I must have had 6 hours sleep in the last week or so; which means I am irritable, miserable and just plain old shitty.
I feel as if I should have a period or something, but I better not say that because you know what they say, 'to think it is to making happen'.

I had plans to post the Season 2 cast picture today because I finally got around to stealing it from Concrete Loop but I'll postpone its FOL-blog debut until tomorrow; or later, whichever comes first.
At first glance I'd have to say the Season 2 cast is awfully attractive; even the lady doing the worm looks alright.

I also thought about posting that picture of Larissa (a Season 2 contestant) but I shelved that idea as well. By the way, is that Larissa up there? To the right?
It looks like her but I really can't be certain.

Anyway, the reason I shelved all those noble plans is because of one woman and one picture. The woman is Brooke 'Pumkin' Thompson and the picture is below


Pumkin and Paris Hilton, tsk tsk tsk. Only Ernie and Bert were a better matched pair than those two.
Maybe it's a Paris Hilton impersonator because that does not look like the sort of place we expect to see an heiress.

Not to be outdone, though ultimately she was; is Thela Brown aka 'Rain'.
'Rain' was spotted with 'American Idol' runner-up Justin Guarini and took the time to pose uncomfortably with him

rain-and-justin-american-idol-2-jpeg rain-and-justin-american-idol-1-jpeg

So that's that then, tomorrow at lunchtime I'll post that picture of Larissa because I'll be hungry and she looks good enough to eat.


  1. Anonymous // 19/7/06 2:28 AM  

    Larissa is a SEXY MAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Anonymous // 19/7/06 4:07 AM  

    Uhh...that is not Paris Hilton.

  3. Anonymous // 19/7/06 1:49 PM  

    that is definitely Paris Hilton

  4. Anonymous // 19/7/06 4:08 PM  

    that IS Paris! the picture is outside of her house she shares with her sister.

    Here is Paris wearing the same thing after getting out of the gym:


  5. Anonymous // 20/7/06 4:03 AM  

    not a place you expect to see an heiress?! You idiot, thats Paris's HOUSE. i know, ive been there. next time know what you're talking about before you post something that dumb

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