The YBF blog reports Deelishis has been hurt by Flavor Flav...
Deelishis has been making her rounds this week telling whoever will listen the "real deal" about Flavor of Love 2. She says she hasn't spoken to Flav since last year and that was his plan all along.
She honestly thought she would be Flav's girl for real so she was kind of hurt by it since Flav lied to her. She says that he was the one who was doing this show to boost his career. (Welcome to life Deelishis.)
She says he officially dumped her when word came out about his new baby's momma...but they kept frontin' for just a little while. Poor Deelishis. Not.
Chick is still working on an album with Busta Rhymes (who she now admits is her man) and is slated to play Angela Basset's daughter in an upcoming movie this year. WTF?
The quote was probably taken from her spread in Smooth magazine and I have the pictures for you.

Do you believe her? Or is it a publicity stunt to keep her name alive?
Maybe she's upset she missed out on a trip to Carnival in Trinidad and Tobago...

The article has pictures of Chance and his son as well so, if you missed it, here's the link to YBF for a second time
I owe mortgage money to: Angel
good morning.
opps afternoon*
Good morning Rev...
Shit, I made the same mistake
How do you like Dee?
but the again airbrushing n all that
Airbrush is a fact of live...I have a couple areas I'd love to airbrush.
Anything you need Photoshopped?
how about everything, lol. seem to love your neck
and your face.
I might get e-slapped for this; but I'd give you a couple more inches of hips
Maybe it's my imagination but you look like Chance's girlfriend
ive never seen chance's girlfriend...and adam loves my neck. not i.
there is not much that i like about myself. and as for the extra inches in hips darling boy i was once 170 lbs and as a true puertorican it was ALL hips n ass.
i am currently battling with weight...i want to be down to 115. i have about ten pounds to lose.
and no disrespect steups, but i dont give a fuck about what u think.
anyway im out of here.
enjoy the rest of ur day
lmao...170 lbs!
You thought I was upset?
Good morning or afternoon.
Sup Q.
Dana said she can't hear any of the songs...(sigh)
You missed Rev though.
She may or may not be upset.
And Bucky is ready to sort us out.
You want to do it?
Huh? Explain here or e-mail ...please I haven't had my coffee and brain in on pause.
MAC users have to listen to multiple songs until they turn them off.
Revenge is not upset. LMAO.
Lmao...she isn't?
I hope so.
I'll email you now
Maybe he does go on I love NY. Oh well, Busta Rhymes? He looks like he always reeks of weed.
The biggest difference between the men and the women, it seems like the men are more up front and many of them can actually put together a rational, coherant thought...excluding Whiteboy and CHance.
Chanc'es son is probably more of a thug than Chance. Chance is immature and loudmouthed, but no thug.
Whiteboy can put a rational, coherant thought together ....LMAO. And I am sure Chance can too.
Quanda, on the second date WB has proven me wrong. Chance on the other hand, I think not. The interviews here have been great.
Hello All,
I hope everyone is enjoying themselves today.
This is tipsy:
Partying with the flavor of love and I love NY
Very nice blog.
I also forgot I love Dee pics. I love what they did with her pics except the hair.
i was NOT upset.
having a toddler is challenging! and yes i was 170 lbs. and enjoyed it while it lasted...for teh most part i have a fast metabolism.
hey quanda and hey shawn.
Hey Revenge
Trust me I know what you mean about Toddler are challenging. Yes I know.
Hey can you share you secrets?
Revenge you need a HUG girl
shawn i can share whatever secrets you want to know girl.
email off for a while.
Hello Bubo, Shawn and Revenge!
I love the Dee photos and I like the hair.
R, I knew you weren't upset.
B, did I read that correctly ...a Q stan? Thanks for enjoying the interviews.
Hey Quanda,
Ok I have a question now I'm looking at a MB and there is a theads that is saying that 2 people was at a Nightclub but according to the rumors this person didn't win the competition but yet this main person was at the nightclub kissy and touchy with the said person that didn't win. Now I don't know if this true or not.
So I am wondering could this be possible.
Anything is possible. But do not speak of this again. You know I am very sensitive on this subject!!!
Can you believe that chick lets those nasty, burnt-ass nigs all up in that?