It was slow yesterday. Slow but expected with 'New York's' Show (I love New York) not due until January 10th 2007.
Luckily we have something to talk about today thanks to Sanyo, who sent me 5 pictures.

The first two pictures show 'New York' and 'Red Oyster' hanging with fans, doing the thing famous people tend to do. 'Red Oyster' can't dress for toffee but she looks spectacularly pretty in my opinion. Have a look at her eyes...wowwwwwwww
The girl on the right has some wicked eyes as well. Eye'm in love.
Just kidding, my heart is elsewhere.

'New York' looks elegant as always but keep an eye on her breasts...lmao. You'll find out why later.

New York stan: Sanyo


  1. Sanyo // 27/11/06 11:34 PM  

    YAY!! I AM THE FIRST ONE! FOR ONCE!! Ya, u SHOULD thank me Steups since U had the audacity to tell me that u had to interview b4 i could become u're BF when we've already been chatting for almost half a year!! OMG has it been that long? LOL

  2. Anonymous // 27/11/06 11:34 PM  

    her breast? Awww tell us now!

  3. Anonymous // 27/11/06 11:54 PM  

    more pictures of new york on red oyster myspace new york look fat not in a good way

  4. Anonymous // 27/11/06 11:56 PM  

    this has little to do with anything... but i found myself watching the Flavor of Love 1 marathon the other day. and i found it rather ironic that on the Family Flavors episode New York kept talking about how DELISCIOUS Flav was and at one point was like -- "That's a DELISCIOUS man!"

    funny how that would one day come back to haunt her. i wonder if she remembers that. did anyone else notice?

    i love you Steups ... see you on myspace *lol*

  5. FOL // 27/11/06 11:59 PM  

    Damn Lise..I remember that.
    I have to find that clip.

    Yeah, see you on My Space...grrrrrr

  6. FOL // 28/11/06 12:00 AM  

    Sanyo, it has not been a year and a half.
    It'll be two years the next time you say it. I need to mature before I can ever consider having a boyfriend, lol.

  7. FOL // 28/11/06 12:11 AM  

    So why did it end so bitterly?

  8. Anonymous // 28/11/06 7:43 AM  

    Hi Steups honey, how u doing?

  9. FOL // 28/11/06 9:58 AM  

    Pretty good.
    And you?

  10. Anonymous // 28/11/06 10:31 AM  

    Just chillin. Feeling better now that u are here.

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