I never got why people say you can't get hungover from Vodka.
I drank half-bottle of Grey Goose ® yesterday and my head is throbbing with every beat of my heart.
Unfortunately some nasty 'fuckwit' stole the bottle...
..before I did, lmao.
Next time I'll do better, because those bottles are so pretty. Prettier than Revenge is a Bombshell, even.

Anyways, two readers messaged me with news of a New York discovery. Seems we have found New York's brother and his name is Terrance Patterson.
I thought I found New York's brother months ago, but this guy looks nothing like him.

You know what that means, right?
Don't believe everything you read on The Blogspot.

Anyways (again), here are those baby pictures I promised in the title

new-york-child-picture01-jpeg new-york-child-picture02-jpeg

Click to make them larger of course.
The first thing that comes to mind is why is 'New York' employing a weave when she has such beautiful, natural hair.
Here is a more recent picture with 'New York' looking extraordinarily sexy


Credit and thanks to: Justin and Andy Roddick


  1. lareigna // 21/1/07 3:22 PM  

    Wow. New York's face hasn't changed at all since she was a little kid.

    Am I first?

  2. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 21/1/07 3:42 PM  


    lareigna you are indeed first madame.

    awww new york looks so cute as a little girl.

  3. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 21/1/07 3:46 PM  

    steups...snagglepuss, even.

    my new nickname for you.

    i updated my blog too for anyone who cares.

    grey goose? im prefer kettle one although grey goose does have ahint of vanilla. kettle one tasts great with a splash of grape-cranberry juice.

  4. J J FROM GOOD TIME // 21/1/07 3:54 PM  

    is that new york mom in that piture that look like a dude to me

  5. J J FROM GOOD TIME // 21/1/07 3:56 PM  


  6. lareigna // 21/1/07 3:57 PM  

    To be honest Revenge, I only drink vodka for the purpose of getting piss ass drunk. I couldn't tell you the difference between Grey Goose or the cheap stuff.

  7. Anonymous // 21/1/07 3:59 PM  

    Wow he look like his mom.

  8. lareigna // 21/1/07 4:00 PM  

    He does look just like his mom.

    Who does New York look like?

  9. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 21/1/07 4:01 PM  


    yes he does.

    lareigna im with you but whenever i drink the cheap stuff i end up tossing my cookies.

    i notice that when i drink kettle one not only do i not toss my cookies butttttttt i dont get a hang over.

  10. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 21/1/07 4:02 PM  

    new york looks like her dad.

  11. MVP 90000 // 21/1/07 4:12 PM  

    new york look cute as a baby but look at her now she look like shabba ranks long lost cousin

  12. lareigna // 21/1/07 4:19 PM  

    It's when I mix beer and hard liquor, that makes me barf.

    But anyways,
    I don't see the resemblance between nY and her dad. She does resemble something, but I don't want to say what or I will get tons of hate mail.

  13. The Animeshon Station // 21/1/07 4:50 PM  

    Actually, the guy ya'll featured months ago on the blogspot is also New York's brother, and he is also pictured with Terrance in the photo section. Though they're not blood related, you see... Terrance is Tiffany's half brother, they both have different daddies, the other guy James is Tiffany's brother is from another mother. On Alex's side, damn I don't know if I should be divulging too much information, I sense her family don't want to be bothered and I respect their privacy

  14. FOL // 21/1/07 5:10 PM  

    Ponlork is dropping the science, lmao.

    They can't stop you bro, they can only contain you.

  15. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 21/1/07 5:38 PM  

    i still think tiffany looks like her dad.

  16. FOL // 21/1/07 5:59 PM  

    I think so, too.
    Anything else we can use to prove our meant-to-be(ness)?

  17. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 21/1/07 6:02 PM  


    do you approve of my new nickname for you?

  18. MVP 90000 // 21/1/07 6:07 PM  

    steups guess what my favorite reality tv show is just guess

  19. The Q © 2010 // 21/1/07 6:08 PM  

    Hey Steups,

    When you get a chance remove me from the faculty.


  20. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 21/1/07 6:10 PM  


    dont be cruel woman. ::bobby brown impression::

    ok that was lame, but i miss you woman.

    ::please dont go, dont gooooooooo::

  21. MVP 90000 // 21/1/07 6:10 PM  

    oh snap quanda you like whitepuck

  22. MVP 90000 // 21/1/07 6:13 PM  

    whiteboy look like a little bitch

  23. Anonymous // 21/1/07 6:14 PM  

    This snap uit's snowing here. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

    So that means Ny mom has other kids and the father has other kids.

  24. MVP 90000 // 21/1/07 6:18 PM  

    is that your name your name is shawn

  25. Anonymous // 21/1/07 6:20 PM  

    Yes it's what people call me Shawn but actually I have a name that relates to Shawn.

  26. FOL // 21/1/07 6:26 PM  

    I see I've missed much.
    I love the name, Rev.
    Right on it Quanda.
    Hi Shawn.
    I can't guess MVP.

  27. Anonymous // 21/1/07 6:30 PM  

    Hi Steups

    Is it snowing where you are?

  28. FOL // 21/1/07 6:31 PM  


  29. FOL // 21/1/07 6:31 PM  

    Hate snow, do you?

  30. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 21/1/07 6:32 PM  

    shawn where you at?

    we had a little snow but its gone now.

  31. Anonymous // 21/1/07 6:36 PM  

    In DC.

    I tried going to the store but that is so crowded.

    So now I'm going to fix a gumbo with rice. Going to read a book and relax.

  32. FOL // 21/1/07 6:36 PM  

    Shawn is in the shower.
    Brave young lady.

  33. FOL // 21/1/07 6:37 PM  

    What book?
    I'm reading the half-blood Prince.

  34. MVP 90000 // 21/1/07 6:37 PM  

    ok shawn i thought you were a dude until i see your myspace and find out that your a hot model why are you single don't worry i'm marrried

  35. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 21/1/07 6:40 PM  

    im about to read lolita...ive never read it before but i loved the movie.

  36. MVP 90000 // 21/1/07 6:42 PM  

    steups it's real world and i pity the fool steups you fool

  37. FOL // 21/1/07 6:44 PM  

    Dang Revenge....take it light why don't ya?

  38. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 21/1/07 6:46 PM  

    :;shrugs:; it helps my brain from becoming slower than it already has.

    i devour light books too quickly.

  39. The Q © 2010 // 21/1/07 6:48 PM  

    No need to e-mail me....deleted w/o reading.
    You and all take care.
    Thanks for you time.

  40. MVP 90000 // 21/1/07 6:50 PM  

    i'm the most valuable player on this blogger

  41. MVP 90000 // 21/1/07 6:53 PM  

    is hear show on tomorrow or tomight new york

  42. FOL // 21/1/07 6:54 PM  

    "No need to email me"

    who's that directed to?

  43. Anonymous // 21/1/07 6:54 PM  

    No I am here. I am reading a romantic novel that my mom read. You know those books that go back to the 1800 in england.

    That's cool MVP.

  44. FOL // 21/1/07 6:58 PM  

    Yep I know those books...

  45. FOL // 21/1/07 7:08 PM  

    There is a dark cloud hanging over The Blogspot

  46. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 21/1/07 7:11 PM  

    reminds me of a tree grows in brooklyn....i loved that book, grew up in that neighborhood.

  47. FOL // 21/1/07 7:22 PM  

    Revenge, have you finished that Ophelia piece?

    I should check your blog, shouldn't I?
    I will.

  48. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 21/1/07 7:23 PM  


    alone again.

  49. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 21/1/07 7:34 PM  

    ophelia has been put on the backburner unfortunately.

  50. lareigna // 21/1/07 7:35 PM  

    Hey man, whats with all the gloom?

    It's a beautiful 70 degrees and sunny here in Florida.

    But I miss the snow.

    I just started reading the Black Dahlia. I'm not realy into the classics. They bore me.

  51. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 21/1/07 7:40 PM  

    lareigna lucky you.

    isteh black dahlia good? i thought the movie was misrepresented in the trailer but it was a good oldschool mystery movie.

  52. lareigna // 21/1/07 7:48 PM  

    I honestly never saw the movie. I wanted a new book, and I like murder stories, so I just picked it up. It's actually quite good. It took a looming deadline for me to put it down this weekend.

  53. MVP 90000 // 21/1/07 7:54 PM  

    ok im serious right now am i wrong for letting my 6 year old daughter watch i love new york

  54. lareigna // 21/1/07 7:58 PM  

    lol@mvp. Why is that?

  55. MVP 90000 // 21/1/07 8:04 PM  

    well my wife think i'm wrong for letting her watch her show do you think i'm a bad father for that

  56. MVP 90000 // 21/1/07 8:12 PM  

    i don't think i'm a bad father lareigna no not me

  57. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 21/1/07 8:17 PM  

    can someone link me to the first post about new york's other brother?

  58. FOL // 21/1/07 8:26 PM  

    I had to remove it because of his complaint.

  59. lareigna // 21/1/07 8:49 PM  

    I don't think you are a bad father mvp. Just maybe a little too lenient.

  60. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 21/1/07 9:33 PM  

    ughhhhhhh my son is congested yet again.

    wheres groovy these days...sheesh i could use your mommy expertise.


  61. FOL // 21/1/07 10:33 PM  

    Groovy is resting. Deservedly so.
    I'll be doing the summary tomorrow.

  62. The Animeshon Station // 22/1/07 5:09 PM  

    I'm pretty sure Sister Patterson was saying that if Boston and NY were to have babies, their babies would be passable as white, not New York being able to pass as white. VH1 does a lot of slicing and editing on the cutting room floor making it hard to decipher what they were really talking about. But I'm pretty good at decoding stuff, I suspect that Allex Pollard is Half-White, thus making NY 1-quarter white, which made Mr. Boston ask the question if Sister Patterson married a White man or a Biracial guy and she was like "Of Course". Then they started talking about having Derek Jeter babies or whatever

    Quiet ponlork u're revealing too much haha well I'm just speculating that's all i aint one to gossip so u aint heard it from me

  63. Anonymous // 22/1/07 6:40 PM  

    Man, her brother looks just like their mother.

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