensued.
For a few minutes they argued back and forth, blah blah blah, and of course Larissa said her usual shit, "if you do somethin', I'ma knock you out" (why don't you do somethin', yer dumbass)
Larissa storms off to ask Mo'Nique to "am I leaving so I can fuck this bitch up, right now" (yawns)
In Mo'Nique's office, Larissa (looking hella pretty, by the way) asks if she is going home tonight (knowing damn well she won't get the answer)
She relates the reason behind her outburst and Mo'Nique then asks Brooke to join them.
Brooke, the smart little scamp she is, says she doesn't want to quote her because she can't remember exactly what she said; but remembers Larissa calling her a "white bitch".
And then plays up her use of 'white', in effect forcing Mo'Nique's hand. (I now have respect for Brooke)
Mo'Nique turns to Larissa and asks her if she's ready to go home. To which she answers, "No".
Mo'Nique then says , "if you are not ready to go home, don't make threats like that."
She tells Brooke to apologize and Larissa does just that (Larissa is just talk)
Elimination CeremonyAt Elimination, Larissa and Shay are called down to the carpet.
Larissa is asked who should join them on the carpet and she opts for Courtney.
Buckwild doesn't seem upset by her (Courtney's) selection and calls her a "neutral bitch"
Keith and Mikki address Shay and Larissa respectively. Then Keith says to Courtney, "I feel you just occupy a seat; and I don't need a seat-warmer" (uh-oh, I think we know who's going home)
It's Mo'Nique's turn now; and she tells Shay, "I appreciate your growth". Larissa is given the usual mother-daughter chat.
She then turns to Courtney and says she is straddling the fence before warning Larissa to, "stop playing here".
Mo'Nique then says, "Courtney, you are expelled"
It's not all bad news for Courtney however, as Mo'Nique cheers her with, "you know that little yellow bus out front? You don't belong on that bus. You belong in my tour bus"
So, Courtney has a gig. Alls well that ends well.
Thanks for reading...cheers.
Happy Mother's Day E.
Charm School Episode 5 recap
| Charm School Episode 5, Charm School recaps, Courtney expelled | 39 comments »
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Steups why do you insist on being so catty towards Goldie. Everybody love goldie and she didn't say nothing about New York that wasn't true. She os a hoe we know this lets not kid are selves. All the Goldie bashing is rediculous now, she so loveable.
Of couse I think Mo'Nique is just talking cuz on an older post you put up (Goldie)Courtney and others said they haven't heard from her(Mo'Nique) since the show
anyway I've been waiting on this post cuz I have to vent.....If Larissa(Bootz) last one more week on the show I'm going to jump thru the t.v. screen and choke the hell out of her. I can't stand people that talk that much shit and most of the ones that do that can't whoop a fly. I'm waiting for one of the girls to stand up to her and make her put her money where her mouth is.
O.K. I feel a little better now so I'm going to bed.
I sorta liked her until she said that about New York (dude you have an excellent memory; use it for good, lol)
Gots to go, if there are any errors I'll correct it/them tomorrow
I saw that post Electra, don't delete it because you got second, lmao.
What up speak?
Bootz really is due for a ass whooping from somebody. Shes running off at the mouth every chance he gets. I think Laleine was really ready to kick Larissa' as but Bootz has her pyched out o she wouldnt get the courage to do it again.
Uh not to offend anybody either but, that had to be a white guy "would you like to buy some perfume today sir" "No but you can totally spit on me. AWSOME!!!"
Wheres the logic.
Happy Mothers Day Ladies...
as for the recap, Kudos, me likey!
I don't know what it is about Goldie, I mean, I could see myself having a drink with her or something because she seems like she is easy to talk to but as far as stand up comedy, I don't think she could keep my attention for even a 15 minute set. I feel like I would be subject to jokes based on what happened behind the scenes on FOL and CS and that would dry out pretty quickly. I can't see her performing before OR after Mo'Nique...hell, I can barely watch Mo'Nique...those skinny bitch jokes get PLAYED after a while and I always end up bored out my mind.
Larissa "Bootz" whole approach to those women is one whole big defense mechanism. She knows she is pretty and has a big ass but she is young and not yet sophisticated and she is intimidated by the rest of the women so she uses the "I'm gonna kick your ass" approach when interacting with them. Call me an idiot but I like Leilene and while she may not be book smart, she does have a higher level of maturity and even for a pole dancer, I don't find her to be slutty.
The dude who let Pumkin spit on him is now wanted by the Centers for Disease Control...
Hottie should be shot dead and skinned for the rollers in the birdsnest...
Does anyone notice that Darra is very comfortable with being nude infront of the cameras?
I am LMFAO @ "If I was a white woman Saaphyri would scare me"...I don't know what it is about that girl but she just seems like the outcome of asbestos exposure or lead poisoning as a child
@hutche...I hate to play the race card but I said the exact same thing...only a white boy. I feel that if it was a brother, they may have jokingly said "Man, why you spit on that girl" or "That was crazy what you did" blah blah blah...but to actually be spit on? WTF?
I am a female who can't even spit distance. I've tried and it ends up on my collar or shoes so I gave up early. Pumkin has a very mannish hobby in that spitting of hers...
I think that the girls are really underestimating Leilene. They think she is weak but she has won 2 challenges only lost 1 and the other she didnt get a chance to participate. Leilene is the only one that really cares about improving her life.
Larissa needs her ass sent home. If she wasnt CEO no one would want her in their team. I think they are just keeping her around so that she has that interview with New York.
Good recap Meups.
a dollar from each profit classic line from Bootz. Just shut up from hear on out, you are killing my erection.
Pumpkin still reminds me of a pug, albeit one with an STD or several. As much as I dislike her and her tiny yet droopy titties, Bootz was wrong and is annoying. Once she is gone, Shay may win the show, because Bootz is a negative influence on her and will only increase the likelihood of her doing something stupid/acting a fool.
I am a black male and Saphyrri scares me, perhaps it is cause she is from 54th and the Shaw...or so I have heard. If she would leave her hair 1 color, preferably black or brown, I could work with her.
Leiliene is slutty, she just has the sense to know she shouldn't be that way and her kids may be watching, but she does the shit anyway. Basically, she has some shame about the way she carries on
Buckwild-she actually knows it is called an equation, but can't multiply beyond 10?
Like Dat-big girl gets no love. Sh emay have the best business sense (non-sex related Pug and Leiliene), but the "CEO's" wouldn't know anything eyond making this a high school popularity contest
When Larissa played the race card, I was further disappointed. Pumpkin the Pug may be a lot of things (who-a, slutty, nasty, walking STD, pennisillun resistant. etc) but she possibly had sex with Flavor Flav. She deserves an NAACP image award for that!
Goldie has some sense and Mo as right sayin gthat she doesn't belong on there. She may be a bit goofy/silly, but she is not a gutter rat as many of these women have portrayed themselves to be.
Shay will win
I hate pumkin so bad. She is the uglyest buck tooth bitch I've ever seen and a nasty skank!
Pug faced wrinkled saggy skin whore!!
lol why don't you guys post? i know you're all lurking around so post.
Larissa has no education and still lives at home. I'd be a bitter vile bitch too if that show was the only thing I had going for me. I hope someone kicks her ass soon.
LOL @ Tina. Morning All. Special good morning to Nicholas aka Steups.
You guys have a wonderful day today. I wont be around today or tomorrow (I will be out of the office) so do enjoy yourselves but not too much without me.
OH Steups, wonderful recap (as usual)
that recap got me all hot and bothered, steupz
*rubbing nipples Austin powers style* (in other words, great recap....)
Larissa is the type of girl you better not fall in love with because she will embarrass your ass.
Hey all, and happy belated Mother's Day to all the mommys up in here!
An anon pretty much took the words out of my mouth (I think her name was Hazel), but I wouldn't be me if I didn't comment, but I'll TRY to keep it short...
The right choice with elimination was made, Courtney shouldn't have been there. To quote you Steups, she wasn't a "gutter rat" like most of those other chicks on there. I'll believe this whole "going on the road with Mo" thing when I see it though.
Watching this show is giving me more insight to all of these girls. The more I look at Brooke, the uglier she gets. That is one homely looking chick, and I'm definitely seeing some crow's feet and wrinkles up in there. But the girl is smart, I'll give her that. I like Shay, but she is pretty hypocritical. The last picture I saw of her she was laying on the ground in a bikini with a snake wrapped around her. And if you go look at her website, it's a bit comical for her to criticizing Leilene for being sexual. Like Dat...she's another one that shouldn't be on here, she is too old and has really lived her life(which she should be at this point), and I think she is so above all of this drama. Saaphyri is starting to annoy me now too, maybe it's the "I can get away with being ignorant because I'm from the hood" thing, but she's annoying me. Out of all of them, I think Leilene is the one that is truly trying to learn and grow from this experience, and the one that may benefit the most from the money(with the kids and all). I relate to her in a lot of ways, and I hope she comes out a stronger person.
And now...Larissa. Oy. Some really needs to beat this girl within an inch of her life, and I am SOOO not kidding. This episode illustrates exactly how immature she is, and how much she loves to "sell wolf tickets." I do believe she could hold her own if it came down to a physical fight, but I REALLY, REALLY wish someone would just slap the shit outta her and all out whoop her ass. I'm talking hair pulling, bloody nose, scratching, the whole nine. I really can't stand her ass at this point. Her looks aren't even helping her at this point, she's a fucking loser. Ugh, I need to go for a walk to get my blood pressure back down *storms away from desk*
That ending was so freaking obvious, it was ridiculous! Of course they sent Courtney home & kept the 2 bitches around so that they'd cause more drama! It's all about ratings people. I'm fucking sick of looking at Larissa's fake punk ass - she should've been sent home.
-Mrs. Big D.
Setups...your hearing needs medical attention.
Brooke said "she smells like a rotten ORANGE" not whore
And Monique told Goldie to "stop playing here" not "stop playing me"
Were you on the phone when you were watching this, cause them mistakes don't make no sense!
Thanks for the rest of the recap.
Courtney was goofy and offering nothing. When she leaned over that railing, I was like please, just keep going.
She used to be funny with a Southern accent. Now its so put on, she sounds like Stimey or Buckwheat and the jokes aren't that funny.
She needed to go. She's a real goof.
How old is Pumkin? She claims to be in her twenties. She is really saggy and wrinkled. She has to be at least forty.
Would love to listen to a conversation between purple mist and Hazel
Lmao..sorry anonymous.
I thought I heard whore.
I'll change the Mo'Nique quote
Corrected both, mate.
Yo aren't the first to say I don't hear or listen very well.
It think this was the best nugget of truth in the WHOLE recap:
"Shay and Larissa contemplate being in the firing line for the first time and thereafter Larissa decides to call her boy (she said "my man", but if a man was tapping that, she wouldn't be so damn angry all the time)"
That's it. I am done with ALL the Flavor of Love programming. I just deleted it from my TiVo.
I thought this show was supposed to be about who is most charming? Courtney is far and away the most charming woman on the show. Eliminating her because she doesn't pick fights is one of the dumbest things I've ever seen in reality TV history.
I didn't mind so much that it was obviously fake. But at this point, it doesn't even make sense anymore.
Why isn't that girl that took a shit on the show....."something" I think on Charm School. Now she needs more home training than anybody. Even that low life ghetto beast Larissa didn't take a shit on the floor.
purple, I called them Gutter rats, not Meups. Good assessment.
hey Crispy...
I can understand your opinion however, the truth is, Goldie doesn't need any lessons on class and doesn't help the drama quota needed for ratings.
Also, from watching Vspot, the truth is Monique is actually REALLY eliminating these women with actual reasons behind it and I do think her reason to eliminate Goldie is validated. Leilene (my now fav in the house) catches alot of flak for trying to befriend these women as she tries to grow when nobody notices that Goldie too is trying to keep the "I want to be cool with all of yall" routine going and it gets tired pretty quickly.
Does anyone have any links to what Darra might have said about what the girls said about her during the interviews. I mean they done called this girl fat and everything in between TOO many times...just wondering...
Larissa is easily becoming the villain of the show. She hasnt changed a bit from episode to episode. In fact, she seems to be getting worse. Her elimination doesnt seem to be coming in sight though. If you look at the previews of the season, she makes it all the way to the interview with New York. So, at least we know right now that Brooke and Larissa make it to the stage. My bet: in two more episodes
How can Shay and Larissa call Leilene a whore. You can not see her stripping on the net or tv. She did it in a club to provide for her children. But those skanks (Larissa & Shay)can be seen all over the net:posing with their ass hand over the tittie type ish. I mean whatever, the pot cant call the keller black.
Oh and there is no denying that Man Face, I mean PUMPKIN is a walking venereal disease. I can stand her.
Larissa just annoys me. The only reason they keep her on is because the need drama. Larissa is the "New York" of Charm School.
Larissa isn't even good drama like Hottie (who I find hilarious & is my personal favorite) or NY. She's just an annoying little gnat who needs to be smashed.
Larissa is nothing but a straight up ignorant joke, she does not have to act like that 24-7, and I would love to see her try some of that shit with Saphyri.
Hmm... Why is Larissa allowed to throw her little temper tantrums all the time - that mess is getting on my nerves. And why did Sapphyri say "gasoline" - her "poor ghetto chick that keeps it real" schtick has gotten old, as well as her representing 54th and Crenshaw - but she is STILL one of my favorite ones on the show. I think they were right to send Courtney home.
Also, people better leave Leilene alone - she does have that "crime of passion" look about her. She'd axe you to death then cry and threaten suicide.
Hey - don't unplug the phone with Larissa is talking to her dude...... I'll be glad when someone stomps Scrappy Doo.
Mo was right, Courtney didn't belong there. Despite the fact that she straddles the fence, was there anything seriously wrong with her? I think Leilene, Brooke, and Larissa should definitely be eliminated and soon. Larissa is just loud and fake, and the only reason she was kept around for so long was to heighten the drama and make people tune in. Leilene is a punk and she's stupid. Everytime she doesn't know something she makes that stupid baby look and asks a question that can be answered based on common sense. The comment she made about Larissa always yelling and starting arguments is true but isn't she the same loser that approached Larissa with an opinion best kept to herself a few days before? Whenever I see Leilene I just want the choke her. Unlike Saaphyri, her ignorance is annoying, not funny. Brooke, she is a white b****, I hate her and it has nothing to do with race. However, I do believe her spitting on New York was rascist and she desrves to get beat down for it. Brooke looks like a man and her wrinkles make her look nasty and old. She is perfect for Flavor Flav because they're both ugly and annoying.