Dade County on Our Minds.....
For our regular readers, my Whiteboy lust is no surprise. For the readers who visit the comment box the occasional drama and Jane's Whiteboy devotion are no surprise. Jane is a feisty commenter who can't stand Whiteboy bashing. She stands up for Dade's County's finest and I love it. She frequently debates with Steups, Onix and others. Though the Onix beef is a mystery to me until this very day. Hell he looks good, why argue with that hunk of a brother?
During our interview, I was surprised to find out that New York was her favorite 'Flavor of Love' lady season 1 and 2. I actually had to put on my glasses. I thought my eyesight was failing me. How could we strongly agree on music and men? Yet on the 'Flavor of Love' ladies totally disagree on New York? Oh well, not even Whiteboy fans are perfect.
Hello Jane.
Hey girl.
Alright you have any questions?
Not really, go ahead.
Tell me something about yourself that you don't mind everyone on the blog knowing.
I'm 24 years old. I live in Toronto, Canada.
Okay, that's a lot of information. LOL. There is something really scary about you and I. Not only are we both devoted to Whiteboy and will defend him to the end. Also, we enjoy the same music artists ...Lady Saw, M. I . A, Fantasia and Jon. B. What are your feelings on that?
I think that we have great taste in music and men.
I absolutely adore you Jane. LMAO. So what made you come to our blog and become a regular?Steups invited me over from the Sister 2 Sister board. I wonder if he regrets it.
(This could explain her aggressive tendencies. I've heard the s2s boards are vicious.)
No he doesn't. I assure you he is happy you became part of our knutty family. Were you already a ' I Love New York' fan when you joined our blog?
Yeah, I was a fan. I liked the show right away.
I almost didn't watch it. I actually had decided not to watch it. However, we had the clips on premiere day and Groovy Noodles talked me into watching the naming ceremony. I saw this white man with an incredible swagger and pretty brown eyes and I've been hooked ever since. Were you a 'Flavor of Love' fan season 1 and 2?
Yeah, I was. I watched both seasons, but to be honest I liked season one better.
Why season 1 and who were your favorite cast members?
Season one was just less trashy to me. The women were not so quick to bend over in front of Flav. I like Goldie and New York. Hottie was a mess. Season 1 was funnier.
Wow, my favorites were Hoopz, Goldie and Hottie. Goldie and Hoopz because of how they carried themselves. Hottie because was entertainment for real. I don't know if I agree that the 'FOL' season 2 ladies were necessarily trashier. I do believe they were more aware of the opportunities and some had other agendas. Toasteee was off the hook. Let's see who were your favorites season 2?
Honestly I don't have faves from that season. I mean if I had to say someone, it would be New York. When I saw Bootz bend over at the naming ceremony I knew where the whole season was going and that's where it went.LMAO. I see. Back to 'I Love New York', who were your favorites in the beginning and has it changed as the show progresses?
Whiteboy was my favorite from the first episode. And he's still it for me.
( He is it for me too.)
What is it about Whiteboy that you like?
He seems really laid back and just someone who you would feel good being around. You know he's just got it. Its just something about him that draws you in.
( OMG...if you talk to him on the phone. A shower must follow.)
Yes... yes...yes, GEEZUS help me that man ...omg...I need to be released from this show. He is all those things you said and more. There's this mystery, this goofiness, this confidence that just drives me crazy. I am so feeling him. What is it about Onix that has you in such a tissy?
I knew you were going ask that.
You did? How?
I just had a feeling you would.
Smart lady.
Okay, I was okay with Onix. I didn't really have anything to say about the guy. Then he gets eliminated, and he starts talking about how much he didn't want to be with New York and saying stuff about the show. He just annoyed me with his comments. I thought he had more class than that but I guess he didn't.
( Onix baby, I love you! Not as much as Whiteboy but you know ...there is love for you none the less.)
Wow...LMAO. Onix can't catch a break from you. You even go after him in the comment box. What is that about?
I never went after Onix. He always chooses to address me. I just respond back.
( I don't know about this one. But I'll take Jane's word on it.)
Well maybe he is trying to explain the situation to you. I don't know. People often put people in boxes. I am an example of being put into a box. Take my Whiteboy interview ...people thought all my interviews would be sexually charged ...they never saw a T-Bone or Bonez interview coming. It's all good though. I hope you and Onix can kiss and make up.
As long as Onix doesn't make anymore dumb comments ...we'll be cool.
( She is like 'Cujo' when it comes to Onix.)
If I told you Whiteboy knows about you what would you say?LMAO.
I'd say that's cool.
Well he does. Do you have a message for Whiteboy?
Just that I think he a real cool dude and I hope all is good with him.
( After I tie his @ss up and break out the honey dust, he'll be all good.)
Fair enough, let's play word association. Okay?
Go ahead.
LMAO. Jersey.
That's my word ....who?
Put down the mic.
He's "special".
No words
( Why does he have to be greasy?)
Wow. Bonez
LOL, really intelligent when he wants to be.
( SIT! Jane ...SIT!)
Love the accent.
Me too! Mr. Boston
Hey, New York said he was the best kisser. 12 Pack
In denial
Wet dream you didn't!
What? I have wet dreams about him.
Omg...I am not the only one. ( Someone call the Wetdream Police ...) Chance
Okay some episode you think New York made a mistake during any of her eliminations?
Yes, Tango should have gotten eliminated along time ago.
( I am not a Tango fan. But I think he is where he should be.)And people say I am harsh. LOL....did you believe Romance on 12 Pack having a girlfriend?
Yeah, 12 pack was shady from the start. But Romance was crazy so it was hard to take him seriously.
( I miss Romance.)
What has been the most memorable episode or scene for you far?
Whiteboy winning the mangeant. Whiteboy punking tango in the van. Whiteboy showing he got mad game in basketball. And Whiteboy knocking down Real in the boxing ring.
( I am still having nightmares about Episode 5 we have a resident therapist? Yes we do ....Dr. TxShawty!)
Damn girl, I might have to give the #1 Whiteboy fan crown to you! I stress might. LOL. Which contestant(s) eliminated or still in the running for New York's heart, do you think really are into her?
I don't know that's hard. The 4 of them that's left, all have a different vibe going on with her. I know people say Tango is the most into her but I don't know. You'll always be Whiteboy's #1 fan and Steups is his #2 stan.
I am so touched at this very moment. The things I'd do to that man. ( You see I have a rape kit and .....) Tell me your predictions for the final two and eventual winner.
Well it's no secret I think Tango wins. But I had thought that either Chance or Whiteboy would be the last two with Tango. I read a rumor that Whiteboy gets eliminated in Episode 8. That's coming up, if that's true then it throws off what i had thought. I think Tango wins for sure.
I have always thought Whiteboy had to make Top 3. Honestly, I feel like his time to go may be next week. SMH....I will miss him if he goes home......How will I watch without my reason for watching?
I know right.
What are your thoughts on Steups and his blog?
The blog is cool. It's fun and I like that there's no censorship of opinions. Steups is an interesting guy.
( Is interesting what you call him?)
Who are your favorite commenters?
You and Steups but only when he's not blasting Whiteboy.
Steups and I really? Why?
Wait do you mean like people in the comment box?
I like everyone its all good everyone brings something different. So it's cool.
Well, Jane I miss you when you aren't around. It's nice to have someone with the same opinion...LMAO. And like you I enjoy the differences in opinion most of the time. Anything else you'd like to share with your blog family before we wrap this up?
I know sometimes I may come off a little strong but it's all in good fun. You got what you need?
Yep, we are done. Thanks a lot Jane. I appreciate you doing this.
No problem ...later.
( Whiteboy if you are reading this ...'Call Me')
You have just shared a Q-moment!
Whiteboy Fans Chat...
| faculty interviews, I Love New York Episode 8, Jane, myspace | 132 comments »
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LMAO @ quanda
quanda i know your happy you got that interviews by whiteboy
Come on, Whiteboy aka SLingblade aka BoyBuckwild beating up Real? Real may be a nice guy, but he is like fighting Prince. 5ft4 weaing lifts. As for Tango, he is playing the game it is supposed to be played.
She is contradicting herself Season one was just less trashy to me. The women were not so quick to bend over in front of Flav. I like Goldie and New York. Who was the first to bend over (supposedly) for Flav? The trashiest one of them all, NY.
It all makes sense now, she is a Canuck. There must be something in the exange rate why WB and NY are her favorites.
How the fuck did I contradict myself the women as a whole on season one were way less trashier than the women on season 2.
Alot of shit that was done on season two did'nt happen on season one. So in My muthafucking opinion season two was less funny and more trashy.
What the fuck does me living in Canada have to do with anything, bitch you need to shut the fuck up because your just talking out your ass right now.
What the whiteboy ever do to you?
did he steal your girl?
steal your lunch money?
beat the shit out you?
what ever it is you need to let it go and move on with your life.
No I agree season 1 was the better season and it was definitely less trashier. Look at Goldie, Hoopz, and Hottie. Now Hottie, she might of been crazy, but she didn't act like a ho or a slut.
He he he GM everyone,
Jane, love your interview. Damn you guys called deelishis, bootz , hoopz and whoever else whores/hoes then I would hate for you all to see the princess pics. Oh man is that going to blow alot of folks minds.
lmao @ Bubo
Jane - i would really like to kiss and make up. whaduyasay?
lmao, Jane must be in hiding after Bubo's comment; I'll email her, Onix
If, you're still around; how was the party at Club Altitude?
You all are crazy.
when you read this
let's call a truce okay
Hello Jane,
How are you today?
Hey Steups,
Can you go out and buy the item that you sent you early?
I am off to lay back down.
sure Jane! there's no reason for us to have beef. *handshake plus a pat on the ass* it's all gravy baby! just know that whatever i say about the show is not to be taken personally. neither tiffany nor michelle do. we all know that we made a great show, and that's that. but i do appreciate you dedication to the show. you're a true fan. btw, i'm partial to you canadians. i dated a girl fromvictoria/vancouver. oh, nice interview, and thanks for the compliment.
Hey Onix,
Are you still at DOD?
I'm doing good
are you still sick?
Yes girl I am still sick.
Thanks for asking.
Onix and you called a truce....I am impressed.
I'm sorry your not feeling better
have you seen the episode 8 preview yet?
Is it any good?
Can we just get the show over so she can decide if she going to do another show with her and her new man.
I don't know if any of you guys watch some of the other show on VH1 or MTV but it suppose to be like the hogans.
And I know she's going to make a killing with reruns on vh-1 for another year.
Is is up Jane? Nope I haven't seen it.
Shawn are we friends? I just got off the phone with you crazy ass and you didn't mention any of this info.
I think we should have an article on the guys and who will/should be offered their show
I think someone has to be offered a show because this Flavor of love thing is a franchise as good as KFC
If anyone has a suggestion state name and why he should and shouldn't be offered a show.
I have my thoughts but different perspectives are always nice.
I notice y'all talk to each other on the phone all the time.
Why am I not in the loop?
Not that I'd call any of you, anyway.
The last time I called someone the person couldn't wait to run in the blog to say "never call me again" :D
Hold on let me send you the links.
I thought show you that link from blank blank tv.
Where she hope her new man would agree to do the new show.
Yes the episode 8 preview is up on vspot
its good
new york should never be allowed behind the wheel and
real looked so cute in his little outfit.
Did you mention franchise?
That right Flav is a producer right. Hold on let me check that out and I will get back with you guys.
steups - club altitude was cool. i had been there before with Dave (12-Pack). we were invited by a promoter. the club owner invited us back, which is why were went this past weekend. Jason (Heat) was in town chillin with 12. Heat is from Queens. so we all went up together. those two obviously as trying to capitalize of the "party boy" image. they seem to be booking appearances all over. their "routine" is a little cheezy, but i think that it's supposed to be. 12 even wears those green leopard skin speedos on stage.
Real is a nice looking man.
Like you said, 'You'd never call any of us.'
So leave it the way it is.
DEAD at Onix' description of the party
Wonders under what circumstance a man should display a green leopard skin Speedos on stage!
I can't think of one
hello gorgeous.
just a quick visit to the blog before i take a nice cat nap.
quanda excellent job mamacita and i must say i love laughing with you, lol.
good afternoon all.
I am done!
The green leopard speedos ...I CAN'T TAKE anymore.
It is their lives and all but....nevermind.
Hey a man that is not scare of his sexiness is HOT to me.
Oh yeah Happy Birthday to Heat.
even though I m not white boy fan but I enjoyd your conversation quanda..Good work..I love Tango though..
Btw, anybody have ratings for last episode? I hope ratings are higher than 3.6 mil
hey Rev! i've been backing off since you said that your hubby was getting jealous. i miss you! ;)
my husband is territorial....and that is all i will say about that.
good thing i like aggression.
ive missed you too darling man.
oh and by the way, i have to say it again tango reminds me of ninja turtle probably donatello.
Anon@3:19pm Thanks glad you enjoyed it.
To hell with a 'Hello Q or Hi Bitch'
*goes off mumbling something about 'uppity brothas'
Oh come on Q,
If WB wore some Black and Blue speedos, and his body all shiney with vaseline with that fat J in his mouth telling you sit down baby Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh let me rock your world. Don't look at me look at my mine me because tonight you are going to Thanks the GOD that these speedos are hitting on Route 61 tonight.
I need some new friends.
Really I do.
Hey you can always buy the WB custom and wear it around the house.
Did he come out with his clothing line yet?
One day, when this show ends, you ladies will admit that this Whiteboy fanaticism is a big-ass joke
Guys can understand if women flip for guys like Onix or 12Pack, or even Tango...
what happened to Ivory? i thought that she was going to come to new Bedford. she's flaked out like you Shawn! i'll never let you live that one down. lol!
You go to any Club in South Beach and there are 456 guys looking like Whiteboy.
The only credit I give to Whiteboy is he has convinced people he's Hispanic.
Ivory, had an excuse, Onix.
I'll read her email and get back to you.
He he he Yeah whatever.
Will, you still at DOD right?
You are not that far from me so the next time you go to that bar to play pool on the weekend let me know.
I know your jealous and everything but its getting so tired you really need to let go of his nuts now.
What is wrong with you? You are a straight male there is no reason for you to understand our Whiteboy lust.
But if you must try, let me help you as an associate:
1. He has a swagger.
2. He has pretty brown eyes.
3. He has suckable nipples.
4. He keeps us guessing which is called 'MYSTERY'.
5. He ain't scared.
6. He is a licker.
7. He has the sexiest voice on TV and phone.
8. He has ball skills.
9. He is a hard worker who plays hard too.
10. He tells it like he sees it and he doesn't worry about other men.
who was he trying to convince that he's Hispanic?
you Lying ass bastard, i just feel sad for you.
LMAO @ Jane
And for the record ...I am not blogging with Onix anymore.
Where is my WB cheerleader outfit.
This remind of the song that TrickDaddy or was that master P.
Make you wanna go MMMMMMMMMMMMMM.
Oh hell
Onix, Ivory had her nails and hair done; and in her words, bought a "high-class hoochie outfit"
But her niece brought home a virus and that was it...she was really upset by it all.
ROFLMAO @ 'high-class hoochie outfit'
You people are crazy.
*doubled over in pain
a guy keeping his mouth shut with a girlfriend no one can locate is not mysterious.
Peter Parker is mysterious
Sir Richard Branson is mysterious
Steadman is mysterious
Whiteboy has no mystery because I solved him from Episode 2 (busta)
lmwao at Steups saying Stedman is mysterious
You ain't solved shit except your Whiteboy dick envy.
Go sit down.
who the hell is nick
No one important.
I don't know who Nick is either
He loves Jane.
Anon....NO, JUST NO!
Nick is too much of a square for me.
...but you've brought two people to mind.
I have to email apologies...laterz
oh steups is dick sorry nick
Aftet watching the preview, I think the rumour might be true
steups - okay, i'll give her that one. i hope that she feels better.
Shawn - i'm leaving my current position. my contract is up. but i still don't live far from clarendon. i live right by the east falls church metro station. i'll get at you sometime. do you go out at all? if so, where?
Quanda! damn it! what's your deal. okay okay... i'll grant you the interview. i'll give you my number as soon as i get home and log into myspace. i don't need you bad mouthing me on here. hell, i just made up with Jane. *blows kisses as Jane* :)
Oh hell, I am off to watch it....
SAY IT ISN'T SO!!! would take a lot for me be with a Jamaican woman.
A huge dowry would have to be paid
quanda you and whiteboy can go to hell
Would you do a voice interview with Quanda, Onix?
Not that I want to hear your voice, it's the person with the 55 yr old's voice I really want to hear.
Onix don't feel forced to give an interview. I will not bad mouth you.
I just would've liked a 'Hi Q'.
Anon @4:04 thanks for thinking about us.
I don't want a real trini man much less a bootleg one.
Anonymous, why Quanda?
She can be saved....lmao
Boy it's amazing how many people are angry with Quanda's devotion to Whiteboy.
People email me all the time asking
"Steups, does Quanda really love Whiteboy because she can do better"
Secrets everybody wanna know my secrets.
I am done, Jane.
Because you will anger me today with that nonsense talk.
Shawn...that thing we talked about....are you doing it audio style, or both ways?
LMAO @ Jane
"Steups, does Quanda really love Whiteboy because she can do better"
There is no need for 'people' to concern themselves with my lust.
quanda if i see whiteboy i will shoot him in his face now that real thug style
Go Jane Go Jane
Tonight show is brought to by NEWSPORT CIGGS.
Take a long inhale and be dragon like NewYork or Momma Petterson going to whoop you like crazy.
WB Girls Steups
5 2
you taking too far
Q! come on now! you know there there is love here. i didn't mean to disregard you. i don't feel forced. i know that i haven't kept my promises.
he always does this he start shit and then gets mad about my response.
he's so over emotional
Here we go with that eThug crap.
First you are an anon thuggish can you really be. All the thugs I know represent themselves. You know who they are.
You know thugs?
Yes, I do. And some our my family. And my father did pen time for attempted murder.
Any other questions?
Anons, it would be better if you clicked on "Other" and I believe boxes appear and you can create a name for yourself.
Don't use Anonymous because that would be; not funny.
Dana...oh shit man, I said I was sorry.
Electra...y'all are taking this too far. This Sister 4 sister behavior is a waste of time
I feel so much so love in this box.
Steups you need a group hug right about now.
Maybe we can invite Pootie and 12 packs to come and dance.
Any questions?
(hides under the table)
Shawn whatchu talking about...
We are trying to help Q and J.
You too; but I know you're faking. Your type is Wood or Tango
Where did the hell you pull Pootie out of you demented mind?
GEEZUS ...I need new friends! And I am on the phone with your crazy ass. This don't make no g.. damn sense.
WHere's my Money?
Q, there was something you needed me to link and you never said what, exactly.
What help do Quanda and I need?
I told you and you said you no longer wanted to do it.
And if you make one more comment about my 50ish sounding will owe me blood!
No we trying to help you out.
Maybe Wood but not Tango. I would have to drop kick Tango. I don't like Tango type. He way to stuck up to me.
THat's right I forgot buffy the body is your baby momma.
Oh damn I forgot you told me that in a secret.
The only reason I would be with Buffie because I need a woman who will not break under the force of my thrusts.
Here he goes with his imagination.
Fucker go get some Chinese food and shut up!
I'm out
Oh that's right you been with that blowup doll so long you wouldn't know what it feel like to be with a real female.
Bye Jane have a good evening.
At my age I am so good in bed I feel at 30 I will make women drop to their knees with a wink
kicks Jane out
Negro, half Trini, all knut ...STOP with the make believe.
Please just STOP!
Now you know you need help. THe older you get the harder it is for you to stay up. Once a girl play nascar driver with you just before lap 1 is over you be tired. You need viagra to help you.
On that note, I am off to go eShop. Everyone have a good one!
I can't lie; I AM DAMN GOOD.
I've discovered the secret.
The harder it is to stay up for a longer time, you mean.
I don't need more than thirty minutes with any woman because it's a myth that women can go on and on and on
For all of those watching.
(sips orange juice)
(laughs at something Ivory said, about orange juice)
Better than you laughing at your own crap.
why is it impossible to believe I am a good lover?
I think you are; and you sound like 55!
No you didn't!
I have no clue to whether you are a good eLover on not. I don't want to know. And you have never heard my voice you are going to base your opinion off of Mr. Boston's thoughts.
You are going to follow a white man's lead.
Wait a min did he just mention that he can last 30 mins?
Not trying to laugh at this but are you serious?
I think if you was to talk to Q on the phone you would sanging the blues.
She got that voice that would make you slap your momma.
You would be crying after she talk to you.
Just say you are scare. Just admit to it. Once she say Hey baby you would freeze up like a baby and start crying.
Shawn...I doubt that.
I asked to hear her voice and she gave a thousand excuses.
I have pretty much given up.
What are you talking about?
Doubt all you want.
well, give me your number and I'll report to the public.
If I could do the splicing and cutting as Shawn can I'd do a podcast thingy on Episode 7.
And, have you tried that idea I gave you to record interviews...because that's another thing people always ask on email
"Steups why can't we have audio on Quanda's interviews?"
Give you my number!
Would you call?
Weren't you the one earlier who stated that you wouldn't call any of us?
Give me your number!
Yes I would call.
you have e-mail
Remember artsygirl...the Tango lover.
Here's a comment on Whiteboy, I just saw...
Whiteboy, the one with no chin and the psuedo I-wanna-be-a-brotha so bad swagger
Ya'll are a trip! I lurk on here everyday but am afraid to say anything...but I know I will get a laugh...
Steups what board you be on
I go to the main board where this week the main board had mrs. thing on there for people to ask question.
So far they clowning Tango for not being a man to setup to NY.
immmmmmmmm york
Hello Pepsi,
Welcome and shit don't be afraid. Steups only bites if you are wearing edible cherry flavored panties.
New Post Up!
OMG, Jane, I am so sorry that my attempts at humor didn't reach you, eh.
What the whiteboy ever do to you?
Just be an annoying guy who is confused. I just don't like his character. He tries a little too hard to be down. I really don't need a reason not to like the guy, I am Bubo the Hater after all.
did he steal your girl?
Could not happen, would not happen. If I made you and quanda my girl, you'd swear off WB forever.
steal your lunch money? Again, could not happen
beat the shit out you?
I am much more or a fighter than Prince, er Real.
what ever it is you need to let it go and move on with your life.
Yes, I need a life, but you are the one ready to throw fists over this guy. I am simply having fun (and most people know it). I simply don't see what the big deal is with this guy, perhaps cause I am a man.
I agree that Season 2 was trashier than 1, but they saw what worked and knew how to act. But New York was the Queen of the landfill on both seasons. She is the one who gave it up to Flav (supposedly) and demonstrated the true who-er that she is.
As for you bein gCanadian, I love Canadiens, Terrence and Phillip is my favorite show. It was a play on the dollar exchange rate...if I have to explain it, it ceases being funny.