It's goodbye to Goldie and deservedly so; but Larissa is getting on everyone's nerves.
Is killing the Pope, and having sex with his dead body, the only way to get that cantankerous woman (Bootz) off the show?

Anyways, I actually say the episode at noon so a recap will be published earlier today.
Maybe around 6:30 to 8:00 if the mood is right.
Don't forget, Buckwild's live chat at 4:30 Eastern.

Oh frig, I almost forgot....
Happy Mother's Day; and especially to Karen, Brandee, Jazz, Meale, Jeanette, Revenge, Quanda, Shawn, Valencia, Jorundi, Mexirican Mama and Negrolicious (you're a momma right?)

If I forgot anyone and it's important that I add you, email me and I'll sort you out


  1. ~MEALE~ // 13/5/07 1:35 PM  

    HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!!To all the Mothers.

  2. FOL // 13/5/07 1:52 PM  

    Oh my God, I forgot you Meale.

  3. Wumpus // 13/5/07 1:53 PM  

    Forget Flavor of Love Perfume, they should have named that scent Simplex III with Pumpkin and Smiley on the team.
    How is Mo'nique going to say via Mikki that they weren't slutateous? Spitting on a guy and letting every guy smell thep erfume on your titties ain't slutty?

    That guy who let pumpkin spit on him should really go to the free clinic for a shot of pennisillun or amoxicillun just to be safe.

    Te thing about Saphyrri, she will say something really off the wall (stupid) and be dead serious about it. But she still has as much sense as any women in that house.

    Finally, Bootz. She really needs to grow up. Why is she so damn angry. She is fine as hell, if her personallity would be halfway as attractive as she is phsyically, she'd be more than okay. They made the right call by x'ing Goldie, but MoNiquie took care of her in the end.

  4. FOL // 13/5/07 1:56 PM  

    Lmao at Bubo...but man are you right about how pretty she is.
    She gets better looking every Episode...and if you see this picture I have of her backing that thang up on a dude YOU KNOW.

    She looks hella sexy!

  5. Anonymous // 13/5/07 7:15 PM  

    bubo & steupz are the same writer

  6. Wumpus // 13/5/07 7:37 PM  

    You know anon 7:15pm, I was thinkin gthe same thing. The only thing is that Meups, i mean Steups seems to like Serious a littl emore than I do.

  7. Anonymous // 13/5/07 11:43 PM  

    LMAO@ bubo & steups

    as a heterosexual female, I can admit with a smile on my face that Larissa is gorgeous and its unfortunately that she is a young lady on TV showing the true personality behind all that ass - and it ain't cute. I can already imagine how men use what they see on the show to play mind games when dealing with/dating her. I really hope she is watching herself every weekend and decides to grow up.

    Is it me or is Shay sounding more sophisticated with each episode? Kinda seeming like a surburban upbringing is sticking out like a dark brown kitchen on the back of Hottie's neck!

    I hope all the moms had a fantastic day!

    and Bubo...I could buy you a shot of tequila just on the Saphyrii comment...that shyt is hilarious!

    Hazel Eyez

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