Pootie-booty-shakeJust so you know, I will be writing the recap for Episode 3 of I Love New York.
Don't expect the detail you'd normally receive from Groovy, don't expect it to be online within minutes of the episode's end and especially, don't expect me to fawn over the contestants.

The preview has been uploaded on the V-Spot for quite a few days now so I have already crystallized my approach to the summary.
From what I've seen Pootie seems to have escaped from a mental asylum and Whiteboy, somehow, made me feel not particularly sorry for someone who lost a friend in a car accident.

Chance seems to have mellowed; Mr. Boston has become tolerable; 12 Pack is rather likeable and Bonez' body looks like a jigsaw puzzle.
But, we'll sort that out when I present the summary at about midnight.

Until then, can someone say why Pumkin is hanging with Token from I love New York?

Pumkin and Token from I LOVE NEW YORK

Credit: I stole the Pootie gif from S2S but I suppose it came from VH1


  1. FOL // 22/1/07 10:31 AM  

    Dorfam...good morning girl.

  2. FOL // 22/1/07 10:41 AM  

    So it appears

  3. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 22/1/07 10:42 AM  

    good morning.

  4. Anonymous // 22/1/07 10:46 AM  

    Good Morning Everyone

    Looking at that gif remind of the ying yang song "Shake SHake"

  5. FOL // 22/1/07 10:48 AM  

    G'Mornin' Rev and Shawn.

  6. Anonymous // 22/1/07 10:50 AM  

    Good Morning Steups and Revenge

    How are you both this early fine cold day?

  7. FOL // 22/1/07 10:51 AM  

    Pretty good, actually.

  8. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 22/1/07 10:55 AM  

    its freezing over here around the 30's but feels like teens.

    birthday weekend was great but my little chi-chi is getting a cold again i think.

    i updated my blog on here for those of you who want to know how he's doing.

    shawn i hate the cold!

    dorfam, dont rub it in! lol

  9. FOL // 22/1/07 11:00 AM  

    Anyone here or reading knows about databases, DFD's and/or normalization?

  10. FOL // 22/1/07 11:04 AM  

    that wasn't Greek...

  11. FOL // 22/1/07 11:07 AM  
  12. Posh Gemz // 22/1/07 11:24 AM  

    Morning all

  13. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 22/1/07 11:27 AM  

    hey posh.

  14. Posh Gemz // 22/1/07 11:27 AM  

    Hey Dorfam

    Guys I had a very weird experience with Chance Saturday night.

  15. Posh Gemz // 22/1/07 11:43 AM  
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  16. Caramel // 22/1/07 11:55 AM  

    hey all and I am mad ass hell Chance woke you up at 2 am boo lol

  17. Anonymous // 22/1/07 11:55 AM  

    Hey Steups

    Can you do me a favor with your resources can you find out if the contestants are gettting paid?

    I will hit you with the amount later once I clear something.

  18. Caramel // 22/1/07 11:58 AM  

    lol no DOrfam

  19. FOL // 22/1/07 11:59 AM  

    Yesh, 'tis the lips

  20. Posh Gemz // 22/1/07 12:02 PM  

    From what I understand the contestants were paid 100 a day.

  21. Posh Gemz // 22/1/07 12:02 PM  

    Nv its 3 hours earlier where they live so it was 11:30 his time

  22. Posh Gemz // 22/1/07 12:03 PM  

    Hey Steupie

  23. Caramel // 22/1/07 12:04 PM  

    oh Posh maybe he didnt know what time it was then

  24. Anonymous // 22/1/07 12:05 PM  

    Ok I heard something else but that cool.

    Did you read the bullentin about this weekend where he was going to be at maybe that will answer your question.

  25. Posh Gemz // 22/1/07 12:06 PM  

    Yeah but it still took him an hour to call back and what was the meaning of having that girl on the line.

  26. Posh Gemz // 22/1/07 12:07 PM  

    No Shawn.. tell me.

  27. Anonymous // 22/1/07 12:08 PM  

    Look at the area code. Do you still have the number on your phone?

  28. Posh Gemz // 22/1/07 12:09 PM  

    Yeah but Im at work.. he called my house.

  29. Anonymous // 22/1/07 12:15 PM  

    The girl was probably a friend that make sure he won't break his contract. He is the tough one. From what I am told he won't talk to noone he let real does the talking. Maybe he will call again.

  30. Posh Gemz // 22/1/07 12:17 PM  

    Well Real said that he would talk to him again and to be honest with you. If I had spit some questions out he would have done the interview.

  31. Anonymous // 22/1/07 12:19 PM  

    Yeah well make sure you are prepare the next time. Congradulations.

  32. FOL // 22/1/07 12:21 PM  

    Hi Posh.

    Shawn, can't recall seeing the guys contracts but I think the girl were getting $100 a day plus meals or something like that.

    The men are probably getting a bit more.

  33. FOL // 22/1/07 12:22 PM  

    Scrolling up I see Posh beat me to it...

  34. Posh Gemz // 22/1/07 12:22 PM  

    Steups when the ad ran on Craigslist it was 100 for the guys.

  35. Anonymous // 22/1/07 12:23 PM  

    Which should total up to 10 grand right?

    Or is it a little more than that.

  36. Posh Gemz // 22/1/07 12:31 PM  

    How many weeks were they in the house?
    I think it was ten or so.

  37. Posh Gemz // 22/1/07 12:34 PM  

    Pooties ass is way to bouncy. I aint feeling that at all. His ass bounces more than mine. Oh and Real said that he cant wait to do the recap of tonights show cause he was right there when Potty started trippin lol

  38. Anonymous // 22/1/07 12:34 PM  

    I'm not sure Posh. But 100 a day and just to impress someone hell I would pimp the hell out of my guy friends in a heartbeat.

    Girl that ass is amazing. lol.

  39. FOL // 22/1/07 12:35 PM  

    Sort of confirmed at $100 and also confirmed that this comments box is now passe'

  40. Anonymous // 22/1/07 12:38 PM  

    Explain PASSE'?

  41. Caramel // 22/1/07 1:06 PM  

    back. *passes smoothies round* I am on a diet and now so are all of you fat burning smoothies ONLY for 2 weeks

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