Miss Latin appears to have recovered well from her labor-pains and whatnot. And that baby looks huge for a chap just birthed a few weeks ago.

miss-latin-baby miss-latin-baby-02


  1. Anonymous // 14/5/07 1:37 PM  


  2. Anonymous // 14/5/07 2:19 PM  

    is this baby by cash?

  3. Anonymous // 14/5/07 2:51 PM  

    I sure wouldnt want to squeeze any baby that big out of my vagina

  4. Wumpus // 14/5/07 7:31 PM  

    CUte baby, at least it didn't come out looking like a roach w/gold gums.

  5. Anonymous // 14/5/07 8:24 PM  

    LMFAO@ roach with gold gums


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