Miss Latin_jpegIs there anyone out there able to pronounce Miss Latin's real name, Xotchitl Rodriguez?
My best guess is; 'Xo' is pronounced as 'Zo', and the first 't' and the 'l' at the end are 'silent'.
That adds up to Zoshit. If I am wrong, sue me.

You all may remember she was a favorite of Flava Flav and a favorite of mine, because, you know, she was an exceptional looker.
On her blog, 'Miss Latin' says we should pick up the August issue of 'Details Magazine' because she is in it, I guess.Buffie the Body_jpeg
I checked this morning but as is frigging usual with my Newsstand, it's nowhere to be seen. I did however purchase the latest edition of Black Men's magazine because it has Buffie 'the Body' Carruth featured. If you are a man, and you have never seen Buffie, you need to get that magazine. Trust me.

Moving on, Kim 'Peaches' Manning took time away from her tour with George Clinton to visit Hugh Hefner's Playboy Mansion; as she puts it "I danced, and drank, and even got invited to exclusive playboy mansion gatherings."
I'd be careful if I were her.
In the next couple of weeks Peaches says she will be at the Exotic Erotic Ball in New York City, maybe I'll drop by and attempt to seduce her or something.
Before I go, I visited the Exotic Erotic Ball website and came upon this picture. Doesn't that girl look a lot like "New York"?
Nawwww, that couldn't be her, could it?
Exotic Erotic Ball


  1. Anonymous // 7/6/06 9:47 PM  

    Xochitl is pronounced So-shee, but your attempt at it was hilarious! That DOES look like NEW YORK...that's too bad there isn't more info on her whereabouts, I would have liked to give her some props for being down for her shit!

  2. Anonymous // 7/6/06 11:26 PM  

    OMG steups you are so funny.
    Zoshit? Umm NO!

  3. Anonymous // 8/6/06 3:57 AM  

    Zoshit...LMAO! But seriously, NY at the Exotic Erotic Ball would not, I repeat WOULD NOT be surprising. Many a hint has been left for you, yet you do not pursue those leads. Why...ya scurred (translates to "are you scared"). Come on...go for it! Bet you would get an interview out of her then...or a nasty email from Red Oyster's attorney...LOL.

    No signature required ;)

  4. Anonymous // 8/6/06 8:46 AM  

    anonymous if you know something and I think you do, email him at steupz@gmail.com because I sure would like to know whats up with Miss Tiffany

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