Is this the Perfect Woman?


That was bad. Y'all forgive me for that but it's been in my Inbox for a while and I just had to share it.
That's it for me then; go visit someone who's less than perfect; but not by much...
"Revenge is a bitch" the classic Brooklyn diva.

I'll be back later with that 'New York' email.


  1. FOL // 30/11/06 5:22 PM  

    I think the blog just Jumped the Shark

  2. FOL // 30/11/06 5:37 PM  

    He's in the White House

  3. Anonymous // 30/11/06 5:38 PM  

    "Shake that ass bitch and let me see what ya got!"

  4. Anonymous // 30/11/06 6:12 PM  

    Perfect woman? Hell no. That bitch can't give head.

    Steups, you're gay aren't you?

  5. Anonymous // 30/11/06 6:16 PM  

    Do you swallow, Steups?

  6. Anonymous // 30/11/06 6:22 PM  

    what the hell is wrong with you steups

  7. Anonymous // 30/11/06 6:33 PM  

    steups is right that is the perfect woman i dont need face just poontang and ass if you know what i mean

  8. FOL // 30/11/06 6:51 PM  

    Lord. The sex comments are cool and everything, but not for this comments box

  9. Anonymous // 30/11/06 6:54 PM  

    it is call sex one on one steups

  10. Anonymous // 30/11/06 6:54 PM  

    WTF, kidd....*notices the crazed nymphomaniac comments* Uhhh, yeah.....

    And NO, that isn't the perfect was funny....but then again, it made me mad. *rolls eyes* .....though, it did make me chuckle ONLY A TEENY BIT. lol

    *hits the nymphos with a baseball bat*

  11. FOL // 30/11/06 6:55 PM  

    Jemi..where you been girl.
    Can I get you a Teen magazine or anything, lol

  12. Groovy Noodles // 30/11/06 6:56 PM  

    Jemi!! How ya doin' sweetie?

  13. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 30/11/06 7:02 PM  

    the legs could hav been a bit more a little bit more full in teh thighs...then maybe the perfect woman but then again a mouth is always very nice too.

    i vote a no on that one.

  14. Anonymous // 30/11/06 7:04 PM  

    yo steups we need a personal pictures of you

  15. Groovy Noodles // 30/11/06 7:05 PM  

    I'm thinking that picture might be Photoshopped.

  16. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 30/11/06 7:07 PM  

    really groovy? i would have never guessed, lol.

  17. Groovy Noodles // 30/11/06 7:07 PM  

    It's just a hunch. LOL

    I am sooooo bored tonight.

  18. Anonymous // 30/11/06 7:10 PM  

    thank you ms groovy

  19. Anonymous // 30/11/06 7:12 PM  


    Lets see a picture of the perfect man. A large lower half with an arm extending out of the top, holding a large wallet.

  20. FOL // 30/11/06 7:12 PM  

    Groovy, you have to take over tonight I am heading out.
    Bye everyone see y'all tomorrow, or late tonight depending on my game

  21. Anonymous // 30/11/06 7:21 PM  

    steups did you know i love new york is produced by flava flav himself

  22. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 30/11/06 7:34 PM  

    i think im done for a while...

    peace, love, and all the rest of the impossible bullshit.

  23. Anonymous // 30/11/06 7:51 PM  

    yo steups wear are you

  24. Anonymous // 30/11/06 7:56 PM  

    LOL, Hey everybody!! Hey, Madame Groovy and Master Steups!! Actually, I've been just around....*looks around* I must've been missed? lol, I WISH....

    And, Steups, Shuddup. Just because I'm 16, doesn't mean I'm into the usual teens'd be surprised. *rolls eyes* I happen to be very mature for my age. *is annoyed*

  25. Anonymous // 30/11/06 7:57 PM  

    As a matter of fact, I WILL be 17 in a month and 3 days, so HA. *jumps up and down and points like a eight year old*

  26. Anonymous // 30/11/06 8:43 PM  

    More Ass Shaking

  27. Anonymous // 30/11/06 9:21 PM  

    The perfect man is mute.

  28. Anonymous // 30/11/06 9:30 PM  


    Kim Novak was a beauty.

    Kenya Moore, Shelley Winters and the Chrystele are still my favorites as far as the beauties of the world.

    Shelley Winters was a brick house. By the way.....

  29. Anonymous // 30/11/06 10:59 PM  

    steups look at my website call extreme

  30. Anonymous // 30/11/06 11:17 PM  

    steups you are so so hot my name is elisau from extreme gayboys

  31. Anonymous // 1/12/06 12:59 PM  

    HOLD UP NOW anon @ 11:17... I think I have the gay crush on steups department covered, so screw off...

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