I remember posting a picture of Schatar "Hottie" Taylor at the Dionne Warwick something or the other and her eyes were just jumping out of her head.
Well she's gone and topped that at the Black Entertainment Television Video awards.

I am taking donations because this girl needs assistance...


This picture needs someone to do it justice, but, as I am not inclined to insult women; I'll post a few of the comments I read on the 'Sister 2 Sister' forum

That gurl is Crazy LOL

Why???????? what taste does she have????

What in the tarnation was THAT!?!

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!! just like trying to cook a whole stuffed chicken in a microwave!

BUT WHY????? what is her problem. she has issues ..... like the mental kind. what a moron. she's so damn dingy it not even funny

Naw the real question is what the fugg is wrong with her eyes!! Is this bytch on crack! Damn

the woman needs JESUS!!!!

...that is a beast in that picture.

...it isn't photoshopped. She actually does look like a hot baby sh!t mess.

She looks stank..literally and that hair is tore up

she look a HAM. and what the hell is wrong with her eyes??


Hottie looks like a HOT MESS

Yeah This Chick Is Special On So Many Different Ways!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The question is who gave her tickets to the damn show

I honestly just want to know how do you step out going to a public affair looking like that. I mean seriously all jokes aside, when she looked in the mirror what did she see?

I guess they let any damn body in the BET Awards!


  1. Anonymous // 30/6/06 4:00 PM  

    The second i saw that picture of Hottie (bad nickname for her anyway) i nearly jumped out of my chair. *Shudders*

  2. Anonymous // 30/6/06 10:55 PM  

    I think that's some kinda hollywood prop. Her eyes cant belike that

  3. Anonymous // 1/7/06 1:02 AM  

    Oh yes they can! Don't u remember on the show when New York was politely throwin cuss words and whatnot her way and she was just lookin like....like that? lol

  4. Anonymous // 1/7/06 7:13 PM  

    Hottie is in the new Tyrese movie Waist Deep. She is the teller that Meghan Goode is going off on.

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