VH1 is the place I call Home Sweet Home for my reality television. MTV and The CW are my tied runner ups. I can't miss an episode of America's Next Top Model Cycle 9. Unless Lisa sexually harrasses Miss J., I can't imagine anyone taking home the title other than her. Oh and then my huge secret is that I am addicted to 'The Hills'.
Totally off subject:
If your four year old son is arguing over his sister's dress screaming, "I want to be the princess!" ... is that a sign? Lawd mother have mercy... SOMEBODY SHOOT ME... I've given birth to a mini $$$Irresistible Deliscious$$$.
What was I blogging about? Oh yeah, something about reality television, I need to remember. I got it. The Fox Reality Channel is the topic. Actually, my focus is the Fox Reality Award nominations. Here are the one's that should matter to us.
Favorite Fight
“Chance” Kamal Givens vs. “Mr. Boston” on 'I Love New York'
Rocky vs. Dreams on “Survivor: Fiji”
Sharon Osborne vs. Piers Morgan on “America’s got Talent”
Leilene vs. Pumpkin on 'Charm School'
Evel Dick vs. Jen on “Big Brother 8”
Saaphyri v. Htown on “Flavor of Love 2”
Favorite Non-Competition Program
“The Real World”
“My Fair Brady: We're Getting Married”
“Deadliest Catch”
'The Hills'
“Criss Angel: Mind Freak”
“Scott Baio is 45… and Single”
Okay, okay! I know there is no nominees in this category relevant to our blog. However, I really like Lauren of 'The Hills'. Shouldn't she like totally hook up with Brody?
Favorite Altered State
Heat from 'I Love New York'
Ripsi from “Bad Girls Club” Frank from “Real World Reunited: Las Vegas”
Pumkin from 'Charm School'
Go Pumkin!!!Favorite Moment of Prayer
Jameekah from “Big Brother 8”
Saaphyri from 'Charm School'
Dog from “Dog: The Bounty Hunter”
Amber from “Big Brother 8”
Sister Patterson from 'I Love New York'
Favorite Villain
Dustin Diamond from “Celebrity Fit Club”
Cecille from “Beauty and the Geek”
Johnny V from “Scott Baio is 45 and Single”
Evel Dick from “Big Brother 8”
Renee from “America’s Next Top Model”
Larissa from 'Charm School'
Hello isn't New York missing here?
Favorite Competition Program
“Hell’s Kitchen”
“Big Brother”
'I Love New York'
“The Biggest Looser”
“So you Think you can Dance”
Reality Performer of the Year
Adrianne and Chris Knight from “My Fair Brady”
Sanjaya from “American Idol”
New York from 'I Love New York'
Len Goodman from “Dancing with the Stars”
Evel Dick from “Big Brother 8”
Ant from “Celebrity Fit Club”
I am a fan in denial. New York should truly win this one.
Not criticizing Fox Reality or nothing, but how the h@ll weren't 'Flavor of Love 2', 'I Love New York' or 'Charm School' nominated for America’s Favorite Reality Show?!!! Oh we were suppose to vote did you say? Oh my, Mr. New York kept sending out bulletins to Vote 4 New York! I thought she was running for Vice President alongside Obama or something. *sighs I should read more bulletins. When we don't vote people, this is what happens!
The reality star-studded original event airs exclusively on Fox Reality Channel on Saturday, October 13 at 10PM. The highly anticipated Fox Reality Channel original series “The Search for the Next Elvira” will premiere immediately following the awards. WTF?! Isn't there like a sexy goth vamp limit of 1 or something? (You may substitute the -v for -tr, if you are mean.) Maybe Lacey auditioned for this show too. Click here to read all the official categories and nominees @ FoxReality.com.
Credit: Fox Reality, Jason & Lee
A fox reality Qmoment!
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WOW Q, I never woulda thought you were into the hills. I switch between this blog and I hate LC daily. This blog has been dead today by the way!
OH yeah, and I so think Brody and LC should hook up, they make such a cute couple, I guess you caught the episode last night huh? It was greeeat! I was dying when Elodie screwed Heidi!!!
Mind you, Im catching these shows in between my nightly spanish soaps, which can't nobody beat as far as drama right now!!! I guess Im just a DRAMA QUEEN.
OMG! It was CLASSIC the way Elodie screwed Heidi. I loved it when she said, "For you anything..."
Okay I missed the whole promotion episode. Can you give me the run down of what took place? And why Elodie is bitter?
bcuz, Elodie was confiding in Heidi about a job opportunity coming up that she was going to go for because she felt she put in her time, which came w/ an office by the way. Then Heidi went home to tell Spencer and he was like, you know who I think should get that job don't you, I think you should do what you have to do to get that job! So the next morning they showed Heidi marching into what's his name's office to tell him she would like to be considered for the job because blah blah blah. Then the next day they show Heidi walking into her office and Elodie's mouth just dropped. WHAT A BACKSTABBER!!!
How have we been dead Irre Dee posted an entertaining post?
And then there was Steups TMZ.com post thanks to Meale.
Come on....
No, I meant dead about commentators or people to discuss these exciting post with. Love the blog!
Oh my, Elodie should've been PISSED.
However, she has seen how messy Heidi is.... I mean haven't we all?! LMAO
So Elodie should've kept the opportunity to herself. I keep all opportunities of proportion to myself unless I KNOW I don't want it. Be chummy with co-workers is fine. However, if there is a promotion opportunity available if they don't know about it. I am not sharing.
i voted for my baby everyday!!!!! new york!!!!!!!~~~mr.new york
exactly, I had to learn that lesson the hard way Q
Well I guess the regulars are actually earning their paychecks today. LMAO!
Give me the link to the I Hate LC Blog! Please....
wtf? lmao~~~mr.new york
woooooooooooooow im speachless~~~mr.new york
i hate that i can't exspand this window!!!!!!!~~~mr.new york
hmm, queenbrina are you from Oakland??? cuz you sound hella hood!
big pimpin q
Quanda..... what's so bad about giving birth to a "mini irresistible deliscious??"
*pained expression*
If it makes you feel better, your son is NOTHING like me. Because I woulda snatched the princess dress from the beginning, no questions asked, and DARED any bitch to take it back. But quick question, Quanda... is it YOU that has the "Flavor of Love Girls Charm School" myspace and who sent me such a nasty little message?