Another Racist Moment ...
While I was out searching for a few of missing Knuts of the Round Table (blog) whom I shall not name ( 3pm, Lareigna & MaiTye). I stumbled upon an interesting V-spot clip. As always the VH-1 Gods have been merciful and given us a glimpse of neighborly love at its' finest.
'Neighbors Suck' begins with Chance relaxing poolside informing us, " You've tuned into the right place." Within a second or two we are back at 'I Love New York' Episode 8. We see Chance and Whiteboy sitting at the dinner table. New York is no where in sight. There is no food on the plates ( I am thinking they are either waiting on New York or she went to freshen up after Chance rubbed off her lipstick.) Whiteboy is looking scrum dee dah dee. He tells his boy Chance, " Don't never think you gonna be able to do what you did to Boston to me. That's for sure. I heard you say.... bloody my nose"" I heard you say like you bout to run up to me dawg. Yah know what I'm sayin' .... just because you did my brother and all ....don't run up ...think you gonna do me"
" Listen to me ...tho, you can never do me like how you did you Boston, tho ...understand that."
"...Don't think I talk shit... don't think I don't have a hella of punch impacting for the next man run up..."
" Let you hit me!"
" Dawg let me hit you man. It'll be the worst thing dawg. Ima goin' to crack your ass... and bust your eyes"
" I am gonna laugh at you. I'm gonna laugh at you."
A voice somewhere in Palm Springs (sounding like one of those serial killers in thriller movies who sends eery audio tapes to the investigating detectives) states, " Shut your f@#king mouths over there. I am tired of listening to it!"
" Aaaaaaaaaaaa... shut up" ~Chance
" I'll tell you what. Give me five minutes and I am gonna call the police."
" You got your 5 minutes, d@mn." ~Chance
" Yeah I got your five minutes. Cause you are renting a house that isn't supposed to be used for that purpose. Either shut your f@#king mouths and stop using that language or I'm calling the ..."
" Man shut up!" ~ Whiteboy
Off camera you here a calm professional voice say, " Whiteboy I got it..." ~ Production Staff
" Shut your @ss up!" ~ Whiteboy
" Ay they got us in the wrong spot bro." ~ Chance
"We'll keep it down." ~ Production Staff
" I 've listened to this for like an hour now."
" We' ll keep it down sir, sorry about that." ~ Production Staff
" I ain't got to be back here ..." ~ Chance
" ...that n@#%a drunk ...shut up. " ~ Whiteboy" And your actor's got a f@#king mouth on him and they're still saying s@#t!"
" Man ... I sw..." ~ Chance
" Five minutes or I am gonna call the police!"
" Call them!" ~ Chance
" You know what I will right now!"
" Guys, guys... we don't need this" ~ Production Staff
" Well who is that?" ~ Whiteboy
" Your neighbor who's just listened to this for an hour! Wow! You don't f@#k white men around here!"
" Damn you a racist punk @ss fool." ~ Whiteboy
" Who said that?" ~ Production Staff
" Who said that? I listened to the woman and the man talk about it!"
" Hey who is that talking like that tho?" ~Whiteboy
" I live in the house behind you."
" Man tell him to shut up man. He gettin' me pissed off." ~ Whiteboy
" I am telling you. Shut them up!"
" Man you shut up!" ~ Whiteboy
" We are going to get thrown out of here." ~ Production Staff
" I' ve listened to this for more than an hour!"
" He still talkin' s@#t." ~ Whiteboy
" I understand that, but not the language that been goin on for f@#king hours! I listened to the white... The black lady talk about how you don't like f@#king white men."
" Man I am a white boy! What the f@#k are you talkin' bout?!" ~ Whiteboy
" Man we love ...white people over here!" ~ Chance
" That's a racist son of a b@#ch." ~ Whiteboy
" ...Man my best buddy is a white guy." ~ Chance
The ' Neighbors Suck' clip was very interesting indeed. Was it a racist moment? ...NO! It was an irritated neighbor blowing a fuse. He definitely could've handled himself better. I found it hypocritical that the one complaining about foul language ...constantly used it. I also found it a b@#ch move to threaten to call the police. Do what you have to for your peace and quiet ...don't yell about it. Just do that sh#t and be done with it. The most interesting part of this was that the neighbor exposed an apparent conversation that he overheard earlier that evening. Apparently he believed a black woman had been discussing ' how she's doesn't get busy with white men.' I am wondering who this black woman was ...New York maybe? Or maybe it was Sister Patterson? Sister Patterson is saved ...correct? I doubt it was Sister Patterson being a Christian an all. We may never know but aren't you a little curious?
You have shared a Qmoment!
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Good morning to all. I am off to bed.
wow good work quanda
I think the guy was racist. I must agree with him about listening to the foul language, but after he complain, he should have left. I mean, it was his choice to stay there. I sure his food was comp. Him threatening to call the police was stupid. I mean, he should have complain to the hotel staff, or something like that. But to say something directly to whiteboy and chance, only show that he was more interested in getting their attention, than getting them to shut up. If the police had show up, they probably would have been so busy getting picture, and autograph, that they would have forgot why they were there. So nothing would have happen at all .
Other than the racist remark, it was actually kind of funny. Reveals my naievete. I didn't even think about there being neighbors anywhere near the VH-1 Rental House Of Lust.
My money ($5.00) is on the black lady that doesn't f__k white men being Tiffany New York Pollard. I'm curious, Quanda. I saw the clip on vspot and I'm wondering why they even aired it...I'll bet it will be "pulled" when someone brings this to the attention of the "Powers That Be".
i seen that it was funny but it was kind of wieard how the producers where acting~~~MR.NEW YORK
Yeah, I watched that mess. I think maybe he overheard them talking about "Whiteboy" and had no clue it was a nickname. Either way, his voice freaked me out ("What's your favorite scary movie?" soundin' ass) and I love how WhiteBoy was gettin' amped!
Smooches, Quanda!!!
yea he sounded like the guy from THE MOVIE SAW~~~MR.NEW YORK
Eeeeeee! I forgot about the SAW dude... Yup, him too! LOL
Morning all.
Naw, not really. I talk to Q on MySpace and I read the blogspot everyday...but never had the time to register and post...LOL. Well, I had the time...but I'm lazy as hell. So yeah, I'm here nah!
Hey Mr. Orginal!!!! How u doing today? TGIF..No?LOL
Maitye, welcome (waves)
Nope, Mr. NY...what's your name on there? Or you can send me an add...Same name. MaiTye
Thanks Electra =)
Aiight, Mr. NY.
Me too Mr. Original, Me.
Ah cyah wait.LOL
No scene Maitye. Maitye your real name? If so, what origin is it?
Nope, just a nickname. It does contain a part of my real name though.
Oh I see. Electra's not my real name
Yeah, I kinda figured as much. LOL
Nice page Mr. NY. I take back the whole "add me" thing. Didn't know u were *cough* 17. But yeah, nice page! =)
LOL@ Maitye.
Just want to say that
Whiteboy looks so HOTT when he gets mad, ohhh weeee
LOL @ Jane
LOL at retarded neighbore
Anybody know how I can contact Shawn? I have gossip that must be known...its about New York's dick breath LOL!
Cael maybe if u email Steups or Quanda they will be able to help you.
Is anyone awake today? It's Friday people!!!!
What do you think oF NY'S new pics
Hi Electra *waves*...(yawns) today is a long work day for me and its already dragging but TGIF!
My Prediction for the rest of the show,
Chance is eliminated on Monday
the final two are Real and tin man
New york chooses tin man over Real which pisses her mom off.
Hey Jane and Lady TY.
Hmmm I think Chance is going home too. I dont know how come he stayed so long in the first place, I am
Yes Jane I think NY chose the Ninja Turtle/Tinman etc.
NY looks good in her pics. Her weave look better that
OH Lady TY I am so sorry to hear that u have a long day today. We (the Management team) have some after work classes going on which I dont want to be a participant but because I am the youngest and most inexperienced everyone notices when I am not around. It sucks BIG TIME.!!!!
So I have to be der or else. Steuuuuuuuuups. I real tired yes.
Oh well it comes with the job. :}
If you're a rich guy living in an upper-class, quiet neighborhood and all of a sudden have some loud trashy reality-tv woman (I adore NY, but c'mon. She's trashy) with 20 of her noisy-ass "thugs" living next door, you'd be a little pissed too!
they were not at the "house", they were in palms springs.
Cael if you are around you can hit me on myspace page.
hey york
i dont know ur
And I don't think the neighbor was neccessarily racist. I believe he was agitated over the excessive noise. The reason why race was brought up is because obviously he didn't like an earlier conversation he has heard earlier.
I hope you all have a great day!
*winks @ MaiTye, Jane and Mr. New York
An alleged conversation?
Is Maitye sexy?
Because the original Maitye was sexy.
Steups I'm just going to send you my exclusive info... you are the only one around...
I just got here
send it to anyone of us Cael...but don't put it in the comments box.
I really should put Shawn's email on the ok with that Shawn?
Dana are you in the house?
I guess she isn't...Today is a big day for Dana; she might not be around for a long long time
Welp, I AM the original you tell me, Steups. =) Long time no talk to.
Well, I'll be damned, I found my old account...
True, haven't seen you in a minute.
Did I read you and Quanda talk on My Space...
Oh Jesus I'd like to webcam that, lol.
well I'll be damned is exactly what I said a minute ago
Just ate a massive amount of chocolate
LOL @ the webcam. I bet you would, mister!