flavor-of-love-whistleblower-jpegYou are probably wondering why the hell do I have a man's picture on my blog.
Well, read on people; read on.

In fact don't read on. I had to rewrite the entire blog because it was based on my thinking 'Season 2' was postponed to August 13th.
I had all sorts of stuff confessing I was now single because my girlfriend ended our dilettantish endeavor at a relationship because I left the country without telling her.
Yes, I left New York for the Caribbean a little over a month ago and I have no plans to return to be honest.

Anyway, that's unimportant. The Season premiere is still August 6th and that boy you see in the top left-hand corner is the chap who left me the tip on the due date for the Season 1 DVD.
He also brought to my attention a compilation of audition videos for "Flavor of Love Season 2."

So if you have the time visit the MySpace webpage of Owl the Drummer and when you're done with that have a look at the video below

After all those rewrites I really hope this blog made sense.


  1. Anonymous // 11/7/06 10:05 PM  

    I like the girl who said she loves to fight

  2. FOL // 12/7/06 2:57 AM  

    Bettie, we need to talk girl.
    You never gave me an opportunity to aplogise for that loose morals statement.
    I think it came out all wrong.

  3. Anonymous // 8/8/06 1:40 AM  

    i hate all them girls.... except for the long blonde haired one.. the rest are WHORES! haha

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