Ivory Sprinkles
So, here it is, round two of Ivory Sprinkles, the new strange news column I debuted Friday morning. For those of you who read that one, this is much different. With the last post involving bestiality, perhaps it's a good thing this one is so unrelated! While we may all have different views on what is "strange", I found this particular news to be odd to me. Mostly because I was surprised by how much it made my eyes roll. So, here it is:

Paparazzi are "stressed" by the antics of two famous blondes:
Two freelance photographers are suing Pamela Anderson and Denise Richards. For assault. And emotional stress. (Right around here is when I first rolled my eyes.)
Richards, perhaps most remembered for her menage a tois with Neve Campbell and Matt Dillon in Wild Things; and Anderson, who is best remembered for being Pam Anderson; were at the River Rock Casino Resort in British Columbia, Canada on November 9, 2006, while working on their upcoming film "Blonde and Blonder." (Think Dumb and Dumber, allbeit with implanted blondes.)
Richards, perhaps most remembered for her menage a tois with Neve Campbell and Matt Dillon in Wild Things; and Anderson, who is best remembered for being Pam Anderson; were at the River Rock Casino Resort in British Columbia, Canada on November 9, 2006, while working on their upcoming film "Blonde and Blonder." (Think Dumb and Dumber, allbeit with implanted blondes.)
Photographers Scott Cosman and Ric Fedyck claim that Richards assaulted them when they tried to take pictures of the two blonde starlets. They claim Richards called them "paparazzi scum" (As if they've never heard that term before...) before assaulting them and then throwing their laptops over the balcony of the hotel.
The photographers allege the actresses then made "repeated false and defamatory statements to law enforcement and various media outlets which were deliberately calculated to embarass, humiliate and ridicule the (sic) plaintiffs." (I never knew paparazzi were such gentle, sensitive flowers...) The photographers also noted that the confrontation, which they say lasted more than 20 minutes, was recorded in the hotel security cameras.

Cosman and Fedyck are seeking unspecified damages. They claim that the incident has caused them lost revenue from clients who abandoned them, as well as emotional stress. (Are they really trying to say they are seriously suffering emotionally from this?!) Lawyers and representatives for Richards and Anderson had yet to respond for comment. (Maybe they were too busy laughing hysterically?)
Now, I can't stand to hear filthy rich celebrities whine about having their pictures taken and I'd be pretty pissed off if someone threw my laptop over a balcony, but I also believe that paparazzi can and do go completely overboard sometimes, and as we have seen in the past with the death of Princess Diana, for instance. In attempting to take pictures they can endanger and kill innocent people, all for a picture of a regular human being, just like us - albeit much richer.
Still, this subject is one of much debate. Do paparazzi go too far? Or is this just part of being a celebrity in a celebrity-obsessed world? I'm not sure how I feel about this, so I am counting on you all to let me know what you think about this issue. Who are the cry-babies here - the stars or the paparazzi?
In more Hollyweird news, Tango's resemblance to a Ninja Turtle maybe a joke among cast members, Tiffany Pollard and my friends in the comment box but no one is laughing at the box-office today.
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles topped the Box-Office this weekend with an estimated $26 million; just $4 million short of its production cost.
Cowabunga on that.

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles topped the Box-Office this weekend with an estimated $26 million; just $4 million short of its production cost.
Cowabunga on that.
I'll be back Friday for my next news item. Until then, I wish you all a wonderful week!
Credit: Associated Press, Comcast
Have news you think is strange, questions or comments? Feel free to email me anytime (veronica.downey at gmail dot com)! ~Ivory
IN YOUR FACES DANA ET AL (E does the Dutty Wine)
Heh!!! Mr. Original (E still doing the Dutty wine).
I enjoyed the post Ivory... I had to roll my eyes a couple of times too.
I can't see who was first. I know longer know that person *sulking and pouting and refusing to dutty wine*
I do recall that threesome, it was one of the best ever filmed...save for straight pornography of course.
Nothing can beat straight pornography.
We almost nothing, I mean if you are actually one-third of a threesome I expect that would beat pornography
Dana has fallen prey to homonym's disease, lol
I dont like the idea of them calling Tango the Turtle Man or any other turtle references even though i had to chuckle a few times...(Feeling guilty about the LOL scene after real cracked on Tango)
Although that's not really a homonym
(looking around for my Professor)
Dana!!! What is wrong with you girl?
I had a dream last night...it wasn't a Martin Luther King type dream but more a Metaphor King dream
Good Morning Dana (suddenly recalling my manners)
For those who missed it...
Shawn's Podssip
Electra, you are pissing people off of late.
How am I pissing people off? Huh? My mere existence pisses people off. Steuuuuuuups!!!
What the hell ever yes!!!! I cant help who I am and if people cant handle that then..... :(
You pissed me off when you said "YOU ARE DISGUSTING", to me
Am I pissing you off too Steups? Am I? Am I?
Oh Please Steups, I cant believe you. It was said in jest.
I never knew you were that sensitive.
Look I will say nothing then no one will be pissed off. OK?
damn I just got a call that the show is on...
where can i get a tv
Electra, I am kidding...I gotta go find a tv in a place I won't bother anyone or no one will bother me...bye
E-girl could you please get a grip? It's not that serious. I went into a meeting. Sometimes I have to work...
Anyway it's over...Let us both just shut up and wine
Oh Dana I just got "The Call" u know what I am talking about right? LOL
OK Steups because you know how I am. Once we are not "cool" I am not cool.
oooooooooo its drawmuh
No Cael. There is no drama. We're just in our little threesome/ triangle loving each other very very much.
Well E and I are loving each other very much and E is loving Steupz very much. Whatever, the love is there - no drama.
yeah, loving each other.lol
I am back...and the Recap was high-learrrrrrreeeeeeeeusssssss
there is a person who works for a law-firm who always reads this site and searches for my name in particular.
If you are reading this send me an email please because I don't want to think you are whom I suspect.
How was the clip show?
What did they show?
Girl, it was bananas...I missed the first ten minutes but it was a must see
Give me some details
They showed what went down with her and Pootie...they were screaming in each others faces over his having a girlfriend, allegedly.
They showed a lot more of the bullying of Mr Boston...(Chance and Whiteboy are cunts)
We saw that she and Tango have been kissing a lot more than they showed us
And she messed up Tango's skin
"They showed a lot more of the bullying of Mr Boston...(Chance and Whiteboy are cunts)"
I don't feel sorry for him because he runs off at the mouth too much.
Tango saved him from the two fools
I should try to do the recap; but I have no notes
Steups what do you mean by NY messed up Tango's skin?
See, that's why they (Whiteboy and Chnce) did not like Tango. At least one of the reasons y.
Electra she said he needs microderma therapy or something like that.
Then she said he's rough and after seeing his skin she needed to get a facial....lmao
You know what...I'ma try to do a recap of the recap...if anyone else saw it and can help with quotes; email me (steupz@gmail.com)
Does is come on again at 5:00 pm CDT? or EDT?
Can't say Jorundi; but I definitely have to watch it again because whatever I write won't do it justice
It comes on again at 5 pm and 9 pm est
I'll have to watch it at 5...
Jane are you sending me that thing or not
I told you I don't have anymore
if i find anymore i send them to you
Don't take that tone with me, girl.
I thought you weren't down with the "program" now you want to see more what's up with that
You know what Jane, don't try to get me, don't try to read me, don't try to understand me, don't try to figure me out...
Just be ready when I am ready to do whatever I'm ready to do
Why don't we have anon comments on?
We aren't that popular a blog.
OMG I am def leaving here early to catch that show at 5pm I am not missing it for all the tea in China.
So you getting yourself ready to do what you know you really want to do.
Steups dont talk to Jane like that. You sound like a Dictator and that is not cool.lol
Besides you are scaring me. :)
Its cool Electra because he's getting himself ready to do something that needs to be done
I am not ready to do anything but if I were it would have to be with you wouldn't it?
You are the only woman that turns me on like that
LOL. Well I see that you have everything under control here Jane. So I am going to keep out.
Of course you know How I get down Nick
I know how you say you get down.
I just hope you know I'll have to violate you to prove my manhood, afterwards
Bring down with the "program" does not make you less of MAN to me
in fact i'll respect you more
I absolutely adore Whiteboy. He said, " I don't see any food residue."
was that from the clip show Quanda?
Yes Jane.
Jnae, I'ma be straight with you.
If you are talking to me then TALK TO ME.
If you are talking to us both then I'm heading back to my recap.
I haven't seen it yet why did he say that?
do you need my undivided attention?
I need, expect, and demand it
He found the knife Mr. Boston had been hiding.
GEEZUS ...Steups breath must smell like hot shit.
He is so full of it. I am about leave. You all have a good day.
A special hi to Toshia.
you have my attention, But you are being a tease right now and I have told you about how I feel about that.
Jane I am not teasing. I am embracing a new idea, slowly.
Special hi to Toshia, too.
Let us all embrace the bullshit.
Its not going to be a bad as you think so just relax and you see that it will be fine.
Goodbye Jane.
Oh and it WAS New York who told her mother about Chance grabbing her!
was Whiteboy featured alot on the clip show?
Yes he was...that sexy man!
He's online...I am off to HOLLA!
Jane, I don't warn twice..I am off to do this shitty recap
I can't beilieve your getting upset because I asked about whiteboy
your such a jerk
Ok I know we're on a new post but I just logged in again and was confronted with that first pic of Rico...
Are those bangs????
That was random
jane whiteboy is over
Thank you anonymous...
jane nobody care about whiteboy but you and quanda please move on
steups said...
Why don't we have anon comments on?
Isn't it obvious...
Hey Dana~
Hey hunny bunny
I'm so happy you're here!!!!! Hate those f*cking anonymice... Lol. Could you look at that first pic of Rico in the post before this one and tell me if those are bangs?
Is that you Dana.
When did you become a 'cussbud'?
Dana: I don't know about bangs, but they do appear as the long pieces of hair in Pamela Anderson's pic just above...I would've LOVED to soo the Cuban Cupid without that feminine piece of hair in his eye like that {shudders} lol
*Correction* I would've LOVE to have seen
hello txshawty
Tx: I know!!!! I can't stop looking at it. What the hell???
Anon: Hey hon, how are you?
Dana: I know...But he wants to be a REAL model, and they don't always take the most attractive of pictures, but that lil bang takes the whole cake, cake shop, bakery, cupcake, crepes, bagels, cookies, and any other pastries...lol
What it do everybody?
I'm finished with the recap...I'll post it and add pictures as I find them.
Let me know if there are errors.
does pamela anderson kinda remind y'all of anna nicole smith in a way?
Hey Gabby!
Girl I'mma be real with you....alot of blonde white women look a like to me...so my answer is YES!
steups: yes sir, will do
Yea it's that big country texas grin they got. But anyways. Did they ever find out how homegirl died?
Now that I look at the pic again she kind of does.
Hi Gabrielle!!!!!
The autopsy report said an overdoes; I heard.
The recap of the recap is up
Thanks for the post Ivory.