Inspector Q on the GrindToday, we had a welcomed visitor in the comments box. He goes by the blogger name 'The Ice Cream Man'. I don't know why but that name makes me want to do 'BIG GIRL' things. *blushes Also the very much missed Hutche made an appearance and managed to ignore me completely. Oh well, I'll always have love for Hutche. Jane reminded me that I am being a lazy cow concerning interviews. *moos And Steups was ...never mind.
As always, I am trying to figure out VH-1's next move. I usually keep things on the low low but heck it's Sunday. Why not ruffle a few feathers? *waves to executive producers, creators and production staff We love you at the 'Flavor of Love' Blogspot. You are keeping us entertained to the 8th degree! *blows them a luscious kiss What I am about to write is not confirmed nor is it fact. It is just my unintelligent mind grabbing at straws ( I should've been blond and rode the little short yellow bus to school.) But hell I faked my way through AP courses. Are you ready for my speculation? Here it is: Quanda believes that a Tango and Mr. Boston show maybe in the works. What type of show? I don't know but could it be an 'odd couple' sort of show? Tango the intelligent, articulate, successful, sexy entrepreneur, African-American male ( Tango fans' thoughts) lives with sheltered, funny, nose & toe picking, blue eyed blond Jewish male. I have some other thoughts on the possibilities but I am going keep them to myself for a while longer.
I was personally hoping for a Chance & Mr. Boston show ...but that would probably be a hot mess. Has anyone ever had turtle soup? ( No boos please ...just typing.)
This is allegely a picture of Tango and Mr. Boston with an attractive production staff member. The question to think about in this comment box is; Are you interested in watching a Tango and Mr. Boston show?
One more thing ( I know you all hate me), is it me or are Tango and Mr. Boston color coordinated?
You have just shared a Qmoment!
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Nice post Quanda.
Thanks for the thoughts.;)
I don't see this as a good show though, unless they have some surprises out of this world.
I could be totally wrong about the the type of show. I am just guessing. It might be interesting whatever they are trying to create.
Guess we'll have to wait and see what they'll come up with.
That's all we can do unless have an insider among us.
I would say I wouldn't watch it now, but the blog spot would play the show up so much like they did with New York's show, that I would watch it anyway. I don't think Tango is the right person to pair up with boston to make a good show, chance or maybe "ONIX" ;) (for obvious reasons /I just want to see him on tv/) anyways ooh maybe boston and 12 pack, thats interesting, or even boston and real. But not Tango, he's pretty dull, and like he said before; he lost his sexy.
GIGI, Onix / Mr. Boston show would've been a definate must see. Onix is that addictive type of eye candy. A 12 Pack show with someone would be good too.
Yeah, my problem with 12 pack is that he's admitted to being an actor so I would know that whatever he did from here on out would be an act.
Hey get your own eyecandy quanda (whiteboy) Onix is mines ALL MINES.
Damn GIGI ...I can look. Yes and Whiteboy is someone to look at and talk to ......
lol. I want you to keep yo eyes on the white prize. I got my onix to myself. I'm selfish like that lol nah I'm playing. I need him to pay me some attention on myspace though. I mean can a sista get some kind of attention?
*coughs Gigi I don't know about that one. LOL.
lol whatever. Hey how do I change my display name on here like you do?
Oh yeah, my sister had her baby it was a 6lb 4oz baby, as if any one cared
Congratulations Auntie Gigi!
You name change directions are coming.
Click your name and then click enable account and you'll be in edit account ...find your blogger name erase and change to your desired nick and then click save profile.
Well thanks for those lucrative instructions, I think it worked
hi quanda what type of show you think the producers mark cronin and ben samek will give flava flav this time there a rumor going around he will have his own talk show down the road
i'm special
aww man, I hope not. I'm tired of William Drayton. I think he need to go sit down and just be a daddy.
i know gucci girl gigi but vh1 is making good money off of flava flav and new york
well Flav seems to be a scam now that we see how he treated Deelishis. I think that after maybe one more good flavor flav show, we gone be tired of him for real. With New York, I think everyone is just giving her a chance. But where I am, ALOT of people who loved FOL2 will not watch New Yorks show, so I don't know
PMS, I 've heard the same rumor about the 'Talk Show'.
It would be interesting if Flavor Flav did a talk show where the focus was music/ recording artist.
hey what does it mean to be
86ed from The Olive Garden?
quanda but would that work for him will that bring ratings you know all the producers care about is ratings anyway
86thed can mean thrown out, banned, cutting ties, dumped.
It could work! I didn't think ' I Love New York' would be a success on the scale that it is.
Will it bring in the numbers like 'FOL' ...I don't believe so but what do I know?
before i go quanda if flav was a smart man and he is not he would have pick new york the second time around and him and new york could have had a spinoff show like a my fair brady type of show now that would have been a good ratings show
bye quanda
Tango got 86rd from olive garden on the vh1 facts thang. How do you get banned from an italian restaraunt?
Well I am not going to argue Flavor Flav's intelligence. I mean he picked who he picked. I can say that I didn't watch 'Strange Love' and I don't think I would've watched a Flavor Flav/New York couple show.
Goodnight to PMS and GIGI. New post up and I am off to bed.
Not interested in seeing Mr Boston at all. Not on the street, even.
I will definitely be interested in a Tango show and yes Quanda you described my thought of him so perfectly but you left out charming...