Mr. Boston Humbles QAs some of you may know, I had the pleasure of interviewing Mr. Boston. It was quite a humbling experience. And I must add if laughter is food for the soul, my soul is obese. Every time I talk to this cat (I've been T-Boneized), my stomach hurts and tears are running down my face. There are a whole lot of adjectives to describe Mr Boston and his charm. Funny is by far the front runner in the adjective race.
Hello may I speak with Mr. Boston?
Hey Quanda, how are you?
I am good, how are you?
I am good ...ah thanks for asking.
Well you know the drill. Tell me what you want all the readers at the 'Flavor of Love' Blogspot to know about 'I Love New York' Episode 5.
Ah ...well ...ah I was happy to see Rico go. He was not the ah from an entertainment perspective. As far as me honing in on the 12 Pack, Real fiasco ...ah I w-w-was expecting to walk in on a threesome (Onix recently mentioned this very same word. Men and their pornographic minds.) in progress. I gave them a solid hour before I interrupted. I walk in and they still have their tuxedos on. New York is in the ja-c-c-cuzzi with bikini on, rose petals all around. I realized they were doing an amazing job. 12 Pack and Real are stepping it up. They were bringing their A game. I go over to steal a kiss from New York and I accidentally drain the tub.
Accidentally?! I thought you were being soooo slick.
I-I-I know, I know but Quanda it was an accident. I am pretty glad it happened. It killed the mood. I was implementing my midnight strategy.
Midnight strategy?
Yes, ...ah Quanda see New York goes to bed around 1 or 2 a.m. So before she goes to bed I prepared her a snack. Rico's fruit was pathetic. My strategy was to be the last one to see her before she turns in for the night. So ...ah when she went to sleep, she'd be thinking about me.
What did you make for her midnight snack?
Um ... ah quesadillas with ranch dressing. ( Hidden Valley Ranch must be raking in the $$$ with the gallons of dressing Weave -a- Beast devours.)
Quesadillas with ranch dressing, is that good?
Yes, it is really good. Tiffany taught me how to make it. I don't really know my w-w-way around the kitchen. But ...ah I just throw tortillas and cheese in the microwave. And then I pour the dressing on top of it. It's really good Quanda.(I can only imagine 5 star snacking.) Ummm... Mr Boston, I noticed you kissing New York again. Are you getting use to kissing her at this point?
I am ...ah enjoying making out with Tiffany by this time. I mean we have made out 3, 4, 5 times by this ...ah time. I am liking her huge full lips. I am actually noticing black chicks more and more.
You know what they say Mr. Boston ...once you go black you never go back.
That may be true, I am paying a lot more attention to the black ladies now.
On that note, did you take another look at my picture?
Ah yeah actually I did. You are attractive. I didn't have high expectations.
Wtf ...what do you mean you didn't have high expectations?
Your voice ...ah ...yeah your voice.
What about my voice?
You sound like an older woman like 5o or so.
50 or so?
Yeah, I'd say around 50. Ah Quanda look at it this way I ...ah could've said 60s or 70s. 50 ain't so bad. But your picture made up for it ...ah very nice.
I've lost my train of thought. ( This f@#%er said I sound old!) Um ...give me a moment to get it together. He laughs. Oh yeah, let's go back to the beginning of the show. How was it working out with 12 Pack?
I had never worked out in my life. There were all sorts of buff guys in the house working out. I figure I don't need to work out. I have personality and the Boston charm. 12 Pack woke me up at 7 a.m. , a little to early if you ask me. I figure I should listen to him, considering his buffness (This is not a word...sue him!) and all. You know when my head was moving side to side?
Well that wasn't my nervous tick. I am doing bicep curls and flies and bugs are flying into my ears and nose. You would think the VH-1 producers would've given us bug spray.
I knoooow! What is up with those VH-1 producers? Oh, we have to touch on the V spot extras. What's up with the chapstick? You take my man's chapstick?
No Quanda. Whiteboy is always using chapstick like a girl. I don't know what happen to it. I offered him some of mine. I have a big jar of Vaseline. He just kept on yelling at me. He's a total tool. He can be nice sometimes.
Did you say jar of Vaseline?
Ah Quanda don't be thinking none of the homosexual stuff. I use it to moisturize my skin.
I burst into uncontrollable laughter. He laughs too.
I wasn't thinking anything of the sort. A lot of black people use Vaseline to moisturize their skin. I was wondering if you have any black ancestors?
Not that I know of. I doubt it.
Well there is a white family who discovered they were descendants of Thomas Jefferson. They weren't descendants of Martha either. Sally Hemings was their ancestor.
Oh yeah, I heard about that. Thomas Jefferson fathered all these kids with his slave. I could have a black ancestor or two. You never know.
At this time, my irritating daughter insists on asking him a question. I pass the question on to him and then I answer for him. She is banished out of my room. She can forget about that new Baby Phat outfit! The question was in regards to him really being attracted to New York and did he really go on the show for her. I answered for him knowing his previous answer. He added the following;
Recently I was in a club and a fella came up to me and asked how I could kiss that she-man.
F@#k, the damn Rottweiler mutt got into the house! Be right back! I wish the pit would make that mutt into a scooby snack. Where is my darn notebook? Okay we are back on track. Interruptions during the interview and now the type up are killing me!
Were you upset that Whiteboy won the date? And what are your thoughts on kissing New York?
Basketball in not my specialty. ( Could've fooled me!) I am not the most coordinated person. I gave it my best shot. I lasted 3 minutes with that Tamara Moore chick. Most guys only lasted a minute. Afterwards, I almost threw up. Tamara said I showed the most determination and that I should've won the date.
Really! You did try hard. I'll give you credit for that. In hindsight, I think you should've won too. The date was very traumatizing. I am scarred for life ...your thoughts on the date.
Whiteboy didn't talk a lot. He's too cool. He has this you have to impress me attitude. If that is his A game. I am not worried. New York told me I give the best kisses. ( There is something I want to type but if I fan club will riot.)
I am really hurt. Well what's up with the Tango, Whiteboy beef?
Well Quanda, Whiteboy does have some positive qualities. He hangs out with Chance & Real most of the time. He is smooth with the ladies, 'The Master of Less is More' type of guy. He doesn't do too much. He has a certain mystique about him. You know he is a fellow Jew. And we get the job done for the ladies. ( I can't take too much more of this.) Tango has a good side. And he can be the most caring person in the world. The beef added a whole lot of entertainment value to the show. ( This picture is for Mai Tye. And she knows why! LOL.)
Alright, appease the hater in me. New York's body on the show vs. her body now, what's your honest opinion?
I don't understand. ... Ah her body was perfect. I mean she had an awesome body. Ah h-h-her breasts where perfect, not too big ...ah not too small. Nothing was wrong with her body. Now her breasts look like a couple of hot air ballons. I mean if she plans on posing for Playboy, they'll be great for that sort of thing. I think they were a mistake. I don't want to be mean. I like Tiffany. She's gain a little weight, she's still the same person. By the way Quanda, you are going to enjoy Episode 6 a lot more that Episode 5. It's a lot of stuff happening and going on.
Will I? Well I hope so. Okay, back to me ... on a scale of 1 to 10, rate me.
Ah I'd give you a solid 8.
An 8, that's pretty good. Thanks.
No problem Quanda.
Alright Mr. Boston talk to you soon.
Okay, bye.
You've just shared a Qmoment!
A Recap Affair
| Contestant interviews, I Love New York Episode 5, Mr. Boston, myspace | 80 comments »
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when you have less, you might as well master it
Good interview, Q.
I must be the most prescient person in the world because everyone is coming around to my opinion.
Your opinion and foresight sucks.
Shut up and go sit down somewhere!
Where's Jane?
Oh and I made some corrections.
An 8, uh?
That seems undervalued.
I'd rate you an 8.5, at least...
A 9 if you were more welcoming.
Quanda's interview is up now so take down that post you made.
you have fans girl...someone from Philly is searching for your MySpace.
I hope it's not Queen B
Jane...there are pills you can take, you know.
To regulate the mood swings, lmao.
My fans are hate fans!
They call me names and insult me.
It may be Queen B.
better to have hate fans than ceiling fans, lmao. :D
just take down the stupid post, its not needed.
Jane, I have more in store for WB.
Believe me...
I happen to like a good ceilings fans during hot weather!
Steups, you better leave my baby alone!!!
you know, we have this terrible habit of not discussing the article...what's your opinion on the article, Jane.
I don't like Boston much but he seems like a guy you'd like, if you ever met him.
And what I've also noticed is no one talks much about Real
don't you think that's interesting?
LMAO@ Weave-A Beast
I think interview was good, I don't really care for Boston so whatever,
BTW there's nothing wrong with a guy using chaptick on his lips
it does not make him a girl. makes him a man using chapstick, lmao:D
He better use some chapstick. What fucking girl wants a man eating her out with some nasty crysty lips?? Ouch.
I need a drink:$ ...I'ma go see what I got.
He has a chapstick in his pants...he can use that.
Lareigna, I knew you would appreciate that!!!
Steups, they don't talk about Real because he most likely sits back a lot and observes. If you notice they didn't talk about Onix or Rico a lot either.
Dude, you said that I now I want a drink too. I know exactly what I have though: Beer, cheap wine, and vodka. Classy, huh?
take down the post
quit being an asshole for like ten mintues and take it down.
Great interview Q... as always i enjoyed it. He did stray a bit fromt he questions asked though.And suggesting that you were old damn hard hit.
I don't read the words. I just scroll down each picture and enjoy the eye candy. By the third picture...I am in e-heaven. Whiteboy is so sexy, the nipples and the tattoos...hmmph...hmmph...hmmph
Lady Ty,
Yeah the old comment was a blow!!!
Thank you.
his tattoos get me everytime,
boston was right though he does have a mystique about him
its like you don't know exactly why you want him you just know that you do.
I know why I want him!
For me "swagger" is not something that usually attracts me, but the way he does his thing, and how he is, damm he's so hott.
I agree. And the way he talks. And the way he kisses. And the way he goes shhhhhhhhhhhh. And the way he.....
New York was right, he is that guy that will give you butterflies and have you smiling like damm schoolgirl and shit.
I couldn't have said or typed it better. So true, so true!
I ca't wait until episode 7, I really want to hear what his ex has to say.
I don't want to see his ex! Episode 5 was enough for me!
You know something it wasn't the kiss that I could'nt stand, it was hearing new york go on about how much she was really feeling him.
The kiss just about ripped out my heart...LMAO. Those looked like some good kisses to me.
To me the kiss was not a big deal, it wasn't has bad as she blow it up to be. If she wanted him to kiss her a certain way she should have said so and moved on.
I was yelling "shut up you bitch" when she made her comments. too.
how are you going to handle the episode where he licks her leg.
More like tits.
The guy is like a living, breathing stereotype.
here you go again, (rolls eyes)
anyways, let me hush because mine aint that much better and now that I know there are lurkers who know me...I need to be completely honest.
Bonez is watching him like:
"get yo macaroni-torso ass outta here"
I am paying a lot more attention to the black ladies now.
but are they paying attention to you
it kinda kills the fantasy when you have kids in the interview.
we aint tryin' to read that.
Where's Lareigan?
Still drinking beer?
Did you take down the post yet?
never mind i see you did'nt
Q, are you wanted in Philly?
I am wanted in a lot of states.
well this Philly person is searching for your picture.
I guess, if you keep asking men their opinion of your looks you are going to spark some interest among the readers.
site might be down for a but as I 'upgrade' the template.
It'll never look as good as this but it will improve the navigability of the site.
Jane, I don't know how I am going to handle the leg licking!
Steups, so you have nipples like Whiteboy?
Don't do it!
Why yes. Yes I am Steups. I have actually upgraded to vodka with a splash of cranberry. AA anyone?
Not that anyone remotely cares ... I did a beautiful braid job yesterday, inverted Goddess braids with Fishtails.
It should be illegal to look as good as Onix. GEEZUS, this show needs to come to an end!
yeah, similar but the are around my nipples is not as dark.
I'd use the word but I am not sure it's gender neutral
Lareigna, a Cape Cod...simple but effective.
You are impressive. said no upgrade, Q.
Why ever not?
If we do it successfully it enables a listing of the labels and a link to older/newer posts.
Very few are able to use the archives.
Didn't you say it will change the look?!
Alright goodnight to all!
Good morning everyone! Haven't commented (or done my daily news - I've been a bad staff member, lol)in a while, just wanted to say hi to everyone. Very good interview Quanda! I'm wondering exactly what will happen tonight on ILNY, the way Boston said that you would enjoy it - as in it involves White Boy? Or it's just a crazy episode? And does Pootie come back or not? I swear he must come back, it looked like NY was yelling at him for bringing another woman into her house.
Anyway, you all have a good day!
where is everyone?
POSH GEMZ: go to
I don't know where everyone is
I am here; SAD.
Found a pimple?
Two actually.
squeeze them.
You're married already; you don't have to worry about other men looking at a black-head.
does Jane have a myspace page. i would really love to see who she is
squeezing leaves marks
Good morning O.
What a minute... where's the bold type?
She does but her picture is not up.
good afternoon! or morning to some of you. well, since i have an account now, no need for the bold type. although that was my signature, wasn't it? okay... i'll keep it. just for you Quanda ;)
Oh Onix, be happy I live in another state.
*blows O. a kiss
well, if we did live in the same state, i'd hope that you'd have enuf balls to meet me. unlike shawn, who said that she showed up, but didn't even say hello. i was a little bummed about that. she appearantly lives less than 10 miles from me.
Who boxes whom? I hope Tango knocks Wb the f-ck out! It seems though that if Tango catches one punch, he'd start bawling like a baby.
You should have asked Boston (who I still think is Borderline autistci or something, but still seems to be one of the smarter ones on the show) does Ny taste like Menthol and Flvor Flav's ball sack?
nasty, nasty, nasty...LOL
Oh, Mama don't have no problems introducing herself. Naw ...naw, no problems at all, you 'd get put into a head lock and taken home.
New post up.