You know where this scene is from, New York is pissed at Tango and moons him at the top of the stairway balcony. But look to the right; is that a man?
And if it is, who is it?

Picture stolen from: Celebreality blog
You know where this scene is from, New York is pissed at Tango and moons him at the top of the stairway balcony. But look to the right; is that a man?
And if it is, who is it?
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Omg omg i'm first!!!!
ewwwwwwwwwww ewwwwwwwwwwwww
isn't that tango??
that's very unlady like
Good afternoon everyone! It looks like Tango.
no women should flash their ass and swear as much as she dose
Annon some men like aggressive females.
lmao at annoying bloggers...
didn't they edit it to look like Tango was downstairs?
Maybe I can't remember very well.
Tango wasn't downstairs he was on the other side of the banters or whatever you call it.
I swore she left him downstairs
no she did not leave him down stairs. he was walking up the other side the same time she walked up the stairs.
He was at the last of the stairs going toward the door where the guys stay at when she done that.
I'll have to see that again because her angle suggests he was downstairs...but I tend to lose my mind when I see a naked ass like that so I might have suffered some memory loss, lmao.
Just admit it you was looking at her ass. You was enjoying the view.
lol....that was tango, he was walking up the other set of stairs at the sametime, before he went into the room that's when she moons him...
it shows he walking into that room and that's where that pic comes from....
You do know you can get a mold of her ass for your personal use?
ANd when you tired of the little butt you can blow it up to a bigger butt.
They supply you with that nappy weave to go into the right area and the glue. It comes in 3 colors Blonde, black and red.
For the price of 305.99
where can i get it Shawn?
You must not know bout me, I am not ashamed to use help in the bedroom
I am sure your potential sex partners will appreciate your willingness to use help.
30 minutes.
please sit your square ass down
look at you tryin make your self seem freaky.
we both know your not.
Hey Quanda
Hey Jane and Quanda,
That's right he did mention he can only last for 30 mins.
Do you do roleplay? How long do that last?
Hello Jane, Shawn, Clipper, Anon ...all.
Where is my Meale and TxShawty?
Where is my 3pm, Bubo and Blacknuts?
Where the F@#k are our KNUTS of the Round Table?
I know Mr. New York is probably still in school.
All well.....
Hey Shawn
30 minutes huh LMAO
Your opinion is not far from the truth
Considering his excitement over New York's mooning shot. I'd say he is and 'Instant Bust' type but that's just my opinion.
Maybe he does foreplay for another 30 mins. You know it take him 1hr and 30 min to get her full on chinese food. Then another 30 mins for the drinks.
Total Max maybe 2 hrs.
Shawn and Quanda
what's the chinese food thing about?
To some people chinese food suppose to enhance your sex level. Not really sure about that.
He just likes Chinese Food that is all ...nothing more than that.
But to be honest with Jane.
It's the quickiest thing to order to get deliver since a chinese store is on every 4 block along with a liquor store and one dollar store.
listen you haters...none of y'all go for more than an hour including foreplay so who are y'all fooling.
I am here to expose popular myths about sex
Really @ Shawn
You think New York likes Chinese food.
Maybe he think he the trindad bruce lee with the theme song " Me so horney Love you long time".
lol don't have to know what Chinese food is about.
It's like the Venus flytrap; a sex-trick very few people know about
I'm not sure about that one. I know she love some ranch dressing.
She love to suck on things too so maybe she is a RIB and mash potato chick with a heavy salad.
Shawn, speak the truth...
Is it not true that making love to a man usually lasts less than 1hr
Ok Expert why don't you explain it us.
Come on Freaky man give us the Seduction 101 lesson today.
Do you really want to know the truth Steups or you want me to agree with you?
Quanda and shawn
ya'll are bullshittin me about the chinese food but its okay though
you just weak
You are here to expose your sexual SHORTcomings.
You have no idea what I do and how long I can last.
What type of women of you been sleeping with?
Nevermind 30 minute lovers such as yourself.
New York would probably wear you out.
Nope Jane
I didn't know he like Chinese Food.
Just think of all the things you can do with Noodles with your partners.
Food can be very erotic Jane.
~smh @ all the things one can do with Noodles.
You know this Negro talks about using a RAT TAIL COMB on women! Who the hell would allow a man to use a RAT TAIL COMB on her coochie?
Surely not New York.
Most women can't stay lubricated, naturally, for more than 40 mins...and that alone should tell you something.
I ain't boasting or nuthin' but I am like a winter's storm...women shiver in my presence.
I've been trained by the finest lovers and I was attentive in class.
Meale took the plunge and Meale can see Smileys now :P :P :P
*Some pull this Negro's Bullshit card!
If you have been trained by the finest lovers ....someone failed you miserably ....a RAT TAIL COMB. Prostitutes aren't neccessarily the finest lovers.
Someone help him!
Hello Quanda, Shawn,Jane, Steups and anyone else I missed.
Hope you all are having a good day.
Steups who the hell told you a female can't stay lubricated for more then 40 mins. Someone lied to you buddy boy.
You know why female get dry so quick?
Stop trying to hump like you gutting a fish and take you time.
Talk to naughty word to her.
Some = someone
Hello Meale,
Are you reading Steups crap? And congrats on taking the plunge. Smileys are in or so I heard!
Realize not every female is the same.
Alot of men don't even want to learn the female body and see what work for her.
I bet you you don't know the 3 areas to make a female have a orgasms.
Steups you cool with me and all, but please stop attacking us with your wack sex drive theories. If you're only a 30 minute man learn to embrace and live with it.
You can't compare every woman's sex drive with the one you've been with.;)
Steups are you a gambler or a artist?
Thank You Meale.
flava flav will would probably wear you out quanda
Y'all aint fooling me, or clowning me....
Who'd want to have sex for more than one hour?
If you can't do what you need to do in one hour then you're working by trial and error.
That, or you women kiss for 50 mins and include it
Hallelujah Holla Back @ Meale!
Thats what I am blogging about...
Yes Quanda I'm reading his bull. LOL
The smileys are kinda cute. Btw thanks for the myspace comment.
stop the maddess please
your killing me right now
Steups making love is a art not game.
I am beginning to question the truthfulness of you lot....
Or maybe you guys aggregate the time of every session...because one hour is more than enough.
If there is an anonymous reader out there, please educate these women.
You're welcome Shawn and Quanda.:)
Shawn, making love is an art ???
Stop reading romance novels, please. :(
Flavor Flav is not my type. So I am not interested in his wearing out capabilities.
Anon are you an ex-lover of mine?
Nope ...please talk about subjects you are well informed about. Of course that eliminates Quanda as your subject of choice. Hallelujah Holla Back!
are we talking about sex my favorite subject
what is it about women that makes them feel they have to lie about their game...I would be embarrassed if I were a woman and I'd gone two hours and my man hadn't finished yet
Making love to person can last for however long you want it to last.
You don't always have to pentrate a person to make love to a person.
If your game tight and you study that person on what makes them tick trust just by licking your lips will get her horney, they way she walk would make you hard, the perfum she got on can do something to you.
You ever did body paints with a person, or watch a person make dinner. Trust me all that is erotic. Tried some fruits. Massages. Stripping.
Get your music together and work your magic.
Anonymous, male or female?
Can you imagine Steups looking at the clock and this woman hasn't concluded and an hour has gone?
I would be in tears.
I wouldn't be embrassed because you know what if he is taking his time enjoying every hump every thrust then it's up to me to whisper in his ears and let him know baby it's time to this engine on road and push the metal to pedal. Drive that car and fast as you can and don't stop till you those stars..
Alot of woman don't know how to fuck their man. They been told to lie there and let him get off.
Oh hell no.
no quanda i'm not your ex quanda flav wear new york out on season 2 of flavor of love so why not you
Man oh Man the typos.
Shawn, well I see where the problem is...I hadn't catered for extensive foreplay in my hour...but it seems you want to add time for everything.
So when a woman excuses herself to go to the bathroom to brush her teeth and "freshen up" you want to add that time too?
And stop pretending every act is candles and soft music.
This is the real world...most times it's just jump into bed and
1) kiss
3)begins with f and ends with o
4)begins with c and ends with s
6)water, water, I need water!
i'm a male steups
Steups not every act is erotic but a fuck can be erotic too.
lmao at Shawn...but I don't need to be told what to do or when to do it...
I've graduated...I don't need lessons anymore
Hello Cookies!!!!!!!! :-)
Interesting discussion ...
See I keep forgetting that you 23 so all you want to do is fuck and I call you later.
Someone probably already said it but that guy in the right corner is tango see the slight limp on the left side where his arm hurt.
All I am saying is most times it's just about getting off
Wrong call, Shawn...I don't just want to fuck.
I just want to fuck 90 times out of 100.
You couldn't take a female that laid you on the bed start sucking off from your toes to your nipples. Pour wine down ass and lick it off you.
You can't handle a female that want to take total control of you which she would make you cum in 10 mins. Treat you like the bitch that you are by putting her clothes on and never call you again while leaving you there breathless and sucking your thumbs.
thanks Lady ty
What the hell is Steups talking about? Sometimes his immaturity shines through.
Shawn isn't talking about candles and roses all of the time!
Someone teach this manchild something. He is a hard headed pupil! (Note: I am referring to the head on his neck.)
Steups don't change it now that Dana here.
We're talking.
Dana join in please and Hello to you too.
Steups getting off and want a fuck is basically the same thing.
Hello Lady Ty and Dana!
We missed you both!
Typical attack, Quanda.
Throw the age in there but I am the only person brave enough to give an average time
Why dont you share with us the average time of your sessions?
I dare you
steups is it ok we talk about oral sex or will you delete me
Steups you have alot to leave buddy boy when it come to females.
Alot of time just because you want to fuck her she might be a fuck type of girl.
See you have to listen to females to know how they want to be treated in bed.
The way she kiss you they way she embrace you.
Every girl don't want rough sex and not every girl want quiet sex.
Shawn if a woman did that to me and I was in the mood for that, IT WOULD BE GREAT....
But most times I'd be like "hurry up" I want to see Countdown on MSNBC
go on anon; just dont get too graphic because the women here probably dont know what that is, lmao
LMAO @ Quanda.
Steups just admit it you need a new teacher because it's so obvious that the former one failed you miserably.
(Or perhaps she just gave up):D
what's rough-sex to you Shawn?
Because that's another myth...99% of all women want it in a robust manner.
I say robust because I know Quanda is just sitting there parsing language when she hasn't offered a time yet.
But robust with the understanding that you have to build to a crescendo and not just begin that way
See one thing about you today guys you are not artists. That why so many females are getting into lesbians affairs.
You have to be a master on being a aritists to a female.
Ok question Steups
If you have a fuck friend now can you describe her aerola to anyone and her nipples?
Tell him again Shawn.
Shawn I can describe my sister's nipples so I can sure as hell describe a lover's...
and Meale give us an average time
because I am the only person with the courage to say one hour is standard
Steups you don't know what rough sex is?
I dare you... LMAO.
Immaturity at its' finest!
First I wasn't referring to your age. My husband was 25 when I got a hold of him. And he was MATURE in his mannerisms and prepared to experience what I had to offer him sexuality.
So sit back SON with your tired B.S.
I have FUCKED FROM SUN DOWN TO SUN UP. You definitely are not knowing. I have done the 30 minute session too.
But for you to be up in here talking nonsense is ridiculous. The bottom line is you can't limit women's sexual prowness by your experiences.
That's nasty and incent about your sister. So erase that please about your sister.
Thank you Q.
yawns at Quanda...
When will it stop...I did it for 48 hours with breaks, an "breaks" but that's not the stop pretending 30 mins to 1 hr isn't more than enough on most occasions
Very well put Quanda.
steups a man don't need sex most of the time ladies just give us good head and we will be find right steups
Why do women lie about their abilities and they are the first ones to say some man told them he'd do this and that and he wasn't shit
Don't you lot realize we say the same things about y'all?
Shoo right, anonymous.
Women really think they are so special (rolls eyes)
Always boasting about their stuff and they'll make your toes curl, and make you suck your thumb
Most of them can't do a thing until they are 50 and by that time it's too late
Oh my god Rough sex is sweat, being breathless, the naughty names, biting, pulling the hair, spanking, having a agressive lover that love to work it out so by the time it's over it feel like a taebo workout with pentration.
I think Nick needs to fall in love with someone and then make love to them after that - instead of just f*cking every thing that breathes - maybe then he will understand
Dana, I am trying to hold my mouth with you....
RIght on @ Dana.
He still young that have precum and can't control himself.
Is it not a worry to you women that all of you think you are great in bed?
Isn't that too much of a coincidence?
Anyways, I am off for a few minutes, maybe you might make a point in my absence.
I never said I was great.
The problem is that you even put a timer on the shit.
If your sex is the bomb who times the shit? And not to put all the ladies business out here but how many of us have experienced the 'Instant Bust' ...said it's okay baby got him hard again and played cowgirl or humping dogs for an hour or more? Got something to drink and went for Round 3....?
I don't get paid to have sex. I am assuming Cherokee is some porn star. So I am not trying to do a Cherokee nor would I want to.
But you best believe my mate knows he has his private pornstar who can handle her business.
Enough typed ...I don't need to prove anything to a fucker who uses a RAT TAIL COMB on someone's coochie.
quanda your husband will say she lieing if you interviewed him
shawn and dana do penus size matter to you
I feel the love in here....
Right on @ Q.
He been watching way to many movies. Cheerokee is not a porn star she is a net star ok.
And they take breaks and some more like he been on a porn set before.
what about you quanda do penus size matter
Anon our you requesting an interview with my husband?
Cause trust I can make that happen! And you can doubt me all you want not like you are an intricate member in my life.
Hallelujah Holla Back!
Yes penis size does matter.
steups can bang me for 30 days and I will stay wet
Ok you all notice how when Dana came on he kinda cut this short.
Damn Dana you got the magic touch.
ROFL @ rat tail comb.
Quanda I feel you my sister and I have been there.
Meale don't laugh ...Steups informed us that he actually using a RAT TAIL COMB during sex.
*shaking my head
Lol @ Quanda. The rat tail comb was allegedly to tickle the woman's anus.
Look not every day you want to make love for hours and not every day you want a slam-bam-thank-you- mam kind of scene. There has to be some kind of balance.
So just as it can't be romance and candles every time, it also can't be 30 mins or less every time.
And anon. yes penis size is important to me.
quanda you are the new dr drew of sex talk
SOrry I have to disagree Penis size don't matter.
And yes a female want to be romance everyday. There is nothing wrong with that.
I was just speaking for me and I don't need to be romanced in bed every day. Every woman is different. Some days I just want it. (Yes, I realize how that sounds)
Dana I was just about to eat lunch.
*shaking my head
Your appearance has caused Mr. RAT TAIL COMB to tickle the @ss to vanish.
I like you anyway Dana but that girl makes me like you more.
Let say you got a guy that is 9 to 10 inch, very thick , with a hook compare to a guy that 5 maybe 6 inch, and his penis is slim.
The guy with the 10 could be having sex with you like a gutting a fish and the other guy could be working his body aka moving his hips and etc. The only thing the guy with the 10 inch is doing pounding your vagina where the other guy would know how to reach those other 2 areas to make you come.
And it can be reverse on this theory.
WHat i am saying is some guys don't know how to work there buddies.
I know Dana and it's cool. We just talking about what we each like.
IS steups punish or something. Yes oh yes he change his story very fast.
Wondering is he doing those keith sweat moves in emails.
Please baby Please Baby Pllllllllllllllllllllllllllllease.
Dana make sure you get Rick James wigs with a Elvis suit to dance for you.
Correction Make sure Steups get those things for you.
I hear you Shawn...
Ammm how to say this delicately...
I just like to feel ummm full, which is not only a matter of length but also of girth.
And a 2-4 incher just can't do it for me.
Steups is sitting back loving this conversation. Exciting that one of his favorites is here and not trying to irritate the hell out of her.
Steups you will be getting an e-mail shortly.
Shawn call me!
quanda dana shawn do you like receiving and giving oral sex
I think I'm off the Favorites list Q...
Did you not see the bold caps at 3:37p.m. and note his retreat as soon as I arrived?
Dana Love,
You are definitely not off the favorites list.
Trust me!
Anon ~ Steups and I are only taking sexual questions in e-mail from this point on.
Thank you.
*waves to our lurkers
What's going on? How are you today? We are doing well ...thank you so very much for stopping by.
did ya'll really have to post this my girl was drunk ok leave her alone~~~MR.NEW YORK
She wasn't drunk. SHe was heated and expressing herself.
She is tired of being made a joke from men. Yes tango disrespected her with his ex. He should had ignore her while they was eating and outside. That's how the game should had been but no Tango was making her jealous and she blew the casket.
Huh? Mr. New York, GEEZUS I hope Tiffany knows what a wonderful fan you are!
She did this fully aware of the cameras being present. She wanted us to see this's good TV (entertainment wise).
well at least her ass looks great york
WOw TV entertainment. Yes I can agree on that one.
SHe haven't even shown that side of her during the whole except with Pootie. If you're going to be a bitch then be a bitch through the whole show.
Steups did this post and he is a New York fan ...not at your level of course but a fan none the less.
Chill please.
the reson y she did the show was for people to see that shes not always evil well at east thats wht buckey told york
oh quanda iam on chill mood
mr new york your a pimp
Buckey has a site right? Have you been to it and how it is if you went there?
im sorry i meant buckey blends new york york
Not taking anything away from New York.
Let us all be real.
She did it because it was a great opportunity career wise and financial move. The bonus is she could give her viewers a better/deeper look at who she is.
However, due to 'theatrics and editing' we will never get to know New York. However, we enjoy watching her in her reality TV glory. And that is the point of this all.
I may get in trouble for this but I am feeling nice today.
Check out:
He has some interesting posts. I personally enjoy them.
true quanda true well at least i know the real tiffany pollard thourgh her brotha and manager york
quanda whiteboy is gone this monday
quanda probable has been praying for him to leave york
Truthfully I only wanted him to make Top 3 ...anything higher and I couldn't take it.
my god wht r u goin to do if he york
Well the good thing is if he is eliminated Monday he will still be a Star well maybe a bigger star. Ok so what he had a 5 year relationship and not tell her.
Also New York did her manager show her latest pics?
repeat the ? york
Did her manager show you her latest pics?
Mr. New York let us not talk non-sense today. That is absolutely ...not going to happen.
Shawn shut up!
Hey I was just asking.
i want to say this once and then get it over with. i am absolutely sure it takes longer than thirty minutes to an hour to do anything i want to do...and i am very good at anything i choose to get into. is not a special gift or knowledge that makes me a good lover its that i basically have no shame no boundaries and i am crazy as fuck.
plus i have a very very very high pain threshold.
with that said,
hello ladies of the blogspot. i have missed a very interesting conversation indeed.
Q, don't forget to buy the cream that we was talking about.
Yes you did Revenge and you were missed.
quanda lol, shawn im not understanding wht yur york
goddamn it!
Hey Revenge,
Are you today. You know I was reading about the pain simulation today. So tell me something is it wonderful.
I think you do. Buckey not slick. I seen them on his page and he took them off. So tell me Mr.NY.
We have minors in the box Ladies!
Hi :-)
Never drink coffee this time of the day. I need to buy stock in starbucks.
Dana where is your eMan? I sent FUCKFACE an email hours ago.
quanda i hope yur not refering to york
shawn i still don't know wht yur sayin
He probably somewhere recovering from his 5 mins ordeal.
what exactly about pain?
heh. bondage? or just some real rough and tumble, smacking and choking biting and clawing?
i am in heat these days i dont think i can take too many more of these conversations.
Minor = Mr. New York
dana gorgeous woman,
you have been missed, hope your time away has been spent uhhh well?
quanda sorry mama, ill behave and shut my mouth.
shawn!!! you getting me in trouble!
quanda i hate yur crazy ass revenge wow!!!!! im a lil turned york
Nope can't do bondage but I can do the other stuff.
Now I tried the choking with a belt. OMFG what an explosion.
I swear Revenge you are the other naughty side of me and Quanda is the good side.
I want a angel suit with the feature wings and the fishnet stockings with the stilletos boots.
Q - I am not his e-Woman. I, am 'just practice' so I have absolutely no idea.
Maybe he's waiting for me to leave.
10-15 mins ok Nick????
mr new york what are you trying to do get me arrested?
you cant even buy me a drink honey bunny. hush with the turning on crap, reminds me a poodle dying to hump my leg.
you are more than welcome here. let steups play with his otehr girls.
as for us women, we can sit her at the round table and have us a womanly conversation.
::evil grins::
No Dana don't leave.
We need your mind here. Thanks to Revenge I'm going to need something to drink.
lmao revenge i may be young but i can do a lot more than these little york
revenge wht are talkin about im drinkin e&j brany right york
Ok come on MR. New York give us details on what you can do.
If you going to talk the talk then walk the walk.
shawn!!! do not encourage him.
mr. new york i dont play with other peoples kids.
Never Mr. New York. No parking if under 28.
Thank you girlies :-)
Rev I got something to drink. Damn...
What did you do with the belt Shawn?
(lmao at revenge)i dont think i should engage in such details but ummmm i got a few tricks up my sleeve york
Is Mr. NY really a minor???? Wow.
I haven't got to the level where I enjoy receiving pain. If a woman bites my nipple I don't say "Oh f*ck do that again."
I would probably say "Oh f*ck, I told you I don't like that"
shawn you got jokes lol york
Steups you are a sucker.
Dana once I got to that peak he spank me lightly. Oh yeah feathers does wonders too.
I enjoying giving pain though.
I'd slap a butt really, really hard fifty times.
I'd do the candle-wax...I'll push your head down in the pillow roughly, I'll pull your hair, I'll throw you on the bed or whateva; but don't do that shit to me; please.
dana im a grown ass man got damn it!!!!!!! (whispers) in a minors york
Nope I just didn't realize you was a minor. It's cool. Enjoy your youth buddy. Have fun and be safe.