It took long enough, but one of the contestants of I Love New York has finally hit the cover of a reputable magazine.
Hip-Hop Weekly is the magazine and they seem to have a particular interest in the show because they featured Pumkin a while back. She gave her thoughts on the men of I Love New York; and one whom she fancied, Onix; is on this week's cover.
(I am only guessing she fancied him, but I haven't met a woman who hasn't, so it's a safe bet)
Buy the magazine, support Onix, watch I Love New York...
Tiffany 'New York' Pollard is also on the cover, and her picture is slightly larger. But she didn't inform us in the comments box did no props to her.
Incidentally, Bucky when are you setting up that interview with New York for me?

That's not this week's edition, obviously.
But now you know what to look for...
FIRST! Whoa yea! lol
Feels so gooood...
Good morning to all.
Steups, I need 'Hit the Road Jack' by Ray Charles and 'Mama Said Knock U Out' LL Cool J also. Thank you.
I got 5...
I'll add those to the list
QUANDA: You're FREAKING amazing woman! You mark my words and look at the previous post...We were JUST talkin bout missing you and how I wish you and your vocal cords were here to say my WORD and....VOILA! Here you are! lol tiffany has been in the comments box?
when where what?
hey quanda off to the pther place to see ur newest there one to see madame?
i miss dana and shawn!
where are you ladies?
I can't complain and hope all is well on your end too, handsome.
That's a quote from Nibblz to me.
I highlighted the important adjective.
HANDSOME is the word for those of you not able to read italics.
Once again, the word used to describe is HANDSOME
Steups: How did Nibblz get to see a pic of you and I didn't? lol..I can't say you're handsome...I can just say...he's...he's...uh...STEUPS...if that's a description lol
Steups: So when will we get and italicized/highlighted version of the TRUE word? lol've never seen me?
Everyone has seen me!
Don't you dream? Because I AM THE MAN OF YOUR DREAMS, trust...
oh jesus *gags*
tell nibblz that i love her! tell her!
Trust?! Man weren't you the SAME guy that instructed me not to trust ANYONE...not lol
and for the record i still dont like token's ass. something about him makes me uneasy.
but then again i dont know him so who the fuck cares what i say
Venge: Here's a bucket for your vomit boo..just in case it decides to actually exit lol
Hey, Rev...remember that girl who's boinking Kimora?
What's up with her?
Because since you mentioned her a few people have come tot he site via Google because of (your mention0
yeah man...cuz sometimes its a bit much.
Baptista, Batista?
Steups, you have 5 more to go or you have 5?
Tx, I trust you. I am too lazy to go to the other post. Unless Whiteboy left a comment for me ...LOL.
Revenge, there is a post up.
Confidence is 40% of the ingredients to catch a woman
oh my lovely lovely kisha?
shes spike lee's new protoge and the love of my life.
shes so sexy i cant stand it. kisha batista.
I have five.
The others aren't biting.
Wowwwwww, first time I've seen the new banner.
It's like someone turned on the lights, it's like morning sunshine, it's better than Shawty in the hoodie
Steups: 40%....60% is still a majority lol...and a bucked will catch approximately 95% of revenge's vomit...ya know...since we're throwing statistics out there
Steups: Lol! Wow at least I'm the standard of whats BETTER or WORSE lol
*rubs her tummy
Collard & Turnip Greens with a piece of Hot Water Cornbread for breakfast. Doesn't get better unless it's a Linguica Benedict. Is that right because my brain is on pause?
Revenge's vomit is water-colored (or non-col0red to be more accurate), with a trace of red-wine
Quanda: That sounds soooo good right about now
Okay, 5 ...e-mail with the list.
Steups: Oh have you had the pleasure of holding her hair back while vomiting on occasion?! lol
Quanda must be from the South, originally.
Because I have not heard of either of those "meals"
I had to bracket meals, because they might be something else.
Never heard of collard & turnip greens with hot water cornbread?! Sooooo good steups...we gone have to get you some! mmmm {licks lips hungrily} lol I'm hungry
Txshawty...that sentence is a little on the NC17 side, no?
Shut-up lol...nasty...I'm still hungry tho...
Steups: Dang...I JUST realized you spelled out my WHOLE username...first time in a while
and I just realized you said you wanted to see me for the comment box only.
I thought I'd have had an email by now.
And one more thing...if any word needs a 'u' it's 'color'
Colour is far better.
Tx, it is ...I need some advice.
My neighbor placed a note on my brothers van asking him not to park in front of his house because his wife has a baby.
Note; My mother has lived here for 38 years and we have never heard of such a request from the neighbor. And his mother or mother in law approaching my bmw, and touches and looks inside of it! Now, we all have two car drive ways. Currently they are working on their plumbing and their driveway in dug up. And the tractor the contractor is using is of course parked in front of another's neighbors house.
Part of me is like I'll park and my quests will park where ever they fucking want to! I was about to type the other part of me but there isn't that's how I feel. It's public parking and your inconvience is the least of my concerns. What am I asking? Oh, his request will be ignored ...period. I want to know if I should tell him.
California girl born and raised ...parents from South.
Ok, I am off to bit...I need to post something on Electra's blog
ohhh..onix..yum yum..
As much as I hate Benzino..I am going to buy a copy of his mag..just to see Onix..
oh...Good Morning Y'all!!
((back to naughty thoughts))lol he doesn't want YOUR brother parking in front of his house for WHATEVER reason, but his driveway is getting worked on, but they can park the tractor wherever THEY please? I'm just making sure I'm reading this right?
Hey NUMBER! {you forgot about me...{downcast face lol})
What up TXshawty..never can forget be having me rotflmao..heh ..
how are ya??
Nice day today out here in Cali...
need to take a walk..
sooo... Steups are you just being a tease((probably))..or will we have a Nibblz interview/update soon??
I liked her..real cool..up front with all her "issues"
oh yeah..I was talking with my Brother..who is in the entertainment field..he was sayibg that VH1 will be doing a "mr Flavorette" type dating show with 1 guy and 20 girls..anyone know more?? or is this just some bullshit?? :)
i second that number...she was one of the best.
and hi!
Torn between 2 lovers, feeling like a fool,
Loving both of you is breaking all the rules
I like Nibblz too..she seemed cool and sweet...
Hi Anon...that was that 4m a song, or did you do that?
There are times when a woman
Has to say what's on her mind
Eventhough she knows how much it's gonna hurt
Before I say another word
Let me tell you, I Love You
Let me whole you close and say these words as gently as I can.
There's been another man
That I've I needed and longed for
But that doesn't mean that I love you any less
And he knows he cant possess me
And he knows he never will
Cause there's an empty space inside of me
That only he can fill.
Torn between 2 lovers
Feeling like a fool
Loving both of you
Is breaking all the rules
Torn between 2 lovers
Feeling like a fool
Loving you both
Is breaking all the rules
*snap* *snap* i feel like I'm at the poetry cafe...that was nice anon who wrote that?
Some lady back in the 70s I dont know her name.
I am torn between 2 lovers and I do feel like a damn fool
Goodbye everyone. I have to leave now.
EXACTLY TX! Is that nerve for you or what?!
Quanda: LOL! A van is a bigger vehicle, but a TRACTOR?! That's not even a personally I would tell him just for the fact that he is having work done, but I would let him know that my family and guests should be expected to park where they feel necessary as long as it doesn't keep him from getting in and out~
I think you are right..park wherever the hell y'a;ll want to..sometimes people kill me over what they thinks thier "rights" are..but be careful,,you know how we are out here in Cali..they might try to vandalize..or have a nasty attitude...but I would give a reply to the note..because they should of had some act right in em..and came to talk to y'all face to face..
that is would NOT respond..
I'm still trippin out over the TRACTOR~ lol
I would ONLY tell him b/c he's having work done...but other than gone have to move around POD'NUH!
hello txshawty hip hop is dead
Y'all want to talk to Nibblz?
I can ask.
The worst she can say is "No!"
Well she can say worse (than the worst?) but you know what I mean
steups hip hop is dead
Hey ANON! How are you?
Steups: I hate when ppl say they can ONLY say 'no'...haven't they ever heard of 'fear of rejection'? lol
lmao @ Txshawty's personal anonymous
and I like how he adds me as an after-thought.
You don't have to hide it anon. If you want to speak to Shawty, go right ahead.
Hello Steups,Quanda,Txshawty,Number, lady ty and Anon and anyone I missed.
Lady ty the song was originally sung by Mary Macgregor and written by Neil Diamond.
steups: Check your mail...and why is my OWN anon funny?! You have fans, why cant I?...although I highly doubt they're my fan..HIGHLY!
true TX...a "no" hurts like a motha.
Heyyyy Meale...{like Wendy Williams} How you dzooin?!
Sup Meale.
I like that song.
There is no shame in saying you like Neil Diamond, right?
Hey Steups, no shame at all. LOL
The first ND I heard was "Sweet Caroline" (praying that's the name of the song)
And I remember watching a movie (with my Dad) when I was really young...where he starred and sang like a hundred hits.
Hey Hey Meale..what is good??
Yeah Steups we want to talk with Nibblz!! And rejection is a mother..((that is what someone told me))lol
Those lyrics are somethin else..
And Anon..hip hop is not dead...will neva die..try tha underground..too caught in mainstream..that is crap..
and don't even get me started on ABBA...lawd hammercy.
Abba is the shit.
I was put onto them by a movie starring Toni Collette.
She was getting married or something and she was scrumptiously thick.
Or should that be sumptuously?
Whichever is more appropriate.
I like to argue that Hip-Hop is still good but the old fogies are in reminisce mode
But, when you head on to YouTube and listen to PE and Wu and Brand Nubian, you are like wtf?
Is this the same shit we have now?
Txshawty and Numbers I'm doing just fine here and Steups that is the correct name of the song.
Meale and Number, are y'all on Abba too?
They have some bomb-ass melodies
Steups..I know i know..shit was phat back in tha day..PE was my audio crack!! Too balck for my own light-skin
Laffy taffy????chicken noodle soup.. straight garbage!!
Abba?? IS that who sang "we built this city on rock n roll"?? mannn
don't let me say Duran
Number: Laffy Taffy and Chicken noodle soup spoke to my stomach more than my ears lol...Stomach just growling everytime they came on...Chicken noodles soup was my lunch w/a soda on the side, and Laffy taffy was my dessert
this outfit is perfect.
That jacket is flames. are too much..those songs got our kids buckin they on acid((Think Richard Pryor))brushing stuff off their
Now you got me Hungry!!
But don't know what I want..don't hate that??
I've listened to a few, Dancing Queen, The Winner Takes All the others I can't recall right now.
Nooo, number, you are talking about Grace Slick (I saw that on a vh1 countdown, lol)
But Duran Duran is bananas
Hungry Like a Wolf, Notorious...can't remember any other.
Can anyone type bananas without pausing?
Number: Yea, I do hate that...but I today is one of those days where I KNOW what I want is in the fridge, it's just a matter of getting to it after work...hopefully no one else has eaten it lol
Steups: Hooked on Gwen Stefani/Phonics WORKED for me!
lmao @ shawty....
where's your anon-y-mous...Heyyyy(Penny Proud voice)
you have a fetish about bananas??
I watched the Prince Bio on VH1...
i was all in the living room sewating..too much freakin going on..remember "head" damnn..showing my age!! lol
I think Real is about the size of Prince..don't ya think??
But I do love Real's hair..shit is pretty!! ((and he is a guy))
okayy..going to have to slow down on my typing...looks like i am RETARDED (Whiteboy)not knowing how to spell.. need to get hooked on
Steups: I don't know...but I need some love from my anon to balance out your hating on the anon's fascination with me lol
J/k...I don't have a personal anon
Number: Real is soo cute...i could actually overlook his height...LITERALLY lol...{slaps knee}
fetish on bananas?
Girl you need to quit that.
Although, oddly enough, Electra sent me an email on all sorts of things you can do with bananas.'
Electra aint easy, let me tell ya
Ohhhhhkay...onto other NON-banana shaped objects lol
Yeah, 'tis true, Real is a goodlooking guy...Price meets Barry White and the comparison with his brother does him no harm
I know you all aren't talking about my Swagger Man!
*looks for switchblade
lol..can't do much with a shorty...well..take that back...((thinks))sometimes they can be the perfect height for....oh yeah...
Lol, it's not whatchu think, Shawty
NUMBER!!!!!!!!!!HAAAA! Lawd Jesus help her lol
I can't believe he used to have more GUMS than TEETH tho lol
Steups: I'm just never know when you throw steups into a conversation
oh mean me??..((bats eyelashes))just talkin bout little ole whiteboy and the degree of retardation he has...he should just be him..stop all that frontin..annnnd to top if off..he aint even cute...damn!
oh..Q..step awwaayy from tha switchblade..slowly..slowly..thats good ;)
We can have an intervention later..
Duty calls...I have to go.
Have a good weekend...I love everyone I don't love.
me too..its been
Have a good one!!
steups i have the r. kelly sex tape do you want a copy
all you ladies pop yo' pussy like this
shake your body don't stop don't miss
all you ladies pop yo' pussy like this
shake your body don't stop don't miss
just do it, do it, do it, do it, do it now
lick it good, lick this pussy just like you should, right now lick it good suck this pussy just like you should
my neck, my back, lick my pussy just like that
my neck, my back, lick my pussy just like that
Suck it good NICK!!!
Wow indeed...
*puts switchblade down
*looks for gun
Dade C.'s daddy is very cute! And there is nothing wrong with short men.
And I've heard short men have the biggest dicks.
in CA:
I don't know why there is so much buzz about Onix's looks. To me, and most of my friends, he is ugly. Not only that he called my girl New York that he is better than her. No men is beter than any women and vice versa. Everybody is beautiful. And I see all these girls on this blog liking him. Ms. new York is way prettier and better than Inix ever be. In my opinion TANGO is the real man. He is hot and respectful. I also think REAL is not only cute but he also is a well behaved man. I hope these two are the one's she took to finale.
I do Love New York and a while lot..
I am in Cali too. And we are talking to different folks the only person who told me that 'Onix isn't all that' was a straight man.
LMAO ...
He he he he he
Wow that is funny.
Hey Shawn!
Hey Quanda. What's going on today?
Not much, another phone interview ...and then trying to lock down an interview.
I am on the interview grind. I am about to post in a few minutes.
We need to get on the podcasts.
anonymous @ 3:26pm shut up new york is a man and a ugly man at that
Cool. Tonight around 11:00 my time is that's ok with you.
Sounds good!
New post up!
quanda did you ever find out if new york was or is a trasexual?