The rumors made you worry that you would never see the Flavor of Love Reunion Show but have no fear it's on this Sunday April 2nd. That's 2006 if you are still unsure.
If you missed it I posted a link to a leaked clip of the Reunion Show.
Anyway, I know I ramble a bit, introducing all sorts of nonsense about my vacation and trips to South Beach, Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago; and I have blathered about things you don't care about.
In fact I write so much superfluous shit I have completely forgotten the man who is solely responsible for all the entertainment we enjoyed over the last few months; Flava Flav.
Sure we rant and rave over Hoops (Hoopz) and in my case ranted and raved over Smiley.
By the way Smiley, that one message you sent me isn't enough, how about another email letting me know how much you love the blog and whatnot?
So, back to Flava Flav, our boy celebrated his 47th birthday at Rock Candy almost two weeks ago and it passed me by. But, I have the pictures and video of the event that included D-list stars like Ice-T and those publicity whores from MTV's Barbershop.
Surely Flava Flav ought to know associating with that click diminishes his star power, but that's just my opinion.
It's not like he is Tom Cruise or anything, though I think if one person needs the Church of Scientology it's Flav Flav.
But I digress, let's get to the pictures and the video links of Flava Flav's Birthday Bash...
I got those pics from the places noted on the pictures and if you want to see the gallery wherefrom I got two of those pics then you can go to Flava Flav Birthday Party pictures.
But, you need to register to see the pictures in some other way besides thumbnail. That's why I was kind enough to register for you and provide two pictures.
The better thing would be to view the Flava Flav Birthday Party Video. You do not need to register for that...
You would have noticed Hoopz is nowhere to be seen at Flav's Birthday Party; hmmn, that's just too bad. Maybe she was at home taking care of his 146 kids?
Well, she was nowhere to be seen at the party but she is always somewhere around this blog so delight yourself with this picture...
And a final finally, on my quest to procure information on Flava Flav's Birthday party I saw the photo below and nabbed it, if the owner of the blog sees this let me know and I will give you credit because for the life of me I cannot recall the site's web address.
I have nothing to say about the picture, you can think of it what you will.
Bye. See you Saturday or Sunday, whichever comes first.
I hope you paid your cable bill? If you haven't go get a bank loan from Citibank or something, because the Reunion is this weekend
| 4 comments »Exclusive pictures of Hoopz and the Flavor of Love Reunion plus my house hunting trip in South Beach, Florida.
| 12 comments »I spent last weekend milling around South Beach with a cousin of mine looking for a home to buy (if the price was right) and let me tell you the monthly mortgage payments are astronomical.
By the way, if you are looking for a good hotel in South Beach, Florida; Loews Hotel on Collins Avenue is an excellent choice.
I am a long long way from contemplating mortgages because I am still a year away from graduating, but I never knew until my lost weekend in Florida that there are so many costs attached to purchasing a home.
Anyway, I doubt anyone comes here to read about my exciting life, what you are really interested in is VH-1's Flavor of Love and moreso the pictures of Hoopz I promised you. Well I promised you more than that, and unlike the politicians I live up to my word so here are the exclusive pictures taken from the Flavor of Love Reunion Show and a few additional photos of Hoops; sorry Hoopz, at a couple of parties in New York and Detroit.
I couldn't leave you guys without uploading the most beautiful picture you will ever be likely to see. Dammmn!
Can you guy's rap?
Rap this with me..."back then Hoopz didn't want me now I'm hot she's all up on me."
Hoopz hanging with hip-hop rapper Mike Jones.
Finally, if you really want an exclusive of VH-1's Flavor of Love Reunion show, TMZ.COM has a leaked clip of the show. Or at least that's what they say. I cannot confirm it because for some inexplicable reason my computer or my Windows Media Player are never able to show me Internet video clips.
In other words tell me what you saw in the comments.
Oh, I forgot the clip...leaked video clip from Flavor of Love Reunion Show.
For a while there I thought the buzz had gone, that 'Flavor of Love' had lost its appeal and no one cared anymore. I began amusing myself, peppering my articles with all sorts of nonsensical witty references.
Then, yesterday, I saw all of the promo for the Final final episode of Flavor of Love Season 1. You know what I am talking -err writing- about, the Reunion Show.
What a promo!!!
Flava Flav has a goatee beard now (I guess he'll try anything to woo Hoopz) although she had not dumped him at the time they filmed the Reunion.
Anyway, that's not important, what IS important is the show is obviously being billed as Pumkin vs New York 2.
And if any rematch is worth seeing that one definitely is...
By the way, what happened in the Zab Judah VS Mayweather fight?
Forget that, during the promotional ad, New York appears to backhand-slap Pumkin and that alone is worth sitting in front of the television set on Sunday, April 2nd.
That is the best back-hander I have seen since Tony Montana's in Scarface.
In the episode just before the penultimate's, New York promised to beat Pumkin's ass but I thought she would have got over the spitting incident by the time the Reunion episode rolled around; but no siree it seems I was wrong.
Your girl New York is knocking furniture around just to get at Pumkin and what we also saw was Pumkin saying her shit and running.
Typical Pumkin, all spit and no action.
Not much news about our favorite Flavor of Love girls...
Pumkin has not written anything about her being fired from her job as a substitute teacher, and Hoopz continues to trade on her celebrity status by hosting parties for $2500 per party.
Oh, there is another fake Hoopz My Space webpage with one or two pictures even I had not seen before, if you can believe that.
All I can say is she sure does look great in those jeans.
Remember Peaches? She was unclocked early in the show but was always one of the more attractive girls, here is a picture of her to remind you
That's it for me, but if you want to read what supporter's of New York think about the Reunion episode and the prospect of her beating up on Pumkin then have a read of the fake New York's blog and the comments.
Hoops picture gallery
Update: Remember Cherry? She was the girl who seemed really hurt when she was unclocked; well, they all did, but she seemed especially hurt.
Anyway, I was loafing around her My Space account and came upon a couple new pictures.
If I had ketchup and mustard I'd be having that girl in the jeans for lunch.
Hmnn, it seems to be a friend of Cherry you need to fulfill one criterion. You have to be thick!
Yes, I said a couple of pictures but I could not help but post this picture of Cherry. Ginuwine's hit "In those jeans" has invaded my mind.
Brooke Pumkin Thompson no longer a substitute teacher. The reality television monster was fired by the Kern High School District
| Pumkin | 20 comments »Oh yes, its so evil of me to take joy from someone being fired from their job especially as I have abused their fame and infamy to drive traffic to my blog, but, but...
But nothing!
For all her evil doings including spitting on fellow Flavor of Love contestant New York's face, no one should be happy that Pumkin was fired from her job as a substitute teacher in Bakersfield.
The full report from NBC tv4 reads:
Brooke Thompson, 26, appeared on VH1's "Flavor of Love" show, which chose a girlfriend out of several contestants for rapper Flava Flav. At one point during the show, Thompson spit in the face of another contestant. She later said the spit was prompted by a suggestion from the show's producers.
The district said Thompson was fired because her appearance on the show was too distracting to students.
"We had kids that were sticking their heads in the door just to sneak a look at her and that kind of craziness was just disruptive to the learning process," district spokesman John Tevis said.
Thompson complained that the firing was unfair, but she also said her long-term goals are in entertainment and not education
That's just foul. Sorry Pumkin I really feel for you.
Incidentally there are images and video from the NBC affiliate as well
Images and Video
Let's see what's new in the Flavor of Love world...
VH-1 are beginning to advertise the Reunion Show but if you are still interested in unedited uncensored video of the New York vs Pumkin catfight click on the link you just passed by.
On her blog Pumkin neglects to mention her dismissal -who can blame her- but she does take the time to point out that the My Space accounts of Goldie and Hoopz are not genuine. Read it on Pumkin's My Space for yourself.
Finally if you want to sign up for the Tiffany Matthews aka New York, fan club I can help you out. On the Fan Club's website there is information galore including the fact that Pumkin spitting in New York's face was voted number one on the countdown of the Top twenty Celebreality moments of all time.
The fact that she celebrates that just about confirms to me that this girl is not the real New York, but I am just here to give you info so here is the link for Tiffany's Premiere Fan Club.
That's it for me, thanks for reading. Tomorrow or later today I will add at least twenty Hoopz pics so return when you can.
Update: The Hoopz pictures were removed with good reason but you can view them in the Hoops picture gallery if you choose.
Sorry but I have changed the title of this post.
The post can be found here
New York and Hoopz or Hoops are the top searchwords in both Yahoo! and Google search engines
| Hoops, Hoopz | 20 comments »Well after my last post which was in 1776 I believe we all learnt that there are popular search terms called buzz-words and Hoopz pictures or Hoopz photos are very popular.
I knew that because I monitor the Yahoo! and Google blogs to ascertain how popular Hoopz, New York and Flavor of Love are with Internet surfers.
Well it seems I am not alone in doing so because New York, yeah that New York (the fake) is also on spot.
She posted on her blog, or should I say boasted on her blog that she (actually the real New York, not her) and Hoopz are the top searched terms on Yahoo! and Google. Well good for her I suppose.
She got her info from the Yahoo Buzz and you too can read it if you click on Yahoo! Buzz.
Besides that there isn't much to tell you except to say the promos are out for the Flavor of Love Reunion episode. The Reunion show airs on VH-1 of course on Sunday April 2nd and if you saw it as I have you probably wish it was on this Sunday.
Apparently New York goes crazy and wants to beat you know who's ass.
I can't wait.
Actually I saw that while watching the second-half of ABC'S new show, 'The American Inventor' and since I have nothing to blog about I decided to create a blog about that.
Anyway thanks for reading.
Searching Google for Hoopz pictures is more popular than Asbestos, Mesothelioma and Fen-Phen and Asbestosis
| Hoops, Hoopz | 0 comments »Sorry, I have changed the title to this post.
The original content can be found here
Searching Google and Yahoo! for Hoopz pictures is more popular than searches for CSI, George Bush and other high profile search engine terms
| Hoops, Hoopz | 16 comments »Hoopz may have dumped Flava Flav (poor thing) but it has not hurt her popularity, in fact she is one of the hottest searches on Google, proving to be as popular a searchword as Britney Spears, George Bush, Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes and Angelina Jolie.
It's a bit of an exaggeration but you get the point don't you? She's popular!
Anyway, lots of readers have left very favorable comments in the commenter's box and I appreciate all of them, but I am about to alienate some of the women readers because I am acknowledging the requests of the male readers for more pictures of Hoopz.
Sorry ladies, I know you think this is exploitation and whatnot but we cannot help ourselves. We need to see more of Hoopz, so here goes...
On second thought let's not post them here.
Go to the Hoopz picture gallery for all the photos and pictures of her you will ever want...
On another note a few readers asked me about the girl on the cover of the Kings magazine photo. Well, that's Tocarra who appeared on another VH-1 reality television show Celebrity Fit Club. She looks fantastic.
Well, I thought with Flavor of Love showing its final episode and only the Reunion Show to look forward to, this blog would die a slow death.
Wrong! The characters and misfits from the show continue to fascinate and surprise.
A week or so ago I posted the link to New York's webspace blog thingy and said it was fake and not written by the real New York, Tiffany Patterson. Well, whether she is a fake or not she is certainly providing great information on the show.
Apparently my girl is a fan of the Tom Joyner show and on Tuesday last she heard or was told of an interview with Flava Flav wherein the hip-hop legend said the following
1) She (Hoopz) has not returned a single call from Flav Flav since the show ended
2) She (Hoopz) only used the show as a vehicle to further her career in television and movies
So much for keeping it real, uh?
The New York blog posted another video from Flav Flav but I have yet to see it because my computer's version of Windows Media Player is refusing to play it for some technical reason or the other.
Maybe your version of Windows or whatever media player you use will have better luck
The Flava Flav talking about Hoopz interview...
Also on New York's blog a commenter said Bernie Mac -on an interview during the Frank Ski morning show in Atlanta- said Flava Flav had called him long before Flavor of Love aired, begging to appear on the Bernie Mac show because he was flat broke.
I don't know if Bernie Mac is the sort to out a guy like that but that's what was said on the show, allegedly.
Incidentally that commenter also said a friend of his advised him (jeez doesn't this sound long-winded) that Flav Flav was recently seen in an addiction recovery center named Phoenix House.
Anyway, enough of the seriousness, the bottomline is Flava Flav and Hoopz are and were never a couple in any form whatsoever which paves the way nicely for Flavor of Love Season 2.Pretty happy he did not pick Smiley because that would have been too much drama for my girl to handle.
Smiley Smiley Smiley oh how I love you so....
Nicole Hoopz Alexander interview, her e-mail address, her website, her feelings about the show, her love for Flava Flav and no mention of Smiley
| Hoops, Hoopz | 8 comments »First, is Hoopz's email address, use it wisely, unwisely, nastily and abusively -just kidding.
Secondly, the new and official Hoopz website.
Why do I know these things? Because I read the website that grabs all the interviews of all the Flavor of Love women, ladies, contestants, whatever you want to call them.
Today they grabbed the mother of all interviews, the winner of Flavor of Love Herself, Nicole 'Hoopz' Alexander.
Hoopz once again reiterates her opinion that New York deserved to be spat upon by Pumkin because, as she puts it...
Off-camera, like a lot of stuff that they aren’t showing you guys, is that New York is truly a bitch. She’s retarded. She’s crazy. She probably on drugs and she is a crazy bitch… She was doin a lot of stuff to the girls that the cameras weren’t showin, so she did deserve to get spit on.
Maybe I am retarded, because why in the hell would the producers and editors not air the so-called 'stuff' she was doing when that would make the show even more popular?
What gain is there for the producers to hide provocative stuff like that?
I think Hoopz is a damn liar covering for her friend. Anyone who condones spitting on someone else, and a woman at that is a fool, simple as.
Hoopz also lets fly -in the comfort of an interview- that had New York opposed her she would have "knocked her the fuck out!"
Why didn't she knock her the fuck out then when she was doing all that stuff to the girls and shit. Aren't they her friends and shit. If they were my friends and shit I would have done something about it, wouldn't you?
Among other things she said Brigitte Nielsen is till in love with Flava Flav and was jealous of her (Hoopz).

On the business and commercial side of things Hoopz reveals things are going smashingly well for her and she will appear in a photo spread in King Magazine and will soon put online her official My Space account.
I can hardly wait, and I am sure you can't wait for the link to the interview, so here goes.
The official Nicole Hoopz Alexander interview...
Have you read Pumkin's latest blog?
Pumkin is in love and self-medicates and self-analyses the meaning of life as a reality-television contestant
| Pumkin | 5 comments »Oh Jesus, first she spits on a girl's face and shows no remorse whatsoever, now Pumkin, aka Brooke Thompson has devoted time and effort in her latest blog to present herself as a victim caught in the duality of reality television and reality itself.
Actually I am making it sound way better than it deserves. Pumkin in her inimitable style once again declares that she, Hoopz and Goldie are friends for life and her role as a television character is in no way congruous with her role as Brooke, ordinary Bakersfield citizen.
Okay Pumkin you win, I hate you as Pumkin and love you as Brooke, happy now?
Here is the interview in it's entirety because I know you are tired of my linking to her webspace. Look for the part where she declares herself as Gangsta Pumkin and OG Pumkin....My lord, i don't make this shit up, I just copy and paste it...
First of all, I would like to thank my fans for their endless love and support. My true fans are those who have been with me from the very beginning and have stuck by my side, regardless of my actions on "Flavor of Love."
If I could do the experience all over again, I would. So what, I did not end up with Flav. I never went into this experience trying to convince Flav that I was someone else other than myself and I never went into this trying to become rich.
Each and every one of us girls had our motives for being on the show. I did get kicked off for being on reality shows, but the truth behind this is that most or all of us have done something in the past as far as television is concerned.
I do not think that being on game shows or dating shows determines an individual's character. You all may know me as Pumkin, but Pumkin was also Brooke. I was not playing a character on the show. I was real. Hoopz and Goldie are my girls and I love them to death. I met some amazing people on the show and that alone means the world to me. My emotions, my humor, my anger, my tears, Gangsta Pumkin, the O.G. Pumkin, and my crazy white girl comments were an accurate portrayal of Brooke, who I really am. This show has opened many doors of opportunities for me, but more importantly it has led me to someone who has opened my eyes in an incredible way. In life, often times, it seems we take the easy route. However, the easy route might not be the right route. My mind is not the only thing that has been opened, but my heart as well. I forever thank this person for showing me that things happen at the right time and when you least expect it. . . you know who you are and this will work! . . . Thank you.
To my fans . . . .Thank you again for everything and I hope that you will support me in all of the things that I do in life and just know that I am making all my decisions from my heart. I love all of you guys!
Pumkin sure loves sentences.
Smiley and New York to return for Flavor of Love Season 2? A strong possibility because of the Cable television Nielsen Ratings
| Nielsen ratings, Smiley | 2 comments »I don't know if Smiley and New York will return for a second season; indeed I do not know if there will be a second season of VH-1's reality television show 'Flavor of Love.'What I do know however is 'Flavor of Love' was a huge hit as far as cable-television goes and especially so in the coveted 18-34 demographic.
According to MediaLife Magazine, Flavor of Love was, and consistently so, the top rated reality television show for all of cable television.
The article dotes on that Ashley Parker Angel series on MTV but the information recognizing Flava Flav as a reality television star is there for all to see. Incidentally, the Ashley show, 'There and Back' isn't half-bad. The guy comes across as a really sincere kid with a really insincere nag for a wife, but that's another blog. Hopefully it works out for him and his yet to be released album is a smash hit.
Anyway, back to the rumor-mongering that says Flavor of Love will have a season 2. A reader posted a website in the comment box which looks as genuine as Pamela Anderson's breasts, but you never know. Go look for yourself and judge it to be authentic or not.
Just found the updated Nielsen ratings and Flav Flav is a Nielsen's goldmine. Flavor of Love was second only to the Sopranos with a 5.9 share. Even Zack and Cody were bested and I so totally watch that show. The mother is sexy.
Nielsen Ratings for March 6-12 from USA Today
Smiley to pose in Smooth magazine, Pumkin isn't that bad a person after all, and more Hoopz pictures
| Pumkin | 11 comments »Smiley posted in the comments box yesterday and revealed that all of her will soon be revealed in an upcoming edition of Smooth Magazine.
It's a hip-hop magazine of sorts and I suppose it's another step forward in her career. I know some of you think little of these women but that's probably because you aren't thinking a lot. These women are entertainers and if they choose to make some money off their notoriety by posing in a few magazines or making 'celebrity' appearances then so be it.
I certainly can't say shit about it because I am earning money off of their notoriety from the ads running on this weblog. Although I have earned less than a magazine subscription it's still more than I had before the blog.
So, monitor the magazine and buy Smiley's edition. Let's make Smiley a star!
Now let's get to Pumkin. I have said enough about her incident with New York (Tiffany Patterson) but I have to acknowledge the fact that all the other girls on the show seem to like her and had no issues with her spitting indiscretion.
In fact they like her so much some of them visited her in Bakersfield recently.
According to Smiley, she and another Flavor of Love alumni, Goldie, met up with Pumkin in her home town and Smiley recalled fondly, a moment at a Bakersfield mall.
...before Goldie came up, Pumkin and I went to the Valley Mall and people kept on stopping us. I was so incognito I looked jacked up! I was in glasses, my hair was darker, I had no makeup, I had a hat, I was wearing my pajama pants and Pumkin outed me.
I had no idea THAT many people watched the show! The three of us ended up on the Bakersfield News!
When the three of us got together people kept on stopping us too, this was just way crazy. I mean when I did WWE people who are into that would recognize me but I didn't realize that much more people watch VH-1. Being from Toronto, Canada I grew up watching Much Music, we didn't have MTV, or VH-1 because that was our music station, so this is all new to me.
All I was thinking in my head was in some of those episodes I look fugly! lol. I have some funky moments let me tell you but regardless it still was a great experience
So, maybe Pumkin isn't that big a bitch after all.
Yeah right, she is still the anti-christ of reality television unless and until she apologizes.
Who knows, maybe she will on the Reunion Show. I won't hold my breath though.
The fake New York is at it again, on her blog she laments the fact that VH-1 producers stuffed her with a high carbohydrate diet and she has had to overdose on Dexatrim Max diet pills.
She says she has lost 8lbs. Really I don't know why I am repeating the words of a fake New York except to say go read them yourself if you are so inclined.

You know, wouldn't it be funny if there was a Flavor of Love Season 2 because Flava Flav found out Hoopz is a lesbian?
Remember if you can, New York termed her an "undercover lesbian" and I assume women have some instinct about shit like that. Anyway, I have to admit she (Hoopz) does have a gleam in her eye that makes you wonder and she is certainly obsessed with wearing basketball shorts. Go read Concrete Loop where the guys discuss the issue and others regarding Hoopz and Flavor of Love.
It's been a while since I posted pictures of Nikki Hoopz so here are three of them in various states of undress....

The third picture was removed and placed in the Nikki Hoopz picture gallery.
Note to Smiley, where is that email you promised me.
Everyday I mention your name on this blog I think I deserve that e-mail don't you. Here, Ill mention you again...Smiley, Smiley Smileys
I also promised to mention the name of a reader so here goes, Wilhelmina, Wilhelmina, Wilhelmina.
(By the way, I know it's Yahoo! Messenger with voice, but readers, it's difficult to voice chat with one reader and write chat with twenty others. So forgive me when I decline your invitation to voice chat, okay. Nothing personal, it's logistics :)
Now onto another article.
Okay readers, I have had this one for a while but Pumkin is such a liar I never thought of posting it...
Pumkin charges that the producers of the television reality-television show 'Flavor of Love' suggested she spit in New York's face to create a furore and spice things up a bit for the penultimate episode.
Normally I would believe anyone against a corporate giant but this little anti-christ from Bakersfield is a known liar and worse yet she lies in the face of overwhelming evidence...remember her assertion that she tripped and was not assaulted by New York following the spitting incident...
Anyway, here is the entire article from the Bakersfield Californian
And here is the relevant excerpt...
With the final episode airing tonight -- and a "reunion" episode appearing next week, Brooke Thompson (Pumkin) stopped by The Californian newsroom to talk about her experiences.
"Reality TV is so not real," she said.
While Thompson doesn't regret appearing on the show and wasn't looking for love with the eccentric, gold-toothed rapper, she was surprised to see some of the more salacious moments involving her to be trumped up.
Of course, anyone who saw her exit from the show knows the incident where she spat in the face of fellow contestant "New York."
But guess what?
"It was staged...and digitally enhanced," (like we couldn't see that) Thompson said.
"I do not spit on people," she said. She was told by producers that she would be leaving before the episode was filmed, and told her to give them a "big ending." She asked what kind of an ending they wanted, and they suggested spitting.
So she spat, but not how it appears on screen.
"When girls spit, it goes everywhere," she said. Because she didn't produce an effective spray for the cameras, some special effects were added after the fact to make it seem more substantial, she said.
Pumkin is such a liar, but you never know, and if indeed the producers at VH-1 encouraged and cajoled her to spit in New York that makes her an even more disgraceful human being.
But what does it make VH-1?
If they did that it would be the most disgusting act by a television network...
Oooh, oooh, Caroline Roberts has a grrrrrreattt encapsulation of Sunday's Final episode at 'The Trades.'
Lots of detail and background minutiae, including....
What woman wouldn't fight over Public Enemy rapper Flavor Flav? And what parent wouldn't be proud to have Flavor Flav as a son-in-law? Let's list Flavor Flav's accomplishments:
1. Punching his girlfriend in the face (1991)
2. Installing flashing lights around his license plate - almost daring the police to pick him up for outstanding warrants (1992)
3. Firing his gun at a neighbor (1993)
4. Drying out in rehab (1993)
5. Assaulting a woman who took a photo of one of his many children (1994)
6. Toting around vials of crack cocaine (1995)
7. Possessing pot while riding a bicycle (1996)
8. Canoodling with Brigitte Nielsen in a hot tub (2004)
9. Evading payments of child support for his families - in public (2005)
I don't know about you, but anyone who stops a list at '9' is the greatest person on earth. Who does that? Caroline, could you not have found a tenth moment?
Anyway, I urge you all to read her descriptions...
And, if you have any spare minutes, you can meander to Sweetie's blog to listen to her musical offerings. She has four original songs for your listening pleasure.
The hip-hop musical interludes are
1) U want dis
2) U heard me
3) Freak Show
4) I got your back
The darling Nikki Hoopz wins Flavor of Love and I spoke to Smiley yesterday
| Hoops, Hoopz | 7 comments »You put your life on hold for a television show and you expect the finale to be a thing of orgasmic beauty; not to crash to earth with an anti-climactic thud.
By now you would have read, heard, or saw Flava Flav select Hoopz as his, as his, as his what exactly...
Anyway, who knows and who cares, the point is Hoopz won.
I am sure if I had the dubious challenge of selecting Hoopz or New York, or Hoopz or anyone else for that matter; it would not have taken three months. But now that she is the winner I cannot help but feel disappointed.
At the very least, had Flava Flav chosen New York there could have been a possibility of a second season, but with Hoopz we all know nothing will come of that pairing and she will soon return to making boys' pants wet with her provocative pictures.
For New York, she needed to win, considering all the contumely she has countenanced...
Oops, for my less literate readers, what I was saying is...New York needed the victory because of all the shit she has endured on this show.
New York faced that screaming banshee (Rain) in the mini-van; spit all up in her grill by prune-faced Pumkin, and now she has the dubious pleasure of being dumped on national television 24 hrs after she received a dump from Flava Flav in a Puerto Vallarta hotel room.
I won't describe what transpired in yesterday's episode because it was boring and uninspiring. All I can say is wait for the Reunion show which should air in three weeks time.
But if you really, really need to read what transpired Sunday evening then try
1) Caroline Roberts at the
and, not or, I said 'and' which infers you have to read both articles
2) KDMask at Media
That's it for me then because there really is no need to continue the blog, unless I come across more pictures of Hoopz' or Pumkin writes more crap on her blog, or maybe New York will keep her promise and whip Pumkin's ass.
You know what? Maybe I should continue because I have a hundred or so unused pictures of Hoopz and these ladies, almost assuredly will continue to reveal behind the scenes information.
See you tomorrow then...
One more thing, I was on Smiley's blog yesterday at the very moment she was online, so I sent her a message...
Tomorrow you'll find out what happened, did not happen, or has yet to happen between Smiley and me.
If you cannot wait shout me out on Yahoo! or MSN Messenger, or you can ask for my cell-phone number if you are an attractive girl with tens (I am reasonable) of dollars.
I always endeavor to end the latest post in a neat comeplete manner, but readers keep pointing me to areas to write about...
Like New York writing about life after the show on her blog.
I think that My Space account is an obvious fake but you can read her thoughts if you like and believe it to be authentic or not.
I chose the wrong week of the wrong month to go on vacation, because I missed the fact that New York's My space webpage was discovered.
Yes you heard me right, if you want to read New York's My Space webpage, you should go to Tiffany Patterson's.
Oh, who the hell am I kidding, that's obviously a spoof page. Only an idiot without a brain -and that's ten times worse than an idiot with a brain- would think that website is authentic.
Oh, guess who thought it was genuine? Pumkin, that's who!
I tell you affirmative action is no longer a priority if the majority race is declining that much. Oh, okay, I apologize, but the girl gets on my last nerve with her self-absorbed 'the world has wronged me behavior.'
Pumkin still, to this day, believes she did nothing wrong by spitting in New York's face. If I were New York I'd squeeze an overused sanitary napkin in her face.
She is sort of pale, she could do with some color.
Today the winner will be crowned and I will say it right here and now...HOOPZ WON THE FINAL EPISODE OF FLAVOR OF LOVE BUT NEW YORK IS MRS FLAVA FLAV
I just thought of something, would it not be hilarious if that were really New York's website? That would make me quite the asshole wouldn't it?
Anyway, it's not the end of the world to be the biggest asshole in the universe because I have never been one to feel ashamed about anything, and that's precisely the reason why I am about to show you the pictures I pilfered from pumkin's website.
Damn, wrong picture, hang on a minute. By the way, is there not something very reptilian about the both of them, no wonder they get along...
Have a look at Goldie in this picture. Goldie seems to have lost 480lbs. Okay, she wasn't that much of a big-girl, but still, how did she lose all that weight?
I don't know why people read this blog because the website with all the action is 'Talkin videos'. I should just stop writing about Flavor of Love and place one huge link to that site.
The latest interview they have is an exclusive with Hottie, aka Schatar Taylor.
Among other things, she confesses her true bust size as 44DD, philosophizes on being a gold-digger and says she still does not know what was so bad with her microwave chicken.
Yep, that's 44DD alright. If anyone wants to chat with me on Yahoo! Messenger or MSN Messenger give me a shout. Until then I will continue dreaming about Smiley, Smiley, Smiley, Smileys.
More news on Smileys and the Final episode of Flavor of Love is bigger than the Superbowl and the Academy Awards
| 13 comments »Terrible terrible news...I will not be able to watch this Sunday's final episode of Flavor of Love until late evening.
Damn, I tried to get out of a prior commitment but apparently if you are the best-man in a wedding you have to attend. Who makes rules like that?
I'll just have to slip out sometime during the reception to watch the second airing.
Hey, everyone has been asking me for information on New York (real name Tiffany Patterson) but I cannot help you, because there isn't any...
For a brief moment there I thought I had her; I found a Tiffany Patterson and she is either from or lives in Syracuse, but, though the resemblance is striking...
and you have to admit the resemblance is striking, I doubt it's her because my memory tells me New York looks a bit darker on the show. Ha!
Besides, this woman is a Professor of History and Africana Studies at Binghampton University.
So sorry readers, we'll just have to wait for New York to win on the final episode of Flavor of Love to learn of her background.
In other Flavor of Love news, the always sexy and ultra-hot Smiley has announced she has just finished shooting a pilot for a pending television series.
I am sure it will be good Smiley, just because you are in it.
Smiley, I love you, I really do, and especially when you are dressed in black thong bikinis. See here.
Is Smiley sexy or what? What! (wrong rapper)
Sunday is Miss Latin's birthday; she was Flava Flav's favorite on the show until she revealed she was still in love with an ex-boyfriend. At least that's what I recall, it's been so long since she departed.
If the title confuses you, it confuses me too; I just had this urge to mention thewireless internet in Philadelphia.
I had a conservative Republican moment last evening and watched FoxNews, only to learn that the entire city of Philadelphia will become a WIFI zone. Is WIFI the correct terminology? I am not that computer literate.
Anyway, that's why I wrote it...
Have I mentioned Smiley yet? I always seem to say her name in every post...Smileys Smiley Smiley Smiley; why don't you write me Smiley? I know you read the blog.
Anyway, there were two excellent comments in the comment box of my last post which I really appreciate. It's nice to know readers come here for something other than Hoopz pictures. Not that I mind, I love the traffic, but...but...but nothing, what the hell am I complaining about? It's not like I am writing here to win a Peabody, or is it Pulitzer?
Anyway, one of the commenters confessed to linking this blog in Wikipedia, an act I have previously thanked him/her for; but whereas before he or she was just a nameless reader I now know the person's name is Anonymous.
It's so much better when you can refer to someone by their name...hahaha.
Seriously, whomever you are, give me a name that I may publicly thank you in a personalized manner.
At this point you are probably saying, "oh hell I did not come here to read that."
Well have patience young padawan, I am getting to today's Flavor of Love news.
The first bit of news concerns a rumor I read on a forum. It is probably a lie, in fact I know it is a lie, but I am reporting it anyway...Someone says in the final episode of Flavor of Love, Hoopz will be given the clock and at the very moment she and Flava Flav are about to kiss, New York interjects with astonishing news!
The news being that she is pregnant with Flava Flav's child!
Surely that's not the truth; but if it is...oh Mobil Alabama would that not be the greatest ending in the history of television?
The second bit of news is.....drumroll please...
I found the acting credits page for Hottie, aka, Schatar Sapphira Taylor aftra, sag
I told you she wasn't as dumb as she looks? I knew she was just acting the fool.
Hotties is a member of the screen actors guild of America!
It turns out, if it is true (and you never know), that Hottie has quite a rack of acting credits to her name...and in her picture she looks, well, well, she looks like a hottie...look below and to the right...
See, I told you she looks pretty.
Here is the link to Hottie's acting resume or another link to the information on Hottie's website.
Can you believe what you just read?!
Hottie acted in some of the best movies ever made, like Amistad, Ladder 49 -okay that's a stretch- but still, there are some pretty good motion pictures on that list.
I am not surprised she starred in 'Waist Deep', because that sounds like soft-porn.
But not only has she acted in some very impressive films, but she has had lead roles in accomplished theater productions. My Lord, this world never ceases to amaze me.
What about her special skills as listed...
5 Octave Ranger voice, ear prompter, eloquent, familiar with 5 languages, great with kids, Hosting Experience, improv, punctual, quick study, speed reader, teleprompter, Voice Over Experience, Aerobics, Billiards, Bowling, Cycling, Golf, Martial Arts, Roller Skating, Snow Skiing, Stage Combat, Swimming, Tennis, Volleyball, Comedian, Dance Ballet, Dance Ballroom, Dance Hip Hop, Dance Jazz, Dance Swing, Dance Tap, Dancer, Ear Prompter, Firearms, Host, Licensed Driver, Martial Arts, Medical Equip., Piano, Singer, Vocal Range: Alto, Vocal Range: Mezzo Soprano, Vocal Range: Soprano, Vocal Range: Tenor, Vocal Style: Belt, Vocal Style: Legit, Voiceover, Yoga, African Accent, Australian Accent, British Accent, Canadian Accent, French Accent, German Accent, Irish Accent, Italian Accent, Jamaican Accent, Mid-East Accent, Midwest Accent, New England Accent, New York Accent, Puerto Rican Accent, Scottish Accent, Southern Accent, Spanish Accent, West Indian Accent
Familiar with Five languages? what does that mean, that she can recognize a different language if she hears it? If so, then I am familiar with 50 languages.
Oh heavens!
All I can say is I am glad she did not list cooking as one of her special talents. Because that would be lying.
And the only liar on this blog should be me.
The third and final bit of Flavor of Love news is Pumkin denying -on her blog- that she is racist. Pumkin says...
There are people on the VH1 message boards calling me racist. I find that funny as fuck!!! I am on television kissing on a man of color and my two best friends Hoopz and Goldie are black! What is wrong with those fuckin people??? To all my TRUE fans, I love you for supporting me and I look forward to meeting you all someday! God Bless!!!
A man of color? Do people still say that?
Oh well, I guess we ought to be thankful she did not say 'negro'...
Pumkin, I know you are not racist, at least I hope so, but don't use the fact you kissed a black man as a defense please. Slave owners were screwing their black slaves from the beginning of really doesn't mean shit when it comes to the nookie.
'Til tomorrow my friends...
Waittttt, are you still there? Hoopz website is back online

And thanks to another anonymous commenter, I can now bring you a link to Red Oyster's acting credits.
Jon Stewart or Flava Flav, the Oscars or the Clocks, The Academy Awards or Flavor of Love, Sweetie at a porn convention or more pictures of Hoopz
| 7 comments »I am torn; which show do I watch...Flavor of Love or the Academy Awards?
Now logic says I should watch Flavor of Love at mid-day then devote my wasteful attentions to the Oscars later in the evening, but we all know we watch Flavor of Love twice on Sundays! Right?
Right? Oh, I thought I wasn't the only one.
Well I guess I'll just do like the rest of you and pretend I care if 'Brokeback Mountain' or 'Crash' wins 'Best picture'.
Well, my dear readers there isn't much going on in the Flavor of Love universe, except an interview by Sweetie, you remember her don't you?
If you don't I'll slip a picture in this blog somewhere, just keep reading, or scroll down, whichever comes first.
In the interview Sweetie describes Flava Flav as "wolf cookies"
I am going to link to the interview but be forewarned she does not come across as very smart, and that's even if you factor in for ebonics.
She says shit like, "I was always trying to help people out...trying to be mannerable to the producers"
Now I researched the word at Dictionary dot com because you know, you never know...but when I entered the word it replied 'that's not a word you jackass.'
There were few things worthwhile in the interview but one of them was her man-keeping advice
I say when I have a man, that's what I wanna be for my man. If you're gonna have a man you need to be in there in the house so he don't gotta go nowhere else...I'm totally down with bein' a freak FOR YOUR MAN. Not for everybody else, but for your man. You know, I believe in breakfast and a 'bj' for your man...Oooh, was I allowed to say that word?
No sweetie you should not be allowed to say any words.
Jesus Christ, and people want to know why I like New York? Could it be because she is the only contestant with a more than average helping of intelligence?
That said -I hate saying that- Tika Rainn (that's her real name supposedly) is quite a sexy woman. If I had a woman like that I would more than be able to forgive her enuniciatory challenges...actually no, there is nothing to surpass an intelligent woman; like our devoted reader Miss Annji.
She really laid into someone yesterday in the comments box, you should go read it.
Actually there are more things of interest, like Flav Flav is about to be a daddy...again. Really, I should not give a damn about that but you know it's a blog about Flav Flav and that means I should give a damn about that.
Yes readers, apparently Flav Flav is pregnant again.

Sweetie from Flavor of Love interview.
If anyone wants to relive the moment of Pumkin spitting in the face of New York, go here for the for the, let me see what do I call it, how about video of pumkin spit at New York a la carte.
I do so much for you guys for so little gain...I wish this blog was chockfull of money producing advertisements like this reality television website.
I should end now but I have a picture to post, a picture of Sweetie, Tika Rainn at a porn convention with Lloyd Banks from G-Unit.
What? A porn convention!!!
Yeah, but she says she was there to promote her music...oh that's what they call it now. Didn't we hear New York saying she and Flav Flav made sweet music together? I really need to keep up on my hip-hop slang.

You know what, I have one more photograph...if I am going to use Sweetie's pictures (from her blog) the least I can do is post a photo of her children's album and add to the publicity.

Can we start all over again and just eliminate Pumkin from episode 1?
We can't? Oh okay, well can we just take that girl to a back-alley somewhere and beat her ass until she learns to spell Pumpkin.
Yeah I know it's not her fault it's Pumkin, but I couldn't think of anything funny to say; sue me!
Maybe I should get to the point, but before I do, Smiley Smiley Smiley will you please send me an e-mail.
Some crackpot wrote me confessing to be a friend of hers and said she loves this blog and the fact that she is, or rather was, my favorite.
Well prove it Smiley, write me and let's meet. I will support you, your two husbands and your three kids. Wtf am I saying, I can barely support myself.
Anyway, that walking piece of reality television trash, Pumkin, wrote this on her blog
Ok . . . so as most of you know, I was eliminated last night from Flavor of Love. I know . . . so sad :-( Anyway, this is really what went down that night. My mom came and met Flav and told him that I had been on game shows and dating shows before. Big surprise, huh? I mean, after all, the producers knew about every girls past experience on tv and each one of us have definitely been on something before! So, I was pissed because Flav was calling me out when he already knew what was up. I mean how can Flav sit there and question my intentions . .. look at his track record. Surreal Life, Strange Love, Flavor of Love . . . all reality shows, hmmm? I was pissed because he was being a hypocrite in my eyes. I was telling him that he had a pot of gold left and a pot of shit left and I hope in the end he goes with the pot of gold. New York butted in saying her usual and for me to go get a face lift. Well, I just did what everyone else wanted to do and wanted to see. So, I spit in her face. No, she did not hit me. No she did not really push me. My clutzy ass tripped over the rug in my high heels. Regardless of what happened, the bitch deserved it and the show went on. So, please understand that I am not a bad person . .. I am normal and when people press your buttons sometimes you do things out of character. However, I have absolutely no regrets!
Much Love, Pumkin
If you must know I corrected her spelling of hypocrite, I can't stand shit like that, but you know what I truly cannot stomach?
Lying-ass reality television bitches talking lying-ass shit on their lying-ass blog!
And if you read the comments all of them are in support of her. Hmmn, what's the chance of that happening? The rude woman doesn't have the decency and integrity to print all the comments.
I say my readers, all 1 million -that's in Yen- of you, go to Pumkin's blog and tell her what's really up with spitting in a girl's face, even if she is a transvestite, a transexual, or from Transylvania.
And, I don't want to play the race-card, but is it not oh so pathetic for black men to be supporting her decision to spit in New York's face.
You know what, I don't give a damn, let's play the race card.
What black man in his right mind would say a white girl, or a girl of any other ethnicity, was right to spit in a woman's face. That shit just isn't copasetic.
I will grab those photographs from her blog and show the faces of those ingrates for all the world to see.
In another post on her blog she blames the editors for creatively editing her comments to make it appear she threatened to shoot New York. Read it for yourself
oh my goodness . . .
ok, so I was just watching Flavor of Love and it shows me saying that I was going to come back to the house and shoot her with a gun. Just so everyone knows that is not what was said . . . in my interview I said "I hate the bitch with everything inside of me but it's NOT like I am going to come back to the house and shoot her with a gun." I am completely pissed at this because it was edited to turn around on me. I am completely hurt by the editors of vh1 to portray me this way. I want my fans, friends, and family to know I absolutely did not say that and I am by no means a crazy ass psycho. I mean I did not even throw a punch . . . I definitely would not bring a weapon into it! Fuck that!
No bitch 'Fuck you!'
Is that your complaint? That they edited it to make it turn around on you?
Is this bitch mixing crack with her cereal?

Listen Pumkin, what turned it around on you is your spitting in a girl's face!
Am I the only person in the world who knows that spitting in someone's face is wrong, or has Bush passed another law without my knowing?
Somebody tell me, because if it's the case I have a lot of spit saved for Pumkin's face.
No no no wait, I can't leave without saying thanks to all those who contacted me on Yahoo! and MSN Messenger. If I have not yet replied to some of you, be patient, I haven't had this many friends since that day I stole $100 and took it to kindergarten.
Editor's oops: now we know why all the comments are favorable, only her 'friends' are permitted to comment.