New-york-haters'New York' has haters?
What are you 'tawkin' about? Nobody hates Miss New York; she's faaabulous.

It shocks me that not everyone loves 'New York'. What's not to love?
But, as Katt Williams said, "You need haters. What the fuck you think a hater's job is? To Hate. So let that muthafucka do his job"

Go join the New York Haters Club, but remember what TI said "you can hate if you want to but you're just wasting your time"

I'm like a quote machine today.

Credit: Groovy (she hates New York)


  1. Groovy Noodles // 29/11/06 1:04 PM  

    I don't *hate* hate New York. I have this love/hate thing with her. ;)

  2. FOL // 29/11/06 1:12 PM  

    And I have a hate/hate thing with these
    ;) ;) ;) ;)

  3. Groovy Noodles // 29/11/06 1:12 PM  

    I know you do. ;)

  4. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 29/11/06 1:27 PM  

    well even though her prescence on the show was "beneful" i have to say she annoys me because she wears her conceit like a damn badge of honor.

    plus she got too damn skinny.

    but then again i love everyone except for those i hate which is most of the world.

  5. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 29/11/06 1:31 PM  

    goddamn it im bored.

  6. Anonymous // 29/11/06 1:32 PM  

    New York gets more exposure on the hate web site than the original you see some of her greatest clips and everything, I think by them trying to defame New York their actually making her Infamous lol .....what a Joke!

  7. Groovy Noodles // 29/11/06 1:37 PM  

    Anon, they say that there's no such thing as bad press.

    Revenge, how are you today?

  8. FOL // 29/11/06 1:44 PM  

    Yep. I'd rather be remembered than loved.
    If I can't have both, of course

  9. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 29/11/06 1:47 PM  

    i am representing four of the seven female dwarves: bitchy, moody, cranky, and sleepy.

    i cant wait to get out of this damn place and go home.

    tday is a gloomy day in nyc...gray overcast that makes me feel like im stuck in a murky fishbowl....good day to stay home and read.

  10. Groovy Noodles // 29/11/06 1:53 PM  

    It's gloomy here too. We're supposed to be having an ice storm coming through about any time now that'll leave 1/4 to 1/2 inch of ice. Last time we had a major ice storm like this, we lost power for a week and a half. So if I disappear for a few days, you'll know why. Wish me luck!

  11. Anonymous // 29/11/06 2:08 PM  

    Well, Mississippi never really gets ice storms...or snow. We suck when it comes to getting snow lol. We really don't get winter. We just get an extended fall b/c right now, it's like 70 degrees outside, sun shining, all of that. The temperature drops to like 30 or 40 at night and during the day you never know.

  12. Groovy Noodles // 29/11/06 2:21 PM  

    We don't get that much snow here either, but we get a good ice storm or two every year. I love the snow, but I hate the ice storms. It's early for us to have one already, so we'll probably get another one in February or so. I'd love to trade this in for snow, though. I haven't been in a good blizzard since I lived in Denver.

  13. Anonymous // 29/11/06 2:24 PM  

    It makes me sad, I haven't seen real snow in some years...rain=yes, snow=no ice=very rare

  14. Groovy Noodles // 29/11/06 2:25 PM  

    Ice, come on over! It's already starting to ice up here. But you better hurry -- the power is already flickering.

  15. Anonymous // 29/11/06 2:36 PM  

    Oh no I'm missin it! *sobs* I want ice, or snow, or something cold! Damn it!

  16. Anonymous // 29/11/06 2:44 PM  

    Groovy I already extended an invitation to you and Steups to come to Key West

  17. Anonymous // 29/11/06 2:44 PM  

    Leave the cold behind girl!!!!!

  18. Anonymous // 29/11/06 2:53 PM  

    I wanna come too!

  19. Anonymous // 29/11/06 3:09 PM  

    im not a new york hater but i im a dj puckyblends hater

  20. Anonymous // 29/11/06 3:19 PM  

    yo steups stop kissing buckyblends ass and that is real

  21. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 29/11/06 3:40 PM  

    groovy be carefulllllllllll, thats why i kinda like living in new york we don thave to worrry about crazy weather like that but then a gain we do have to worry about terrorism and transit strikes so...::shrugs::

  22. Anonymous // 29/11/06 3:42 PM  

    Steups!!! You betrayed me! How could you possibly post a link to a "New York Haters Club"??? Any idiot who joined it would just ADD to New Yorks conceit-o-meter. I mean THINK about it. When people start up an entire WEB SITE because they despise you so much.... you know you've made it. Being hated by people you don't even know is a sure sign of greatness. So I have to admit I LOVE people to hate me. I mean, who wouldn't? I'm a bitch, I'm vicious, I'm rude, snobby, and I have a permanent case of PMS. And yet there are those that just CAN'T get enough of me...
    Being such a Rock Star is soooo exhausting.

  23. Anonymous // 29/11/06 3:44 PM  

    Well Dorfam, u certainly won't have fun unless you invite ME into the mix! Hell, I'd turn Key West upside down. They wouldn't know what hit 'em.

  24. Anonymous // 29/11/06 3:50 PM  

    Hey All and I am late as Hell but Revenge you have me crying with your Dwarfs comment lol

  25. Anonymous // 29/11/06 3:51 PM  

    Tropical Irresistable Deliscious....That sounds like a really good drink or some sexy body offense Irre!

  26. Anonymous // 29/11/06 3:52 PM  

    Ice that is a compliment to Irre lol

  27. Anonymous // 29/11/06 3:53 PM  

    Yeah, but I'm just makin sure lol

  28. Anonymous // 29/11/06 3:54 PM  

    irresistable deliscious you are a hater

  29. Anonymous // 29/11/06 3:55 PM  

    NV, I added u on Myspace

  30. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 29/11/06 3:55 PM  

    im glad i could make you laugh having a pretty fuckedup week so as long as there is SOME positive energy flowing somehow, oh hell im just going to start living vicariously through everyone on the blogspot and give up real life as we know it.

  31. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 29/11/06 3:55 PM  

    you guys can add me too!

  32. Anonymous // 29/11/06 3:56 PM  

    I accepted it Ice cool and Irre where did you go ?

    How are you today Ice

  33. Anonymous // 29/11/06 3:56 PM  

    It sure WAS a compliment! LOL. Hey NV mama what're you up to? What is it that we have to chat about? By the way this is Irresistable Deliscious I just feel like being creative and changing up my screen name.

  34. Anonymous // 29/11/06 3:57 PM  

    Revenge I am silly and trust me when you said it I spit out my water lol and i am adding you to myspace as i type

  35. Anonymous // 29/11/06 3:59 PM  

    anonymous who am I hating on, sweetie? WHY would I hate on anyone? What does someone have that I don't? ( Other than a conscience and bills to pay?) Sounds to me like YOU'RE the one that's salty. Don't hate on my fabulous and don't start something you can't finish.

  36. Anonymous // 29/11/06 4:01 PM  

    Irre for one Tica condition she is down and out( at the doctor sick for real ) then some other girl stuff I know you are Dying to hear

  37. Anonymous // 29/11/06 4:01 PM  

    im not going to add you revengeisabitch because you are a bitch

  38. Anonymous // 29/11/06 4:02 PM  

    Gir! Revenge has Gir! lol Oh, but I'm cool today NV, just ready for this weekend....

  39. Anonymous // 29/11/06 4:02 PM  

    well Revenge I added you

  40. Anonymous // 29/11/06 4:03 PM  

    nv kiss my ass

  41. Anonymous // 29/11/06 4:04 PM  

    WOOOOOOOWWWW..... I can't believe this is my first time reading Caramel's Cream....mmmm, I'm loving this!

  42. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 29/11/06 4:06 PM  

    madame ice i do have gir!!!! i was trying to dress my son up as him for halloween like gir's costume when he's pretendng to be a dog (madddd cute) but i couldnt find any in time.

    aww you guys just made me smile.

    and anon, why yes i am a bitch...would you like for me to show you how much of a bitch i am? for $200 an hour, i can be your personal dominatrix and stand on your nuts with my spiked stillettoes. just ask and you may receive, asshole.

  43. Anonymous // 29/11/06 4:07 PM  

    LMAO @ Revenge

  44. Anonymous // 29/11/06 4:08 PM  

    Irre, Key West is calling for you darling!!!! Come to the the U.S. only carribean island:D WARNING MANY COME BUT THEY HATE TO LEAVE!!!

  45. Anonymous // 29/11/06 4:11 PM  

    *MUAH* Anon *wink * (fake smile) dont press your luck

    Ice read it its Amazing you know Irre write on the blog he is Sincere lol

    Revenge you have made my day I am dying laughing over here

  46. Anonymous // 29/11/06 4:12 PM  

    Not THEM spiked stilletos! LMFAO. Where is Steups? And NV I hope Tica will be okay b/c she's such a sweetie, you know? And Ice, honey, you haven't seen anything yet. If you keep reading (ahem)


    You'll be in for a hundred suprises because the story never gets dull. It's like magic every time one of us posts. Believe it. NV's charecter is called Caramel, the street-smart chick who can break a neck in three places if she wanted to. She's not one to fuck with. My charecter is Sincere, and he's the fabulous gay guy trying to become a star.

  47. Anonymous // 29/11/06 4:14 PM  

    Honey, I am just LOVING it! Now I have two VIP blogs to keep up with!

  48. Anonymous // 29/11/06 4:21 PM  

    Wow @ Revenge and stilettos...LMAO

    I didn't care for New York at all. But a hater, naw I wish her a happy life. I know how to flip the channel if I see her.

    Her upcoming show, I am torn about watching it. I had no plans to. Then I realized if I didn't, in January I'd be out of the loop on this blog. I might have to be out of the loop for awhile.

  49. Anonymous // 29/11/06 4:21 PM  

    Ice did you start at the bottom and read up to catch up with the story

    and Irre over the last 2 days we have had over 60 visits and 80 search enegine hits we are building a fan base because i checked and the people who came the first day returned the second day and then some new ones came

    I forgot to tell you i was tracking the site to check fan base lol

  50. Anonymous // 29/11/06 4:24 PM  

    yeah I started at the bottom. You're about to get more fans, I just told my cousins about it!

  51. Anonymous // 29/11/06 4:25 PM  

    quanda, we will talk about more than that show so you wont be all the way out of the loop

  52. Anonymous // 29/11/06 4:27 PM  

    Ice tell as many people as you can we love fans and please leave cooments we love to read them

  53. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 29/11/06 4:37 PM  

    lol. know i kinda feel the same way but then i cant help but want to watch the train wreck that will be new york's show.

  54. Anonymous // 29/11/06 4:50 PM  

    I love New York!

    Can someone please start a "I hate buckwild" site because that bitch is so wack and ugly

  55. Anonymous // 29/11/06 4:58 PM  

    Ooooh NV you on some hardcore spy-type shyt! I had no idea you were tracking out visitors like that. Perhaps you'll get so big that maybe you'll get a blog devoted to you and the things you post. Good luck dear, it was all YOUR idea, I just contribute.Why haven't you posted again? Did you or Didn't you like how I put a supernatural spin on things by giving Sincere "the gift"?

  56. Anonymous // 29/11/06 5:03 PM  

    Oh, I love that Sincere has the gift of just added more to the whole story

  57. Anonymous // 29/11/06 5:07 PM  

    WHAT?!? Ice you mean to say you've reached the top of the page already? You was reading Hellaciously fast ma-ma.

  58. Anonymous // 29/11/06 5:15 PM  

    Honey, when I'm really diggin somethin I can stay in it and get through it....

  59. Anonymous // 29/11/06 5:15 PM  

    Ice damn you read fast lol
    and Irre I love it its been a little too busy at work for me to post but i will tonight trust me I have to and this is OUR BLOG not just mine cause I dont believe in blowingup alone it may have been my idea but it was nothing without you and tica

  60. Anonymous // 29/11/06 5:31 PM  

    LAWD HAMMERCY!!! did yall folks hear about the lady who microwaved her infant, i reckon that bitch oughta go to hell makin Black people look bad like that, damn! Everytime i turn on the TV i see niggas acting an asshole.......

    whoa lawdy pickin up cotton...


  61. Anonymous // 29/11/06 5:35 PM  


  62. Anonymous // 29/11/06 7:23 PM  

    If you think Bootz did a great booty dance, check out these girls.

  63. FOL // 29/11/06 8:27 PM  

    Lmao..outta here wid dat

  64. Anonymous // 30/11/06 12:59 PM  

    Weren't they just loverly, steups? btw, steups can I suck your dick? ;-P

  65. Anonymous // 30/11/06 1:02 PM  

    Oh, here's another booty shake video

    "just shake that ass bitch and let me see what ya got!"

  66. Anonymous // 5/12/06 5:51 PM  


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