For a while it seemed Nikki 'Hoopz' Alexander had taken over the blog as she had taken over every hip-hop rumor on the celebrity sites but thanks to Brooke 'Pumkin' Thompson we have less salacious news.
Writing on her blog -for the first time in weeks- Pumkin announced there would be a cable television battle of reality stars of MTV and VH-1.
Actually she didn't but it sure seems like that to me. What she wrote was there would be a party at the Menage in Oakland, California on May 13th 2006 and "there will be a little competition between VH1 and MTV!!!"
Sounds intriguing but I don't think Hoopz will be there because rumors say she has already partied at the Menage, when it was named the 'Menage a trois.'
Pumkin is quite courageous to invite fans of the show who live near or around Oakland. Isn't she afraid some nutcase walks up to her and spits in her face? I would be -if I were her that is.
If any of you out there attend the party and dances with Pumkin or whatever let her know we still expect an apology for the spitting incident.
You know, I am not sure if I'd posted that picture of Pumkin before but she looks quite pretty. Maybe she just had a bad day during the filming of that particular episode.
Or maybe I am feeling all romantic and shit after I read what her lover posted on Pumkin's blog
Hey gorgeous. Get your ass back here to Houston. . Your wifey misses you already. This morning was the hardest morning ever.... It's hard to watch the person you love leave. Even if it is just for a short time. I had such a wonderful week with you - as always. You mean the world to me! I love you
I am jealous! Not even my mother says "you mean the world to me" to me.
Someone better show me some love in the comments box before I overdose on Ben & Jerry's valium ice-cream flavor. Or maybe Pumkin's friend can squeeze me to death with her huge forearms.

You mean the world to me Steups
kiss kiss kiss kiss tongue
lol, I love you Steups
What team would Pumkin be on? She has been on both stations. I am just curious.
Good question anonymous.
I guess VH-1 because on MTV she wasn't a main player.
Maybe they are up against the Real World Road Rules and Gauntlet people