Just when I thought I had nothing to write about, here comes Rusty Spigot to deliver me this homage to New York that's a must see and listen to.
Let's get to it

It may not last long because you know how it goes with bandwidth issues.

I owe a beer to: Rusty Spigot

(I guess we can discuss the person to be eliminated in the comments box. See you there...)


  1. FOL // 4/3/07 6:42 PM  

    That's why she is the HBIC!
    Genuflect at her feet and love it!

  2. Anonymous // 4/3/07 6:44 PM  

    Why is that chick serving her food like she's her maid.

  3. FOL // 4/3/07 6:50 PM  

    It's a scene from Flavor of Love 1.
    That's Smiley.

  4. Anonymous // 4/3/07 6:51 PM  

    Okay why is smiley serving her food like she's her maid?

    damm she had them bitches shook

  5. FOL // 4/3/07 6:56 PM  

    I can't remember why...
    My memory doesn't go that far back.

  6. Anonymous // 4/3/07 7:00 PM  

    that girl is clearly afraid of new york

    that's just sad.

  7. FOL // 4/3/07 7:17 PM  

    Nah, she wasn't scared.

  8. Unknown // 4/3/07 7:19 PM  

    she wasn't scared, she was terrified

  9. FOL // 4/3/07 7:23 PM  

    lmao...why would she be?

  10. Unknown // 4/3/07 7:28 PM  

    because new york looks like a violent woman. if said to me "bitch tie my shoe" i'd hop right to it, and thank her for the privelege.

  11. Anonymous // 4/3/07 7:29 PM  


    Your not serious.

  12. FOL // 4/3/07 7:31 PM  

    lmmfao @ juggs

  13. sassyassertiveflame // 4/3/07 7:45 PM  

    Smiley was cooking and feeding New York because New York was wasted and Smiley was trying to help her out, for some reason I remember that episode...

  14. FOL // 4/3/07 7:59 PM  

    sassy, do you remember more details

  15. The Q © 2010 // 4/3/07 8:00 PM  

    Who'd be scared of New York in a beat up sense?


    I would if I had not arms, legs and teeth.

  16. FOL // 4/3/07 8:03 PM  

    there you go again (rolls eyes)

    shouting at the cashier does not make you a thug

  17. Anonymous // 4/3/07 8:04 PM  


  18. sassyassertiveflame // 4/3/07 8:11 PM  

    I'm sure it was because Flav was with some other chick because New York does stress eating and it was probably at some ungodly hour in the morning and Smily didn't want to have it taken out on her, so to avoid that she cooked the food to keep her quiet.... Thats how I remember it...

  19. sassyassertiveflame // 4/3/07 8:12 PM  

    That episode was on youtube... It may still be there if VH1 didn't have it taken down...

  20. FOL // 4/3/07 8:15 PM  

    No, they kept the FOL1 stuff.
    Sassy, the other blog-place is available for viewing now.

    So you can have a look.

  21. sassyassertiveflame // 4/3/07 8:16 PM  

    Cool, I was feelin all left out earlier, lol

  22. sassyassertiveflame // 4/3/07 8:17 PM  

    Oh yeah and on that episode of Flavor of Love, Smiley failed at keep NY quiet, the girl bitched Smiley out the whole time she was eating...

  23. Anonymous // 4/3/07 8:23 PM  


    this is mad funny

  24. FOL // 4/3/07 8:24 PM  

    Anyone likes Michael Ealy?

  25. FOL // 4/3/07 8:28 PM  

    There are another set of videos you need to see, jane, sassy.
    I'll probably put them up tomorrow or just link them in the comments box

  26. Webmaster // 4/3/07 8:29 PM  

    oh is this the one were she orders Smiley around. That one is funny. Also there was one when Smiley asked NY for a ciggy and NY's like "Get your own, I always give you one"

    As for who's going home, it's gotta be 12 Pack. She has a few reasons to send him packin and she isn't ready to get rid of anyone else.

  27. FOL // 4/3/07 8:30 PM  

    Jane, you're late to the party. You've only just begun to realize this woman is a the ninth wonder of the world.

  28. sassyassertiveflame // 4/3/07 8:31 PM  

    Awsome, gives me something to watch at work, lol

  29. FOL // 4/3/07 8:31 PM  

    bhatti, I am betting on Whiteboy (for sentimental reasons, lol)

  30. FOL // 4/3/07 8:32 PM  

    New York is just the most sensational woman we have ever seen on television, for real.

  31. Anonymous // 4/3/07 8:36 PM  

    New York is a trip for real

    I also fear that whiteboy will be on the chopping block this week.

  32. FOL // 4/3/07 8:37 PM  

    that video is being uploaded to another place as we speak

  33. FOL // 4/3/07 8:39 PM  

    "I took at least 755 of Flav's energy. I'm gonna suck him dry"

    Dammmmmmmmmn :$

  34. FOL // 4/3/07 8:39 PM  

    damn, I messed up the % sign...drats :(

  35. Anonymous // 4/3/07 8:42 PM  

    steups this is for you i know i like this http://www.bullz-eye.com/gnd/2006/04claudia/page4.htm

  36. FOL // 4/3/07 8:47 PM  

    A little too teeny for me.
    Do you have anything a little bigger, older and darker?

  37. Anonymous // 4/3/07 8:52 PM  

    steups what do you mean it's too teeny

  38. Anonymous // 4/3/07 8:55 PM  


    She's not your style, is that what your saying?

  39. Anonymous // 4/3/07 9:04 PM  

    jane i don't know what steups trying to say but that my type of woman

  40. FOL // 4/3/07 9:12 PM  

    yes...she's too skinny .
    Not enough size, breasts or butt

  41. FOL // 4/3/07 9:13 PM  

    I prefer black women too.

  42. Anonymous // 4/3/07 9:18 PM  

    oh nick :)

  43. FOL // 4/3/07 9:19 PM  

    peanut butter Hershey's kisses taste awful.
    I mean, really, really awful

  44. Anonymous // 4/3/07 9:23 PM  

    what the fuck are you talking about?

  45. FOL // 4/3/07 9:25 PM  

    I hear he stopped talking to you and you took it really bad

  46. The Q © 2010 // 4/3/07 9:25 PM  

    Steups your Whiteboy going home is such an original thought.


    When I talk to him again I'll send him your love.

  47. The Q © 2010 // 4/3/07 9:26 PM  

    Ha Ha Ha Ha

    We communicate. Whatever you hear is whatever you hear ... not my concern.

    I know what I do.

  48. Anonymous // 4/3/07 9:27 PM  


    I also think he's on the chopping block this week

    I hope i'm wrong though

  49. The Q © 2010 // 4/3/07 9:29 PM  

    And for the record ....

    If he was sucking my clit nightly and causing my sugar walls to shiver. It would concern me if we no longer communicated. That goes for all who are not my blood relations.

    It's not that serious.

  50. Anonymous // 4/3/07 9:31 PM  

    ok steups i will fine you something that your type

  51. ~MEALE~ // 4/3/07 9:47 PM  

    Hi Steups, Quanda, Jane and Anon.
    My choice to leave tomorrow is 12-Pack.

  52. FOL // 4/3/07 9:49 PM  

    Hi Meale...

  53. The Q © 2010 // 4/3/07 9:52 PM  

    Hello Meale ...good choice, not that I want 12 Pack to leave.

  54. ~MEALE~ // 4/3/07 9:53 PM  

    Hey! How are you this evening Steups?

  55. ~MEALE~ // 4/3/07 9:55 PM  

    Hey! Quanda thanks. He should've been gone a long time ago, he was kept around as eye candy.

  56. ~MEALE~ // 4/3/07 9:58 PM  

    So who would you like to see go Quanda?

  57. The Q © 2010 // 4/3/07 10:01 PM  

    Eye candy and entertainment ...LOL.
    Tango is who I'd like to see go ...the injuries are not great entertainment for me.

    I think 12 Pack is done for at this moment. But hey what do I really know?!

  58. ~MEALE~ // 4/3/07 10:06 PM  

    LOL...Yeah we can only wait and see.

  59. FOL // 4/3/07 10:09 PM  

    I'm good Meale...
    a whiteboy is going, hopefully it's Whiteboy that's going.

  60. ~MEALE~ // 4/3/07 10:11 PM  

    LOL@ Steups

  61. The Q © 2010 // 4/3/07 10:12 PM  

    Why would you like Whiteboy to go home?

    What is it that you don't like about him?

  62. FOL // 4/3/07 10:13 PM  

    is there anything on tv tonight?

    Oh shite, I missed Rome on HBO

  63. ~MEALE~ // 4/3/07 10:16 PM  

    It comes back on at 11 if you have HBOW.

  64. Anonymous // 4/3/07 10:18 PM  

    steups i know this is your type http://www.juicylittlefatgrl.com/tgp/al/pics/15.jpg

  65. Webmaster // 4/3/07 10:22 PM  

    Chyna Doll was eliminated for those SLFG watchers. That was dumb, Andrea should have left (stupid cry baby)

    Anyways, Did anyone happen to see previews where NY was on her "double date". She was with "blank" and "blank".

  66. ~MEALE~ // 4/3/07 10:24 PM  

    Noooooooooo..Anon! What is that floss? LMAO

  67. Anonymous // 4/3/07 10:26 PM  

    or steups do you like this http://picsmaster.net/gallery/bbw/25e396/

  68. FOL // 4/3/07 10:26 PM  

    Anon, you'll go to hell for that, lol.
    Bhatti, say the names.

    I guess I'll have to settle for Harry Potter on Cinemax until Rome comes back on

  69. The Q © 2010 // 4/3/07 10:46 PM  

    Must have been great pics ....LMAO.

  70. Webmaster // 4/3/07 10:52 PM  

    you want me to tell you

    I'll say one is Chance

  71. FOL // 4/3/07 11:00 PM  

    and who's the other?
    Whiteboy? The leg-hair licker?

  72. Anonymous // 4/3/07 11:01 PM  

    i like big fat weiners

  73. Nana Sadie // 5/3/07 12:07 AM  

    As much as I hate to say it, and I said this last week: Whiteboy is leaving. The 4 that are left will be 12-Pack, Real, Chance and Tanya, er Tango.

  74. The Q © 2010 // 5/3/07 12:10 AM  


  75. Nana Sadie // 5/3/07 12:15 AM  

    Quanda, girl I feel your pain. I'm in love with him too...even though he is a little young for me...He is the quintessential MAN.

  76. The Q © 2010 // 5/3/07 12:28 AM  

    Too young for you! Girl, 24/25 is the age to get them.

  77. Nana Sadie // 5/3/07 12:36 AM  

    I have shoes older than that.

  78. FOL // 5/3/07 2:05 AM  

    seems to me your glasses are older than that too. :(
    Quintessential, wtf?

  79. Nana Sadie // 5/3/07 2:23 AM  

    Yes, Quintessential...He 'da MAN. The epitome of manhood...it is different for every woman, but Whiteboy gets me going.

    New Your doesn't like him nibbling on her lips? New York doesn't know what she is missing. I LIKE a man who nibbles every now and then...LOL

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and to me, WhiteBoy is beautiful.

  80. Nana Sadie // 5/3/07 2:26 AM  


    1. the pure and concentrated essence of a substance.

    2. the most perfect embodiment of something.

    3. (in ancient and medieval philosophy) the fifth essence or element, ether, supposed to be the constituent matter of the heavenly bodies, the others being air, fire, earth, and water.

    Yes, steups, quintessential.

  81. Anonymous // 6/3/07 5:43 PM  


  82. Anonymous // 6/3/07 5:46 PM  

    i think on the next show i love new york i think tango is going to get eliminate, because he is was spending more time with his ex instead of new york and i don't think that new york forgot about that.

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