You know y'all are some selfish people.
Didn't I write about the end of my relationship a week ago? And has it not been a week since I wrote something?
And not one of you had the common decency to ask if I was alright. Damnnn!
I guess we don't have that 50-50 love Teddy Pendergrass was singing about.

Anyway, not that you care or anything, but I am doing okay and hopefully in three or so days I'll get over being single.
But forget that, in three weeks or something it's "Flavor of Love Season 2"

Get yourself hyped up because Sundays are nothing without Flavor of Love. I mean, Flavor of Love had us watching television on a Sunday afternoon!
The only people who watch television then, are people in love with Dr Rev Gilbert Patterson and NASCAR (which is shit by the way).

Now that the season is so close, the young women are beginning to exploit their windows to celebrity. Which is a good thing if you ask me.
I know people hate on these girls and say they are just looking for publicity and whatever. But so what!
It's a show! No one is trying to compare 'Flavor of Love' to the Middle East crisis!
So let's just enjoy the show, select our favorites and see what transpires.

I have more to say, particularly about Larissa (who has an I'll-make-you-leave-your-wife photo on her blog I want to share with you) and Bettie Brown, whom I have a strange affinity towards.

But until then I want to post a picture of one of my My Space friends.
I don't know about this MySpace thing because it makes you feel beautiful women are just a Starbucks away. I mean, are you telling me regular women look like that (see below)!


When I sought her permission to use this picture she said she was honored.
Well, all I can say to that is you were honored way before me. Starting with God who obviously gave you way too much of the things women want way too much of...
Visit Dynasty's MySpace please while I collect my thoughts


  1. Anonymous // 18/7/06 1:12 AM  

    Steups do you realize she is a parent too.
    I wish there were more women like her in VA

  2. Anonymous // 18/7/06 2:59 AM  

    Steups, there are women that look like this in every city and state, black, hispanic, asian, and african, and every other race. You have to ask them out to get them, you know. The worst they can say is "no." Some even fit their shoes.

  3. Anonymous // 18/7/06 3:41 AM  


  4. Anonymous // 18/7/06 10:53 AM  

    DAMN she's hot! Have u checked out the other pics on her site!

  5. Anonymous // 18/7/06 11:21 AM  

    God damn can she be my friend too.

  6. Anonymous // 18/7/06 5:57 PM  

    she is beautiful and I like the shoe too

  7. Anonymous // 18/7/06 9:19 PM  

    She is 1sexy Mami! Steups you are single now? make your ex jealous. She needs to be on a cover of a magazine.

  8. Anonymous // 20/7/06 3:54 AM  

    I agree with everyone, she is beautiful but I think she is a model because this picture was taken by a professional

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