Read Bonez' recap of Episode 6 for DrHottie Magazine


  1. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 14/11/07 12:36 PM  

    Why won't Bonez just BURY himself. He is SOOOOOOOOO last season. And quite frankly, Mr.Bonez, you are old news.

  2. Gabrielle // 14/11/07 12:37 PM  

    Is bonez Dr. Hottie?

  3. FOL // 14/11/07 12:49 PM  

    Elle are you writing a post on Mr Wise's interview?

  4. FOL // 14/11/07 12:50 PM  

    And, can the width of the Elle Word gif, be redeuced

  5. PaleBlackSheep // 14/11/07 1:51 PM  

    I am soooo glad that Bonez does not do the recaps for the blogspot..they are sooooo boring!

    Hi Iree, Gabrielle and Steups! Hope u guys are having a great day!

  6. FOL // 14/11/07 2:01 PM  

    Not really; no one wants to answer my e-mail save for one person and she is cussing me with great intensity in each succeeding email.

  7. FOL // 14/11/07 2:02 PM  

    I should add a couple more articles; 'bout time, no?

  8. Anonymous // 14/11/07 2:22 PM  



  9. Anonymous // 14/11/07 2:36 PM  

    damn, starting to wonder if this blog is for horny people with no life!

  10. Webmaster // 14/11/07 2:53 PM  

    who else fell asleep during this episode?

  11. Anonymous // 14/11/07 2:58 PM  

    me! oh well, gotta try to catch the reruns

  12. Webmaster // 14/11/07 2:59 PM  

    I think I'd rather watch Tila Tequila's show, it's got a lot more action

  13. FOL // 14/11/07 3:01 PM  

    Yep dude, I agree; it was a boring episode.
    Next week should be better, much better.

    I have new stuff up, well sort of...

  14. Anonymous // 14/11/07 3:41 PM  

    I missed the fight with the 2 chicks! When they were showing it on the commercial my daughter was like dang, it looks like she took her head off! Tila is kinds funny looking though no? Reminds me a little of ET? Gotta give props to the bod though.

  15. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 14/11/07 5:10 PM  

    There was a fight over Blockhead (I think Bubo calls her that)? I mean, why? If you wait your turn, everyone seems like they have a chance. Ha, Ha...

  16. Nana Sadie // 14/11/07 5:57 PM  

    Tila "The Crypt Keeper" Tequila's show is definitely filled with action. I watch it in re-runs and the fight at the elimination ceremony was funnnnnneeeeeee! LOL

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