Just back home from a great time at the Club and you'd think I'd be in bed doing you know what with you don't know who but here I am posting about Hoopz again.
Not really about her but posting pictures of her.
It seems I missed these two pictures taken of her by some kids at a Detroit theater multiplex; MJR Theatre I think it was. Anyway, Hoopz was in there with some guy friend whose name they never got and naturally they whipped out the Digital Camera -a Nikon E4600 to be exact- and the camera on their mobile phones and Voila! More hoopz pictures.
Can you tell which is the mobile phone picture and which is the Digital camera's?
I am sure it's simple enough but not when your head is spinning from too many Heinekens.
Ahhhh, my head hurts. Anyone out there with Motrin?
Tiffany 'New York' Patterson's My Space account hacked says Howard Stern on Sirius Satellite radio
| 1 comments »I don't subscribe to 'Sirius satellite radio' so I can't swear this is true but the person impersonating Tiffany, aka New York; wrote that her My Space account was hacked and -this is the real gossip- it (the hacking that is) was announced on 'The Howard Stern Show.'
Are you confused too?
If this person is a fake how would news of her account being hacked end up on Sirius Satellite radio?
Or could it be that the real New York has a My Space account and that was hacked?
This sounds like a job for 'Anonymous 2'.
Anyway you'd probably want to read what she wrote, so, look below...
If you haven't heard already on Howard Stern SIRIUS Satellite Radio, my Myspace.com account was temporarily hacked and taken over during the weekend of 4/22-23. The hacker attempted to sabotage my reputation and delete everyone on my friend's list. When I logged into my email, I got a suspicious message that gave me my password for this account. I was unable to log in and knew that something was not right. My publicist contacted Tom and so far, we know that it was an unidentified person from the San Francisco, California vicinity. The FBI and local police are now investigating the matter because apparently, well known figures have been hacked in the past, leaving their personal information vulnerable on the web.
If you have received any suspicious messages from my account, please ignore them as they are not on my behalf. Finally, I would like to thank Tom and the Myspace.com team for their efforts in quickly restoring my account.
Yours Truly,
~Tiffany aka NY

Perhaps you need to visit the fake New York My Space account yourself.
Look at her indulgences when you get there. They include her BMW M5, Chanel sunglasses, Christian Dior handbags and Roberto Cavalli evening gowns.
To think she owns all the finer things in life and on the show she was excited to go to Mexico!?
According to Yahoo! T-shirt searches are among the more popular searches at the search engine portal.
The Top 5 they say are:
1) Pantera t-shirts
2) Junk food t-shirts
3) Bob Marley t-shirts
4) Red Sox t-shirts
5) Snakes on a plane t-shirts
Well, how much would you bet that Nikki Hoopz t-shirts become the next buzz query at Yahoo, Google and MSN search-engines?
Judging from the guy below it doesn't appear to be such a bad fashion statement either; he certainly looks happy to be seen in an Hoopz t-shirt.
You know, looking at the picture on the t-shirt,that guy must have some sort of affiliation with Hoopz. If he is her bodyguard then that's just hilarious.
If he is a friend then that's just cool.
But if he is manufacturing and selling the t-shirts then I want to know where can I get one?
Or two?
You know the deely, if you are anybody in the entertainment world and hosting a party who you're gonna call?
'Nikki Hoopz Alexander,' that's who.
The internet buzz on Hoops and Hoopz is just unreal and it cannot be long before she starts receiving movie scripts and offers for commercials and print ads.
I know some of you are on Hoopz overdose but, trust me, it's actually a good thing. Hoopz is sustaining interest in Flavor of Love. Remember that show?
The more interest in the show the better the ratings and the more money for Flava Flav, and that can't be a bad thing.
Anyway, that's enough verbiage and fluff, let's get to the good stuff, HOOPZ PICTURES!
Thanks to Anonymous 2 I was directed to a great party photo blog for pictures of Hoopz, in Houston, co-hosting an event for Black Mens Magazine Player's Party.
Lyric and Sundy Carter co-hosted.
I feel like I should know Lyric but I don't. Maybe it'll come to me tomorrow.
I should mention those pictures were procured from HoustonHoneys.com
Hoopz is really becoming a player in the hip-hop world because AllHip-hop cannot stop talking about her. As if I could talk.
The latest Hoopz watch or Hoopz sighting posted over there is that our favorite reality television starlet was in Houston at Club Harlem Knights and she came in a pearl white on pearl white dubs Nissan Armada SUV.
That's not too shabby considering I drive an old, used, decrepit, Mazda 323.
The real Hoopz gossip, according to All Hip-Hop is she was escorted by TI's Pimp Squad Click and Slim Thug, who not to be outshone, came to the Club in a blue Rolls Royce Phantom.
Sorry about the picture, i couldn't get a good car-painter in time to paint it blue.
I wrote before today, that Smiley, my Smiley will appear in an edition of 'Smooth magazine', well today she wrote on her blog that her debut will be in the May edition. That's not her up above if you didn't know.
I hope she looks great and goes on to even more stardom because that's my girl; if you didn't know. She had some augmentation or laser surgery somewhere as you may have noticed by her 'enhanced' appearance at the Reunion Show. It's worth buying just to see her plastic surgeon's work.
Smiley, Pumkin, Georgia and the rest, at reality television party in Oakland, California.
For a while it seemed Nikki 'Hoopz' Alexander had taken over the blog as she had taken over every hip-hop rumor on the celebrity sites but thanks to Brooke 'Pumkin' Thompson we have less salacious news.
Writing on her blog -for the first time in weeks- Pumkin announced there would be a cable television battle of reality stars of MTV and VH-1.
Actually she didn't but it sure seems like that to me. What she wrote was there would be a party at the Menage in Oakland, California on May 13th 2006 and "there will be a little competition between VH1 and MTV!!!"
Sounds intriguing but I don't think Hoopz will be there because rumors say she has already partied at the Menage, when it was named the 'Menage a trois.'
Pumkin is quite courageous to invite fans of the show who live near or around Oakland. Isn't she afraid some nutcase walks up to her and spits in her face? I would be -if I were her that is.
If any of you out there attend the party and dances with Pumkin or whatever let her know we still expect an apology for the spitting incident.
You know, I am not sure if I'd posted that picture of Pumkin before but she looks quite pretty. Maybe she just had a bad day during the filming of that particular episode.
Or maybe I am feeling all romantic and shit after I read what her lover posted on Pumkin's blog
Hey gorgeous. Get your ass back here to Houston. . Your wifey misses you already. This morning was the hardest morning ever.... It's hard to watch the person you love leave. Even if it is just for a short time. I had such a wonderful week with you - as always. You mean the world to me! I love you
I am jealous! Not even my mother says "you mean the world to me" to me.
Someone better show me some love in the comments box before I overdose on Ben & Jerry's valium ice-cream flavor. Or maybe Pumkin's friend can squeeze me to death with her huge forearms.

You'd think Hoopz killed the Pope or stole Jennifer Anniston's husband the way people are carrying on. Everyone is on the Flavor of Love winner with descriptions you wouldn't call your neighbor's dog.
Some say she's a Gold-digger other's say she's just a 'ho', but everyone who writes about Hoopz are the real gold-diggers.
The truth is Hoopz is popular, and I mean really popular. This blog alone attracts a thousand viewers a day solely on people searching for her name through Google and Yahoo!. So one can well imagine the sort of traffic diverted to the really popular celebrity sites and blogs, like 'Concrete Loop' and 'Sandra Rose'.
Those sites, as mine, have Google Adsense and some host private advertisements and Yahoo Ad publishing.
I am sure, therefore, it is quite profitable for them to encourage attacks on Hoopz, because it is a cycle generating traffic and income.
Oh, so you're thinking I am making all this 'paper' from this blog. Well think again, I don't!
But I am sure they do; so don't play the game of criticizing Hoopz.
At worst she is a young girl enjoying her new found celebrity, at best she is a victim reading all over the internet that she is a slut and a gold-digger.
She is probably neither so I really hope readers would refrain from insulting her or any other Flavor of Love contestant. Except Pumkin of course, she's just nasty.
That's it then if you can't help yourself go to Sandra Rose (wherefrom I got the picture) and hate on her all you want.
I stopped listening to Power 105 FM Radio -an urban hip-hop format for the unitiated-because Star and Buc Wild (those two clowns) were acting the fool, running their mouth on the Williams sisters (Venus and Serena) and talking nonsense as usual. I vowed never to listen to that radio station again.
Until then I never cared that they hate on almost everything, which makes me a hypocrite or something.
And because of that I apparently missed the Hoopz interview where she denied being married and refused to comment on her alleged relationship with TI.
The rest of this blog is private so STOP READING UNLESS YOU ARE ANONYMOUS 2!
1) Thanks for yet another link
2) Just a hobby
3) Not journalism...Computer Science and Mathematics
Been a while since I wrote about Smiley. Smiley, call me?
How many of you have tasted Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie Ice Cream?
All I can say is, it is the best ice-cream ever!
Nothing beats that.
Anywho, I told you to start saving to buy your June edition of King Magazine -the illest Men's magazine ever- for the Hoopz pull-out; but how many of you listened to me?
You have seen the pictures before I trust, because I have posted them somewhere around here, but I know you haven't seen the cover.
Well here it is, and if you look at the top right-hand corner you'll see Hoopz; that is if you can take your eyes off of Lauren London.
Yikes! Shorty just kills that fuschia bikini.
If 'Ben & Jerrys' can make a Lauren London flavor, that, would be the best Ice cream flavor of all time. Mmmm, if I had that I'd lick my lips more than Todd Smith, and you know that's a lot of licking.
The speculation continues over the alleged relationship between Nicole Hoopz Alexander and rapper Clifford Joseph TI Harris Jr.
Clifford Joseph Harris Jr?
That's a funny real name to have, don't you think.
Anyway, whether they are a couple or not, I don't really care; I just like watching pictures of Hoopz. The pictures below are from a nightclub in Atlanta at an event sponsored by Budweiser and the guests included Meagan Good, Terrell Owens and Nelly.
As you can see I grabbed them from the Poison Ivy ATL website; so all credit to them and whatnot.
The pictures are high resolution pictures so if you are on dial-up it's going to take some time to view all of them.
You ready?
Let's snack on some Hoopz eye candy...
More pictures to follow, keep checking.
What!? You thought I was lying?
And if you thought that was nice it was even nicer for Hoopz, TI and a dancer at the after party at TI's house. That is, if you believe the Media TakeOut exclusive.
On the 'Sister 2 Sister' fora I read Hoopz may appear in the latest TI video but that's about as rumorific a rumor one will ever hope to see.
Besides that, I got nuthin' on the 'Flavor of Love Season 1' girls, but who knows maybe something will turn up.
Until that happens we can turn our inquisitive selves to the ladies auditioning for Season 2
Mysti Bluee's audition tape was aired at i-film and I already have information on the prospective contestant. Her name is Giovanne and she is attractive enough, I think.
She's a rapper and has released at least FIVE singles, but considering the fact I never heard about her 'til now, it's probably safe to say her rap songs didn't go far past the underground.
But, if you happen to be in downtown Brooklyn and are passing near 'Golden Crust' for Jamaican patties check the bootlegger nearby for a copy.
The titles are:
If you want to show her some love she has a page at Blackplanet under the name Chocolate Dahl
If you don't know what Dahl is it's an East Indian dish made with peas and curry and quite popular in Trinidad, London, Guyana and India.
Why do I know this?
Well, your friendly neighborhood blogger has lived in London and Trinidad and visited Guyana once or twice.
I say vote her in, she is nice enough, old enough, and she has a website which makes it easier for me to write nonsense about her.
Catch you later.
Rumor, Hoopz is a married woman. Fact, audition videos for Flavor of Love Season 2
| Hoopz | 19 comments »Hoopz married?
Say it isn't so, yet, the way the lives of these characters have devolved I'd wager there is some truth to the rumor posted at All Hip-Hop.
Their story
...we don't know a lot about Hoopz, other than she is the new hottie on the block, she likes T.I. and dissed Flavor Flav. But, slowly and surely, information is coming out about the "Flavor of Love" star. According to sources out of Hoopz' hometown of Detroit, she is already married to a dude from the Southwest side of town and he's a ballplayer that plays overseas. In case you didn't know, hoopers from the United States that didn't quite make it to the NBA generally find a great source of income playing overseas. Apparently, this man was cool with the whole "Flavor of Love" thing so Hoopz could jumpstart her model career. I don't know what man would be cool with his girlie kissing and carrying-on with Flavor Flav like that. That's that real love that Mary (Mary J. Blige) was talking about, that love I know nothing about. She'd still be at home in Detroit if she was my girl! (This is why I'm single, ya think?)
Nahhhh, I don't believe it; but I thought you should know about it if you have not yet heard of the rumor.
Elsewhere my great friend Anonymous 2 alerted me to audition video for Flavor of Love Season 2 posted at I-Film. She really does help me a lot because I had absolutely nothing to write about until she threw that in my lap.
I had already made up my mind to spend all weekend staring at this picture of Glittery Girl...

Lord have mercy, that girl is just too beautiful.
Anyway (I say that a lot don't I?) here are the embed videos of the auditions.
Thanks again Anonymous 2, but why won't you state your name?
I won't stalk you or anything. It's not like I am the kind of person who sees a picture of someone on the Internet then obsesses over them and posts their picture.
That would be someone to be afraid of...but not me, your friendly neighborhood blogger.
Yesterday your friendly neighborhood blogger fell in Internet love for the first time after I crash landed on the Sister 2 Sister fora.
You see what had happened was...hahahaha. I can't tell you how I love saying that.
You see what had happened was I saw this girl's picture on a forum over there and I said wtf? I never knew women still looked like that.
Until then I thought I had to watch Turner Classic Movies or Cinemax's Hotel Erotica Cabo to see such a classic beauty.
Which reminds me; when they get this cloning thing all sorted I want a Deborah Kerr, a Kim Novak and a Dorothy Dandridge.
Anyway, I think she was slightly embarrassed by the unsolicited attention so we'll leave her alone before she takes out a restraining order or something.
Go read her comment on yesterdays blog...but come back okay?
You're back? Good.
Let's gossip.
Hoopz and TI is apparently no joke because they forced tiny to respond on public radio which is surely not a pleasant thing for her (Tiny).
But it's all good for me because that means more interest in Hoopz which means more traffic for me and we all know I love the attention.
I am sorry Tiny, I really feel for you but just like Jennifer Anniston you have to realize that most men don't have time to complicate love with unnecessary ingredients like honesty, fidelity and caring. It's all about the physical attraction and I am afraid Hoopz has the edge on you. Don't believe me? Look below...
How in the hell is Tiny supposed to compete with that?
Oh you're speechless. Just wait 'til I post the pictures of that girl I talked about then you won't be able to talk for weeks.
I thought that title was quite witty if I do say so myself.
But is it true or not true, that is the question.
I don't know actually, it is based on a post by a member at Sister 2 Sister magazine forum who writes...
"I was out and about in ATL last night at the Miami Heat party and TI exited the building with Hoopz in Hand. Keep in mind, Tiny from X-scape just walked in the building spotted the two and TI just walked out the back door with Hoopz. Then Tiny was pissed and left too. I guess they aren't together b/c boy if looks could kill, I think Hoopz would have been dead by Tiny's eye. The whole back patio at Atlantic Station was all up in the business. Including myself. By the way Hoopz is prettier and smaller in person than on TV."
TI -a hip-hop star if you didn't know- broke up with Tiny (remember her? because I don't) from Xscape recently so it's theoretically possible, if that makes sense to you. That's her and him below.

All I can say is their child must have a unique nose.
Anyway, as I said I got the scoop from a Sister2Sister Magazine forum and there are great fora on that site. In fact I never knew there was a 'Sister 2 Sister magazine' until I checked my site statistics yesterday and saw quite a few referrals from there. I urge you to return the favour by clicking on the link to read more of TI and Hoopz and while you are there check out the picture of one of their members named Glittery Girl.
That girl is seriously beautiful; seriously. In fact her picture should be posted here but I'll ask her permission first...
Remember Glittery Girl is the name and being beautiful is her game.
Bye...I am off to join Sister 2 Sister.
What happened to New York's grill and what is Hoopz doing with her diamond teeth caps?
| 3 comments »It just struck me, New York was fitted for teeth caps (Grillz) by Big Rick, and I presume a grill was fashioned for her by that weird Jewish mother-son combination, but was it ever presented to her? Or did that cheap mofo (Flava Flav) actually return the grill and retain the diamonds!?
That's some Nazi shit right there if he did that.
We saw Nicole 'Hoopz' Alexander receive hers but she has never used it since -at least in public- and who can blame her because it's not exactly the accoutrement of a classy lady.
Perhaps Flava Flav knew all along he would opt for 'Hoopz' and never bothered with one for New York.
That's just too bad. To think all New York got out of this show was a wad of expectorate to her chin still hurts me deeply.
Anyway, staying with grillz; I don't know the cultural tastes of the readers on this blog but if you are into grillz you should have a look at GoldteethUSA.com-the Gold standard of grillz makers- and then never return to this site again. We don't want your kind around here!
Ha, just kidding, all are welcome.
Before I sign off for the day, take a note that Hoopz will appear in the June edition of 'Vibe Magazine' so start saving your money from today. If they are smart they'll ask for at least one photo of her sporting the diamond teeth.
Baby Phat clothing for Cruise and Holmes, Rain wants to host parties and more pictures of Pumkin and Courtney
| 2 comments »I have to apologise for not posting 'til now but as you may have heard my friends Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes brought a new life unto this earth and I just had to be there for them. Send all your Baby Gap and Baby Phat clothing to me and I'll see to it that is is received.
The public seems to be turning against Tom Cruise but I'll say this right here and right now; unless Tom Cruise killed Natalee Holloway in Aruba, I will never dislike Tom Cruise. The guy has never done anything but make entertaining movies, and if he's a Scientologist, so what?
I am Catholic, and trust me, there are lots of shit in our theology and religion that is mighty weird. If someone wanted to make Roman Catholics look crazy it would not be that difficult, so ignore those counterfeit first-amendment activists who created South Park; they are millionaires just using a cause celebre type issue for publicity.
But I digress.
Flavor of Love news is slow today.
How slow?
So slow I am turning to Rain for something newsworthy.
Believe it or not she wants to host parties; on her blog she writes...

Is that girl crazy? Oh shucks I forgot she really is crazy.
Who would want Rain (real name Thela Brown I think) to host a party?
All she would ever say is "shut the fuck up" and "sit the fuck down"
If I wanted someone connected to the Flavor of Love show to host a party of mine I'd choose Brooke Thompson's (Pumkin's) girlfriend/partner/lover/wife.

I usually go for brunette lesbians but I will make an exception for her (Courtney) because the girl is oddly attractive to me. In fact she is delicious.
What else?
Oh, Anonymous 2 directed me to more Hoopz pictures so I might as well post them. Hopefully one day I'll post pictures of Anonymous 2 because I just know she's just as good-looking as Hoopz.

Tiffany's I love New York fashion T-shirts, Inside Man and MTV Sweet Sixteen reality television show
| 7 comments »I caught Spike Lee's 'Inside Man' yester-evening, starring Denzel Washington, Jodie Foster and Clive Owen, and it was very good; funny too.
Clive Owen is a star on the rise and is basically excellent in everything he does and you should really make an effort to see this movie. What was surprising watching the movie is seeing Daryl 'Chill' Mitchell in a wheelchair! I never knew he was paralyzed.
That's some sad shit right there because I remember this guy in the John LaRoquette (sp?) Show as a young un and he was hilariously talented if hilariously talented is a compliment. If it isn't, then I meant very talented.
I also saw MTV's 'Sweet Sixteen' today -I really don't know how I miss shit like that- and it was damn good too. This morning's episode featured the son of music jefe LA Reid and ex-pop singer Pebbles and it was very entertaining.
I remember getting a 'Super Nintendo' at 16 and was pretty stoked about it; this guy has a party at Jay-Z's nightclub with Jermaine Dupri at the turntable, P-Diddy turned up and Kanye West performed onstage.
I blame it on inflation.
Anyway, let's get to Flavor of Love news and sadly there isn't much, except for a chap (see picture) and his friend who extended their entrepreneurial spirit to manufacturing a take-off of the famous I love New York t-shirts...
If you like it I am sure you can make one or have one made for yourself.
Oh, I know what you're thinking...and you are wrong!
That is not me in the picture! Not, no, no way, absolutely not!
Brooke Pumkin Thompson gets hitched, married, partnered and I am missing Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley
| Brooke Thompson, Pumkin Engaged | 3 comments »Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley. Just writing that to let you know you are still my girl and I appreciate your email and comments.
Anyway, with Flavor of Love Season 2 a long long way off interest in the Show's contestants is waning but since I am caught by the television blogging thing it won't be long before I resurface with another weblog for a show that captures my interest.
Unfortunately there is nothing really out there at the moment so I am stuck with writing gossip about people I really don't know.
But hey, who cares; let's gossip.
Pumkin and her lover Courtney got married or partnered or whatever it is one calls the solemnization (a big word for getting married) of same sex relationships.
Actually Pumkin calls it getting hitched but whatever you call it they are definitely in love.
Update: Pumkin has since denied being partnered in any way shape or form, but who can believe the antichrist of reality television.
Update #2: Pumkin is engaged again
50th Anniversary post. I'll accept any gift that includes a Dell laptop, an Apple Ipod, Blackberry 7100g or Blackberry 7290
| 0 comments »Yes we have recorded 50 posts on this blog and I want to thank all of you who have contributed to the moderate success of the website.
My 50th post is actually tilted "Hoopz and Hip hop rapper Jeezy and Hoopz hosting hip-hop rapper David Banner's birthday party" so go there for the latest pictures and goings on of the Flavor of Love girls.
But for now, until you decide which Blackberry to buy for me -I prefer the Blackberry 7290- you can chomp on the pictures in the Hoopz gallery and the other Flavor of Love girls picture gallery whilst making a champagne toast (Cristal of course).
Hoopz and Hip hop rapper Jeezy and Hoopz hosting hip-hop rapper David Banner's birthday party
| 2 comments »Yesterday when I said I had 'news' about 'New York' and 'Hoopz' some readers probably thought I had a scoop or heard a rumor or something; well so sorry to disappoint you but I simply meant I had a few pictures to upload.
It may have escaped your notice but this website isn't exactly 'Page 6' at the New York Post and I am no Cindy Adams.
All I do is traverse the Internet, access email sent to me, and post whatever I have found and has been sent to me.
Luckily, as it turns out, yet another anonymous reader posted a few salacious details in yesterdays comments.
According to him or her, a Detroit Radio Station might have or may not have aired a story, that Nicole 'Hoopz' Alexander and Jeezy may or may not be a 'couple'.
There's some gossip for you.
On a side note, Jeezy (real name Jay Jenkins) really has a pointed head but I can't say much against it because mine isn't exactly flat either.
That anonymous reader also provided a link to 'Supa Cindy online' where pictures of Hoopz and Goldie reside.
I've actually met Supa Cindy when she hosted an event for 'MTV Tempo' so I am sure she wouldn't mind my stealing a few photos from her website's forum. Here are pictures of Hoopz and Goldie from the David Banner Birthday Party at 'Vision'...
Hoopz is doing quite well for herself as a celebrity guest host on the hip-hop party circuit, but not as well in the eyes of the public. It seems her quick separation from Flava Flav angered quite a few fans of the show but I don't know why. It was just entertainment and we were entertained so why are we complaining. Here are some more photos of Hoopz...
I don't think she can look any more 'butch', but maybe that's the new fashion trend. If men can wear capri pants women can wear shit like that I suppose.
Now we know Hoopz won the show but clearly the true winner is New York (Tiffany). I can't tell you the amount of email I get asking me for info and pictures of her; well I really don't have any, to be honest, but here is a video titled 'New York's greatest spits.'It appears that Tiffany just may have been the most genuine 'Flavor of Love' contestant, a lady without any agenda or need for celebrity. But, it also appears that she is not a people person because as far as I can tell only 'Goldie' and 'Red Oyster' can stand her.
'Cherry' certainly can't stand her and on her blog she writes...
"they didn't even air all the shit talking that went on. I got crazy because all those chicks talking shit to me and all they could say was 'you got voted off on the first day'. I was just minding my own business looking cute in my dress and Goldie, Rain and New York kept calling me out like Cherry got kicked off on the first day!! OK...I GOT KICKED OFF THE FIRST FUCKIN DAY!! WHAT ELSE YOU GOT BITCH?? They couldn't say shit else!!
Everytime I would respond they would tell ME to be quiet. I was like tell "NEW YORK TO SHUT THE FUCK UP" because she's talking crazy shit. Yes, if I was still in the house while she was 'curkin' I would have checked her ass. You saw how she backed up when I went off on her. I know it might have looked like I was starting shit, but I was just defending myself as well as my FRIENDS from the show.
She also reproduced a great recap of the Flavor of Love Reunion Show from the excellent site TVgasm. You should check it out if you have the time, if only for the television caps they have like...

I am writing way too much but it's my anniversary sort of, so forgive me. This blog is the 50th blog on this website which is 49 more than I thought I would have.