I don't know where to start...but it's all about New York.
Datellecash;(you know her from the comments) sent me the spoiler links for the Reunion Special: After the Lovin' on VH1's broadband video channel. Naturally, we have Ponlork working on grabbing the content and we'll provide it to you as soon as possible.
Until then you can probably access it yourself, although I hope you won't because we love when you visit "The Blogspot" to get all witty in the comment box.

Next up is Sheniqua, who advises and informs me that she has received word that Flava Flav has reportedly made an appearance on New York's Show, "I love New York". The word is he returns to win her heart, and it's up to "New York" to add him to the other men vying for her attention; or to ask him, his seven children and his four baby mammas to get on "Flavor of Love 3" and seek love for a third time.

'Phillycat' (I never knew Philadelphia had super-heroes) sent me audio of an interview with "New York" that was taped just after "Buckeey" was booted. It's typical "New York" stuff but she did say Flav was starting to "feel" "Buckeey" so she was glad to see the back of her. I'll have the audio linked somewhere soon enough...

The final bit of news comes from 'Rehmann Bhatti' who administers a newly created Flavor of Love message-board. Go check it out, you just might like it...

Anyway, he clued us in to video of "New York" and "Red Oyster" acting the fool. It's not a pleasant sight with her looking intoxicated and obsessed with giving the finger-salute; but at least she re-affirms the show is titled "I love New York" and announced the show will begin January 16th; just 80 days to go...

New York and Red Oyster


  1. Anonymous // 28/10/06 3:14 PM  


  2. Anonymous // 28/10/06 3:21 PM  


    what a useless ghetto moment. anyone seen that ep on boondocks? that's what this feels like.

    P.S. Anonomous is useless. Stop posting just to say you are first. no one gives a shit.

  3. Anonymous // 28/10/06 3:28 PM  

    Ok.....I think that dude in that video is on some cheap crack! I couldnt understand nothing his ass was saying! Worst video I seen yet!!

  4. FOL // 28/10/06 3:29 PM  

    No One.......are you The No One from S2S?

    Anon, I appreciate your "first" comment.
    Next week when the show ends I will be grateful for any sort of comment.

  5. Mz.D // 28/10/06 3:29 PM  


    was that?

    Was she tryna act "hard" ???...LOL

    any other time shes trying to act like a highly educated DI-VA...

  6. FOL // 28/10/06 3:30 PM  

    I should really credit the Source of the video.....I'll be back

  7. Anonymous // 28/10/06 3:32 PM  

    What the hell was that...pure crap! looks as if it was filmed in someone basement...

    i am glad, however, that it looks as if NY put a little weight on her...doesn't look so crakish right now (sorry I know is a NY friendly blog)

  8. Anonymous // 28/10/06 3:36 PM  

    i've never been to s2s. that's your racket. i don't even know the address. and don't worry about getting any kind of comments after the show airs. just setup you ilovenewyork.blogspot.com and you will be up for business. in 2 months.

    btw what do you think of this?

    "Videos have captured the eyeballs for years, and now if they can roll ten to fifteen hot chicks per rapper/singer, marketing teams ( I'm so sick of that wack term marketing 2006 = pimpin) can keep making ugly the new cute...WTF!? "

    and i still say anonymous is pretty damn useless

  9. Anonymous // 28/10/06 3:37 PM  

    btw that quote was CHUCK D. the nonsellout of public enemy

  10. FOL // 28/10/06 3:49 PM  

    I think you meant the non-obvious sellout of Public Enemy

  11. Anonymous // 28/10/06 4:03 PM  

    I'm glad to see New York out relaxing. I'm also glad at least she's cool with one of the girls from the show. I always liked Red Oyster.

  12. Anonymous // 28/10/06 4:05 PM  

    nope i meant exactly what i said (as i usually do). if you have proof that Chuck D is a sellout. post it. but don't smear his name out of your love for a crackhead, baby momma havin, black jimminy cricket. the hypocrite who once cowrote "Burn Hollywood Burn" only to become hollywood's Black Face of the month. You're talking to one of PE's oldest fans. I've been to their concerts and seen Chuck D op to take cabs instead of limos, go on tours to bring attention to african struggles. try to move the music industry to to an independent online base instead of the detrimental corporate arena that has young folks doing the "chicken dance" on BET. don't smear him because one of his partners sold out.

  13. FOL // 28/10/06 4:07 PM  

    No One, I have seen the article before and only just read it all..Here's what I think...

    I think Chuck D doesn't appreciate the pros and cons of personal choice, I think he is caught in a trap of his own making where he positioned himself as anti-establishment icon so he is compelled to toe what I think is an anti-consmuerism line.

    He partially admits that Flav was always the Clown-Prince of PE and a Falstaffian character who voices wisdom in an almost ironic and accidental fashion.

    For that reason you can see him trying to make his point without contradicting his own creation.

    From all that I got three things
    1) he is ashamed of the portrayal of women (yet he seems, typically, more ashamed of the black women)

    2) he rails against the dumbing down of mass-communication, but he never took the time to make any counter-argumeent that there is just as much intellect on television as there is "Anti-lectualism"

    3) he seems disappointed by the top Black female executives portrayal of Black women; but Chuck isn't a new cat in the alley. He knows that a rich black person is no longer a black person!
    So why is he wasting time with unrealistic expectations.

    The bottomline is everything is about choice. That's why Jesus and the Devil were hanging out and chilling when Christ was fasting. There will always be dumb and clever.
    But at times, dumb is clever, if you are smart enough to see it.

    I think FOL2 is a clever show; but I won't argue with anyone else who sees it differently.

    That's what I thought.

  14. Anonymous // 28/10/06 4:08 PM  

    People who think New York isn't sexy are crazy. The interviewer couldn't keep his hands off of her. When she picks up weight she is very sexy and that tatoo on her breast is the bomb!!

  15. FOL // 28/10/06 4:11 PM  
  16. FOL // 28/10/06 4:13 PM  

    Anon @ 4:08...yep, she does look a lot better with the extra pounds

  17. Anonymous // 28/10/06 5:19 PM  

    I'm no NY fan, but she def looks better at this weight. Ok, the "host" of this HAMof a show, looked like an ASS all hype about NY when clearly she was intoxicated. Red Oyster... no one cares about you or most of the girls from season 1 and Season 2 has a "whole" lot on season 1.

  18. Anonymous // 28/10/06 5:53 PM  

    steups, i always kind of figured you were a young cat so getting into deep discussions on a flavor of love blog is kind of pointless. but i have to provide at least a surface rebuttal cause you are so far off in your analysis that it's almost scary to me. First and foremost chuck d doesn't discourage individual choices. if he did he wouldn't still tour with flavor flavor or support him on a personal level (even when he was on crack). People have been kicked out of PE but not for their individual decisions. Only for violent confrontations with business associates.
    2) a rich black person is still black. just ask michael jackson and oj simpson. white people will let you know just how black you are the minute you don't serve their purpose. And you will soon be reminded that you are just a "nigger" with money to them. Even on this blog i've seen that reference in many comments. I would like to know what black person in USA bought themselves into a new race.
    3) it's pretty sad when television can actually convince our youth that "dumb is clever". Kind of resembles what Chuck D said in his article that they can convince you that "ugly is the new cute". But i guess that's the dangers of mass media to turn common sense into NO sense and NO sense into common sense. There is absolutely NO intellectual value in FOL2 or FOL1. There will be no intellectual value in ILNY.
    Finally, I argued with my friend that as long as you view this show for entertainment only then there is little harm. you have proven her right and me wrong. If black youth can find intellectual value in a tv show where women fuss at each other and shake their ass for the fake affection of ugly men while white tv producers and editors rake in all the profits then there is real damage after all.

  19. Anonymous // 28/10/06 5:55 PM  

    at this point you're convincing me to delete every FOL show i've ever downloaded.

  20. FOL // 28/10/06 6:02 PM  

    The conflict between 5:53 and 5:55 is telling.

    My saying they're no longer black is an appreciation that class often trumps race.
    Your argument seems to dwell in the minds of white people while mine, speaks to the thinking of the rich black individual. The wealtheir you are the less prescribed you are to your own racial identity, until you are faced with a crisis, or in a rush to manufacture a legacy.

    And there is intellect in every show, including FOL2, but unlike Chuck or yourself; I don't need Ebert or Roeper to explain it to me.

  21. FOL // 28/10/06 6:08 PM  

    And, to not confuse or mislead anyone, I am a fan of Chuck and he has done more for black people (and others) than I ever will, even if I am reincarnated a thousand times over.

    But the dude, at times, seems pigeon-holed and restricted to sentiments he expressed in his rap. Things change.

  22. hutche // 28/10/06 7:20 PM  

    yeah well these posts are getting unessacerily deep so let me dumb it up.

    I must be a typical dumb ass man who goes for the first piece of ass that comes along but New York is sexy as hell all drunk and slutty lke that. I cant help it , it was just really a turn on.

  23. FOL // 28/10/06 7:51 PM  

    lmao @ hutche.
    I thought the same, I was like her breasts are something else

  24. Anonymous // 28/10/06 7:53 PM  

    Hey y'all,

    I was wondering when we were going to talk about the article I posted by Chuck D. I mean, he knew Flava Flav much longer than we have. I appreciate all of your comments, and especially NoOne and Steups, so here are a few of my own:

    1. To anyone that thinks any of this is JUST a TV show, I think that's very shortsighted. Take The Apprentice, for example. Had Omarosa been a different type of person and understood the larger picture that maintaining poised and not becoming "Reality TV Bitch" seeking fame (and later, fortune), she might still have some dignity. Instead, she becomes intoxicated with the attention and fame, sabotages Kwame, with whom she could have been in business later on and for decades to come, not to mention the other contestants. Unfortunately, she proved herself a liar (the pot calling the kettle black is NOT a racist phrase, in fact I think Black people came up with it) and a fake and only out for fortune. She gained a stint on "The Surreal Life" (which was supposed to be for "has beens"), fake breasts and in the meantime, lost her husband (they got divorced, btw), has not been teaching and I have no idea if she graduated with her doctorate. As an individual, she profited but as a collective body, her and her behavior on TV made it very hard, for Black women in corporate America, in particular. Now, that's reality. Why? Because we are more segregated in living quarters today than we were during the 1940s and 50s. So, White folks tend to get to "know" Black people at work, those in college and on TV, that's about the gist of it, unfortunately.

    2. Back to Flavor of Love. Chuck D supported Flav and encouraged him to head to LA. He has openly stated that Flav is addicted to attention. His wild personality was great and fun for Public Enemy but I can imagine that when you cannot take off your character cap AFTER the show, that has got to be annoying. Flav probably caused alot of trouble on the road. What do you think it says about a person when they have to get back on TV in order to not use anymore crack? How do you think Flav's babies' mothers feel and felt when they saw him on the show (remember, he up and left six kids in NYC) and then later on finding "Strange Love" with Brigitte Nielsen? We can say what we want to say but what were those kids doing without their father in their lives? Where were their resources coming from when he smoked up all their child support on crack? How many women did he smack and how many charges or "phone calls" for domestic violence has he been subjected to? I am all for second chances but there is something seriously wrong with Flava Flav. Yes, it makes for entertaining TV and I'm glad he's not on crack and now has enough money to support his kids, including being smart enough to get them a cameo (I suppose) and some cash with this latest season . . . but Flav's addiction is very telling, his color complex is very telling, his miseducation is very telling and while he rhymes very well, he clearly cannot code switch. His behavior on this show has been reprehensible, as have all of the women. Every last one of them. Just think . . . there is a way that they could have been on the show, even with the dance contests, the "clean ups" and all the tests without it stooping to such a horrid level. Just think about it.

    3. What are the real life consequences? Some peoples' lives have been ruined from the Jerry Springer-like atmosphere and if you all will recall, someone was killed because of the shenanigans that occurred on Jerry's show. This is what stopped all of the public airing of the violence on TV. Everybody is salivating, wanting to see what would have happened in the parking lot but, honestly, how would you feel if any of those women were seriously hurt? I mean, for real . . . because the whole gang-banging atmosphere is real and if NY were out in the parking lot, I honestly believe they would have killed her.

    4. As a Black woman, I'm not a prude and I don't believe any of those women "represent" me. However, I live in racist America. I live in classist America. I live in sexist America and no matter how much WE have fought, there have been racist (and not always blatantly racist, mind you) cartoons, TV shows, documentaries, video games and commercials that consistently and routinely show us in exactly the manner some other poster wrote --- they make sure there is no balance, they make sure that we are MUCH more often seen as wild and outrageous as opposed to being remotely civilized. Therefore, shows like this DO become a representation of all of us, whether we like it or not, because they are the dominant idea in society. Flavor of Love seasons 1 and 2 was a giant hip hop video matched with evolving technology, so now this type of trash has an even further reach. Did you know that when Black people travel outside of the US, other people think it is actually acceptable and normal to call Black men niggers and Black women bitches? Where do you think they get these ideas if these and all of the other shows are "just TV shows" and "just videos" and "just songs"? Has it ever occurred to you that the MAJORIY of the shows and videos and songs tend to have the same dumbass message? - Bling bling, sex, cars, cash . . . that's it.

    Some of y'all act like you don't know anything about history. Nothing. If anything, the women on there should be ashamed of their behavior BEFORE the show, ON the show and AFTER the show. It's like we don't have any standards anymore. Like "anything goes" as long as you make money. People say, "well, she's rich now so . . ." SO??!!!! Is that all that matters now, is to just be rich? Lil' Kim is rich, does that bitch look happy or, in any way, well adjusted?

    5. Is there something intellectual to be learned from the show? Of course! There is always something to learn from these types of shows --- certainly not proper grammar or articulation --- but the ruthlessness of the human spirit, how to play psychological games, when a human being will resort to physical violence, the psychology of men and sex vs. the psychology of women and sex, what people will do for money, what they will do for fame, the extent to which someone will compromise their morals and values in order to "get mine". I've learned alot from watching this show and Flav did NOT act this trifling on either The Surreal Life or Strange Love. He acted ignorant, to be sure, but definitely not this trifling. I watched the show but I did become surprised at how bad it got week after week after week.

    They are all guilty. And they are all "fake" in the sense that they were willing to adopt different characters for fame and fortune. It's interesting how so many of the posters grew "uncomfortable" watching the extra footage from the Reunion Special. Why? Because you saw all those white men standing around with cameras and tapes and their security outfits and some laughing and some not and the whole white wall was disturbing to you because you started to see that while this is part "character" and part "reality" (nobody can MAKE them do what they're doing), it was also very well orchestrated by the manner in which they ask people questions, what they bring up to each new person, how they talk to the individuals after eliminations, who they ask them about, etc. People got disturbed because they saw those white producer hands holding those puppet strings to ALL of the bobble heads there good for TV, including and not the least of which is Flav.

    It would be nice to live in a society that judged us all as individuals but I think you are delusional if you, in any way, think that this is "just" a TV show and no one takes it further than that, especially considering that, as Kanye West said, "George Bush Don't Like Black People". It's all pretty funny until you see that people with gold teeth, big asses and fake weaves are floating in the Katrina waters in New Orleans or stuck on rooftops because, well, "those people are animals anyway". And I don't mean that these are "Klan members" thinking or saying this. The consistent idea that Americans are always fed about Black people is that we are not worthy of full citizenship. The white girls on the show are instantly dismissed as trash, so you don't have to worry about them.

    And for those who brought up the real world and white girls on reality shows, ask yourself, try to count them actually, how many white girls do you see acting that stupid and trifling vs. the endless number of white women you see on television every single day that DO NOT? Those white girls don't define White Americans because White people are not stupid enough nor disempowered to the point that they would allow that level of misrepresentation of their people with that level of imbalance. For every Beth, there are ten white female lawyers. For every dumb white bitch, there are 20 upstanding white women. For every white desperate housewife, there are 30 upstanding and sympathetic representations. See if you can even remotely get through the five fingers on one hand thinking about how many Black female lawyers YOU see on TV? How many Black men of substance? Should we count them? Coming up short? Yes, they are there but you are coming up short, aren't you?

    And THAT is why this is not "just a TV show". The media is the most powerful medium on the planet and you are a fool to believe this is meaningless.

    I apologize for going on so long and I'm not saying I don't like entertainment but there was a point when I was watching the show where the entertainment value decreased and it's because of the low level that it crossed. Flavor of Love could have been an excellent show, even with NY talking all her smack, without this level of degradation.

    Just think about it and I wish the best for you all.

  25. FOL // 28/10/06 7:54 PM  

    Seven years married Datellecash?
    That's about the time the "itch" comes along, so, according to the books I have read you need to be a bit more subservient to your husband to keep him interested, lmao.

    (ducks, runs, and hides)

  26. FOL // 28/10/06 8:05 PM  

    Goddess, that was excellent; and I need to digest it before I comment...but, just to say that often people have generalisations that never impact on their daily routine.

    A person's behaviour tends to be governed by interaction with individuals. So, the point I am making is, while it may be that this show adds another layer to the negative perception, the avergae non-black person will still react to the person he sees in fromt of him or her.

    Very few people subject themselves to stereotypes when they are faced with the contrary.
    But damn, man; why are you on No One throwing this guilt trip on us; on the eve of the final Finale, lmao.

    Y'all could have dropped this on November 1st.

    Poor Groovy (as a Caucasian woman) is probably reading this and afraid to enter the debate.

  27. lareigna // 28/10/06 8:07 PM  

    Her breasts are something else Steups.

  28. FOL // 28/10/06 8:19 PM  

    You think?
    Might be a good bra, but I dunno.

    I'll defer to your knowledge on women's breasts, lol.

  29. hutche // 28/10/06 8:25 PM  

    I think their real. I think thats a good bra. The're phenominal though, just plain wondeful.

    Im pathetic I know....and I dont care.

  30. Anonymous // 28/10/06 8:32 PM  

    I figured the Flavorette title was a lie. And, since Ponlork is working on getting some of the exclusives to post on youtube, could ANYONE ask him if he could get Girls Gone Flav 3 where Somethin and Bootz' argument inside the bedroom over Somethin walking in on them talking about her was longer? I need it for something and it's the only Girls Gone Flav episode that wasn't posted. Please and thank you. :)

  31. Anonymous // 28/10/06 8:37 PM  

    Hey Steups,

    I appreciate you reading. I know it was long but it needed to be said. It's as much a reminder to myself as to everyone else. I'm not above any of this, I watch the show too . . . but I can't say I get the same joy and glee from the Reunion show battle. Verbal confrontations and seeing NY peeping out of the window in every corner? Hilarious . . .

    Didn't mean to throw a guilt trip, either. It just all came out I guess watching these episodes, seeing the previews and reading the comments.

    I didn't know Groovy was a white woman and it's somewhat disturbing to know this, actually, but I know white folks watch the show and that they don't all think alike but still . . . no offense, Groovy, just being honest and I don't recall you saying anything crazy, so . . . or maybe I just missed it . . . whatever, keep on keepin' on! LOL

  32. Anonymous // 28/10/06 9:12 PM  

    I Love NY !!LOL


  33. FOL // 28/10/06 9:12 PM  

    Nina, it's on the blog somewhere.
    Groovy is the archivist so she'll tell you.

    I hope I used archivist correctly.
    (takes deep breath and prepares to read the two comments above)

  34. Anonymous // 28/10/06 9:23 PM  

    i really came late in the game, as per usual, but here are my thoughts:

    the only way to acceptably appreciate and enjoy this show on a surface basis is just for entertainment - it is obviously blown way out of proportion. it is REALITY TELEVISION. name one reality tv show that you could really relate with. you can't. they're all ridiculous.

    that said, i do concede that there are implications for the themes that they run across in this show - this is no more "just a TV show" than any other cultural artifact is just a cultural artifact. pop culture may be populist, often dumbed down and overdramatic, but at the same time, they do disperse IDEAS, and reflect themes that will APPEAL to an audience, so that tells us something about our culture. which, yes, is a little scary.

    i have given this much thought - in fact, i'm writing my senior thesis largely as a case study of the FOL phenomenon - and i'm still embattled with the fact that i am so ENTERTAINED by something i recognize to be potentially demeaning to scads of people. at the end of the day, i can reconcile the fact that AWARENESS is the name of the game. as long as i realize that what i'm watching is complete trash, i'm free to enjoy it for what it is - bad tv. i just wish all people would give such thought to what they consume, what they like about it, and why.

    (for what it's worth, i'm a white girl. i don't really know what that means for my "experience" of the show. i don't think it means much.)

    also, in response to steups's comment about "I think you meant the non-obvious sellout of Public Enemy": HA!

    and, also in an attempt to dumb this post down a bit: OMG holy god yes new york's boobs are fake. look at what she looked like in the episode from the first season where pumkin spits on her, and then look at her in a bikini in the FOL2 finale. case closed.

  35. FOL // 28/10/06 9:23 PM  

    Datellecash, I did get that activist vibe from you.

    Goddess, I read it all and more than once. I can't really disagree with anything you said, although I tried and Elle gave an alternative view.

    If you are a black person, FOL2 is 90% entertainment and 10% embarrassment. I prefer to dwell on the 90%

    On the Groovy thing, I kind of se where you're going with that but she'll speak for herself.
    She's my friend though so your vibe will be different to mine, if it is at all.

    I am out for the night...laterz everyone.

  36. Anonymous // 28/10/06 9:25 PM  


    Real quick:
    1. As I said, we are more segregated now than ever before, not vice versa. So, no, white folks do NOT tend to see our street corners and that is the problem. The point is that we live in these hoodish conditions and they tend to laugh at what they see on TV. There is a disconnect, which is why they can buy up gangsta rap like it's no problem but we are the ones that tend to get shot.

    2. I live in the hood, too. I help out, too. Nuff said. We have to deal wth the repercussions of what is in our lives AND what is on TV. Because art imitates life imitates art. We know there will be someone in the hood dressed up like Deelishis or Flav this Halloween. LOL

    3. I am not worried about "image", I am worried about image vs. balance vs. real world repercussions. Please understand where I'm coming from. Everybody does not have to be The Cosby's. That's not what I'm saying.

    Can you imagine a Hip Hop Bachelor show that does not have to be THIS ignorant and trifling? I'm just wondering . . .

    4. This is way beyond slavery. Most of the negative images of us in the media came AFTER slavery, when we were "citizens" to show that we were inferior and did not have what it would take to advance civilization. Minstrel shows, cartoons, movies, documentaries, musicals, the list goes on, hon. I'm sorry but I didn't make it up.

    5. To think that the majority of this is unintentional is exceptionally naive. The reason why we are more segregated today than during the Civil Rights Movement is because many more (not all but most) white folks decided that they would rather live in the suburbs than be integrated. I'm sorry, I didn't make up the history, so don't be made at me.

    And on a shallow note:
    6. NY's breasts look real to me. Enjoy, fellas!

  37. FOL // 28/10/06 9:29 PM  

    Loved the gif by the way.....and after Arielle's comment I have this sense of foreboding that tells me I must vacate the comments box and soon.

    I agree with much of what you said Arielle.

    When you really think about it, we are being a tad elitist; because we aren't negatively influenced by the show yet we assume others will be.

  38. Anonymous // 28/10/06 9:39 PM  


    Excellent post. I do think your experience watching the show has to be different but I would also say a Black person who didn't grow up around Black people would also have a different take on the show. It's about culture, not "race", which is how/why Like Dat could question Buckwild but still comment that there were white people she grew up with in her neighborhood that were *sort* of like Buckwild.

    As for reality TV shows, they differ. I can relate to The Apprentice, The Amazing Race, Starting Over, Fear Factor (sometimes), SuperNanny, Wife Swap / Trading Spouses and The Surreal Life (sort of, I mean, I would never be asked to be on since I've never been famous but still . . .). I guess that's why I'm saying they don't all have to be so ridiculous and over the top. The earlier episodes of The Real World were fantastic, also. So, I can't agree with you in that capacity but I do understand what you're saying relative to the exceptionally crazy Reality TV shows.

    I need to see a pic to compare NYs breasts. If they are fake, the doctor did a great job with her!

    Steups, I appreciate your comments. I don't have a problem with Groovy, in general and I understand she's your friend and she seems mad cool, so I can see why.

  39. Groovy Noodles // 28/10/06 9:46 PM  

    Wow, lots and lots of interesting comments tonight. I really need to re-read these without small children running around like lunatics, and I need to give it a lot of thought to comment intelligently, so give me some time.

    In the meantime, Nina, I'm not sure what post we have that video on, but I do have this link for you from You Tube. Will this help?


  40. Anonymous // 28/10/06 10:08 PM  

    On a lighter note . . . BUCKWILD is auctioning the shoe she threw at New York during the reunion: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=110049250743&sspagename=ADME:B:AAQ:US:1

    Desperate attention whore.

  41. Anonymous // 28/10/06 10:31 PM  

    to steups
    this is USA race always trumps class in this country. We have more wealthy black people now than we ever did and even they have glass sealings. Even a black billionaire won't be president in this country. we haven't even had that many governors and it's not for lack of trying. how many black people own sport teams or even more serious forms of businesses in this country. and ask the ones that do have corporate ownership if they've ever lost a major deal because the next guy was (wh)right race. owning a business myself i know for a fact wealth class don't trump race. The wealthiest black person in america can move to the whitest suburbs , get a white wife/husband and have mixed kids that will eventually be called a "nigger" by their whiter counter parts. living in colorado i know this for a fact. so you can't tell me that class is trumped by race.

    Part 2.
    People like to think we live in an individualistic society where what one person does doesn't effect other people. However, If you think white employers or politicians and business men don't treat you as a race instead of an individual then you need not look any further than last years Hurricane Katrina trama to be proven wrong. I'm not just talking about the thousands of senseless deaths caused by the levees, shootings, police beatings. I'm also talking about the various comments and callousness of the politicians and treatment post Hurricane towards black people. It's a dangerous thing to think that just cause YOU look at yourself as an individual and not part of a race that there aren't consequences. I'm sure the black business (not poor lowerclaassman) man who was shown on camera being beaten by police in the french quarter when he was just going to check on his property thought he was just an individual too until the first fist came across his head. Go to high school and look at how youth mimmic the images on tv (not their households). We don't live in a bubble or as individuals. We all need to realize that. Images do effect perception and like it or not perception can effect reality. Heck we are in two wars and conquered two countries because of False perceptions purposely created by men with selfish intentions. VH1 is no better. Every image you see on FOL is strategicly video taped and edited by men with selfish intentions. You have to decide if for yourself if you will let them. It doesnt matter if i bring this up on reunion or first ep., it's obviously something that needs to be said because i've watched VH1 with each ep become increasingly worse, not better. This Finale seems like it's even worse than the last ep. You can do the chicken dance. But i choose not too.

  42. Anonymous // 28/10/06 10:37 PM  

    and for those of you who don't know what i'm talking about when i say the "chicken dance" this is bullsh*t BET has been pumping out to black youth

    I can see the white boys at Viacom laughing their ass off. don't tell me entertainment can't be harmful.

  43. hutche // 28/10/06 10:42 PM  

    you know I would never take away the validity of these arguments, but this blog is reeeally becoming a buzz kill. The whole point I whatch this show is becuase theres nothing more to it then people acting a fool which is fun to whatch sometimes,
    I dont want to think of the ramifacations this might have on somebody who may possibly feel this that or the other way about it. Its a show that has outalndish behavior in the same veign of other shows Im not studying it like that ,

    personally I dont see why others are either but they are hence the long ass posts on here. Its an entertaining show I dont have to "dig deeper" in the show just beacue im black and Im not going to second guess what some body may think about the show , becuase its not my concern. And it dont effect me.

    What it comes down to is , black people need to stop worrying about what white people think of them plain and simple.

  44. Anonymous // 28/10/06 10:53 PM  


    I guess some of this is relative but to answer your questions:

    1. Yes and no on Flav and being in a strong, political group. He was always the clown, so I don't have a problem with him being silly on the reality shows. I think his viking hat is funny, I think "Flavor Flaaaav" is still hilarious. There are alot of things that could have still been funny and exciting without it being downright trifling. What bothers me? At this point, alot of things. I think Nibblez was 100% correct when she said, "I didn't come here to be a role model, I came here to be a lover". Flav is no kind of upstanding role model and he's there adopting the pimp demeanor, dress, attitude and behavior and expects Nibblez to be all upstanding? Please . . .

    2. Yes, I expected him to be better than Puck from The Real World. Come on, now, that should not even be a question. Flav did NOT act this trifling on The Surreal Life or Strange Love. He was NOT a puck. In fact, he united many of the houemates and was one of the more positive people out of those angry at losing their fame. LOL

    3. I want to share something with you about Fear Factor. I like the physical challenges and, yes, some of the food scares me and I would not eat it. However, there is actually nothing wrong with any of the food that they eat on TV. Each of those food items is taken from foods that other cultures eat around the world. I know it may sound gross but people do eat bugs and rats and spiders and whatnot. And before you judge, I find few things more gross than eggs but I eat them all the time. So, saying that one has "no business" eating those foods is just your own personal preference and bias, actually.

    3. I do not romanticize white folks. I know exactly what they do during Mardis Gras, on shows like "Elimidate" and the list goes on. The point, Sis, is that they do not allow but so much of that to go on without a heavy stabilizing balance the other way. That's why Mr. Girls-Gone-Wild keeps getting sued and why there was a national uproar (remember that?) about The Jerry Springer Show. Keep that in mind . . . a National Uproar.

    4. Your neighborhood in Minnesota is the exception, my sister, not the rule. Neighborhoods like that and in California are where America is *headed* but not where it's at.

    5. Black folks help out in different ways, all the time. Let's not compare activism and generosity. If your point is to say that "we" don't help out as much, I would have to disagree and also ask you to compare resources, who is at work at what times, etc.

    Anyway, it sounds like a good place to be and I applaud your community. It is the exception, though . . .

    Steups, please don't be afraid. It's really all good, here. Not to worry, we have all come this far, there is no way I can miss the reunion show after all of this even if, for nothing else, it's just to be nosy.

    Maybe the reason why Black people find this 90% entertaining is because we know they are all asses, whereas the 10% that's disturbing is we know other people can't tell the difference.

  45. Anonymous // 28/10/06 10:57 PM  

    Oh and by the way, let me know where Flava Flav's present persona fits into this one:



  46. Anonymous // 28/10/06 11:07 PM  

    I liked the name "The Flavorette" better than "I love New York"..

  47. Anonymous // 28/10/06 11:56 PM  

    ARE YOU PEOPLE FUCKING KIDDING ME!!!!!!! WHEN IN THE HELL DID THIS SHOW BECOME A RACIAL DEBATE??? It's real sad to hear anyone say that if one person of the same race as you makes a fool of themself than that means every other race is going to think your all fools. The white man can't hold anyone down the only thing holding anyone down is themselves. The race card is real played out it's time for every race to drop the bull cause I'm sick of hearing people take about white people being racist when other races are just as bad, if not worse!!! Grow the fuck up already!!!

    Now can we please talk about FOL, cause that's what we came here for.

    In case your wondering I'm hispanic but my husband & children are white. And my brother & sister are half black. And my step-daughter is half black, so as you can see there is NO race discrimination in my home. We all bleed the same.

  48. hutche // 29/10/06 12:25 AM  

    Hold up anon 11:56. I think you better calm the hell down. You cant just be come in in a black blog raising all kinds a hell, that'll get you a quick ass whoopin'.

    But for the most part I agree. I think who ever truely has a problem with this show either dont whatch (which is not that had) or whatch it and stop trying to lay the guilt trip on posters how enjoy the show with very thinley vailed attepts at venting your moral opposition to the content of the show.

    In other words stop trying to preach because you feel guilty about likeing the show. Your cluttering up the boards with non FOL material and ruining the show disscusion for me.

  49. Anonymous // 29/10/06 12:33 AM  

    This is NOT a black blog.

  50. hutche // 29/10/06 12:55 AM  

    This a black blog. Just becuase you are not black and other ethnicities post here doesnt mean its not, sorry if that scares you. But thats besides the point. the show is the point.

  51. Anonymous // 29/10/06 12:59 AM  

    You stupid hispanic bitch!! Race is always the issue. Bitch I feel it every time I'm followed around in "BeBe's" or "Macy's". Every fuckin day it's a drag being black for one reason or another. N

    Who cares about your mixed up azz family. Is anyone in your home a full black female?? not mixed bitch, black? How could you possible understand how a show like FOL is harmful in our race. It went past entertaining a long time ago, and ended up as disrespectful. Those chicks on the show are young and stupid, but the producers show now better.

    Take yo azz some where else cause we talk about a whole lot more then makeup and hair weaves in this bitch. Are u upset because the post weren't comments on these chicks beening ugly or not so a hatin hispanic bitch like u can add your two cents. Hoe u are exposed..get the fuck outta here.

  52. hutche // 29/10/06 1:15 AM  

    Told you anon 11:56 dont be commin up in here tearin up stuff. That was a verbal ass whoopin. Let me go help you sit down cause I know that was ruff.

  53. Anonymous // 29/10/06 1:22 AM  

    Thanks, Steups and Groovy, but that's not the video I was referring to. You guys know Episode 3, where Somethin actually walked in on Krazy, Bootz, Deelishis and Buckwild laughing about her shitting on the floor? Well, remember they starting arguing (Somethin & Bootz)? There is a longer version of the whole ordeal on VSpot called "Girls Gone Flav 3". The video you linked me to is "Girls Gone Flav 2".

    I'm DESPERATELY trying to get the 3rd Girls Gone Flav off VSpot but I don't know how to do it and it's not showing up in the Podcast. Someone PLEASE help me. :)

  54. Anonymous // 29/10/06 1:08 AM  

    I don't think that New York show even has a chance of doing nearly as well as FOL. One simple fact....Jan 16th is on a Tuesday night. One reason that FOL has done so well with ratings is because of the night and time. I wish NY the best. I know that I will be watching!!!!

  55. Anonymous // 29/10/06 1:47 AM  

    We're they all high? or drunk? or both? That was a waste... and that "host" was friggin' annoying...he was shouting and i couldn't understand a damn thing he was saying. NY was acting completely different than what we've seen on TV.

  56. Anonymous // 29/10/06 2:24 AM  


    To find your clip (it's there), go to vh1.com, click on flavor of love when the flashing scene comes up, NOT on the show summary or episode. AFTER the VH1 screen comes up and starts to play the "After the Lovin'", then click on the right side where it says "Shows", then "Flavor of Love", you will see the full episode extras come up. Scroll down and you'll get the scene you want.

    Hutche, I don't feel guilty about FOL nor am I trying to lay down a guilt trip. There are things that are entertaining about the show but the show did become increasingly more and more trifling. That's what shifted what I thought was entertaining to something more disturbing.

    Thanks for warning Ms. Anonymous Hispanic, though. LOL. And the next Anonymous, you went *off*. You ain't have to call her a bitch but I do understand your anger, so I don't have much more to say about that. She's shortsighted.

    Soulsista, don't forget VH1 plays shows over and over again. She might not get watched Live on Tuesdays but she will probably have a good opener and her repeats will probably get watched. New York is a character but I think a part of her appeal is being so rude to other women and her competitive nature. If the show is just her and men, I question how entertaining it will be but we'll see.

    By the way, the comments and analysis ARE about FOL, y'all. I don't see why all of our comments have to just be about one specific ignorant happening or another. I can comment on it but dag why can't we have some balance? I agree with Anonymous, who asked if the Hispanic woman only wanted us to comment on who was or was not ugly? Come on . . .

    I am still LOL at her response. Don't mess with an angry, intelligent Black woman. LOL


  57. Anonymous // 29/10/06 4:31 AM  

    Thank you boo boo, that response to that hispanic chick was from me. She had me heated. Thanks for the last comment at the end you make, I am all those things.

    Well I'm gonna go and get some rest like the rest of yall for the big show down on Sunday.

    Another shit stained moment in television.

  58. Anonymous // 29/10/06 4:59 AM  

    You're welcome, hon. I am still laughing and it was obvious by your response that you were intelligent, witty and a bonafide Black woman. As soon as I got to "not mixed bitch, black?", I laughed out loud because you sounded a bit like Bootz. Bootz is wild but she can go toe to toe with anybody verbally. Why can't she see that she doesn't have to fight? This ain't high school or grade school. Bootz had some very funny lines this entire show and if she would just stop trying to fight, she could have her own show because she's definitely better looking than New York.

    I'm ticked off at VH1. They had OTHER reunion sneak peaks up there but now it's all "Girls Gone Flav" and Bootz and New York have the main feature fights. I hope Bootz is able to come back to the reunion show to partially redeem herself. She knows how to play well for the cameras too but the most they would ever let her do is mudfight naked or something. Calm down, Bootz . . . you could be rich! (since this seems to be the only barometer of our success these days. LOL)

    I'm out, too.

    "Hoe you are exposed". LOL!!!! Whew, we know how to sling it!

  59. Anonymous // 29/10/06 7:41 AM  

    *peeks out from under computer desk* Am I the only one who thought 12:59 Anon. did NOT come off as 'intelligent'? Come on, why all the props to her post? "You stupid Hispanic bitch" and "Hoe you are exposed, get the fuck outta here?" are something to congratulate? Where's the smarts up in those sentences? Her point was in there somewhere...wish I didn't have to wade through the scrappy insults to see it. p.s. yeah, yeah, I'm a "full black" female I GUESS...though we all know alot of us has Native American or Caucasian blood. So that makes us less black I guess. *shakes head*

  60. Ivory // 29/10/06 7:42 AM  

    After reading through every post I had to write one myself.
    PLEASE be every bit as passionate and aware as you are now on November 7th, voting day!!!
    I believe it was said that 1 in 3 black Americans watched the FOL 2 season finale - imagine if the same number voted!
    We CAN change things for ourselves, but only by making damn sure that our voices are heard! Think about this please: obviously things need to change. Voting is a right that every citizen has and if every citizen who CAN vote DID vote in 2000 or 2004 than maybe now we wouldn't be spending $250 million (yes that's million) a DAY on the war in Iraq and instead be using the money to secure our borders, better our schools, etc, etc
    So, to finish this up, PLEASE use your voice on Nov. 7th - it is what we, our communities and our children deserve and it is up to us to do this for ourselves now!

  61. Anonymous // 29/10/06 9:09 AM  

    I'll believe its a black blog when the authors of this blog post it as such. Which might pretty hard considering one of the authors is white...

  62. Mz.D // 29/10/06 9:22 AM  

    my goodness...this is getting out of hand...

    Steups.....please say something...

    I dont feel that this is a black blog....

    someone please answer ...Groovy?...you there?

    Im waiting
    *NY Stance while tapping my foot*

  63. Anonymous // 29/10/06 10:12 AM  

    This is the hispanic bitch!!!! So your telling me that because my siblings are mixed that don't make them black? And then you want to sit here and preech about racisam??? Your just as ignorant and "blindsighted" as the people who do look at you as a color. Hutch as for your comment, I was already prepared for the all the cusing & shit talking but ain't no body whoopin shit in hear. You see my brother and sister experience racisam everyday but it's not from the white comunity!!!! Are you realy suprised homegirl made it clear up there she's just like the rest of the ignorent ass people who sit there and through rasial slurs in the black comunity at my famliy. So Anonymous@12:59 You proved my point about other races being just as bad if not worse. And in your case your being racist againt your own kind, and just so you know PR has lots of African roots so please save me the dramatics.

  64. Anonymous // 29/10/06 10:18 AM  

    Also before I go I'm a hatin hispanic bitch?? It's sound more to me like your the one that's hatin!!!! Grow up little girl and get a life!!!!

  65. Anonymous // 29/10/06 10:27 AM  

    Whew! The Flavor of Love blog has taken an unusually serious and militant turn today... and I, being the intelligent person that I am, kept my jewish ass out of it :)

    That being said, I agree with everything steups says (you can do no wrong in my eyes dude).

    Now back to more critical matters... if I had to think of one word to describe miss NY it would be PRETENTIOUS (come on, you know its true).

    She can't quite decide if she wants to be bourgeoisie or ghetto. She makes up words and says "if you will" a lot, like that makes her some kind of intellectual. She makes fun of Deelishis' mama's plastic hair and calls Buckwild ignorant like she's above them - sorry folks, but thats just not ladylike or sophisticated by any standard.

    Then suddenly, she decides that she wants to get all tough and ghetto and starts shouting and cursing like a sailor.

    So which is it NY? Are you classy or trashy? Apparently, Buckwild isn't the only one with an identity crisis.

  66. Anonymous // 29/10/06 10:35 AM  

    Good morning all,

    Today is the BIG day!!!! I am so excited. I can't wait for commentary :) will chat it up after the show.

    Datellecash A.K.A. Unique

  67. Anonymous // 29/10/06 11:08 AM  

    to the hispanic woman your comment about other races being worse proves that you know nothing about racism in america. tell me when the last time a black person in america was guilty of church burnings or convicted of a hate crime? cause it just happened pretty recently in the south. i don't know when to many black people who work hard to keep white people from voting or having their vote count. but i live in FL and i can tell you it happens every election in since 2000. don't tell me that racism doesn't exist just cause you like white people. and don't tell me that you know about racism just cause your siblings are half black. you don't know.
    yes these issues can be addressed without cursing.
    no i don't feel like i'm trying to guilt anyone by bringing up what is obvious and what people who are intelligent enough feel. VH1 is doing an injustice. Some view it as pure entertainment. I don't expect any of my comments to deter people from watching. if you feel guilty it's not from my comments it's cause you see what alot of us see. my main issue was when steups called Chuck D a sellout and couldn't prove it. Then he took it a step further and called FOL clever. that's disturbing. TV makes Common Sense into No Sense and No Sense into Common Sense.
    yes the owner of this blog is black even though there is participation from people of other races. but i think that would still make it a black blog the same way that many other entertainment blogs out there would be white blogs even with huge participation from people of other races. it's debatable though and probably not important at all.
    anyway, disussions like this are useful to put things into perspective. especially when people are actiing like this show is so special cause of whatever.
    Finally, it's not 1 out of every 3 black people that watched the finale. It's 1 out of every 3 black people that watched tv on Sunday (i think during that time slot) watched the finale.

  68. Anonymous // 29/10/06 11:34 AM  

    New York was looking sexy like always

  69. Anonymous // 29/10/06 11:39 AM  

    ok mama I guess it's safe to say your indenial. It's not that I like white,black,green or purple more. Unlike you I look at everyone like another humane and not a race or color. Your sitting here telling me that I don't know what I'm talking bout and African-americans are not racist. If you can sit there and put another race down for any reason your racist, plain and simple. You can't judge anyone race based on a hand full of people, What I'm trying to tell everyone is there are racist people in every race!!!! Is that more clear for everyone who dosen't see it!!! You are the one that refuses to accept the fact that your race is racist too and that's the real issue here.

  70. Mz.D // 29/10/06 11:43 AM  

    CHINGALING !!!!!!!!!

    *throws in two cents*

    I believe that every race experiences some form of racism...

    Most races have stereotypes...thats a form of racism..dont believe me...Look it up...

    racism is not all about hate...or who is superior...its also a belief that race is what makes the difference in someones character.

  71. Anonymous // 29/10/06 11:47 AM  

    I agree with you missd!!!! Thank you atleast some one can except the fact that there is racism in EVERY race.

  72. Anonymous // 29/10/06 12:36 PM  

    Yeah yeah yeah hispanic bitch, that's your new name since u insist on bringing yo azz back up in here. I'm the one that got in your azz last night. I called u out simply because you had a problem with the previous posts being about race and how race is not the issue. You still just azz dumb as you were last night. RACE IS ALWAYS AN ISSUE. I have been a full black female on this earth for 32 years, black mom and dad. Half of those years have been filled with racism from whores like you and a host of other haters.

    I deal with it in the work place, while out shopping, going to the bank, going out with my husband....etc.

    Bitch and about your family being mixed, I meant what the fuck I said last night. Mixed is not the same, black none the less, but not the same.

    About that puck azz comment about me needing to grow up....I've lived half my life cycle already, college educated with a Masters degree, cool income, kids, husband, yadda yadda yadda, and I still meant every got dam thing I said earlier. I use to to think my race wasn't an issue too when I was like 17 or 18, wet around the ears. Had to go out into the world and make something of myself and all that shit changed. I am old enough to make all the observations I want about my race and racism and trust me all the black people I know have the same stories.

    If you don't like posts like these that are to deep for your simply azz, then dip in and out and maybe you will find the, "new york is so ugly", bootz is ghetto, flav is a pimp", comments that you are looking for. ::::New York:::: That's the meat you've been waiting for"

    And youuuuuuu still a hatin azz hispanic bitch, I see your kind all the time and once again...HOE U ARE EXPOSED.

  73. Anonymous // 29/10/06 12:51 PM  

    For some one that is sooooo educated you realy don't show it and the only dumb ass whore I see around here is YOU!!! You do need to grow the fuck up, your ignorant and childish. I'm not hatin on nobody cause I'm not ashamed of who I am, but you are. I don't look down on any race, but you do, hints the whole hispanic bitchs like you thing. You like to stereotype people and that's racist mama. So why don't you say it with me I AM RACIST cause that's what you are on top of ignorant. Do you kiss your kids with that filthy mouth? Your just mad cause I spoke the truth and you don't want to except the fact that every race is racist!!! And as far as the comment about my famliy please your just hatin cause you don't like to see people mixing races that's all. YOU ARE THE ONE THAT'S BEEN EXPOSED AS THE RACIST PERSON THAT YOU ARE AND PROBABLY ALWAYS WILL BE!!!

  74. FOL // 29/10/06 12:56 PM  

    Sup everyone?
    Just got up (yawns)

    Apologies to anyone called a bitch or whatever; and to anyone who feels put out by the comments. We don't censor around here so either ignore, reply, or start another discussion.

  75. Anonymous // 29/10/06 1:05 PM  

    nO PROBLEM STEUPS. I'm going to ignore the sooo called educated women. Here rantings don't hurt my feelings the least bit so no hard feelings. I'm used to dealing with people like her, plus I've been called worse. But I do want to let you know I love your blog and made sure to tell all my friends and famliy about it so they could enjoy it too. Sorry for losing my temper some what up there but I just can't help it some times that latin blood just starts pumpin and it takes over. I love you and groovy and this blog is the ish. Keep up the good work.

    Hispanic mami

  76. Anonymous // 29/10/06 1:10 PM  

    Oh yea, I couldn't leave without saying that I love ID, he's the ish!!! I love his passion and realy put that flare in to his comment and the blog for that matter. xoxoxoxox to you ID!!!!

    Hispanic Mami

  77. FOL // 29/10/06 1:13 PM  

    Thanks Hispanic Mami...
    Anonymous isn't really disagreeing with you in general; only on that specific point that other races are just as bad or worse.

    I'd think most people feel that you need power to be truly racist in the wider sense. I don't think blacks have that power at all, and Hispanics are only now flexing their politcal power.

  78. Anonymous // 29/10/06 1:15 PM  

    Now you won't to insult my education.....so thats your scapgoat today bitch. Stick to what the fuck you said last night hatin azz bitch. Don't try to get all suited and booted now, confusing what your issues really were about, to hanging on to my every word today.

    I'm no where close to being a racist, but if you must insist on buttin me in a box with a label, then call me a re-active racist. I react differently to bitches like you. U talked some stupid shit last night and got called the fuck out.

    And everytime I come in here and read some hatin azz response from you, you will continued to get cussed the fuck out. I guess the older I get I have to compassion for bitches like you. Take your dumd azz back to school and quit using this blog as your African American Studies course. U have a lot more issues about race then you're allow us believe. You've probably coined the phrase "good hair" with your mixed children. Do you have any "full black" female friends? How can you relate to anything being said by us in here?

    ****Drum roll****U still a puck azz hispanic BITCH ridin the tales of a black blog. U probably going to be sitting your boring azz in front of the computer all day hanging on my every word and shit. Funky azz computer breath.

  79. Anonymous // 29/10/06 1:20 PM  

    Afternoon Steups! ;-)

    As per your discussion with No One, I want to know about Chuck D, too. Just for my own curiosity.

    HB (Hispanic B), I don't really want to call you that, so can you find another name for yourself? The AIBW (Angry, Intelligent, Black Woman)on here is not racist and neither are you. She is fed up. BUT, you do not know what it's like to be Black, so please stop putting your relatives up as some kind of proof that you do. It's very clear to me that you don't understand racism. Not saying you don't experience it, just that you don't seem to understand it. And for you to think that this show has NOTHING to do with racism is . . . wow . . . just amazing. You also clearly don't seem to understand issues of power, so that's why you think everyone can be equally racist or someone who's culturally biased or prejudiced is also *racist*. Please familiarize yourself with what racism is and how it works. By the way, in America, racism is the system of white supremacy. You are a victim of it but you damn sure can't tell a Black person how much they are NOT a victim of it in person or in the media. You don't know, you act like you do, then you start insulting people, so that's why you got cursed out by AIBW.

    She IS obviously intelligent. I can read past her curse words and slang just like I can sift through Flav's stupid ass remarks and hers are much, much more rewarding. What? All of a sudden, she's dumb because she called you names? I don't think so . . . the other Anon tried to warn you. She's not dumb, she's angry and it's not just at you. But maybe that's why you don't understand. I knew where she was coming from and maybe that's a big difference between how Black people experience racism in this country. Notice she didn't even say she was a Black woman and I knew she was. It ain't mental telepathy . . .

    No One:
    "Finally, it's not 1 out of every 3 black people that watched the finale. It's 1 out of every 3 black people that watched tv on Sunday (i think during that time slot) watched the finale"

    Excellent point. I love intelligent people, especially Black folks in my generation.

    Steups, thanks for not censoring. It amazes me how every discussion can have every kind of ignorant comment about peoples' hair, breasts, ass, mouth, behavior, fighting, etc., and no calls for censorship. The moment the convo moves to something even remotely intelligent to put some things in context, there's a call for censorship? Come on, y'all . . . what is this, the VH1 blog? LOL Only ignorant people talking about ignorant things need apply? We're better than that. Damn, I gave you my opinion on NY's breasts, what else do you want? LOL

  80. Anonymous // 29/10/06 1:21 PM  

    I understand what your saying. But you know I didn't mean it the way everyone took it, all I'm trying to say is that every race has racist people in them not just whites. Like I said before my famliy is big old melting pot of races so I don't look at anyone as a race but as humanes. I just wish everyone else could do the same. That's just my opinion and nobody has to agree so I'll leave it at that

  81. FOL // 29/10/06 1:51 PM  

    When someone as Chuck D decides to rail against everything under the sun he must expect himself to be held to a higher standard.

    He should not accept corporate dollars from corporations with documented unethical and racist behaviour.
    Or, promoting himself on Networks he described as not providing enough diversity in its programming.

    Of course when he is on the program or on a Board or commercializing his stuff it's a positive sign; when someone else is expoliting those opportunities' its tokenism.

    But this isn't about Chuck D because I think everyone has their hypocrisies

  82. Anonymous // 29/10/06 2:52 PM  

    Wooooowww. What a conversation. Steups, you made some valid points... most of which I agree with. I think that it is high time that the mentality of difference and prejudice be eradicated. From the standpoint of different nations outside of America, we are all Americans of different hues. So regardless of some folks percieving themselves to be outside of the American experience, looking at the whole picture... that perception is myopic. Class does trump race but when someone wishes to throw more flames into the fire, race is spit out as an insult (ie. Michael Jackson and OJ Simpson)... as an afterthought. I am not a wealthy person but I most certainly don't buy into the notion that I should feel guilty for the behaviors of others who happen to share my color... something that I had no control over. I haven't the time to get worked up about such insignificant things... and neither should anybody else. No one should allow anyone to define them in a negative light, if one does not acually believe the negativity is deserved. We have that option now, when a lot of our ancestors didn't. We should take advantage of it and be appreciative that mental slavery is something that we can do something about, unlike the physical slavery that our ancestors suffered through. You can choose not to be offended. You can choose not to take things so personally... or you can fight battles you percieve to be rallied against your person, left and right. I choose to concentrate on the things that mean the most to me... my own family and our health and personal success. Flav and the girls cannot help me with that one, lol. Just my two...

  83. Anonymous // 29/10/06 2:55 PM  

    ok you said that Sheniqua adivises and informs you that Flava Flav appeared on New York's Show, "I Love New York", to win her heart. So that means that him and Deelishis arent together! What happened between those 2?

  84. Anonymous // 29/10/06 3:02 PM  

    you know, sometimes I love NY...sometimes I can't stand NY...
    but when she's effed up...u gotta love her

  85. Anonymous // 29/10/06 3:06 PM  

    How bout they turn down the damn music so they can cut out all that damn yellin!!

  86. Anonymous // 29/10/06 3:31 PM  

    aww poor red oyster: everyone's all "hey girl, but NY I LOVE YOU, GIRL"

  87. Anonymous // 29/10/06 4:15 PM  

    Now that we have moved beyond the blah-blah stuff - I would like to revisit the post about Buckwild's shoe. I can't believe that TT put that nasty shoe on ebay. Right now - there are no bids. Good!

  88. Anonymous // 29/10/06 4:46 PM  


    Yeah whats up wit Dee and Flav???? are they splitsville allready. They were just happy happy on 106.... What the heck happened???? look that up and get at me.


    datellecash A.K.A. Unique A.K.A. Too lazy to sign in right now

  89. FOL // 29/10/06 4:53 PM  

    I hoped I mentioned that Flav returning tot he Show was just a rumor, because Sheniqua described it as such...
    Oops, I just read it again; and I didn't.

    It's just a rumor at this stage so we'll see how that goes.

  90. FOL // 29/10/06 5:15 PM  

    By the way, Cristal Serious Steverson launched her 2007 claendar,

    Hopefully you can get it if you can spare the 15 bucks.

  91. Anonymous // 29/10/06 5:43 PM  

    Thanks, Goddess. But... what you gave me is how to WATCH the Girls Gone Flav 3. lol I want to DOWNLOAD it. The only way I can do that is if it was on the podcast, which it's not. lol I'm hoping Ponlork or whomever will put it on youtube.com.

  92. FOL // 29/10/06 6:39 PM  

    Ohhhhh, well maybe PonLork can...I'll email him.
    Or do you want his email to describe to him exactly, what interests you

  93. Anonymous // 29/10/06 6:41 PM  

    Waye sah this Blog is smoking. I got to read read read and catch up on all the action.

  94. Anonymous // 29/10/06 6:44 PM  

    Flav has to go back to New York so he can do a Flavor of Love 3. I knew Deelish would be a dead end for Flav because a show about Flav and Deelish wouldn't work because there is no drama there. Reality T.V. needs drama to work. He will have to grovel to the H.B.I.C. in order to have a show. If he says that he made a mistake twice and he wants New York and she rejects him, then he will have sympathy and he can do FOL 3.

    You have to give it to New York she came on the show with a career plan while other girls came on there for exposure so they can sell calenders or nude photos over the internet. Go New York!!

  95. FOL // 29/10/06 7:35 PM  

    You didn't have to put calendars in your comment anon 6:44, lol.

    Serious has always said she was doing well before FOL1 and she is doing great after the show.

  96. Anonymous // 29/10/06 8:42 PM  

    The reunion show so far sucks. It seems as if everyone hates new york, not one fan. Even flav was not taking up for her. He so fake and the other girls are trash.

  97. Anonymous // 29/10/06 9:10 PM  

    I missed the first few minutes. Did they show Deelishis' daughter?

  98. Anonymous // 29/10/06 9:14 PM  

    Those girls were ghetto animals. I could'nt even hear shit over the yelling. I wanted to hear what New York had to say and I must say she totally upstaged delicious. Her and flav were sitting on the stage holding hands and she was in the audience........lol. Flav is going to continue to treat her like a doormat..did u hear him telling new york, "I love you". And he got another baby on the way...uuuggghhhh. New York won all that shitz, hands down. Her mother was funny calling him a puppet and he would sell his mother up a creek for a dollar.

  99. FOL // 29/10/06 9:14 PM  

    I thought the show sucked

  100. FOL // 29/10/06 9:15 PM  

    and what's that shit about he must be in control...

    That must have turned off a few people

  101. hutche // 29/10/06 9:16 PM  

    I already knew the show was going to be edited to death. Thats what vh1 always does. But I did enjoy it. They cut out so much. Bootz and somethins confrontation, alot.

    Yall saw my baby LaLa. She was not havin that. from the reports on this site you would beleive LaLa "was cowering in a corner" but you can see she wasnt having that " yall aint gon' keep throwing shit up here because then its gon be a problem" LOL

  102. Anonymous // 29/10/06 9:17 PM  

    I was hoping to see more of the other girls, too. Dammit...and I was hoping it'd be longer than an hour!

  103. FOL // 29/10/06 9:18 PM  

    VH1, as if they haven't made enough moolah from this show...are now keeping stuff in store for the DVD...

    that's foul

  104. Anonymous // 29/10/06 9:19 PM  

    Damn man that show was toooo short. I thought it would go on for at least 30mins more.

    That NY is something. She is so provocative. (ha ha) She pushed each one of those girls buttons on the show and they fell for it. (so sad, so sad).

    I thought we would of seen Delicous's daughter (shucks).

    I am disappointed and sad. Disappointed that we couldn't get some more drama. Sad because its the end (for now) of FOL.

    What will I do now? What will happen to this Blog? I cant take all of this pain all in one blow. How much can one take?

  105. Anonymous // 29/10/06 9:21 PM  

    The reunion show was horrible and rushed. Given that THIS is VH1's highest rated show, you would think that they'd devote at least two hours to wrapping things up. They could have fixed this by premiering Breaking Bonaduce, Hogan's Knows Best, and Celebrity Paranormal this week and wrapped up FOL last week with a two hour reunion.

  106. FOL // 29/10/06 9:25 PM  

    At least Season 1's Reunion tried to involve all of the girls. This Season's Reunion gave more time to Goldie than almost all the women

  107. hutche // 29/10/06 9:26 PM  

    Thats what kills me about Flav. Control. He let this show get to his head. Did you see him talking to New Yorks mother.

    "Yo I'ma tell you like this you keep on actin like dat and you gon wind up leaving by yourself, and I'm a take your daughter with me"

    NEGRO PLEASE, He played New York and Deelishis by saying and acting like that. Flav was never a sex symbol or a generally wanted man. His appeal was the fatc that he was such a nice guy so him playing him self up there . He was looking stupid.

  108. Aaron // 29/10/06 9:26 PM  

    VH1 sucks....badly. Hopefully they include LOTS of bonus footage on the DVD.

    oh, please check out my blog and leave some comments. I'd appreciate it. thanks.

  109. FOL // 29/10/06 9:31 PM  

    Hutche hit it on the head...Flav's appeal is his being such a genuine dude you wonder if its the same cat with the drug problem who didn't pay child support.

    But this success seems to have fooled his ass into thinking talking to someone's mother like that is cool.
    Maybe the thing is he is probably her age so he can trip on her like that, lol

  110. Anonymous // 29/10/06 9:35 PM  

    And you can tell New York was bein offended by what he was saying/doing to her mom, but being the way she is to Flav, she kept her mouth shut.

  111. Anonymous // 29/10/06 9:38 PM  

    yea...this reunion show sucked big time....but it goes to show how much BETTER season one was aside from new york

    on season one's reunion show you had ALL the girls getting an opportunity to speak and shine...this one, GOLDIE DID get more air time than the majority of the girls...

    you didn't hear from spunkeey, wire, and payshyntz didn't even show!!! they badly edited (which in retrospect, that LONNNNG wait for the 1st reunion due to properly editing it actually paid off) and we NEVER got to see dee's daughter!!!

    alot of things that VSPOT previewed NEVER AIRED...like whut went down between spunkeey and buckeey and so forth...

  112. FOL // 29/10/06 9:38 PM  

    He is probably the Producer of her Show.
    At this stage, if his contract was done right, he is hot property at VH1

  113. FOL // 29/10/06 9:40 PM  

    and the reunion was shot on Sept 16th if I recall...that's 6 weeks ago.

    They had ample time to get it condensed and edited

  114. hutche // 29/10/06 9:43 PM  

    Thats what I was thinking, they are the same age so they could back and forth I guess.

    Every one likes to say Deelishis will be the relationships downfall but judgeing form Flavs current inherited big head, he will be the cause. What woman do any of you know would put up with a man who purpously inpregnanted a woman he had no feelings for while your in a relatoship with him. If any thing is fake about Dee, Its pretending like shes alright with the way things are going right now.

    I bet you when they break up, they'll blame her. When its obvious who the problem is.

  115. Anonymous // 29/10/06 9:48 PM  

    Exactly! You took the words right out of my Italian mouth. VH1 can lick my fat Italian cooter.

  116. Anonymous // 29/10/06 9:50 PM  

    William " Flavor Flav" disrespected London "Deelishis" Charles on the show night by holding hands with Tiffany "New York" Patterson, and saying I love you, New York.

    How many people think that London "Deelishis" Charles, will leave Flavor Flav or the other way around?

    I think she will leave him because he is a clown and he will always need an crowd of people calling his stage name "Flavor Flav" He is a joke, and its sad because he think he is a player.

    He does have psychology issues and I think it will become too much for London to handle.

    Also, New York's mother Mrs. Michelle Patterson, maybe a hard woman, but she is correct regarding Flavor Flav personality and all his children from different women, so I can understand why she does not want her daughter to marry this fool.

  117. Anonymous // 29/10/06 9:54 PM  

    Flav and New York deserve one another. They're both obviously insane and I can forsee them being on VH1 until they die.

  118. Anonymous // 29/10/06 9:55 PM  

    Krazy sounded like such a wack ass bitch when she was singing. Hopefully, the record execs lock her out of the studio. Dumb bitch!

  119. Anonymous // 29/10/06 10:03 PM  

    Flav was once again disrespectful telling New Yorks mom he will take her home with him and delicious heard all that. I am really questioning her back bone and standards.

    But dang I really wanted to see sumthin and bootz go at it.

    Did you guys notice the only time new york got love from the audience was when they removed the other girls. I'm sure it was hard for her dealing with all them hood rats at one time. Keep doing ya thang girl!!

  120. Anonymous // 29/10/06 10:05 PM  

    flav said he still loves new york, because he genuinely does...those are emotions that just don't go away, which was why he was in tears in the final episode and how both of them exploded on each other like mad lovers getting a divorce...because his feelings were that strong and deelishis ALREADY acknowledge that, but feared that picking new york only meant the entire 2nd season was a ploy and purposely planted for new york to get her 2nd chance in winning....

    the fact is that they LOVE each other, but they're non-compatible (so he believes, i think they're the pefect item of craziness)...

  121. Anonymous // 29/10/06 10:06 PM  

    yea...i noticed the sudden "love" when it was announced she was getting her own show...

  122. Anonymous // 29/10/06 10:07 PM  

    I love how beautiful checked Krazy on the show. Finally that bitch admitted she was there only for her poor excuse of a singing career.

  123. hutche // 29/10/06 10:08 PM  

    Bibiatrics Calorisys, that comment has me rollin right now. Sounds like something bootz would say.

    That kills me though. Females are so hard on Dee, she just wanted a relationship and what ever vh1 was offering her in order to pretend to be into flav so much.

    No body says nothing about Flavs trifflin ass bringing a 7th child into the world. And you just know hes a week end father who let the mothers take care of the kids until he got this show going on.

  124. Anonymous // 29/10/06 10:09 PM  

    Dont get mad vagina slicer but how did u come up with that name?

  125. Anonymous // 29/10/06 10:13 PM  

    Pleaswe comment on this post! I just switched the TV to that show the girls next door at the playboy mansion. Does this show have the negativity surrounding it like FOL. IF not, there are some serious double standards jumping off in TV.

    Yall don't be mad at me for saying this but FOL would have been great with him picking like 3 or4 girls to live with as one couple, just like this dirt old playboy dude. Anyone agree?

  126. FOL // 29/10/06 10:14 PM  

    VH1 can lick my fat Italian cooter.

    I haven't got past this comment yet!

  127. hutche // 29/10/06 10:17 PM  

    Anon 10:13 PM

    It seems very likely because we ALLLL know Dee and Flav aint gon stay togather. So I beleive something like that is the next step in the show.

    So when New orks show come son are yall gonna change the name of this site to I love New York Blog?

  128. Anonymous // 29/10/06 10:23 PM  

    Everyone in charge of the reunion are bitches. VH1 has those bitches whooped into shape and the execs are taking no prisoners. For crying out loud, would it hurt VH1 that much to please the audience and give us a two hour reunion. Hell fucking no! Pootonica has spoken and that's the way it is. *grabs my hair in NY style and sachets away from my computer*

  129. Anonymous // 29/10/06 10:25 PM  

    I was lmao when new york told bootz, "I don't even remember you".

  130. Anonymous // 29/10/06 10:31 PM  

    lol yeah steups i have'nt gotten over that comment either


  131. Anonymous // 29/10/06 10:35 PM  

    They didn't even show the aftermath of Bootz running backstage. Stupid bitches! What a waste of my hour! The Girls Gone Flav extra was ten times better than this crap. Gosh, I'm so fucking mad. I think I'll go out and slice some cooters!

  132. Anonymous // 29/10/06 10:38 PM  

    What's that song playing at the end of the interview...I like it!!

  133. Anonymous // 29/10/06 10:51 PM  

    Beatuful handled that talentless, wack ass, fake ass bitch Krazy. Beatuful shut that bitch down and I loved every minute of it.

  134. FOL // 29/10/06 10:52 PM  

    I guess we'll change the title.
    Groovy will probably take over because it's men...and I might do the summaries.

    Or Groovy and I might elope or something, lol.

  135. Anonymous // 29/10/06 11:00 PM  

    Blah.... where to start?...

    The reunion was crap. We didn't hear much from Nibblz and Bootz, and heard nothing at all from Buckeey, Like Dat, Wire, Spunkey, Sumthin and Payshintz. Hell, they spent more time talking to Sapphyre (who was only there for 15 minutes!) than to all of the other girls!

    Another thing that pissed me off was how much time they dedicated to NY and her mother... Remember she didn't even win! They were really shamelessly promoting her new show when they should have been focusing on what happened on THIS show! NY was not the winner, so technically, she was at the same level as the other contestants and should have been regarded as such.

    I loved seeing Goldie again, but it was a little unnecessary. I REALLY wanted to hear from the other contestants.

    On Flav... he really looked like a little punk scribbling on the screen while NY's mother was talking. Made him seem very disrespectful and didn't seem to be consistent with the image he was trying to portray throughout the show as a sweet, gentle, genuine person "with love for everybody"... blah blah blah.

    And.... what about all the footage of Deelishis' daughter? And the rest of the fight? I feel cheated.

    Nibblz did get a decent boob job though... big improvement.

    You know steups, I know I've referred to Nibblz as the nastiest woman in the house and the only reason I won't take back that comment is bacause of her behavior with fat entourage-guy. BUT, I really felt sorry for her when she had to watch the tape of NY calling her dirty and a gutterbutt. She looked pretty hurt by it and I think she must really be a sweet person... just a little bit, well...you know... liberated.

  136. FOL // 29/10/06 11:02 PM  

    Porker, I forgot about that scene...That was some Vietnam-type torture to have to listen to that...

    But contrat her reaction to Deelish, who got upset because New york said her mother sprouted plastic-hair.

    You know, NY's mouth is really foul sometimes, lol

  137. Anonymous // 29/10/06 11:11 PM  

    this show was like sex with a man with a 2-inch member: anti-climactic!

    krazy's an idiot and i have a new girl crush: beautuful.

    vh1 edited so much out but hopefully that means the dvd will be chock full of extras.

    ny owned the show as usual. and i love how lala basically shut buckwild down and that bitch complied.

  138. Anonymous // 29/10/06 11:13 PM  

    NY got the little flavorettes all riled up. The bitches thought that they had Ms. NY cornered, but NY would have definitely whooped those motherfucking cocksucking bitches ass. Fuck Bootzy, Buckwild, and Deelishit.

  139. FOL // 29/10/06 11:14 PM  

    hahaha @ Girl saying "that bitch complied"

  140. Anonymous // 29/10/06 11:16 PM  

    Fuck all of those bitches over at VH1. They can eat a bag of stinky, 10 year old dog shit, as it smears around their mouth. Better yet...shove all the dog shit down Bootz's throat to shut her up.

  141. Anonymous // 29/10/06 11:24 PM  

    another great weekend at "The Blogspot"....

    Basically the reunion was a waste..... a shamless plug for NY's show and Krazy's CD..

    Maybe the reunion will be out on DVD?

  142. Groovy Noodles // 29/10/06 11:28 PM  

    *scrolls up to read comments*

    Why, Steups! Was that a formal proposal? LOL

    I'm done writing the summary but the images aren't uploading for some damn reason. Working on it though. :)

  143. Anonymous // 29/10/06 11:40 PM  

    Tiffany Patterson New Show

    I Love New York is the only spinoff of Flavor of Love. It is a reality television show premiering on VH1.

    A spinoff of Flavor of Love was produced with a girl from one of the seasons. The show is titled "I Love New York" and will be about "New York" searching for her true love. When the show idea was initially brought up,it was called "I Love New York" and producers originally wanted "Hottie" from Season 1 until they saw the ratings climb when New York returned to Season 2.

    They ultimately decided on New York to have her own show. In October of 2006, New York confirmed that the show was happening and she was down to the final three. VH1 has commented that they are currently unsure if they will air the series for unconfirmed reasons.

    In an interview with The New York Post, New York (aka Tiffany Patterson) said that it was due to the violence that the contestants exhibited on the show over her. Should the show air, it is scheduled to do so in February of 2007. The show will air on January 16th, 2007 according to Tiffany in an interview.

  144. Cie Cheesemeister // 30/10/06 3:21 AM  

    How pathetic is it that I will be standing at the tracks waiting for the train wreck that is "I Love New York" now that "The Flavor of Love" has apparently chugged its way off over the horizon.

  145. Cie Cheesemeister // 30/10/06 3:30 AM  

    I just wanted to let Goddess know she makes some great points and knows how to argue a point without stooping to the level of name-calling or threats. Sadly, this is a rare skill.
    On a different note, a trend that I find bothersome is women calling each other "bitches." Come on, ladies, do we really have to stoop to that level? We're treated as second class citizens as it is. The least we can do is support each other!

  146. Anonymous // 30/10/06 1:10 PM  

    WTF??? While I was away, all you guys went and got philosophical on my ass! What's up with that? I can barely follow what's going on because the comments are so long and political. Why can't we just be dumb ignorant fun people like we USED to? I just wanna "chop it up" and talk about stuff without things getting too serious or nerdy. And Steups I'm tired of you talking about New York's boobs! (Even though I have to admit they're fabulous!) And WHERE is my little Darling Raven? I miss her so much. And Steupz..... why don't you post a picture of YOURSELF on here! Do an article and tell us all about YOU! I'm dying to know more!

  147. Anonymous // 30/10/06 2:02 PM  

    I am looking forward to this show...NY may be a bitch...but I love watching her....I actually love her attitude cuz she keeps it real....I also love that she's cohosting with Oyster who in my opinion was the only other real girl on the show....if Flav does come on as a contestant on her show to try to win her heart....that would be the bomb!!! It would leave that fake ass bitch Deelishis with egg on her face or something else (lol lmao).

  148. Anonymous // 30/10/06 2:54 PM  

    To Steups: thanks for taking my request into consideration. And yes, I'd really appreciate it if you could e-mail Ponlork for me regarding the video. Just ask him is there any way he can get the Girls Gone Flav 3 from VSpot from the site and actually post it on youtube so I can download it.

    Here is the link to the video: http://www.vh1.com/vspot/?lnk=v&vid=102188&source=VS_VIDEO:undefined:Girls+Gone+Flav+3#102188

    Thanks so much.

  149. Anonymous // 31/10/06 1:07 PM  

    New Yorks moma looks like a gorilla and New York looks like a monkey. How desperate we have for entertainment to put up with crack head like these.

  150. Anonymous // 31/10/06 3:50 PM  


  151. Anonymous // 2/11/06 1:52 PM  

    The reality (no pun intended)of it, is that New York was "Good Guilty Pleasure TV" "She was that one you loved to hate".

    Yeah she may have some "issues", but we ALL do to a certain extent.

    One would probably say, that you could gauge your own "sanity meter" next to hers and say "oh yeah, I guess it could be worse, or hell even better!" Depends on where you are.

    Whether you love her or hate her, one must admit alot of people did not keep watching because of "Hoopz" or any of the other ladies

    (unless you wanted to torcher yourself with hottie's claim to shame of a so called 26 inch waist! I was so glad that she was gone because SHE was just flat out annoying!)

    I have a feeling that N.Y. is going to be echoing VH1 for a while. And that's good for her.
    With all of the mocking and humiliation, I think she's entitled.

    May also Suggest if you are listening, WWE (Seriously!) She has all of the qualities of a Wrestling Vixen. I can acutally see her sneaking up behind John Cena and knocking the hell out of him with a folding chair! $$$$$$$

    So to the lady's who wanted Flav for "the fame", perhaps you should have taken notes from Ms. New York.

    Enjoy the ride New York, Wit cho` Carazy AZZZ!!!!!

  152. Anonymous // 6/11/06 10:02 AM  





  153. Anonymous // 3/12/06 9:50 PM  

    im going to watch the show only because flavor o love 2 is over!! if not not a chance for me to watch i love new york!!!!!!!!

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