As you know, last week 'Concrete Loop' published a picture of the 'Flavor of Love 2' cast. The Loop received it from the marketing people at VH-1 (you'd think they'd send a picture for me too, the bastards) and it shows 19 of what should be 20 contestants.
But don't get wet with anticipation of "New York" appearing on the Show because as a reader pointed out, the cast photo from Season 1 had 19 contestants as well.
Maybe the missing girl had a divorce to finalize or something. Anyway here's the picture I purloined from 'the Loop'


Shay Johnson looks nice in her floral-patterned dress with the handkerchief hem.
What? You are surprised I know what's a handkerchief hem? I didn't grow up in monastery you know, I've heard women discuss clothes once or twice to have picked up a few scraps of knowledge.

Larissa is looking cute as usual though I'd choose a more conservative style of makeup. Which reminds me, I promised you that picture of her...


Oh my, Larissa looks edible in that picture. I am sure to have a dream or two about her tonight.
Larissa, please send me more pictures from this photo-session.

I'll get to more of the girls later but this is where I checkout for the day.
Someone questioned the authenticity of the Pumkin and Paris Hilton picture but all I can say is that really looks like Paris Hilton, but y'all can decide for yourself.
'Til tomorrow, bye.


  1. Anonymous // 19/7/06 4:12 PM  

    that IS Paris! the picture is outside of her house she shares with her sister.

    Here is Paris wearing the same thing after getting out of the gym:

  2. Anonymous // 19/7/06 5:05 PM  

    Steups I dont think you need anymore proof than that.

  3. Anonymous // 20/7/06 2:51 AM There is the Flavor of Love 2 Promo

    Owl The Drummer

  4. Anonymous // 26/7/06 10:55 AM  

    What does Larissa have to do with Paris? I have the ret of the pictures of her.

  5. Anonymous // 6/8/06 5:21 PM  

    the 20th chick is behind flav w/ her hands on his shoulders

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