The St. Petersburg Times focused on Tampa Bay resident, Tango; in a recent article.
Tango, real name Patrick Hunter, speaks on his new celebrity and how difficult it is for him to purchase Kentucky Fried Chicken..."I can't even go to Kentucky Fried Chicken . . . when I walked in there, people behind the register dropped the chicken. Wherever I go, I have to sign autographs and take pictures with people before I can even eat."
The Tan-man believes 'I Love New York' is more than a dating show..."This was not a dating show to me - there was no Chuck Woolery hanging around - this was freaking Survivor, I think a vast majority of the guys on the show are there for career enhancement . . . but I didn't see how this show was going to help my street 'cred'. I just think Flav slipped up . . . and I go after the most challenging females out there."
Read the article here.
Maybe the Whiteboy fans prefer to not read the article (I'm not sure they can read anyway). Here are pictures of Whiteboy and Chance to appease you:

Chance looks alright, Whiteboy needs to quit.
Finally, Flavor Flav, (recently acknowledged as one of the producers of I Love New York) is in Trinidad and Tobago enjoying Carnival. The annual festival ended today but here is a picture (thanks E) from a recent appearance

Courtesies : Television Without Pity & Electra
FIRST! steups.....I'm still waiting for the "story"....u said u'd hook me up yesterday!
Sorry Sanyo.
All I can say is you're not the only one; I owe Ivory ten email.
Hopefully I can, today.
Hey E!
Pretty good.
Everyone is on the beach and I am stuck here.
Where is everyone?
Best time to be one to harass you.
Don't you have a radio?
Or a television?
You aren't the first person to have asked that.
Whom are you missing?
Everyone. Especially TX et al 8(
Radio is "tired" television in the next room not going der cause I will not get any work done.
The traitors and KP and Dorfam don't comment here.
Go to their blog and you'll probably find them.
Revenge does, occasionally, but she's obviously not here.
Quanda, well, I don't think you are missing her.
Irre is banned.
Meale is an occasional.
Haven't seen Hutche in a while
Ivory is busy
Sassy comes and goes
3pm only surfaces when Quanda is around
Dana, won't be around
Shawty is at school
anyone else you care about?
Yeah your
Ha. I am good.
I feed off of the makes my mind fat.
Hallelujah holla back
can you download on your network?
Or do you need DBA permission?
U sure? Cause.......
Its according to what? I cant download most things. Everything is blocked here (almost)
you have any soca mp3's
nope u should know better. All I have is Gospel and Jahmoo and things of that nature
Besides I think you asked me that question already.
Cause what E?
You can say it here.
Yeah, I might have...sorry about that.
Cause you are sounding a little frustrated.
build and destroy in order to build again...i miss the old blogspot but all things change and just glad that im not having any more drama on the home front.
thank you electra for that photo...i actually do miss watching flavor flav.
good morning/afternoon steups.
i miss dana.
You are reading too much into mere words.
What is supposed to be frustrating me?
That they are at their blog?
Hi, Rev.
Good day Revenge.
What then?
The personal attacks?
That I can do without; but people had stuff on their minds and they released. No biggie.
What upsets me is a few clowns surface each and every time I state my opinion to say "let it go"
But they have their agenda.
I'm always reading this blog, even at work. Good thing I've got my own office, easier to be sneaky like that.
Yeah and some of those people stretch reality. Just my two cents about that.
Sneaky is the behavior de jour
'Sup, Sassy?
I like your two have any more money?
Ok, Ok. I
I got a whole dollar to back that two cents up with, lol.
If Tango is the winner he's playing it really cool.
Only a dollar Sassy? LOL
I feel Tango won. NY looks like she has something for him.
I'm stingy with the rest of my money, lol. It's not worth all that... I'm sorry to Quanda but each episode I see White Boy on I like him less and less. Seriously, I think he's the one who turns out gay. HA, did ya see how upset he was when he got cupcake on his sunglass's?
Lots of the guys on that show are in love with themselves.LOL
Lmao @ sassy.
He tries too hard to remain cool and that shows with each episode.
He's faking it.
The guy has no personality.
12 Pack is a complete narcissist but it's likable.
Even Chance has his moments.
E, you have to admit Chance looks good in that picture on the right.
That's the first picture I've seen that explained to me why women like him.
He was just a skinny fool until that...
True that, lol! But I think that goes for all men in general, lol
Chance? I enjoy Chance. He keeps me cracking-up. When he's around I just have a good time.
He reminds me of a crazy young-boy my hubby has taken under his wing called Sweet-man.
They even look alike.
What goes for all men in general?
Trying hard to remain cool?
Not me, if I have to I'll Z-snap to show you how freaking upset I am, lol.
Chance looks like R Kelly in that photo.
your husband has taken a young good-looking man under his wing?
Maybe that's something you should keep to yourself, hon.
Steups and Sassy if I was a young woman (single) and Chance came up to me I would not give him the time of
Anywayz - to each their own. Every bread has its cheese. It might be moldy but its still theirs.LOL
Hey hold up. The boy is fatherless OK!!! And gets into lots of trouble. He has been looking out for him since he was like 8yrs and he's now 14yrs.
Please keep your mind
What's Depo-Provera?
I am taking a sex-quiz and I've never heard of it.
Hey everyone...just letting you know i am enjoying my daily read of the blogs. Is it me or does the blog comments seem a bit civil today...i'm impressed.
Google it. Google, Google, Google, Google, Google........... (HA)
[Flav and Three 6 Mafia to Krazy]
LOVED IT!!!!!!
birth control steups
LMAO at Z-Snap, I'm going to use that. Steups, that shot is the shot that makes your monthly visitor stop dropping in. lol
Lady ty - Its you.LOL No girl just kidding. Hi (waves)
it is a form of liquid birth control injected every 3 mths
Yes lady ty, it does; but that's because civilized people are online today.
the Z-snap is borrowed from Irre.
E., you are throwing FOL quotes at me.
Is it more effective than condoms?
I said yes.
I've heard that you can suffer from several side effects with the shot. But its darn good way of not getting pregnant. far as preventing preganncy yes against std no.
lordy, this quiz sure has a lot of questions.
Sassy, can I assume that it's the preferred choice to condoms?
dang, the questions have become more difficult.
they also use it to sterilize certain types of inmates at prisons and it has been used to a way of sterilizing certain populations as well.
the depo-provera shot can cause sterlility and cancer. but no i doubt its safer than a condom.
My sex IQ is 114 ladies really know your stuff.
I need to increase my knowledge of the female biology
I got just 31 of 45. I thought I did better.
Anyone wants to try it?
I wouldn't want to use the shot because of the things that Revenge stated. I guess it depends on how you like it though.
pass it on.
I just got some bomb-ass pictures promised to me so I'll put them up.
Including pictures of Flavor Flav
steups can i have the quiz?
Yes, I'd like to see how I score on it myself...
Your Sex IQ
The first page is a sign-up (won't take more than thirty seconds)
Let us know what you did, Rev.
Ooops, that's not what I saw.
Hold a sec
Try here and let me know if you see it
So u dont want my pics anymore? 8(
my sex iq is 117
i scored higher than 87% of people that have taken the test.
although i am still very dissappointed in myself.
That's better than I did, Rev.
I thought you'd hit 40, though.
I tried to take it but my boss was all nagging me. He acts like I am here to work or something.
Damn i cant access it site is blocked will have to wait until i get home. thanks for the link though steups
i thought so too but i had to rush through it (at work and people talk)
maybe ill take it again and see what happens
I should check my detailed results.
(Meale sent me the quiz by the way, so credit to her)
E, when you return, give me your opinion on the girl on the left.
She looks familiar, no?
Hi..Glad to see the board is back to normal..the best thing I read was that irre was banned ((back flips))
Much luv to ya Steups..going to be better now..
I hope tango did not win,..he is such a primadonna it aint funny..but disrespect Q..but Whiteboy is like a low budget kevin body..oh is that a gut?? But 12pack is the gay one no doubt..
Sorry..forgot roll call..Steups!!
Hi Electra..Ms Quanda (great interviews!! major props!!)
Hey revenge..glad to see you..
i really enjoty reading this blog/comments..y'all keep me entertained..but back to tha grind..gots to make that paper!!
DEAD @ back-flips :D
OK, I did the test and I am ashamed of myself,:(
They said my highest score comes to knowing about sexual oriengtation.
Steups neither of those girls looks familiar.
I knw what you're getting at and NO!
Hi Numbers (waves)
and you know it.
E., I am uploading an original picture.
Look at her and tell me I am lying
I am telling you NO now and my answer will still be the
Refresh your browser.
The answer will be YES!
Still No. I dont see it!!!LOL
Hey Electra..whats good over there??
did Flav come to the city you are in?
Numbers Trini is small so no matter where he is he's in the city I'm in.LOL
Hey number!
E, get a second opinion!!
lmao @ Electra.
That's the truth...Trinidad has about half the population of Brooklyn
Steups I dont need
anonymous, you better not be Irre; because I will vomit my intestines if you are, like for real.
cleaning vomit on the floor :(
Steups I am eating
soo..I am so glad that they got rid of Mr. Booger..oopps I mean Boston..he disgusted me to no end..I still can't see how NY said he was "the best" kisser..I think he is a total nerd..definetly would NOT Watch a show about him...
Oh no, does that mean the drama is back?
me too..***wipes mouth**
see i knew i need to expand my travels...want to visit..get my groove back..((thinks about what happened to stella)) neva mind!!
((pour stiff drink)) whew!!
Get popcorn out..Drama!!
LOL@ Numbers. Electra needs to get some groove back herself especilly after viewing that sex IQ score. (sighs) LOL
At first I was really feelin Tango..wanted him to win..Until I realized he was a there somethin wrong with his shoulder or not?? somebody tell me..please..
Hey Steups,Electra, Number, Sassy and anyone else here.
114 Steups not too bad.
Hey Meale ((waves))
trying to understand why I watch this train wreck call ILNY..can't stop...just wish I had someone to root for..yeesh..((closes eyes)) givvve mmeeee....Real and chance..pasted wait..i will be watching cahrm school too..
oh yeah steups..jon brown must lose..shamroc is the next "whit rappa" lol..that show is a real joke..
Yes Numbers something is wrong whith Tango's shoulder. It happened when they were playing Basketball.
Meale I got 98. What do u think about that? (Dont laugh, please)
Which one is Shamroc again? I stopped looking at it since I noticed The Hills and Dance Life are on around that time.
yeah..but did'nt he box in the next epi?? i missed that part..i guess I better re watch...
Yeah I think is time to get your groove back Electra. j/k.
E- Shamroc was from down south..wit tha grillz in his mouth..It is down to the final two..I just can;t stand Jon Brown...No way could anyone out a dildo in my face..almost touching lips..and NOT catch a beat down..punk straight up..and wtf is Ghetto revivial??...he sounds like an idiot
Hi Meale, hows it going?
off topic am I..
Straigtens up..back to tha grind y'all!!
I will read y'all later!!
Actually Electra some of the questions are kind of tricky so you really have to pay attention to the wording, try it again with less distractions.
John Brown shocked Serch during the battle.
Hallelujah holla back.
Numbers, did you read Persia started rapping like three months before the show.
She's phony
Yeah Meale I think I do.LOL
Guys I have to run. I will be back on tonight. Hope to see u.
Hi Sassy, I'm having a beautiful day here, how about you?
Bye E.
Did I say hi to Meale?
Hi, Meale...
Yeh Meale I think I will cause I noticed that. Hmmph and imagine I was doing the quiz and asking another's opinion (that's probably y I scored so low).LOL
Later Guys
LOL Electra, see ya later.
whiteboy looks retarded...and wtf is up with Chance's hair?
Hey Steups.
It's going wonderfully Meale, and quite warm here for this time of year.
meale...shouldn't you give us your score?
Thus far revenge has the highest Sex IQ (NO SURPRISE THERE)
Cael, what it do?
Cael, I think Whiteboy is one of those people who you like at first but gradually they get to the point where they disgust you.
Some might say that about me; so I am not hating on the kid. :(
My score is 143 I got 43 out of 45 correct.
meale...get outta here :(
you got the measurement of sperm correct?
I'm serious.
got some stuff to do.
talk to y'all in a few
Ok Steups. Later
Just noticed your question and yes I got that correct Steups..LOL
Steups...nawww..shes phony?? where did you get that from?? tried to be hood
I knew it..couldn't never come wit no fresh rhymes..she stank!!
should of got the cesarian mom..funnier..see ya later to take the test y'all speakin on..
steups i told you before that flav was a producers of her show
Yes, anon. You did
I used my reveal-the-anon-identity spy-kit to know it was you, indeed.
I too, knew he was a producer, but it's not listed in the credits.
NC31 (damnn, that's way above NC17), I shouldn't say she was a phony; but it's just odd that she's always ranting about "living this shit" and she only moved in three months ago, lol.
Love you Steups.
The site is sooo much better without the dramaqueens
Anon...there's just one more to be rid of and it'll be perfect.
Whos that?
steups are you a fan of good times and sanford and son
Irre. He needs to return to the cabal and make peace or die a lonely Internet death.
Not really a fan, I saw a few episodes on TV Land a while back.
Dude, you can read all you want...and I am considering linking to your blog which I enjoy.
but your ass will never be allowed to comment on this blog and have it (your comment) remain.
It's as simple as that...I spoke to you a hundred times and you didn't listen.
That's it.
Steups-Steupz when are you coming back to s2s?
Purrrrfect, you say?
Not without me it isn't...
Whats going on?!
I am not anon @3:58.
For the record!
Hi Dana.
'Sup Shawty?
Steups: I'm YOU doin? {like 'Joey' from Friends lol, raises eyebrow}
(do the Jumbie dance)
lean back; and reverse
my mama doesn't like sanford and son...she's felt like Fred played into the stereotype that black ppl are lazy and ignorant lol...whoa
steups: can you really dance?
QUANDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! lol....{leg shakes at the mention of my word} THANKS lol
I can do more than dance; I can invent dances.
All Trinis can dance Tx
Only some can dance in time with the music ...
but Sanford had his own business, no?
At a time when that was few and far between.
Dana; trinis are excellent at aping.
txshawty where have you been for so long
steups: true, but she felt that even tho lamont was disrespectful to his father at times that he was a hard worker, whereas Fred would sit around and have Lamont doing most of the actual work...Fred was always sitting least thats how SHE felt...
Hey Dana!
I know Anon, I know ...
Now he is a dancing genius too!
Hey Anon! Man...this week has been busy and RETARDED as the lil girl said about WB lol...but I was trying to get in here today b4 work ended...they actually had me working today! The nerve! Knowing full well I would be on the blog today! lol
Q. That remains to be seen.
He's a genius who talks about dancing. But wining is not a science ...
Lol ...
Hey Tx :-)
and for the RECORD.........
RICO is fine...that is all lol
You all pray for me. I am so going out of this house looking rough. And I am not matching. Pray that I don't run into an ex!
One for the road; FUCKFACE.
lol @ dana....Goooood ONE
Not a genius, but enough to know what to do if the music switches from soca, to dancehall to hip-hop
Ok Steups honey lamb sweetie poo darling
Quanda, I and the whole of Shallow-ers Anonymous (SA) will be praying for you. We know how important these things are *wink wink*
Steups: Well excuuuuse GO boy! lol
Dana: {raises up the SA banner} We are pulling for you, Quanda lol
TxShawty has her personal anon.
Anyone else noticed that?
txshawty why don't nv come on this blogger no more
bye QUANDA...and once again...I thank you
Dana, all you can do is wine can't you.
You just change the rhythm for dance hall. You know Jamaicans have a stop start rhythm to their dancing.
Whilst ours is smooth and pause-free.
Bajans are just violent with the shit.
Where's Revenge?
Girl, I bought a c*rs*t today ... black, just like we talked about.
Steups: Yes...I got it like that boo lol
Anon: Babe, i could HARDLY tell you...all I know there was a conflict and she and others are no longer here...everytime something was going down I wasn't on the blog that I couldn't tell you darling...
I admit it Steups. I do believe that all music, regardless of genre could be wine-d to (as I have demonstrated on numerous occasions)
However, I can also skant and jump and break out a few ballroom moves as required...
I'm multi-talented
Dana: You talented woman, you~ lol
I know Tx *shakes my head in absolute awe of myself*
It's very hard to wine to Beethoven, but it can be done
lmao at the visual of Dana doing the waltz.
Revenge asked for you earlier (which 'nervouses' me)
Shawty, does this guy wait patiently for you, every day. I assume it's the same guy who wants to give you a BK swagger and is mad you are supporting the Mavs
and why are you sprinkling asterisks over "corset"?
txshawty tomorrow new york will be on bet black carpet so steups all ready know
Why? Why? Why?
Why can't I do the waltz Nick? Why is that funny? I have to tell you it was very necessary for some of the corporate events in the fiery pits where I couldn't bruk out and had to be a lady...
And why does Revenge asking for me 'nervous' you?
Steups: You notice alot, don't you? lol...I never considered those ppl....hmmm?? {looks around nervously and grasps steups arm in protection}
Save me steups...{looks up and realizes who she's grabbing...}
Never mind...I should protect my dang self lol
Anon: Oh really? Man...Imma check that out..Thanks anon
Dana: I believe you could wine to Beethoven lol...odd, but I believe you
Nick, how did you figure that out? You're so pervy...Lol. Delete it please. I used my asterisks so no one would figure it out.
Thanks Tx :-)
Anon, what's your fascination with Shawty.
Dana, they did ballroom dancing at those things? I though Trini formal events used music from Crystal Gale and Cyndi Lauper.
Steups: Do you really HAVE to ask? lol As if you didn't know
New York's going to be on Maury least I thought I was a TAD fascinating lol
Actually, some of the events had like Garnet Silk and Maxi Priest and Beres and Bob Marley - you know the slow ones. And the pervy old men would dance respectfully with you until they had a few drinks...after which the shameless groping and heavy breathing (to be endured politely) would begin.
Hi Cael!
Cael: How are they gonna pattern a show around NY? I thought Maury only did 5 types of shows:
1.) Paternity Tests
2.) Reality Shows
3.) Fat baby shows
4.) i'm in love with you and you don't know it shows
5.) Man or Woman shows
She MAY fit into the 2nd category could I forget?!
6.) i'm a BAD teenager/pre-teen who needs to get beaten til the WHITE meat shows b/c I'm on the road to pregnancy, jail, or the grave...
Correction: Maury does SIX types of shows