Token's Treat is Honesty
As I have typed before; Each and every one of the 'I Love New York' cast mates are real people. I have referred to Token as the 'Red Oyster' of the 'ILNY' cast. Yeah, I typed it and I told him so. And if he cared or was unhappy about it, I didn't hear it in his voice. He kept answering my questions with a surprising candor and pleasantness. As the interview began I felt a bit of caution, on his part. I continued to run my mouth like the babbling fool that is Quanda. He totally relaxed and gave me what I hoped for; a honest peek at the man we all know as Token.
Hello, may I speak with Token?
Hey, how you doing?
Not that good, I am hanging in there. I laugh I am Quanda from the Flavor of Love Blogspot.
Oh, yeah hey. So, how are we going to do this?
I am just going to ask you some questions. I haven't prepared any. We are just going to chat. All I ask is that you be honest with me. If I ask you something you prefer not to answer ...just say so and I'll keep it moving.
Okay, I can do that.
Okay, here we go. Where are you from?
I was born and raised in New Mexico.
( He told me the city. But hell I couldn't figure out how to spell it.)
Why the 'I Love New York' show?
I was asked to audition for a dating show. An old coach of mine is friends with Cyrus from the 'Real World'. Cyrus told me that I should audition for a new VH-1 dating show. His friend worked in casting. Basically, I did it as a joke. I thought no way am I going to get it. During the audition, I told them how I like to make fun of people and myself. They asked me to make fun of them and I did. This was around the end of July. They told me that if I didn't hear from them by the end of August, I didn't get it. ( The old don't call us we'll call you.) In September, I get a call with an offer. They would pick 20 out of 25. I ended up being chosen. I did the show for fun. I also had told friends I would be on TV one day and no one believed me.
Well they believe you now. We both laugh I am going to be honest with you. I didn't think you were feeling New York. Were you feeling her?
I was not necessarily into New York. She is out there.
What's up with the kiss on the cheek?
I am not going to kiss anyone after seeing them kiss several other guys. That's a turn off to me. So, when she asked me for a kiss ...I gave her one on the cheek.
You also wasn't feeling Mr. Boston. What's up with you two?
It started with him verbally insulting me.
Tell me what happened.
Basically we are standing by the pool. He walks over and starts calling me ignorant and dumb. I reply ' you should be gone first ... you are ugly way, you have a chance.' He's the type of guy who gives his 2 cents and stirs up shit. And then walks away. If you press me the wrong way are going to have to deal with the consequences. ( I have a funny feeling Token got a lot of satisfaction watching 'Total Stud' get knocked out. What do you think?)
Anyone else you didn't like?
T-Weed, we got into an argument about his being loud trying to get the cameras on him. He starts yelling for no reason. When I got eliminated, he says to me 'bye bye.'
Who did you like in the house?
I liked a lot of them. ( Me too! I like Whiteboy, T-Bone, T-Weed,Whiteboy, Onix, Romance, Whiteboy,Rico, Real, Whiteboy, 12 Pack, Bonez, Whiteboy, Mr. Boston, now Token and last but not least Whiteboy.)
Okay, give me four and why.
Real, Bonez, Tango, Onix ...I liked them because they weren't overdoing themselves. They were who they were and nothing more ... nothing less.
What guys were truly there for New York?
The person who won and Pootie.
( VH-1, he did not give me the name. But boy I swear I'd bet my last $$$ that I know. I can taste your secret. But I ain't one to gossip.)
Speaking of Pootie, have you talked to him?
Yes. ( Sometimes ...I believe that I am a dentist because it seems like I am always pulling teeth to get answers.)
You have! Is he alright? ( This is sincere concern!)
Yes, he is fine. He just needed to get out of the house. He is doing well. They tried to make him look crazy ...him and Romance. ( Wow, tried they succeeded!)
Well since you brought up Romance ...did he cry as much as he seemed to?
Romance wasn't afraid to express himself. He did cry a lot. The dog scene ...that was editing for the most part. (Well I wish he would reply to one of my messages! Just once because I am getting teary eyed over his rejection. Romance isn't the only one who's sensitive.)
Alright, I am about to go somewhere you may not appreciate but I have to do it. I often refer to you as the male version of 'Red Oyster' from 'Flavor of Love' season 1. Our researchers allegedly stumbled on some information that you had a girlfriend during the taping of the show. Did you have a girlfriend?
Maybe I did and maybe I still do. ( Damn!)
Fair enough ...did you call her from the mansion?
Maybe I did. ( You gotta love his consistency.)Alright you touched a little bit on the elimination ceremony earlier. Let's go back, your elimination was a rough one. What's your thoughts on the way New York's handles herself during these ceremonies?
She is trying to be a hard ass for the audiences' perception. You'll notice Flavor Flav did it with a little more compassion. She is just trying to put her spin on things ...make it her own. (Compassion would've been to not bring her back for a second time ...LOL.)
Alright, I perceived you as shy or not interested. What's up with not taking off your shirt during the Mangeant?
Well, I practiced without my shirt at first. But when it was time to go out ...I thought she thinks I am reserved and shy. So why not play up the shyness? Go out there with the shirt on, and then I thought about taking it off but I decided to tease, stir things up different. Others were saying too much ...showing too much ...I am not here to follow others.
You have a opinion on the Tango and Rico snitching?
I thought it was funny. You get to a point in the competition and you have to make choices.
How do you like New York's look?
He laughs She's fake ...her hair, her contacts, her make up ...too much eyeshadow. She is trying too hard. Natural beauty is more attractive.
I am no natural beauty my damn self.
Well I am sure you don't wear your make up like that!
Your right, I don't. I am older. And if I wear a lot I'll show my age. So I keep it simple. What's your thoughts on Sister Patterson?
I don't have much respect for her. She claims to be so religious and spiritual. Yet, she participates in a show that degrades her daughter. ( I want to be a booger in Mr. Boston's nose for that Reunion show.)
Did you like Chamo?
I did like Chamo. He is a little girly. You know what amazes me is how Sister Patterson uses the term 'faggot' without regard for him. He has a good personality and plays a good character. old are you? And do you hang out with any of your cast mates?
23 and I've hung out with Bonez, Chance, Real and Heat. And I see Mr. Boston around at clubs sometimes. ( Yes, I know I am random ...sue me.)
I giggle I am doing an interview/ recap with Mr. Boston tonight you have anything you want to say to him? ( Quanda can stir the pot too.)
Yes, I have a message for him; ' Stay true to who you are. Pursue all your goals and ambitions. However, stop acting like you are a star and taking advantage of your fans. We are no better that anyone else. We are just lucky guys who got selected for a reality show. We eat, shit and live like everyone else. Also, watch what you say about Token.'
Alrighty, is there something you want the readers to know about Token?
I am not really into advertising myself. I don't have to be known. If you recognize me from the show ...great. If you don't ...great. I am a regular person. I don't think I am God's gift to women or the world in general.
So ...what are you currently up to? And do you have any future ambitions in the entertainment industry?
I am currently in school and bar tending. I would like an opportunity to work in the entertainment industry as a manager or agent. I wouldn't mind giving acting a try.
What's your major?
Criminal justice, but I am thinking of switching to public relations.
I have a friend who has her B.A. in Criminal Justice. She is making very nice money. You might want to rethink that switch. Anything else been going on?
Oh yeah, I was on Tyra but that was before 'I Love New York'. I was on a show about interracial dating. They paired me up with a black woman who said she wouldn't date white guys.Omg ...that was you! I saw that show. You were a pretty cool date.
Thanks, after our date she decided to be open to dating white men. I had a nice time. And it was a great experience. Bone and I recently appeared at the Pan African Film Festival. We signed pictures for the kids. And also I volunteered for the AIDS Foundation and worked with kids affected by the disease. Some of the children were blind, I am glad I had a chance to help them. I enjoy community work. Actually, I like helping others more than helping myself. It's a great feeling to help others. ( True that!)
I am really impressed. Before we end this you want to give a shout out to anyone?
Yeah, I want to give a shout out to Crazy Casey and Leslie. And I want to give a shout out to all the kids from the Pan African Film Festival and all the kids who are living with the HIV and AIDS virus.
Token I can't thank you enough for your time. You surprised me.
Your welcome ....take care Quanda and thank you.
Per the powers that be's request catch ' I Love New York' on Mondays @ 9 p.m.
I feel like a commercial and that irritates my soul.
You have just shared a Qmoment!
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Great interview Quanda.
Wow! I love his compassion and sincerety.
He really hit the head on the nail about Sister Patterson.
Thank you Meale. He hit several nails on the head! Goodnight.
cool interview, that really changed my perspective on Token. When will you be getting an interview with Romance???
good interview quanda don't nobody really want new york it's all for this show LOL
Another great interview.
Some answers stressed me but I agree completely with his opinion on her look being 'overdone'
I have a particular dislike for false eyelashes, or whatever they're called.
I'll work on Romance for you...and where the heck is Pootie.
blacknuts; that's one petition I am not co-signing
That is a very good interview. Keep up the good work Mrs. Thang.
Back again...
Hey Nick, guess who this is
brown hair small waist :)
Don't know.
No :)
I sent you my picture on Monday
hey steups, thanks for last night. i had a great time we should hook up again !!
tihs was a great interview. I like this guy, he was very honest and he was saying alot of the things I was thinking about NY and her mom.
Yeah, I know now, lol; but your hair looked...well yeah, now that I've looked at it again it is brown.
How you doin'?
hips, I'll delete one of those messages for you
anon @ better stop with that shit.
I did not hook up with you.
Good Morning..
((claps)) Bravo Quanda..great interview..I loved his honesty..I thought "sista" P was phony..but we knew that after FOL2..I just love how these guys are telling the real one is feeling New York..still have no idea who won..quanda..share your view..i want to taste the secret!! lol
Hey Steups!!
is there really a reunion show planned??
Good afternoon all. That was a good interview.
'Sup Number; there is always a Reunion Show planned
Hi E.
bhattipimpin has the best username
Hey Steups. I just came out of a meeting and preparing to go into another later on today. Yippie!!! (Yeah right, sighs).
I read where Quanda said her friend makes lots of donsai in the Criminal Law field, I think I may have to look at that option.
Besides that field is always full of excitement. No time for getting bored there.
I always miss all the fun..((just finish reading last night's post fest))
What's good Electra??
did anyone see the trendz video about New York?? Steups did you link it??
I think she said Criminal Justice, E.
That's far different from practising law in the Courts.
Yes, Number; I think Groovy did that a while back.
It wasn't very good, was it?
not even a little they sayyyy...don't quit ya day job he has Albums???8(
What did y'all think about Token's take on Mr Boston??
Kinda punked him huh??
Great numbers. Steups you're right but still I don't think this field is for me.
That surprised me.
Most people hate Boston for other reasons.
E...I got the soca.
hello everyone! great job Quanda! Token is my boy. thanks for giving him some press. funny story... a bunch of us were hanging out in the hot tub one night and the power went out. must have been surge or something. so the mics when dead. we were without power for about an hour. everyone left and went inside including the camera. token and i sat out there and talked the whole time. we told each other as much as we could in that space of time. all of our little secrets, etc. it was so nice to let it all out without anyone listening. lol!
Aren't you comfortable?
Why pursue family law when that's just divorces, custody and settlement matters.
Family Law always peeked my interest. In fact I did an extra Clinic in Family Law whilst at Law School.
It makes no sense doing something when your heart is not in it.
Great little inside story, Onix.
And I am not surprised you two got on.
You seem similar.
Excuse me for a few minutes.
Yeah but I can help make a positive difference in people's lives too. You never know. Besides that's where my passion is.
I have a dream to one day become a Judge in the Family Court (dont laugh).
I know that area is very sensitive but I like helping people especially children.
Great interview Quanda as always you touched on the important topics keep up the great work.
ONIX hi (waves) nice to be on when you are here (for a change)LOL
Hey Onix ((blushing))
I must say Onix is one fine that is a MAN..y'all see them cheek bones..that body.((ummm mmmm) ((wipes sweat off brow)) straightens clothes back up...
Quanda, can we ahve another interview with "O"??
((sorry..your alotted jock time is up..please back awayyy from the nut sac!!))lol
I've seen Quanda literally beg Onix for an interview with no results.
Maybe he's afraid of her. She is slightly intimidating.
Hi Lady Ty.
Have to leave for a few hours.
Unfortunately, that means no anonymous comments.
Q isn't around to monitor the situation when the rude anons come around.
LOL! i told Quanda that i'd do an interview. but i must admit. i was giving her the reach around... sorry, i meant "run around".
hey electra!
thanks for the compliment numbercruncher!
Hi Onix *thud*
Good afternoon to all,
Bhatt, Blacknuts, Steups, Shawn, Hips, Electra, Number, Onix and Lady Ty ... thanks for the love. I am glad you liked the interview!
Numbers, I literally begged Onix for an update interview. I have my opinions to why I didn't get it. LOL ...for the sake of not putting anyone on the spot, I'll keep it to myself.
Shawn if I am Mrs. Thang ...does that make Steups Mr. Thang, just wondering.
Bhatt, I've been working on it and will continue to.
I am around if anyone wants to chat.
yes you did a real good job quanda better you then steups
Thank you.
Thanks Quanda for a great interview. Funny thing is I had no idea who that guy was, Was he on the show?? If you are going to do a reality show you need to have some personality. He should have just stayed home and given someone else a chance. He talks like he just wants to be a nice guy and not be noticed for his time on the show. Then he says he might want to act. What a fool, if people don't know who you are then why pay to see you in a movie?
Back, I am.
I think I challenged Onix' manhood.
If that interview ever happens it's gonna be good.
Thanks and I see your point. I will say this I think he is honestly a humble man. Yes he wants to give acting a try. But you know there are a lot of actors who are humble in the way they carry themselves. I can think of several Robert Redford, Sidney Poitier, Johnny Depp and Morgan Freeman. They are all great actors and they promote their films but once that's over with don't see or hear a lot about them. Reality TV is about over the top personalities, I agree with you. But you have to have some 'lower key' type guys or there would be no balance.
steups i like quanda better then you she get the job done i hope i don't hurt yor feelings but i like you to
There were many interesting things raised in that interview
1) he doesn't seem too happy with VH1 and their creative editing
2)He spoke to Pootie (major shock)
3)He is defends Pootie (I can't blame VH1 for making Pootie look crazy)
4)He said the show degrades New York
(wrong answer)
you didn't hurt my feelings.
you bruised my ego, lmao.
Quanda I think that the actors that you stated are all wonderful. They have all been out and about in the public eye for the world to see and talk about at times. No I don't think that they would want the type of attention that a Reality person gets. The difference is, those men you named have talent and have worked hard to be who they are. Reality stars want Fame. Its Ok with me, I love reality tv. But if you do it.. Then DO IT BIG..
don't worry steups i like you to i like you way better then groovy noodles how about that
what Geniap said!
you can like her; I have enough hate for everyone ;)
Those Mega M&M's are bananas
I hope that you do get another interview with ONIX. Now there is a man we want to know about. I hope to see a lot more of him.
can you audio record the interviews and post the mp3s?
no one, I just emailed her about something similar.
Do you know what is required to record an interview?
steups the flavor of love season 2 on dvd it not so bad ok there no reunion but so what steups you get to hear new york real sex moans and groans with flav it is unedit
you really think that's her moaning like that...because on my best night I have never heard a woman moan lie that
you know steups they edit so much shit on tv but on dvd you get to see and hear what you didn't see on tv and new york was making some real sex noise like i said that tv and this is on dvd unedit you will be really shock
Lmao...size does matter.
Why would you admit that to the whole blogsphere????
I think it was her. Volume escalated but her all the same...
admit what?
That I can't make a woman moan like that?
Hm, maybe you just slept with some very demure ladies ...
The interview has been edited. I got something mixed up, the Mr. Boston poolside spat.
Token says thanks for all of the positive thoughts and that he doesn't sweat the negative ...everyone has their opinion.
Now back to my opinion:
I personally could not stomach a reality TV show with all over the top personalities. To me that would take the 'real' out of reality.
And I have noticed that both the 'Do It Big' types and 'laid back' types have been both rewarded with future opportunities to work in the business.
I don't want to record my interviews. When people know they are being recorded makes them uncomfortable. Also, I don't publish everything they tell me recording it wouldn't be a good move.
So moaning is voluntary?
Because that's what you are implying.
steups do you think that flav use viagra with new york LOL
I think he used vigour
I agree with you Q. People do get defensive and guarded when they are being recorded. They aren't as open which would detract from the interview (and the kind of gos that we get)
Keep on doing you!
The little interviews make me smile (esp the comments in pink at the end)
Goodnight everyone!!!!
that what i'm implying steups
Dang, you're gone?
I have soca for you
Thanks Dana ...where you going?
anon, you're male, right?
she only stays when Revenge is around.
Speaking of...what's up with her?
If you're in a situation where you cannot afford to make any noise then you just have to shut the hell up (or keep it to a minimum) regardless of how good whatever feels.
What I'm saying is that it's controllable.
Some women even if they are in a situation where no one is around to hear them will still hold back (or try to hold back) their cries of passion - demure...
I'm trying to help you love. I'm saying that it's not because you're unskilled that the women aren't moaning like that for you. I'm saying that it's because you pick the wrong ones - the quiet ones.
lmao @ Dana.
Thanks for looking out for time I'll say
"Moan louder, damnit!"
Q- I was going to go to bed.
The earlier I do, the more I can dream about Harry Potter!!!!!
ok steups let's stop talking about flav sex life i'm getting sick to my stomach
yes steups i'm a dude
Have you seen the play Dana?
Let's do that anon.
No. no. no ...
You have to say - "Moan louder, damnit please!"
Don't forget your manners ok
There are two little magic words that open any door with ease. One little word is 'Thank you' and the other little word is 'Please'
Save the Thank You for after the rafters start singing ...
"Please" during sex seems unmanly.
I'll tell your mummy
Sometimes I quite like a breathless 'Please' - it's ragged and sexy...
And it throws me off guard!
Ok enough!
No I haven't seen Equus ... but I want to - so very very badly
dana i hope your over 18 talking about moan and sex
I am only 17 actually...
Are you going to tell MY mom on me????
And why didn't you ask Steupz too? What's up with the gender discrimination?
oh no she did not just say that
LOL no i won't tell mom on you steups are you under age LMAO
steups is so 14 years old.
Hey Guys I am out of the meeting and on my way home shortly. Hi Dana I know I may not get a chance talk to u because its almost 11pm by u but drop me and email.
E! E! E! - I did e-mail you lovie
Anon - Thanks for not telling mom. I think I should go to bed now before I get into any trouble. She doesn't like me surfing so late at night anyway - too many negative influences...
Sorry about attention was elsewhere.
Dana, you talk a really good game.
I am so not 14, Cael; seriously.
Anonymous, those are not the words of a 17yr old. Don't you feel the heat coming off the screen.
LOL@ Cael
LOL@ Dana.
Dana I have to run. Hubby is waiting on me downstairs. We will catch up tomorrow please God. OK?
Bye Everyone
cael i had no idea that steups was just 14 let's take him to chucky cheese
Dana, you want to hear Jumbie?
steups chucky cheese is for you
Isn't it Chuck E?
lol thanks the way, how did you get your username???
Wow, the more I read these interviews, the more I realize these guys are kinda smart...except Whiteboy aka Slingblade aka Boy Buckwild.
aka retard
Whiteboy is smart too ...very smart!
I joke about the Slingblade, but if he is successful, good for him. I think he is a tad corny with the sunglasses and short sets.
LOL... I were sunglasses and short sets too. Maybe that's why I dig him so much. So how are you Bubo?
hey quanda how about you interviews new york mother next time or your boyfriend whiteboy that would be a real good interviews from you
We shall see! One never knows what can happen.
Goodnight to all.
(sips coffee)
morning steups
G'mornin' anonymous
good morning everyone
Good morning Samantha.
That's about as girlie a name can be.
Good morning all. Steups! hmmmmh.LOL
What time is your meeting?
And what about the Board meeting yesterday? Successful?
yes i love my girlie name :)
The Board - Sucks. They did not give us all that we wanted so we are preparing ourselves for the backlash of the employees. Maybe the Trade Union too.
Did I ever tell u where I go drama follows?LOL (Sotry of my life).
Meeting is soon when I am ready.
Steups that Chuck E thing was not aimed at me right?
No...someone told me about Chuck E Cheese.
Samantha, do you insist on the entire name, or are you cool with Sam?
OH I I am off to my meeting - Laterz
you can call me sam or sammie i dont care
Earthquake, Earthquake.
I like Sam for a girl.
Does anyone know who Quanda's next interviewee might be?
Quanda's next interview might be Mr. Boston; but I can't say for sure.
Reading the previous interview she seemed to suggest they have a pact to discuss each Episode.
She's working on Bonez and we are making efforts to secure 12Pack and Romance.
Hello all...
{looks arund at an empty blog} lol
Surprise, Surprise...shawty walks in ALONE! lol
This is early for you
oh no shawty...i can tell when u arrive and i come running.
good morning!!!
do you have an extensive mp3 collection?
I need one or two songs
Good Morning Rev...missed you yesterday.
Steups: for ME?! early for me?! I can't believe you would imply that I am lazy person who sleeps in late...EARLY?!....{walks in a pace as if bothered}...{abruptly stops} You're right, it is early for me lol
REVENGE: Hey darling I feel so special that you run Just for ME!
Shawty, you've got that loving feeling.
Steups: how do you figure?
Dang, you need an explanation for e'rything.
I meant you bring are like the naked cowboy in Times Square
Steups: Don't start being all sweet and nice up in here...having ppl blusing...{straightens face in to a un-fazed expression} ain't affecting me with all that mushy-gushy-steups flattery lol
Steups: tryna say I'm slow?...I told you awhile back that I'm one to make sure MY perception is in line with the INTENTIONS of you/other ppls' comments
True...we can't have that.
Are you feeling J-Hud for the Oscars?
I am wondering what they hype is about.
Just like "Departed" for best movie...totally underserved.
Have you seen 'Dreamgirls'? She did a really good job in the movie...but I don't know the other nominees in her category so I don't want to say she's my fav for the Oscar...but I really like the girl...she's got spunk lol\
Who are you feeling...for the Oscar?
I am feeling no one.
But I saw a bit of Dreamgirls and she didn't impress. But then again I discounted the singing which is a major part of her performance
actually, I like Streep for Best Actress.
I thought she was fantastic in "Devil wears Prada"
She's nominated, right?
I'm surprised the intern was overlooked. She was pretty good, too.
I don't know if she's nominated but that was the BOMB movie...I'm not much of a fashion fanatic, but the clothes in that movie were to die...{scratch that} get put on life support for lol..I ain't bout to die for no clothes! But they were cute tho
And yes majority of J-Hud's performance was through her singing..they had her singing the most. and when she sung 'you're gonna love me' just felt the desperation in her voice and saw the pain all over her face...she had nice variations in facial expressions that actually coincided with the emotions of the song
Now BEYONCE was just 'alright' in the movie...I mean her acting was an improvement over past movies, but talk of Oscars?! {LIke Michael on 'MY wife and Kids} Uh....nuh! She did pretty good, but not OSCAR worthy...sooooo I'mma just leave that alone...
Dang, why you gotta bring up Beyonce.
Don't tell me you are a hater too.
I am a hater though, I hater husband.
Gots to go.
Steups: Bye but b4 u go, know that I am NOT a Bey hater at all...I'm just speaking the TRUTH...a hater is negative at all times regarding their subject of hate...and we ALL know that is not the case with me lol...I just feel she's should stick with singing b/c I feel all if not MOST of her emotions when she is singing rather than acting...the girl can blow like the WIND in CHI-TOWN, but acting may not be her thing...EVER lol
been very busy lately.
like right now...i need a vacation
i cant stand beyonce for the fact that without the weave and makeup the girl aint much...i can find a beautifully natural woman uptown with a better body than hers. especially when it comes to booty.
like j-lo's booty is nothing new in the bronx.
in hollywood its amaing. blah
Revenge: I used to LOVE me some beyonce, but that was also at the time when she wasn't just easily accessible at ALL TIMES! I think I'm just getting tired of seeing her so much....she used to only come out when there were award shows or CDs to promote...not every second...I see her more than I see MYSELF lol and i swear I'm always with myself lol
awww i missed danan yesterday?
jesus that woman/girl is fucking provocative and alluring.
::sighs:: the lesbian within just twitched alittle...let me calm down.
TX i just cantstand her at all....beyonce is the epitome of money making beuaty...naturally shes pretty but with omoney = bombshell BUT what does that say for natural beauty? im so tired of all that extra especially when i know very little about any of it.
what happened to loving a pretty face free of makeup?
Revenge: honey I don't know...cuz honestly I don't even know how to APPLY the stuff..if I tried, i'd be walkin around looking like NY lol Now don't get me wrong the girl is cute but too much can kill ya..."NY dies from EYELASH overdose"...what does THAT look like in the newspaper?!
Venge: I don't even wear make up...too much hassle...I used to wear foundation, but I got lazy and said "This house is just gonna have to fall, cuz I'm not using ANY MORE foundation"
TX i swear your witty sense of humor kills me everytime...fuck mr boston they need to give you your own comedy show full of all those wonderful little quips that you come up with.
good afternoon all! where is the new post for today. just an fyi (i also shared with you know who) i have a two page featured exclusive in this weeks issue of Hip Hop Weekly magazine. i'm also on the cover. if you are able to find one in your area pick one up. it's a new magazine (hit the news stands back in oct) from the creators of The Source.
back again
Damn, must feel strange to see your face on the cover of a magazine, lol.
I hope you resist the urge to buy them all.
I know if I were on the cover of a magazine I would be checking every fifteen minutes and saying "why aren't these mofos buying the damn magazine"
lol! well, it's not a huge pic. and of course it's accompanied by a larger pic of NY (courtesy of Vh1)
Congratulations, Onix. Who won ILNY?
Onix you have a gorgeous body i bet you must have all the girls dying to holla at a brother.
well I wrote something off the cuff; I hope I didn't misrepresent the truth.
I'll add the bit about New York being there.
You don't play do you?
Anon? You need a napkin for your drool, lol.
dang, steups...I was trying to slip one
Well you guys have a wonderful afternoon/evening/night (depending on which continent you're located). This girlie has an appointment with destiny.
lmao...I think Onix is supposed to do that...God made it that way
lol @ Jorundi: You so crazy lol...talking bout 'slippin one in' like you're talking to him he can't re-read the question and re-think whether or not to answer lol..
bye jorundi even tho I came in as you were leaving lol
Steups: How did i KNOW you were going to go there with THAT one? lol
Good luck with that
where did I go?
How does it feel to grab the 1st comment.
I find it exhilarating
Steups: Now that I have the NUMBER ONE spot in my grasp...i will conquer the ENTIRE blog...or go to
You do that.
Where is Quanda? I actually miss her today.
Steups: I don't know where she is, but I miss her...and the vocal cords she uses to say the infamous 'word' that i love
I think it's time to go to the other comment box
Ask and ye shall receive
(thunder and lightning ensue)