Nothing special; just Chance and an unknown friend hamming it up with a few female fans.
I Love New York must have been good to Chance because he now looks as if he'd had food on consecutive days.
Anyways here are the pictures.

chance-friends-01 chance-friends-02
chance-friends-03 chance-friends-04
chance-friends-05 chance-friends
chance-whiteboy-friends whiteboy-friends

I owe a night on the program to: Jane

Whom do you choose?
I say the winner of I Love New York is Tango!
Chance is simply too much of a drama-queen. Unless your 105lb ass is carrying an MP5 sub-machine gun you need to keep your mouth shut; but as chance shows in this video preview, shutting up is not an option...

Credit: A Socialite's Life

If I were one of those people who are star-struck and quick to boast I would have made a post about the message on my MySpace from Serious (Flavor of Love, Charm School).
But I am not like that, so you'll never hear from me that she said I was "so sweet" and posted a picture of herself staring at me.

Oh no....


Is it this Monday?
Because if it is, y'all better get hyped and make this show the most watched Episode of the Series.
I don't get a sense of excitement from you people so let's make this weekend the countdown because the Final Episode is going to be the most shocking Episode ever shown on VH1; I've heard.
For now, let's relive one of the funniest moments of the show. As you know they've banned video from YouTube so all they have on there are a few audio-recaps and Meale's excellent tributes; but, I was lucky to find this video of Pootie's presentation.

The look on New York's face as her mother cracks up is priceless

Empties a 40oz for Ponlork

Meale ( if she were there) says she'd bid $25 for I Love New York's Pootie at the 'Celebrity Buy-a-Date' charity auction at the 'Ontourage', Chicago; this Saturday.
(but $50 for the picture, she adds)
I have nothing to add because I am always at a loss for words each and every time we write an article on Pootie.

Actually, that's not true; I have something to add...On his MySpace, Pootie has posted his resume' and among his special interests; he lists "mentoring youth"
(no comment)


I owe a striptease to: Meale

new-york-vh1-interviewNew York gave her umpteenth interview to the Celebreality blog, recently, and a two-parter at that.
She's never given us an interview you know?
Am I bitter? (are her fake eyelashes too long?)

What's left to ask? She's pretty much answered every question anyone can possibly ask.

Bitterness aside (but within touching distance) here's an excerpt I found interesting

...what went down with Miss Jones last month on the radio, when she hung up on you after accusing you of lying about college?

I'm glad we're gonna address that. First of all, Miss Jones doesn't appeal to me in any type of way. I don't have any respect for her. She's very angry. She's very nasty. She was asking me very personal questions about myself and I wasn't going to answer her honestly, because I felt like she wasn't really interested in my life. She was trying to attack me. So, of course, I just played with her. And her being a radio personality, she knew I wasn't being honest. I didn't care, I knew I had to get through that interview and remain professional. But I will say this: I think she's a fat, bitter bitch.

She's had weeks to put together a response to that fiasco and all she could come up with, is, "I wasn't going to answer her honestly, because I felt like she wasn't really interested in my life"?
That's embarrassing if you ask me; what do y'all think?

And only once have I ever flown first-class and even then I was bumped up because they oversold business class.
I couldn't enjoy it because the flight-attendants knew I was bumped-up and never flirted with me or anything.

Waste of time that was; I slept for all but thirty minutes of the 5-hours flight.

Anyways, here's a picture of Serious (Flavor of Love 1, Charm School) exiting a private jet. My question to her was, "where did you get those shoes, ma?"
(Sighs) At times I swear I am gay...


I am loving this girl right now. I feel Like I want to be her man or something; or her bed so I can just stay there and have her lie on me...
Here's another video from hotassgirl...(explicit language)

Go subscribe to her because she is all that and a box of Nips

From The Blogspot Inbox:

tango-teenage-mutant-ninja-turtle-donatelloHi, I read the blog regularly.
I was watching a show called Fox Reality Rewind this past Saturday night (and) TV personality, Kennedy, was interviewing Real and Chance (I Love New York) asking them what they thought about Tango winning the show.
They ripped on New York a little, on her mom a lot, and on Tango too (lots of Turtle jokes)

They said the only reason they were on the show is because VH1 saw their MySpace and asked them if they wanted to audition for a show. They went on to say they didn't know what show they were trying out for. When they were told it was I love New York, they still agreed but they were never there to find true love or anything like that.

Kennedy asked Chance his favorite part of the show he said the sex (ha ha ha).
She asked what they thought of New York when they first saw her; (and) one of them said she looked like a muppet. (they were laughing and cuttin' up through the entire interview).
Just passing on some info. You may be able to access the interview online through Fox Reality
Have a nice day.

Lareigna sent me the link to the Trends rap on New York and though I've heard it before I had another listen; and you know what?
That shit is good...he must have changed something because it sounds a whole lot better...

I'll be back but here's a picture of Chance just because the girl who sent it to me, Lovely Leo, is so pretty.


She looks like a young Oprah, don't ya think? The picture is from a Spring Break event in Miami.
I'll be back later (yawns)

This is Why We Pray

Quanda isn't the nicest person. Actually she has a nice limit. The limit is 1 day of niceness. So when she interviewed T-Bone awhile back, he caused her to reevaluate her ugly demeanor. She came to the conclusion the Lord doesn't make any mistakes. In order for balance in the world there is light and there is fire. T-Bone and Electra represent the light. Steups and I represent the fire. Always willing to be part of God's wonderful plan, I had to share a Christian rap with our readers. Because many of us have Jesus in our lives ...but many of us need to have him in our hearts.

I don't pretend to be a hip hop professional know it all. Mr. Q holds that title. He is the Matt Pinfield of Hip Hop. There is a plethora of unbelievable hip hop knowledge stored in his head. In spite of having limited rap knowledge , I still have an opinion. (Quanda is a Murs, El-P, Common and Lady Sovereign type of rap fan.)And I like T-Bone's flow and song. T-Bone was kind enough to answer my question regarding his song, ' This is Why I Pray.' (right-click to download directly)

Why do a Christian rap song?
" It goes back to wanting to be positive. Often the youth listen to music that leans more towards the negative in this world. Rap is a power medium. It permeates throughout our society. It crosses racial, cultural, and social-economic lines. I thought why not use rap to share with the youth some of the words God has to share with them. I am from New York and a lot of cats have some rapping skills. Why not use my skill to send out a positive message to the youth? I am a big believer in community work. I want to be able to reach the youth. Many kids may not know their time tables but they can recite multiple rap songs word for word. They know those lyrics. It's time to feed our children positive knowledge. It's important to have a positive impact on their lives. So I wanted to share a message of love. We all have a small part in making society better."

Well that about sums in up for me. And I thank T-Bone for keeping it positive. In spite of certain powers *coughs VH-1 coughs using special effects to make him appear to have a wondering eye *coughs when he doesn't.

Credit: Meale & Steups

You have just shared a Qmoment!

I came across this video from this hotass girl and maybe you guys wouldn't mind leaving a comment or two on her subject matter.

Now, I hope she doesn't read this because it's almsot certain she was showing genuine emotion; but something about the video seemed not totally genuine to me. Just my opinion.
I cosign the content though; no doubt about that.

Subscribe to her videos because she really is one hotass girl

It's funny; well actually it isn't...
Let me start again...
Just two days ago I exchanged maybe ten email with...Oh, oh, I have to say this; you out there who've sent me email saying "why do you always type email, it's emails!"
Well you are wrong; I think, because there's no such word as "mails."

Actually there is; if used as a verb, but you get what I am saying.
Anyways, I am rambling for a reason because that's precisely what you'll see in the video below.

Oh, I totally went off track. As I was saying, I exchanged ten email, maybe more; with one of the contestants of Charm School who complained that I am always being negative. My defence was you can't expect me, a guy; to be all excited about watching 14 women balance books on their heads.

Her response, her sarcastic response; was "yeah, what man wouldn't want to see sexy women in school-girl uniforms"
Well, I guess she was right because here is a dude, who probably voted for Reagan, saying he can't wait to see the show.
It's 7 minutes of incoherence but don't bail out because at the very end we get to see Whiteboy kicked out of the mansion; mwhahahaha...

I have to share my Government cheese with: Anonymous

Thela Rain Brown (Flavor of Love 1, Charm School) is best remembered for going mental on the minibus and at the Flavor of Love 1 Reunion Show. Well here she is playing a role she knows best, in a short film titled, "The Bread".
You can watch it here or you can watch it and rate it on The Lot.

I owe food stamps to: Anonymous

I haven't yet secured the Nielsen Ratings for the I Love New York Recap Episode but here are the numbers for the previous 9 Episodes:

I Love New York Episode 1 - 4.4 million viewers
I Love New York Episode 2 - 3.2 million viewers
I Love New York Episode 3 - 3.5 million viewers
I Love New York Episode 4 - 3.6 million viewers
I Love New York Episode 5 - 3.3 million viewers
I Love New York Episode 6 - 3.4 million viewers
I Love New York Episode 7 - 4.1 million viewers
I Love New York Episode 8 - 3.7 million viewers
I Love New York Episode 9 - 4.2 million viewers

It's doubtful the Finale will attract the 7.5 million viewers record set by Flavor of love 2 but the show continues to be a major success for VH1 and Tiffany Pollard

Credit: USA Today

More Charm School stuff to whet the appetite. This interview was spotted at Buckwild's MySpace by Faculty pledge, Lady Ty.
I haven't read it myself because I am stuck on how sexy Mo'Nique looks with her hips swelling to the side and her legs spread apart.

Mo'Nique-charm-school-interview Mo'Nique-charm-school-interview

I owe a mega-pack of Skittles and a Snapple Green Tea to: Lady Ty

If Persia from White Rapper were to lose a couple hundred pounds she'd be a nice 'jumpoff'.
Oh shit; lmao.

Just kidding; I am not hatin' on her or nuthin'.
Y'all believe me, right?


nibblz-persia-white-rapper nibblz-persia-white-rapper
nibblz-persia-white-rapper persia-white-rapper

And why is Nibblz hangin' with Persia because if she wants company, I'll be more than happy to...

I took a dash across to Serious' MySpace to see what my ex-girlfriend has been up to and I saw this picture of this massive double Billboard in Los Angeles; advertising the premiere of Charm School.


And here's a picture of my ex-girlfriend. She's the winner of Charm School and as soon as she receives that check for $50000 I am walking back into her life.
If y'all thought I had it bad for Tiffany Pollard be prepared for my open lust for Cristal 'Serious' Steverson.

Mr New York created an official page for The Blogspot so do the damn thing and add us to your personal page. He's done an excellent job and added our latest Podcast, with a twist.
Much appreciated Mr New York.

Has anyone seen Quanda about?

Oh; here's the link to the The Blogspot MySpace

Many thanks to Cael for spotting Buckeey (vh1's Charm School) in this 2XL music video for their single 'Magic City.'
It is what it is...

Mannn, people send me email all the time about their meeting one of the stars of I love New York or Flavor of Love. My friend KC (the tallest Asian in America) saw Bonez at the Beverley Center a few days ago and speculates he may be working at the Grand Lux Cafe.
He's had a bunch of other sightings too, but unfortunately he never has a digital camera to grab a picture or two.

But, that was not the case with Cael's sister. She met Deelishis in Detroit on Friday night, partying up a storm at the Northwest Activities Center on the West Side.
Cael picked the wrong night to stay home to read the I love New York blog because his sister took pictures of herself with Deelishis and a Detroit rapper named Tone Tone. (one more and he'd have been an R&B act)

Anyways, here's the picture of the rapper (just because)


And here's the picture of Cael's gorgeous sister (Deelishis is in it too)


All I can say is Cael's sister Deelishis looks incredible

charm-school-cast-pictureI missed the first ten minutes of the I love New York recap but was on time to see one of those weight-loss commercials. There was a girl named Karen from LA who looked damn good; I have to record that commercial when next I can.
There was a Charm School commercial as well and I must say I am not enthused by that show. Without Flavor Flav or New York where is the entertainment coming from?

New York should have been the host, not Mo'Nique; but let's get to the ILNY Recap lest I forget e'rything...

The first scene I see is a ruckus between New York and Pootie. Pootie started a relationship with a seamstress but it didn't work out and now she's his friend.."that's my girl, that's my friend" (were his exact words)
But there must have been some communication which New York got wind of because they are arguing in the kitchen and the camera cuts to the confessional where New York says she wants men in the mansion who are there for her and she's going "to make an example of him"
Her voice is hoarse and sexy; as all hoarse voices tend to be.

Soon they are arguing face to face...New York is on the kitchen counter, squatting; and Pootie is screaming at her. In fact, they are screaming at each other; nose-to-nose.
The conversation is brutal and funny but I can barely remember any of it because it's machine-gun rapid.
I do remember him saying, or rather shouting, "I want you to realize, recognize and analyze that I am here for you" and "I'ma poppin' out the back like a Burger King Whopper and I'ma have it my way, and you can have it yours!". To which New York replied, "without cheese, bitch"
(lol, that's why she is who she is and the haters have to fall back)

The scene shifts to the guys having fun with a makeshift slide in the garden. Everyone is enjoying themselves until Romance opts to slide butt naked holding on to his crotch (didn't look like much to hold on to).
For some reason this annoys Chance, but I was more annoyed by the shot of Tango's belly hanging all over the place and those man-boobs and man-tits (not that I was watching or anything).

Chance was so incensed he manoeuvered a meeting with Sister Patterson to decry Romance's shenanigans. It prompted this exchange between Sister P and Chance...

Sister P: a butt naked ho is in this house?
Chance: a butt naked perpetratin' ho
Sister P: I want to talk to that butt-naked ho
Chance: I'll take you to that butt naked ho
(for some reason that stuck in my mind)

We all know Sister Patterson's 'gaydar' is always on full alert so it was no surprise to see her follow up her investigation of Romance with a confrontation with 12 Pack.
We see her entering the room where all the guys are gathered, and she walks towards 12 Pack who says he "is reading his Bible after an emotional day"

Sister P asks 12Pack if he is "the guy that offered Chamo a lap-dance?" and demands, "I want to see a lap-dance tonight."
She invites, or rather orders 12 Pack to give an excited looking Chamo, a lap-dance. 12 Pack hesitates, and the situation looks really uncomfortable for him.
An embarrassed looking Onix makes a remark about Sister Patterson being a religious woman yet pulling this stunt. (what's it to you, Onix?)
In the end 12 Pack refuses but says he may have, if the ten guys weren't pleading "no, don't do it"
The scene ends with Chamo requesting New York not send 12 Pack home because "he's cuuuuute"

So that's Romance followed by 12 Pack...whom do you think is next to complete the trifecta?
Yeah you got it, Pootie.
new-york-king-magazineNew York is in the confessional parlaying her hoarse voice to her advantage and informs the viewers that it was time for Pootie to go.
We are treated briefly to Pootie's embarrassing presentation and hear him boast, "I was an extra on War of the Worlds"
(if that's your best boast, you need to kill yourself right quick)

As Pootie departs the guys help with his luggage and VH1 does a countdown to make us aware that Pootie came into the mansion with 5 heavy pieces of luggage
(wtf? He must have packed a 1000 wife-beaters because that's all we ever saw him wear)

The scenes are shifting rapidly and next up is Tango and New York having one of their deep, intense conversations. He says, "Baby, you make me feel good at times" but New York explains that she doesn't want to be hurt again and he's capable of doing that (to her).
Tango says, "I'm not here to hurt you" as New York becomes teary-eyed.
"This is what I feel when I look at you", she retorts.

However, in typical New York style she goes from crying and expressing love and compassion to saying Tango's face is rough and adds, "he needs some microdermabrasion"
(lmao...this woman is tri-polar)
She ends with..."looking at that skin was enough to make me run to get a facial"
(Noooooooo, lmfao)

Mr Boston is up next in the Recap Episode and he's on his stomach with his thong on, "tanning his ass". A visual that Tango says made him lose his appetite. He also added one of his Tangoisms..."he looks like he has been sitting in a pile of powdered donuts"
Chance and Real couldn't bare to see his white-ass and threw cold water on him
(Why then didn't they do the same to Joshua? He's a white ass too)
(Oops, was that racist? Sorry.)

whiteboy-chance-i-love-new-yorkChance takes his dislike even further and persistently bullies Mr. Boston; going so far as to slap a beer out of his hand. Eventually he, Whiteboy, Real and Rico pounce on Mr. Boston and take him down with the intention of God knows what.
(Rico? People do all sorts of shit to fit in)
They didn't count on Tango though, and he rescues Mr. Boston (Is this the same Whiteboy from the minivan? Why didn't he challenge Tango?)

That ended, the next scene shows Whiteboy emerging with a roll of toilet-paper and a knife (no comment). He says he found the knife under Mr Boston's sink and insinuates Boston hid it for protection against the bullying.
Mr. Boston proffers an explanation that he used it on something he ate the night before but Whiteboy disagrees..."I don't see any food residue on his knife"
(a seven-letter word must be a record for Whiteboy)

New York would eventually ay she sent home Mr. Boston because, "I was afraid Chance would up and kill his motherfucking white ass"
(well if she can say it, it's not that racist after all)

The scenes come at a rapid rate at this point....first we are shown a bit of the Chance tirade when Sister P says he is not fit to be a parent; then the tumultuous argument between Tango and New York because he devoted too much time with his ex-girlfriend, Sunny.
At some point New York says, "I don't want your stupid Ninja Turtle ass"
(if Tango won he must love New York less and less with each Episode)

From that (my memory is failing me) we are taken to the Chance and New York date with lots of kissing and abrasive behavior; then a flash-back to the Episode where the ex-girlfriends (and one sister) visit.
We revisit the scene with 12 Pack's girlfriend in the limousine and see a never before shown scene with Chamo putting to rest whether 'Feathers' is a gay bar or not. "Feathers is a gay bar", he says. "Who wears feathers? Me!"

real-i-love-new-yorkThere is a scene with a massage that I do not recall before they finally settle on some chronological order with the dates with the Final Four.
The Real, Tango and New York date is touched on and the only new video shown is of Real foolishly complimenting her with, "You look like an Arabian horse"
(no need to tell you how she reacted)

The video of the Whiteboy, Chance and New York date offers nothing new except for a discussion on the mansion being haunted by Pootie.
That out of the way; the Recap episode ends with the last two Eliminations....

Not much to write about here because we've seen it all before...
The only unseen footage is of Tango saying Chance "is unstable with ignorant" (lmao) and Real actually told Chance to "go out there, go follow her" when New York stormed out of the mansion after he removed his chain.
(Is Chance adopted? Because he is so far removed from Real or Claudia)

That's that then. I should probably re-write this when I see the episode again but don't hold your breath.
At the end of the Recap Episode we see a preview of the I love New York finale. One scene with New York's eyelash almost blown off by the wind and the last Elimination ceremony where she confesses she's "torn between what my heart wants and what my heart needs"


Ivory Sprinkles
So, here it is, round two of Ivory Sprinkles, the new strange news column I debuted Friday morning. For those of you who read that one, this is much different. With the last post involving bestiality, perhaps it's a good thing this one is so unrelated! While we may all have different views on what is "strange", I found this particular news to be odd to me. Mostly because I was surprised by how much it made my eyes roll. So, here it is:

Paparazzi are "stressed" by the antics of two famous blondes:
Two freelance photographers are suing Pamela Anderson and Denise Richards. For assault. And emotional stress. (Right around here is when I first rolled my eyes.)

Richards, perhaps most remembered for her menage a tois with Neve Campbell and Matt Dillon in Wild Things; and Anderson, who is best remembered for being Pam Anderson; were at the River Rock Casino Resort in British Columbia, Canada on November 9, 2006, while working on their upcoming film "Blonde and Blonder."
(Think Dumb and Dumber, allbeit with implanted blondes.)
Photographers Scott Cosman and Ric Fedyck claim that Richards assaulted them when they tried to take pictures of the two blonde starlets. They claim Richards called them "paparazzi scum" (As if they've never heard that term before...) before assaulting them and then throwing their laptops over the balcony of the hotel.

anderson-lee-pamela-photo-pamela-anderson-lee-jpgThe photographers allege the actresses then made "repeated false and defamatory statements to law enforcement and various media outlets which were deliberately calculated to embarass, humiliate and ridicule the (sic) plaintiffs." (I never knew paparazzi were such gentle, sensitive flowers...) The photographers also noted that the confrontation, which they say lasted more than 20 minutes, was recorded in the hotel security cameras.
Cosman and Fedyck are seeking unspecified damages. They claim that the incident has caused them lost revenue from clients who abandoned them, as well as emotional stress. (Are they really trying to say they are seriously suffering emotionally from this?!) Lawyers and representatives for Richards and Anderson had yet to respond for comment. (Maybe they were too busy laughing hysterically?)

Now, I can't stand to hear filthy rich celebrities whine about having their pictures taken and I'd be pretty pissed off if someone threw my laptop over a balcony, but I also believe that paparazzi can and do go completely overboard sometimes, and as we have seen in the past with the death of Princess Diana, for instance. In attempting to take pictures they can endanger and kill innocent people, all for a picture of a regular human being, just like us - albeit much richer.
Still, this subject is one of much debate. Do paparazzi go too far? Or is this just part of being a celebrity in a celebrity-obsessed world? I'm not sure how I feel about this, so I am counting on you all to let me know what you think about this issue. Who are the cry-babies here - the stars or the paparazzi?

tango-teenage-mutant-ninaj-turtle-jpegIn more Hollyweird news, Tango's resemblance to a Ninja Turtle maybe a joke among cast members, Tiffany Pollard and my friends in the comment box but no one is laughing at the box-office today.
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles topped the Box-Office this weekend with an estimated $26 million; just $4 million short of its production cost.
Cowabunga on that.

I'll be back Friday for my next news item. Until then, I wish you all a wonderful week!

Credit: Associated Press, Comcast

Have news you think is strange, questions or comments? Feel free to email me anytime (veronica.downey at gmail dot com)! ~Ivory

Rico Working the Film

The man many women swooned over is flexing his modeling muscle. Rico mentioned (in a previous interview) that one of his goals was to be a model. Well I take my hat off to him. He has been on his modeling grind. Posing for different photographers and building a portfolio. Often in this world people have dreams. Too many times people believe dreaming the dream is enough. News flash: In order to reach your dreams or goals has to work to attain their particular aspiration. Sitting on your @ss (unless your dream is to write for a blog) is most likely not going to get you anywhere.

The photographer is Jaime Jaxon based out of Tampa, Florida. Very talented this Jaime Jaxon is!!! As always perving pictures is based upon my desire to keep the ladies of the 'I Love New York/Flavor of Love Blogspot' supplied with appropriate eye candy. *wonders if Onix has any new pictures up.

Shout out: Hello Angela and Revenge

You have just shared a Qmoment!

Inspector Q on the Grind

Today, we had a welcomed visitor in the comments box. He goes by the blogger name 'The Ice Cream Man'. I don't know why but that name makes me want to do 'BIG GIRL' things. *blushes Also the very much missed Hutche made an appearance and managed to ignore me completely. Oh well, I'll always have love for Hutche. Jane reminded me that I am being a lazy cow concerning interviews. *moos And Steups was ...never mind.

As always, I am trying to figure out VH-1's next move. I usually keep things on the low low but heck it's Sunday. Why not ruffle a few feathers? *waves to executive producers, creators and production staff We love you at the 'Flavor of Love' Blogspot. You are keeping us entertained to the 8th degree! *blows them a luscious kiss What I am about to write is not confirmed nor is it fact. It is just my unintelligent mind grabbing at straws ( I should've been blond and rode the little short yellow bus to school.) But hell I faked my way through AP courses. Are you ready for my speculation? Here it is: Quanda believes that a Tango and Mr. Boston show maybe in the works. What type of show? I don't know but could it be an 'odd couple' sort of show? Tango the intelligent, articulate, successful, sexy entrepreneur, African-American male ( Tango fans' thoughts) lives with sheltered, funny, nose & toe picking, blue eyed blond Jewish male. I have some other thoughts on the possibilities but I am going keep them to myself for a while longer.

I was personally hoping for a Chance & Mr. Boston show ...but that would probably be a hot mess. Has anyone ever had turtle soup? ( No boos please ...just typing.)

This is allegely a picture of Tango and Mr. Boston with an attractive production staff member. The question to think about in this comment box is; Are you interested in watching a Tango and Mr. Boston show?

One more thing ( I know you all hate me), is it me or are Tango and Mr. Boston color coordinated?

You have just shared a Qmoment!

Introducing Schatar a.k.a. Money Banks
( The artist formerly known as Hottie of ' Flavor of Love' Season 1)

My fingers are about to fall off ...after all that. Many of us remember her as the curvy beauty with the impressive blink. ( I loved that blink and hope to see it on ' Charm School'.) What is it about that blink that I love so much? It's the type of blink that screams ... 'Are you talking to me? If so, why?' And of course it also shows off those beautiful eyelashes. Strips, individuals, extensions or naturally grown they are lovely. ( Unlike those Hoover vacuum brush strips someone else wears.) Another memorable memory, Hottie microwaved the chicken during the 'Flavor of Love' chicken frying competition. To heck with following directions this funny lady followed the beat of her own drum! She didn't win the cook off but she made one hell of a statement. I give her an A+ for originality and creativity. ( Isn't that dog cute? Is it one of those 'designer' hybrid breeds like a Pug- Tese? Think Pug and Maltese mix ...I am just typing.)

Schatar a.k.a. Money Banks is what this interesting, talented sister goes by these days. Schatar is a singer with a 5 octave range ( is that in Mariah Carey's league?) and an actress. She allegely scored a part in 'High Roller' starring Michael Imperioli ( Think 'The Sopranos'). You go Hottie
*coughs I mean Schatar!

Schatar believes it is important for young people to know:
They do not have to sacrifice their morals or values to get what they want. But they do have to be competitive to get ahead! Schatar wasn't willing to take off her clothes or have sex with anyone to win 'Flavor of Love' or any other competition. ( Heck New York may have had sex with Flavor Flav more than once and she still didn't win. But she did get her very own show. ...just typing.)

I don't know about you all. Quanda is looking forward to seeing how well Schatar handles Monique's ' Charm School'. I am just hoping there is no cooking challenge. *holding up a Cherry Coke Zero can "Here's to Schatar a.k.a. Money Banks ( the artist formerly known as Hottie of 'Flavor of Love' Season 1). Hoping all your goals and dreams come to fruition!" You can call her ...' Miss Money' if you want too.

You have just shared a Qmoment!


Well it was brought to my attention that today is Chance Birthday.


Well to me it's not everyday a person or a millionaire that is actually trying to make someone or a village life a little better. Since Oprah has open this school in Africa there has been so many critics/reports claiming that Oprah Winfrey's Leadership Academy for Girls was being strict for the school. I know when she first open her school there was a lot of people upset that she went to Africa to do this but what folks don't realize is in the USA which is one of wealthiest countries with so many programs to help people where as in Africa there basically not a lot of help. There were reports that people from other countries was willing to paid to have their own daughters admitted in this school which got turn down. So what so important about this school that is different from any other preppy school? Could it be the name Oprah Winfrey or could it be that they wanted their girls to go to latest prestigious school on earth or could it be just they offer a dynamic education program.

Now I do wish that some of these millionaires that's looking for a tax write off would do something a little better with their money. And before anyone ask what programs do the USA offer there is a book with a guy that has dollars signs on his jacket that is offering information on grants, scholarships and whatever else you are looking for. So yes it's there but to be honest, you really have to know where to found it. So if have any information hook a sister up.

Well here is Tyrese statement which reads:

"There is a staggering amount of millionaires and billionaires out in the world that do nothing to effect positive change within society. The fact that Oprah Winfrey took a monumental step to create a school in South Africa for the betterment of African children rather then (sic) just speak of change is commendable. The bible says -- 'No good deed shall go unpunished,' (sic) and there are many critics out in the world turning up negative stones (sic) to find a flaw in this wonderful gift donated to South Africa by Oprah Winfrey. I stand with Oprah in the fight for change and positive world reform and I hope that people realize there will always be struggle and without struggle there is no progression. (sic) Please leave her alone and let the blessings she is offering outshine the public scrutiny she is facing."

Well to let everyone know Oprah Winfrey, has open another school that cost 1.6 million dollars which this school will be named Oprah's Leadership Academy for Girls .


Ok what is wrong with this picture?

This must be a new trend that's
about to come out for the future
dog pound. Well Snoop was
seen walking around France with this
outfit. He was noted that he was going
to be comfortable no matter where he
goes with the matching blue beads to go with shower cap.


Attention all future Gangsters:

Coming soon to your local stores
Snoop Shower cap that you can
wear in the club or at the latest
golf club.

Attention Ladies that love Louis Vuitton:

Coming soon Snoop Vuitton.
Hey maybe he made a deal with
Moet Hennesy Louis Vuitton on the
Exclusive handbag.

PLEASE NOTE this is a joke by SHAWN


Well the covergirl was spotted in
Maui surfing. The Queen was
noted of venting her frustration to
photographer by showing them the bird

Well this voluptuous lady still look
good without her makeup.


new-york-blender-magazineWe apologize for the technical difficulties in our earlier attempt but we believe we've sorted out the majority of the audio problems.
Understand we are experimenting here so we are gonna f*ck up occasionally but it's our attempt to keep things fresh; and different.

You should know our podcasts are called Podssips™ and are edited and compiled by Shawn. She's also the host of the Podssip™ and in this our third edition she invites Dana, Mr. New York and Lareigna to offer their opinions on I love New York Episode 9.
Look out for Dana's Trinidadian accent, Mr New York's audio snippets from the episode and Lareigna's identifiably New York accent.
As I've said before, Lareigna's accent reminds me of the first witness on a Law & Order Episode.

Anyways, it's time for Podssip™3, you have two choices
1) right click and save to your hard-drive to play later (I think that's the better option)

2) click and listen on the web-page (you may need a QuickTime™ plugin)

Shawn's Podssip™ 3
(graphic language)

Credit: Shawn

new-york-jpegI've had this information for a day now and I've tried to confirm it with audio or a news report; no such luck. In that light you should treat it as rumor but this is the account I read, as written on a messageboard by a person who alleges he heard New York being interviewed on a Los Angeles radio station.
Warning: the language is explicit

...they asked a bunch of stupid questions that she has already been asked in interviews that we have probably heard. I was going to turn it off because I hate that Kermit-face b*tch but then once they asked her about Deelishis it started getting hilarious.
They asked her "...something about Deelishis that we don't know?"
I'm not going to quote but she said that Deelishis is known for her big ass and she shits more than normal. She also made a comment that Deelishis' ass is sloppy. She said that when they were all in the house together, and she shared the room with Bootz, their bathroom toilet was always getting clogged up and Bootz even got frustrated and wanted to trade rooms.
She also said (and I quote) "Poor Busta Rhymes. I can only imagine the rinks (I think he meant rings) in his home".

They asked her about the interview with Miss Jones and she refused to speak on it so they asked her about Hoopz.
New York said that Hoopz has some of the worst breath she has ever smelt (I never knew that was a word until today) and every time she smelled her breath, she would have the bubble guts. She made hints as to who she picked too. (Hint hint: Turtle man)

They asked her about the other girls who were in the house and she said that Nibblz always smelled like she was on her period, Bootz can't stop showing her hairy p*ssy, and Krazy was fun to mess with because she absolutely hated her.

She also admitted that her breast job was too large and she was going to get them smaller but she's also getting butt implants. She said that she also has a real MySpace page but I didn't remember the name because I didn't care.

Credit: Jean Paul


Cast Name: Serious
Real Name: Cristal Stevenson
Myspace: Soserious07
Appeared: Flavoroflove 1
Eliminated: Episode 3

Now this young lady, I truly admire her. Her modeling career has went SkyRocketed.
For those that don't know Crystal Stevenson aka Serious. She was on Flavor of Love 1.

On January 15, 2006 Espisode 3: A Friend of Flav's is Friend of Mine,
Serious won the challenged to organize and execute a birthday party for some children. Serious was accused by Red Oyster that she believes Serious was there
to further her modeling career.

Since the Flavor of Love 1, Serious , has been in videos, magazines, and tons of photos. She also won the 2007 SEA Model of the Year. As of this moment she is spokemodel for CRUNCK Energy drink. Right now she is on tour with Ludacris. So go to her myspace page and check out the date she will be in your city.

Go and check her site: Serious Website
Her myspace page: Serious Myspace Page

Credit: FolBlog Staff.

It's So Hard to Say Goodbye

Meale slaps Quanda. " Q. get it together did you want him to be with her?"

" NO... but I miss him." sobbing uncontrollably Q. replies.

" Get it together and post the Podcast Video. The world doesn't revolve around you and your Whiteboy fanaticism."

" It doesn't?"

" No fool it doesn't!"

Credit: Meale

You have just shared a Qmoment!


Ivory Sprinkles
Good morning, and welcome to the debut of my news column. Some of you may remember some months back; I would do something I called "Ivory's News of The Day" in the comment box. With the blog expanding and getting bigger and better everyday, we wanted to offer more to you. It is very easy to pick up a newspaper or turn on the television to get your news, which is why I won't be reporting that kind; the regular fare. Instead, here you will find the strangest, oddest news that you just won't find in the New York Times or on your local television news station. I want to thank Quanda for thinking of re-introducing the news and for thinking of the name as well; thanks to Steups as well for the opportunity; and to Shawn - the gossip maven and queen of the podcasts.

My girlfriend, the dead deer
What is wrong with people these days?! Lots of things, apparently. Now I myself am an animal lover, I don't really eat meat and would never wear real fur. But there are animal lovers like me, and then there are animal lovers in a very different, very disturbing way. In Superior, Wisconsin, 20 year old Bryan James Hathaway just pleaded no contest to (those who are squeamish may not want to read any further!) having sexual contact with a dead deer. He received probation and his sentence requires that he be evaluated as a sex offender as well as being treated at the Institute for Psychological and Sexual Health in Duluth, Minnesota. The assistant district attorney, Jim Boughner, said, "The state believes that particular place is the best for the individual." (I can think of a few places that are more appropriate to place him...) But that's not all! This deer was not his first victim. He was found guilty in April 2005 of felony mistreatment of an animal after killing a horse with the intention of having sex with it. For that he was sentenced to 18 months in jail and a 2 year supervision, in addition to an additional 6 years of probation for taking and driving a vehicle without the consent of the owner. (Busy guy, isn't he?) He will also receive a 9 month jail sentence for violating his extended supervision from the horse incident. "The type of behavior is disturbing. It is disturbing to the public. It is disturbing to the court", said Judge Michael Lucci. (What about the animals? I'd say it was most disturbing for them! Wow, what a sicko.)

Me, my girlfriend, our two kids and our 26 animals

In Santa Cruz, California, 26 animals were confiscated from a motel room. The motel room of a couple, whose names are not yet released, and their two children, filled with the animals and apparently quite a bit of junk, was discovered by motel staff after they realized they had not heard from the couple in over a month. There they found 20 domesticated birds, a cat, a rabbit, a (cringe) dead bird in a cage and (cringe again) three more birds stuffed in the freezer. The couple who have not yet been cited or arrested, could face misdemeanor animal neglect charges. "In this particular case, they also collected junk in addition to the animals", said Todd Stosuy, animal control manager for the Santa Cruz County Animal Services Authority.
(I'm really curious about what he meant by "junk.")

Video of Tiffany New York Pollard from King Magazine photo-shoot

Miss New York cusses out KING Magazine but plays nice in the end. Behind the scenes footage of New York’s May 07 photo-shoot.
Click here for video of New York behind the scenes at KING Magazine

Well, that is it for today. I will be back Monday morning for another news fix. I hope you find the column to be entertaining and informative and I look forward to giving you lots of weird stuff to ponder. Wishing you all a wonderful day!

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